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Body Mass Index – Accuracy Called in to Question 

More people are starting to question the accuracy of the BMI (body mass index) measurement. Essentially, this is a measure of your weight to height ratio. Maybe this formula is outdated going back to Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet’s 1832 development (your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared). Popularity didn’t strike until the 20th century when insurance was being evaluated for risk potential and among specific populations. 


Plantar Fasciitis: Heel to Toe Pain

Overly stretched, tiny tears can lead to inflammation and pain in the arch of the foot. This condition, called plantar fasciitis, accounts for nearly one million doctor visits per year. Our foot has a thick band of tissue called fascia that runs from our heel to our toe. This troublesome foot issue is actually more common in women than men. We need to spend time on our feet moving, so this foot problem, if left untreated, can cause excessive pain and greatly limit our mobility.

Contributing Factors

Plantar fasciitis is more common as we age (specifically between ages 40 and 60), but is also more likely to occur in someone who is overweight or constantly on their feet. It is very common in runners. Activities that are known for high rates of plantar fasciitis include ballet, dance, long-distance running, and ballistic jumping. There are a few other contributing factors which include wearing shoes that are worn out and have thin soles or wearing high-heels. The mechanics of how you walk (your stride) involves your foot position. If you have flat feet or a tight Achilles, the body will compensate for these dysfunctions which can lead to injury of the fascia.


Pain starts to occur near the heel towards the bottom of the foot. Most people feel the pain in the morning right when they get out of bed. This is known as “first-step pain”. This can also occur if you have been sitting for a long period of time and then stand up. The plantar fascia acts like an absorbing shock spring in our foot. Repetitive stretching and tearing of this area results in a stabbing pain.


If pain persists, seeing a doctor can help detect this condition. He or she will check the tender areas of the foot. The good news is that plantar fasciitis does normally go away on its own. There are several treatment options. A doctor might prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or a steroid injection. Physical therapy and massage can help as well as shock wave therapy to stimulate blood flow. A Tenex procedure can remove scar tissue in the area or surgery can be done to remove the plantar fascia off of the heel bone. Wearing the right shoes or using shoe inserts oftentimes does the trick, so be sure to try these simple fixes first. Ice and soaking the heel can also help alleviate pain .

A good home remedy is freezing a foam cup of water then rubbing the top of the cup on the heel for 10 or so minutes. Stretching the calves and Achilles tendon can help over time and there are ways to tape the area of the foot to position the heel correctly with each step. Night splints worn to hold the foot at a 90 degree angle help when stretching the fascia.

There’s no doubt that we use and abuse our feet, bearing vast amounts of weight on them while performing all of our daily functions. As we walk from point A to point B, getting those 10,000 steps in, we must practice self-care from head to toe to heel. Sometimes foregoing that cute pair of shoes even at the gym is worth the fashion sacrifice to walk without pain.

Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health, and is a current doctoral candidate in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.





Reverse Dieting: The Diet After the Diet

A popular form of eating in the bodybuilding/fitness community is called reverse dieting. This type of eating follows the period after sticking to a low-calorie diet for a period for a period. The reason to eat this way is to avoid regaining a large amount of weight quickly after reintroducing higher calorie eating again. Low calorie diets are unsustainable, but when more calories are brought back, regulating how this is done can be important. Other people do reverse dieting when they feel like they have reached a weight loss plateau. 

The key principle behind reverse dieting is called adaptive thermogenesis. Another term for this is metabolic adaptation. The body is telling its metabolism that energy intake is increasing but energy output needs to decrease to slow down weight loss from happening too fast. To effectively do this, the body can try a few mechanisms. The body is not meant to keep these changes ongoing, rather, they are temporary measures during the caloric restriction. Hormonal changes can take place. These are the hormones related to hunger cues which include ghrelin, leptin, insulin, and peptide YY. These hormones will either be suppressed or released to tell you to eat. Another approach is called EAT which means exercise activity thermogenesis. Overall, the body feels like it doesn’t have enough energy to exercise so you don’t burn as many calories when exercising. There can also be a decrease in NEAT which means non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is the energy you need to live day to day life to do activities like walking or getting chores done. RMR, which is resting metabolic rate, can also decrease. The body will shift its focus to using energy for what is vital to live, versus paying attention to energy needed for less important factors like hair growth or something like nail growth. Overall, digestion can slow down. The body recognizes that less is being eaten so it slows down digestion to absorb as much as possible nutritionally from what foods that are consumed. TEF also decreases which is the thermic effect of food. 

