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How Personalized Medicine is Changing Lung Cancer

Stephanie Dunn Haney never felt a sense of urgency about the pain on the right side of her chest. The discomfort only occurred when she coughed or sneezed, and she was trying to get pregnant with her second child. Once her second daughter was born, Dunn Haney didn’t want X-rays while she was nursing. Two years passed before she saw a doctor near her home in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Test after test turned up nothing.


Gluten, Grains & Good Nutrition

Good grief! Are grains really all that bad for us? To listen to some athletes talk, you’d think grain foods are the dieter’s demon. Often demoted to being “just carbs,” whole grains are actually a beneficial part of a sports diet. But to the detriment of many athletes, grain foods—in particular, wheat— have gotten a bad rap in the past few years.