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Dawn Baker

MedFit Network came to my attention through the PFP, Pro Fit Pro Magazine. There was an advertisement to join for a special rate for the first year. It was a special I couldn’t pass up since there was nothing I had to really lose by trying it out. If it wasn’t for me, I would just move on but giving it a chance was worth it. The reason I decided to become a member was the title really spoke to me, Medical Fitness Network. I wanted to be a part of group that is dedicated in catering to a greater need by bringing a variety of professionals together into a community. The greater the support of one another, the larger the impact to those we serve.

Being part of the MFN has helped me in many ways. It allows a platform for me to offer my services and display the qualifications I’ve worked so hard to earn. We are constantly highlighted by the network through organizations/associations in which we have invested time in learning through courses, higher education, events and more. By doing so, it helps us to better serve the clients we have and be marketable to those we may not. We are featured within the network as members. This is a great opportunity for us to learn about one another, reach out and seek out other members for varied services that we can refer to other professionals and our clientele. Ultimately the goal is to be the best at what we each provide and always making room to grow and learn.

The MFN offers a variety of options in continued learning, certifications, webinars and more. I’ve benefited from participating in webinars and will take advantage of the other offerings as I am able. There is still more for me to learn and navigate on the website but I encourage anyone that is thinking about joining, to do so. If writing about what you do, experience and how it can help others, is what you enjoy, then we are welcome and encouraged to share article contributions.

MedFit Network is an asset to our industry as Fitness and Medical Professionals to learn how we can come together to make this work for those we serve. We are required to do the job we are hired to do, with the care we would want and expect from someone for ourselves or a loved one. The more we can lean on one another as professionals without superiority or inferiority, the better. I feel that this network is connecting me to better ways to grow as a Fitness Professional and see all the hard work and perseverance done by others to change lives.