Individuals have different experiences of gaining weight after a period of dieting. In general, maintaining weight loss can be difficult and it requires the work and effort that was put in to lose the weight. Hitting or reaching a goal then abruptly stopping this behavior would eventually lead to weight gain because of the shift. Some people let go and overeat in a rebellious manner. They might even eat the foods they were not supposed to have during restriction. Some bodybuilders might even deem this as a period of binging. Activity level, environment, and food choices are all influencing weight gain factors. 

The general guideline to reverse diet is that for the next 4 to 10 weeks after a diet, about 150 calories is added weekly to your eating until you get back to the amount you were having pre low calorie. The plan can be more conservative or aggressive where some people might add about 5% of calories back in weekly and others might add back in 15% each week. 

This is an example if you originally ate 2,000 calories per day, restricted to 1,200, and wanted to return to 2,000 over a 12-week time frame in a more conservative manner:

11,260 + 60 calories (5% of starting calories) = 1,320 calories
21,320 + 60 = 1,380 calories
31,380 + 60 = 1,440 calories
41,440 + 60 = 1,500 calories
51,500 + 60 = 1,560 calories
61,560 + 60 = 1,620 calories
71,620 + 60 = 1,680 calories
81,680 + 60 = 1,740 calories
91,740 + 60 = 1,800 calories
101,800 + 60 = 1,860 calories
111,860 + 60 = 1,920 calories
121920 + 60-80 = 1,980-2,000 calories

The gradual process will restore energy and more control over hunger cues with each week. Staying in a low-calorie deficit then eating more has its pros, cons, and risks. Finding an eating style that is lasting and sustainable is always better than any up and down approach. Eating for a specific goal might be a circumstance that would entail restriction that replenishing, but the approach is important for your metabolism to adjust to what is taking place. Food is fuel and nutrition, but we all have relationships with it that adjust during certain periods of life. How we respond and gradually find our way back to a healthy lifestyle is what matters. 

Originally printed on Every BODY’s Fit blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health and a Ph.D in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.



Pelvic Floor: Lower Region Muscles with Big Responsibilities

The area of the body referred to as your pelvic floor are the muscles that are used to urinate, pass bowel movements, and for sexual intercourse. When or if these muscles weaken, there can be uncomfortable and inconvenient interferences for someone’s day to day living. The side effects of having a weak pelvic floor are negative, so taking preventative measures can be important and incorporating exercises to strengthen these muscles is necessary. We need to be in control of squeezing and relaxing these muscles, although most of the time this is done automatically. 

Your pelvic floor muscles are your core. These include your abdominal muscles, back muscles, and your diaphragm. They wrap around the pelvic bone to tailbone and then extend on both sides of the pelvis. If you want to feel where these muscles are you can squeeze the urethra to stop yourself from peeing or squeeze your anus to stop yourself from passing gas. There are two main muscles of the pelvic floor which are the levator ani (which has three parts) that wraps around the entire pelvic and the coccygeus which is located near the back of the pelvis. 

There are a few reasons the pelvic floor can weaken over time. Childbirth, trauma, and surgery are the most common culprits. These muscles are stressed during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in women as they age, particularly during menopause, can weaken the muscles. Persons with diabetes are also at higher risk for weaker pelvic floor muscles. Certain conditions can also weaken them. These would include stress incontinence, urge incontinence, anal incontinence, fecal incontinence, and what is called pelvic organ prolapse. Stress incontinence happens to many women post childbirth and for men post prostate surgery. This is when you might dribble pee when you sneeze, cough, laugh, and/or lift something. Urge incontinence is the constant feeling of needing to pee. Anal incontinence is having a hard time controlling when you pass gas, and fecal incontinence is having a hard time controlling bowel movements. Pelvic organ prolapse is when the muscles including the uterus, bladder, and rectum might bulge into the vagina and cause a protrusion. 

