BrainTap’s mobile app and wearable headset build your brain fitness. We guide your brain from awake and reactionary patterns to intuitive and creative responses.

Your brain is the most precious organ in your body. Even when other vital organs keep working, without brain wave activity, the body is an empty vessel. Modern science understands more about the brain than ever before. For instance, we now know that the brain is plastic — meaning that it can change itself and does so based on the input it receives. This is called neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity means that we are NOT victims of genetics or limited by an imperfect IQ as once believed.

It also means you have the power to create your own success — your own fate, as it were — simply by providing your brain the stimulus it needs to transform you into a mental powerhouse, capable of fashioning any life you desire.

This is where BrainTap Technology comes in!

In 20 relaxing minutes a day, you can get the same benefits that thousands of Dr. Patrick Porter’s clinical clients have seen over the last three decades. These users regularly report that BBT:

  • Reduced or eliminated brain fog and negative mind chatter
  • Provided more energy
  • Promoted relaxation, which contributes to maintaining healthy sleep
  • Did away with unwanted habits and behaviors
  • Enhanced productivity, memory, focus, creativity
  • Improved quality of life

Whether you want to overcome stress eating or conquer a bad habit, instill a positive mindset, advance your career, master your sport, enhance your learning, write the great American novel, get your body super fit or simply regain the health and vitality you deserve, BrainTap Technology is for you

Visit the website for more information, braintap.com


MFN members receive $100 off the BrainTap Power Bundle and the BrainTap Headset.  Braintap also offers MFN members $29 off the first month BrainTap Monthly subscription.