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Chiropractic and Arthritis

Arthritis, which means inflammation in a joint, affects millions of Americans. A joint can be any space articulating between two bones, so it’s possible to have arthritis in many areas of the body.

“Chiropractic can drastically improve the function of the joints and the symptoms associated with arthritis.”

Senior Couple In Fitness Clothing Running Along Beach Traditionally, arthritis is treated with medications to reduce inflammation and swelling in the joints. But chronic inflammation in these areas is often due to causes that are largely preventable or treatable. In fact, for many years, the mainstream recommendation for chronic arthritic pain was to rest and relax the joints. We now know that keeping the joints movable and imbibed with nutrient blood flow are the best way to keep joints healthy.

  • Chiropractic care aims to keep the joints of the body mobile, and to alleviate any stress of function on the body’s nervous system, which supplies nerve flow, mechano-reception and pain receptors to all areas of the body.
  • By releasing any stresses to the nervous system on these areas, the body can properly adapt to reduce areas of chronic inflammation, which can aggravate joint capsules.
  • Corrective care not only restores proper nerve flow from your central nervous system (brain) to all the functioning organs in your body, it also addresses the underlying cause of impaired flow via improving structure and posture. And, as the body is aligned, it is able to move more freely.

To find a Medical Fitness Network chiropractor near you, please click here.

MFN Author and Advisory Board Member

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