Treatment depends on the severity of the condition. There are natural approaches to do this, but surgery could be required. Kegel exercises would be the first measure. Kegels are an effective exercise which involves squeezing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, focusing on controlling the sensation. Squeezing time can start with 3 seconds and increase to 8 to 12 seconds over time. Exercises shouldn’t be done if there has been trauma or injury to the area unless cleared by a medical professional. There are trained physical therapists to guide and assist with pelvic floor exercises as well. Avoiding constipation if possible is also helpful. This could include lifestyle changes revolving around diet, activity, and medications. 

Most people don’t even think about their pelvic floor muscles until a problem arises. Natural aging brings about new areas of the body we become aware of and took for granted at younger ages. As with all areas of our health, being proactive rather than reactive is desired. It’s important to address health issues even if the topic is embarrassing or private. Helping ourselves helps others and there are natural measures we can take without extreme invasive procedures. 

Originally printed on Every BODY’s Fit blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health and a Ph.D in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.


Pelvic floor muscle exercise and training for coping with urinary incontinence – PMC (nih.gov)

Physiotherapy and pelvic floor health within a contemporary biopsychosocial model of care: From research to education and clinical practice – PMC (nih.gov)


Cow’s Milk vs. Almond Milk

Milk has been a staple of the American diet for every generation. Children are told their bones will grow strong when they have a glass of milk. It is our first meal from our mother, but then becomes replaced by another form. For many years, the only type that existed was cow’s milk. Today, almond milk has become an alternative causing a debate questioning which is the better choice.

In the battle of cow’s vs almond milk, the winner might be a matter of personal preference. Here’s how they stack up:

Cow Milk

One percent low fat milk contains about 110 calories, 2% contains 130 calories, and whole milk has about 150 calories per cup. 90% of the world’s milk comes from dairy farms. There has been questioning about the cleanliness and humanity of this process. Some even argue that cow’s milk is not actually meant for human consumption. Milk is made up of lactose, which is the most common food allergy in the world. Despite all this, cow’s milk does have quite a bit of nutritional value. In just one cup of milk, there contains 305 milligrams of calcium. This is needed for bone health, our teeth, and blood health. Cow’s milk also has choline which is a nutrient that helps with memory, sleep, and muscle development. It also contains potassium and Vitamin D. The major downfall is that this milk is high in saturated fat. This is an important consideration for person’s with diabetes or heart disease.

Almond Milk

Almond milk generally contains fewer calories. Unsweetened almond milk has a mere 30 calories per one cup. The process of making almond milk is similar to brewing coffee. However, the final product does not contain the same amount of nutrients as whole raw almonds. Some of the calcium, fiber, and protein is lost in this process. Therefore, many almond milk products are fortified with nutrients to help make it look comparable to cow’s milk. Almond milk is naturally lactose free which can help those with digestive issues. It is also environmentally sustainable due to the major cultivation of almonds. Almond milk contains healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. This can help lower bad cholesterol levels.

When it comes down to the final winner, the decision is primarily based on a person’s dietary needs. For someone who is trying to lower their cholesterol and keep their blood sugar down, almond milk would be the winner. For someone who is active and still growing and developing, cow’s milk might be the winner. Again, this would all depend if a person is lactose intolerant. The world of milk has changed with many different varieties now available. A bowl of cereal just isn’t a bowl of cereal without milk, no matter what kind.

A new game changer has been the spark in attention for chocolate milk. Both traditional milk and almond milk can come in this tasty flavor too.

At the outset, one might question chocolate anything being beneficial to our health, and this beverage is normally a mixture of the milk type with cocoa and other sweeteners (sometimes even high-fructose corn syrup). A little higher in sugar and carbs then most might desire, but the benefits might override these factors. 1 cup has about 200 calories and 30 carbohydrates as well as 28% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for calcium, 25% RDI for vitamin D, 24% for riboflavin, and 25% for phosphorus. All of these are great for bone health.

