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Why work with a mental health professional?

Psychologist having session with her patient in her private consulting roomLet’s face it. Mixed feelings abound when it comes to the question of, “Should I see a psychologist?”  While some people readily seek out a supportive mental health professional to assist them with any number of concerns or goals, others hesitate to seek help. Sometimes just the notion of “seeking help” carries negative connotations and stigma. However, the truth is psychological treatments work and the benefits are plentiful. So what is seeing a psychologist really all about?

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, and it applies to everybody. Psychologists are extensively trained mental health professionals that use a variety of techniques and interventions to help you achieve your goals and reach a state of optimal wellbeing and health. They are your partners along your life journey.

For some people, this journey includes finding a path to recovery from serious mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, or bipolar disorder. For others, their journey may be making it through a difficult life event or stressor, such as the loss of a loved one or coping with a chronic or acute medical condition. Regardless of the nature of the journey, a psychologist can play an important role in helping you make the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral changes that will help you meet your goals and live a healthy self-directed life.

Psychologists Medical Fitness Network

These are a just few of the ways that working with a psychologist can help you along your journey. Travel well.

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”        -Carl Rogers