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STRESS pencil

11 Tips to Prevent and Relieve Stress

“Just relax.”

“Don’t worry, you deserve the break.”

“It will help you to focus better and tackle the upcoming problems head-on.”

This is all very nice to hear, but to practice it in real life is really tough.

As such, here is a list of tips which can help you to stretch your legs and have a little break.

Be Assertive

Maintaining clear communication is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. In this way, you can ask people what you need from them clearly. You can stand up for yourself and deal with toxic people firmly. This is the only way for you to be proactive in a stressful situation. In many cases, this assertion of your thoughts can effectively reduce your stress.

Reduce the Stimuli

In the modern world, there is no dearth of stimuli, and this stimuli can increase stress levels. To relieve stress, you should make time each day to spend quietly — silence can help you to slow down. Spending some time quietly can help you recharge to take on challenges.


If you want to escape the all-consuming business, you should organize tasks by priority. Organizing tasks can make life less stressful.

Set Boundaries

Start creating a boundaries for yourself. This can help create a peaceful balance between work life and personal life. Be assertive if people try to break these boundaries.

Take a Break

Day to day life can become monotonous, which can become an added stressor. Break the monotony by taking a break. Watch a movie, read a book, or catch up with a friend. In short, do something positive!


Just take a few minutes per day to meditate. Many studies have shown that just a few minutes can ease anxiety. In fact, some studies showed that meditating every day can change the neural pathways of the brain.


Studies have shown breathing has a positive effect on stress and anxiety. If you feel stressed, take a short break and breathe deeply. Deep breathing slows down your heart rate and lowers blood pressure. You can feel the effect almost immediately.

Live In the Present

Slow down and appreciate the moment. Just feel the light touch of air on your face, or watch the sunlight streaming through the window pane. Studies suggest that taking little breaks to focus on the senses can be a great stress reliever.

Reach Out

Reaching out to your near and dear is one of the most effective ways to handle stress. Talk to your friends and family and share your problems. This routine can give a fresh perspective on situations.


If stress is bogging you down, dance it away! Or choose any other type of exercise. You don’t need to be an athlete…. just walk for half an hour and see how the stress melts away. The hormone released during exercise helps you sleep better and increases self-confidence. Take baby steps if you are new to exercise. Just remember that every step you’re taking is reducing your stress level.


The moments we spend laughing are getting more rare. Try to see the small bits of humor scattered in everyday life. Grab every opportunity to laugh out loud. Laughing releases a hormone that lifts your mood, and it lowers the stress-inducing hormone. So, why wait? Just tune in to your favorite sitcom or meet with a friend for laughs.

Try different techniques and find the one(s) that work best for you!

Catherine Park is a content writer who help businesses find their audience online. She loves working in the ever-changing world of digital and is fascinated by the role content plays in today’s marketing.