Avid exercisers and athletes have become fond of drinking chocolate milk because of its contribution to muscle recovery post-workouts. Here is where the carbs and sugar can actually be beneficially, and it is also important to remember that milk is considered a protein with all the essential amino acids. Studies have not proven the effects of chocolate milk are any better than any other type of recovery sports drink.

Including milk of any form in your diet can be great for you bones and hormones, but that is not the case for everyone. Some people have an intolerance to milk that can cause abdominal pain and bowel problems. A person that is lactose intolerant has a condition in which their small intestine doesn’t produce enough of the enzyme lactase. Lactase is needed to break down and digest dairy, so if you aren’t able to do so then discomfort can result. For some people irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be triggered by dairy products. This can result in stomach cramping and chronic diarrhea. In this case, milk should certainly be avoided. Some people are also simply allergic to milk. Their body treats it like a foreign substance. Children usually outgrow milk allergies by the age of three. Symptoms include itchy skin and hives after drinking. There are supplements that can help a person break down and digest dairy if they desire to have it. This way they don’t have to completely eliminate them.

As adults, we don’t always drink milk like we used to as kids. Maybe a little with cereal, oats, or coffee here and there, but overall, we don’t have it with dinner anymore. Milk is a tricky portion distortion problem for some people. Have you ever added more milk because you have a little cereal left? Have you ever thought cookies and milk sounded good and then you keep eating the cookies, so you keep drinking the milk with them? Sticking to drinking just once cup is out of the question many times. For kids, milk is certainly the better option versus soda or sugary fruit juice. Families buy gallons for their kids. There’s a type for everyone’s taste buds depending on what type you buy. Skim or 2% are the most popular options, but then again, some people even like buttermilk. Milk is great for our bodies, and well, chocolate milk makes it case, but not too convincingly. Let’s face it any excuse to add some chocolate to anything can be attractive. Our society keeps the cows busy, but certainly not by those who are lactose intolerant.

Originally printed on Every BODY’s Fit blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health and a Ph.D in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.


Balance: Control of Your Frame

Balance is the body’s ability to be pulled in the right direction at the right time. The central nervous system (CNS), composed of the brain and spinal cord, accomplishes this task for us. This system is in charge or activating and relaxing the needed muscles with precise timing.  The CNS is overstimulated every second of our lives, but has the multitasking power to take in information, be able to process it, and then apply accordingly for the task at hand.

3 Parts

This information comes threefold from the eyes, ears, and sensors throughout the body. When it comes to balance, the eyes communicate what surface the CNS is working with. The vestibular apparatus, which is the inner ear, communicates where the head should be to the CNS. We also need our limbs, joints, and muscles for balance which our feet and skin take care of this communication to the CNS. All of this is signaled at once and has to be sorted and processed very quickly.

Stand up straight

The efficiency of this central nervous system’s information processing is what dictates whether a person has good balance or not. If a person were standing up and started to lean over the right, the right foot would tell the CNS that pressure to the right foot is increasing while the pressure to the left foot is decreasing. This shift is then “seen” by the eyes and the ears would become aware that they are not level with one another. Now those sensors in the muscles are told it’s time to wake up and pull the body back towards the left side until balance is achieved.


We can be proactive and help keep our balance be kept in good condition. Exercise fanatics often focus on aerobic and resistance work, neglecting balancing activities. Many don’t worry about their balance until it is noticeably lacking. Balance is a “use it or lose it” operation, in which the machine becomes rusty if left alone for a long period of time. After about age 30, the very muscles we use just to stand become weaker. With age, we slow down, and midlife can bring the onset of instability. Falls can occur and this can lead to hip fractures or serious injuries.

Balance is about control. We try to balance our checkbook and time but we also should make keeping our body in line a priority. Think about a toddler learning to walk. Once they are able to balance in the standing position, they have gained the control for movement. This involves body awareness.

