Dr. Colberg has been a successfully funded research and is the author of 12 books, 34 book chapters, and over 425 articles (more info at www.shericolberg.com). Her latest book, The Athlete’s Guide to Diabetes, is the only book of its kind for active insulin users, and she also recently published Diabetes & Keeping Fit for Dummies for the American Diabetes Association. In the last three decades, she has dedicated her career to providing education and guidance to help all people, but especially those with diabetes and prediabetes, exercise safely and effectively.
Frequently quoted by the media in a variety of venues, she is also the founder of Diabetes Motion
(www.diabetesmotion.com), a website dedicated to helping educate people with diabetes about physical activity, and Diabetes Motion Academy (www.dmacademy.com), which provides continuing education programs for fitness and other health professionals. She was the recipient of a national award from the American Diabetes Association, the 2016 Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award.