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Lift Ugly!

The title of this article is a quote from UK physiotherapist Adam Meakins. The context is that one does not need to exhibit or use “proper exercise technique” constantly throughout daily life or even during physical rehabilitation for pain or injury.

Now, this at first sounds counterintuitive to what the majority of fitness professionals and even physical therapists are taught and believe. The mantra of “poor exercise technique leads to injury” has been spouted for decades… but there is absolutely no proof of this in medical and fitness-related academic research.

Yep, your absolute most favorite go-to coaching point as a FitPro is pretty much bunk. So, do we throw the baby out with the bathwater and let our clients lift just however they please? No, not exactly, context is king.

If you are working with an athlete, which includes body builders, stricter exercise technique is beneficial to a high degree (esp. with physique athletes who require symmetry and maximal muscle development) but real-life sport doesn’t look anything like the gym when it comes to movements. Some variation in technique is beneficial as it will expose the athlete to forces in various, and more realistic fashions that provide greater benefits on the sport field or ring.

If you are working with general population, mostly healthy clients, “proper” exercise technique should honestly not be force fed initially, as this can be both physically uncomfortable for the client as well as demotivating if they’re “still not able to keep the back flat on a deadlift.” Find whatever movement pattern is natural for them and coach from there.

I used to be a hardcore stickler for technique, now, not so much. Instead, I coach my patients to lift in a manner that “feels stable, safe, and powerful” for THEM. The result? Better client engagement, better client results, and far less stress on them and yourself during the coaching session.

Now what about medical fitness and physical therapy? While strict joint actions may be required during some phases of physical rehabilitation or other therapy, we must consider how a client naturally and instinctively moves and wants to move. We need to understand any fear-avoidance behaviors they might have developed previously, and we certainly want to know their beliefs about physical activity.

So, if “improper” exercise technique isn’t to blame for gym and sport injuries, then what is?

We don’t have a firm answer, but we can say with a high degree of certainty that it’s a combination of physical and mental stress, distractions, nutritional state, hydration, focus in the moment, and how well prepared the individual is for that movement they are about to engage in. Simply not getting a good night’s sleep before deadlifting the next day can potentiate an injury, but that’s not a guarantee either. Load management and recovery are far more important when it comes to injury prevention than anything else, and this is why you should be writing and logging client training plans and sessions and not winging it. Otherwise, you have no historical record with which to troubleshoot things with which will only frustrate you and your client.

I sincerely hope that I have ruffled some feathers and also have given you some food for thought. There’s a time and place for everything, including strict exercise technique, it just takes some insight and thought to determine if “this” is the appropriate context.

Reprinted with permission from the Move Well, Live Well blog.

Joshua Slone is an Exercise Physiologist and Pain Therapist. He serves as Rehab Team Lead/Physiologist at the Center for Health in Yucca Valley, CA. His clinical expertise includes chronic pain management, joint replacements, sport and orthopedic injuries, complex medical condition management, geriatrics, degenerative neurological conditions, and psychiatric disorders. Visit his website, movewelllivewell.org


Using the SOAP Note Format for Medical Fitness Clients

The SOAP note format, the acronym of which stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan, is one of the standard document formats that healthcare providers use to document patient information and treatment progress. This article will take you through the format and teach you how to use it with your medical fitness clients.

The Subjective section will include the Chief Complaint of the client/patient, which is the reason they are working with you. This can be an official diagnosis from a licensed healthcare provider, such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, or a symptom of a condition that is causing quality-of-life reduction, disability, or pain. You are not diagnosing any disease, injury, or health condition. You are merely stating the reason for the visit. You can include a brief patient medical history in this section, though you should strive to be succinct in your summary. The healthcare provider for your patient already knows their conditions and struggles and does not need a full page on the topic.

The Objective section is for vitals, how the client/patient presents at the visit physically and psychologically (attitude) and any recent lab or imagery results that are pertinent to your scope of practice and the patient’s Chief Complaints. When documenting the results of lab tests, only record what was tested and whether the result (such as fasting blood glucose levels) falls within normative values for the client/patient population. When documenting imagery results, record the type of imagery and the reviewing technician’s assessment (such as an MRI that shows posterior rotator cuff tears). The vitals you can and should take are heart rate, blood pressure, weight, and today’s pain rating on a 1-10 scale if applicable.

The Assessment section is typically used by healthcare providers for differential diagnosis, which is outside your scope of practice. The Assessment section will consist of your statement on the client/patient’s conditions and how they currently influence their fitness and general health. This can include notes on nutrition and physical activity levels. If the client/patient is presenting with an issue that session, such as restriction in shoulder flexion past 80 degrees, you will document that as well. If joint ROM is a focus of the client/patient’s training plan you should assess this at the beginning of the session and document the current ROM state relative to the previous session or baseline evaluation.

The Plan section is where you record the client/patient training for the day. This is also where you will annotate future training/care plans, such as periodization and progression. This section tells the healthcare provider exactly what you are doing with their patient and enables them to provide you with objective feedback on your training plan if necessary. Your training plan should reflect all guidelines and restrictions the patient’s healthcare provider has given you.

The following is an example of a completed SOAP note:

Date: 5/1/2023        
Patient Name:  John Q. Public        
Provider/Trainer Name: Slone, J.

Chief Complaint: pain secondary to posterior rotator cuff partial thickness tear, restriction in ROM due to said injury, weakness of posterior RC due to injury. Pt is alert, attentive, and appears in good spirits and motivated.

HR: 85
BP: 120/90
WT: 241lbs
PAIN: 2/10 at rest

Horiz. Shldr abd. restricted to 70/90 degrees, dull, achy pain during concentric posterior RC movement that improves during warmup. No active shldr flex today. Shldr ext does not provoke pain. Ext. rot. does not provoke pain.

Today’s Care:
Warmup: arm bike 5min @ RPE 3-4        
2×12-15 low face pull w/medium-light band within pain-free ROM
2×12-15 horiz. Abd. w/light band within pain-free ROM
2×8-10 ext. rot. w/light band within PF-ROM
2×8-10 scap retrac. w/medium band
2×3-5 overhead eccentric weight bearing, 3lbs, no pain

2x30s cross-body posterior RC stretch
2×10/12 finger ladder steps within PF-ROM

Future Care:
Continue with periodized RT to build function and strength within PF-ROM. Improve joint restriction through flexibility plan. Adhere to PCP guidelines.

This not unlike what a completed SOAP note in a physical therapy clinic would look like. Objective measures that a PT would use are measured joint ROMs with a goniometer (visual estimation is nearly as accurate in most cases and is acceptable for you to use). In a PT clinic, the Plan would also include treatment modalities, which are outside the trainer’s scope of practice (massage, manual therapy, e-stim, heat, cold, etc).

While you are not required to use this format with your clients/patients, it is of great benefit to use a standardized format that ensures you capture all pertinent information and are able to relay that to allied healthcare providers.

Here is a Word document template for the SOAP note format that you may download and use with your patients: SOAP Note Template.

Reprinted with permission from the Move Well, Live Well blog.

Joshua Slone is an Exercise Physiologist and Pain Therapist. He serves as Rehab Team Lead/Physiologist at the Center for Health in Yucca Valley, CA. His clinical expertise includes chronic pain management, joint replacements, sport and orthopedic injuries, complex medical condition management, geriatrics, degenerative neurological conditions, and psychiatric disorders. Visit his website, movewelllivewell.org