We can practice our balance to keep the system sharp. This can be done be making the surface we stand on smaller. Standing on one foot is the most basic form of balance practice. You can change the surface by adding a dyno disk. You can squat down (bend down) on one leg pretending to pick something up. Different tools stimulate proprioception.

Reaction time

The reaction time of the central nervous is critical for keeping the body in balance. From a professional athlete to the average person, we can all benefit from this control. Think of a goalie in soccer. The better they are able to react to a ball, jump to one side, or balance to stop the ball without falling in the process, the better their performance. Falls and injuries with age are damaging to the body and our sense of independence. Stand tall, don’t sway, and balance your life physically and mentally for your health.

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health and a Ph.D in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.



The Word NO In Cereal Letters

The Stress Factor

What lights a fire under you?? What grinds your gears, makes you angry, sad, worried, or STRESSED?? We each deal with the components of life differently, and our reactions to circumstances dictate our emotional well-being. Time, relationships, work, school, kids, family…. all these responsibilities can require a balancing act that seems impossible. But that’s life. And unfortunately, stress can have adverse effects on our health… especially weight.

Your body and mind are one and the same. When put under pressure, your brain kicks into a flight or fight mode. And guess what? Your body wants to use calories in its defense. As such, “Most of us become overeaters when we’re feeling a lot of pressure. This happens thanks to your fight-or-flight response, a.k.a. survival mode — once your body reaches a certain stress level, it does what it feels it needs to. In most cases, that means overeat.” (1)

Initially, adrenaline spikes in the body, making one feel less hungry. However, soon after cortisol takes over. Cortisol is the stress hormone. When activated, inhibition can go out the window. Here’s run down: “Because increased levels of the hormone also help cause higher insulin levels, your blood sugar drops and you crave sugary, fatty foods.”(1) Cheap, convenient, processed foods, are right there to answer the calling.

Here’s the catch: “Today’s human, who sits on the couch worrying about how to pay the bill or works long hours at the computer to make the deadline, does not work off much energy at all dealing with the stressor! Unfortunately, we are stuck with a neuroendocrine system that didn’t get the update, so your brain is still going to tell you to reach for that plate of cookies anyway.” (2)

We have to learn to relax, sleep, and breathe. Many clients ask me what foods to turn to. Here’s what I found:·

Dark chocolate: Two studies of 95 adults showed that consuming dark chocolate reduced their cortisol response to a stress challenge.

Many fruits: A study of 20 cycling athletes showed eating bananas or pears during a 75-km ride reduced levels compared to drinking water only.

Black and green tea: A study of 75 men found 6 weeks of drinking black tea decreased cortisol in response to a stressful task, compared to a different caffeinated drink.

Probiotics and prebiotics: Probiotics are friendly, symbiotic bacteria in foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi. Prebiotics, such as soluble fiber, provide food for these bacteria. Both probiotics and prebiotics help reduce cortisol.·

Water: Dehydration increases cortisol. Water is great for hydrating while avoiding empty calories. A study in nine male runners showed that maintaining hydration during athletic training reduced cortisol levels.(3)

Life’s demands throw us for a loop from time to time. Reassure yourself that patience is the key and that this too shall pass. Don’t let your negative thoughts take the wheel. Healthy choices outlast split second mistakes. Be kind to your BODY, even in it’s weak moments.

Originally printed on Every BODY’s Fit blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health and a Ph.D in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.

  1. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/stress-weight-gain#1
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201308/why-we-gain-weight-when-we-re-stressed-and-how-not
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ways-to-lower-cortisol#section11

Lou Gehrig’s Disease: Death of the Nerve Cells 

Motor neuron disease (MND), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease, causes the death of the neurons that control the muscle’s voluntary functioning. Lou Gehrig was a famous baseball player who was diagnosed with ALS. Overtime, the nerve cells progressively break down and die. At first onset, muscle twitching might start to occur coupled with weakness in the limbs, and slurred speech. Eventually, a person will no longer be able to control their ability to move, speak, breathe, or eat. This disease is fatal and there is currently no cure.