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Doreen Puglisi of the Pink Ribbon Program: My Story

We all have one…a path that takes us from one place to the next. For most of us, our paths meander like a labyrinth and we collect experiences that in turn guide us to our next step. For me, it was my personal experience with cancer that transformed the direction of my life and has brought me to this very special place with The Pink Ribbon Program.

I have combine my passion for exercise with the knowledge and science of how the body is meant to move. It is that freedom to live within our bodies that motivates me to work with people of all ages, regardless of their perceived levels of fitness. I have rehabilitated myself after each of my eight surgeries, from those as a result of cancer to two hip replacements. Each time, I found that it took courage, perseverance, patience, and education to move forward…to recognize myself again.

As a former college professor with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science, I have spent over 25 years in the health and fitness field as both an educator and a practitioner. I have owned and operated two previous wellness studios; I have taught educational seminars all over the world as a result of the Pink Ribbon Program.

In each and every situation, whether in a studio setting, a fitness center, or the classroom my intention and purpose are clear: to keep my focus on helping others attain better and more robust health through movement, flexibility, balance, and strength.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing about your journey…and where our work together might take you.

I’ll meet you on the path.

Doreen Puglisi, MS is the Founder and Executive Director of Pink Ribbon Program. The Pink Ribbon program works to give every woman the ability to regain a sense of well-being that had been lost from diagnosis through surgery into recovery.

MFN Contributing Author

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