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It is Never Too Late to Make Exercise a Permanent Part of Your Lifestyle

Excerpt from the book “Get the Skinny on Your Success” by Amy Cady

My mom is a great example of committing to a healthy lifestyle. She turned seventy four this year. She lives on the East Coast and I live on the West Coast, so it’s a challenge to get together, but we do talk on the phone at least once a week: I take her with me on my walks! We catch up on our lives and on the family drama. (This, by the way, is a great way for some people to fit exercise into their schedule. When you walk, you can talk!)

It’s shocking to me that my mom is in her seventies, because she’s so young and vibrant. I am really blessed that she was such a positive role model for me in life, especially when it came to exercise. As far back as I can remember, she was in theater, typically in musicals, so she was always dancing and moving throughout the day. It made sense then that she enrolled me in dance class in children’s theater when I was young and where I continued to dance throughout high school. I loved and adored every minute of it, and it made me feel so good about myself.

My mom and I continue to share that special bond. She is retired now, but that has not stopped her from moving. She has a part-time job at Curves, so she is still working out and moving. She told me that she had a physical recently and the doctor praised her for her excellent blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and the fact that she is just as healthy as can be. It’s no coincidence that she has put exercise as a priority, along with other healthy habits, like eating well and getting rest.

This doesn’t mean that she’s superhuman. She has had a knee replacement and shoulder surgery for a rotator cuff tear, but her recovery time was quick, and within a matter of weeks she was back to her routine. Because she made exercise a lifestyle, she was strong, supple and bounced back quickly after her surgeries.

My point in sharing this personal story about my mom is that exercise has benefits no matter what stage of life you’re in. And it’s never too late to start to exercise and continue with it for a lifetime. Our bodies tend to stiffen as we get older, and if we don’t move we get tight and achy joints. One of my clients reported as to why she exercises: she wants to be healthy and stay mobile as she ages. She has elderly people in her life who did not exercise or stopped exercising, and because of that they are no longer very mobile. It really scares her.

I am forty nine now, and I definitely can relate to the tightness and stiffness in my body as I age. I am definitely not bouncing back after a workout like I did after dancing eight hours a day in my twenties. But I continue to take care of myself and have chosen to exercise as a way of life. It has served me well, and I still feel virile, agile, vibrant, flexible, and strong. I was told recently that I looked and presented myself as much younger than forty nine. I was flattered by that compliment, but more importantly, because I have adapted exercise as a way of life, I truly believe that I carry myself differently from those who don’t. Exercising helps me feel good about myself, and from that I exude confidence and security in daily activities. My demeanor is most definitely projected in a positive way — and you can feel this way too if you work out, feel worthy of feeling good and confident about yourself.

Take Action Steps

exercise-86200_640Here is how you can adapt exercising as a lifestyle today:

  • Add fitness to your schedule just like an appointment or a meeting.
  • Schedule it on your phone, computer, manual schedule, etc. Make it a habit, and add alerts for your fitness appointments.
  • Respect yourself, prioritize it, internalize it, and visualize it.
  • Don’t resist, just persist in putting it on your schedule.
  • Make your health and well-being a top priority in your life.
  • Make the commitment and never replace it with something else that comes along.
  • Schedule your workout at a time that is more convenient for you, like before work or before your kids wake up.
  • Don’t answer your phones, emails or texts during your workouts as that distracts or prevents you from actually doing the exercise.
  • Get an accountability partner to workout with you and/or keep you on track
  • Make it a habit to always get a workout in on your designated workout days.
  • It will feel great and be a boost to your self-esteem to check it off your list.
  • When you’ve checked it off your list, you will be more productive during the day because you committed and followed through.

It is never too late to start to make exercise a permanent part of your lifestyle.  Keep moving for a stronger body, for a longer, healthier life, for more productivity in your daily activities, and to fuel your confidence. You will love the positive results…

Amy Cady, MFA, PMA-CPT, is a best selling author, International speaker, Pilates master trainer, and owner of AC Training and Seminars. She works with people all over the world to implement exercise into their busy schedules as a means to empower them to be more productive in every aspect of their lives, thereby creating healthy, successful and vibrant people. Amy’s achievements include being named an Ambassador for Lululemon Athletica for her community involvement and commitment to health and fitness through Pilates, as well as developing the Pilates programs at various colleges and community centers locally.


Member Spotlight: Lori Michiel, Senior Fitness Specialist in West Hills, CA

Name:  Lori Michiel
Location: Southern California
Website: LoriMichielFitness.com
Member Since: 2016
Occupation: Personal Fitness Trainer and Group Exercise Trainer for Seniors

How did you hear about MFN?

Last year, while searching for a specific trainer for a senior client with special needs in Orange County, MFN’s President and Founder, Lisa Dougherty, responded to my request. She shared her inspiring story of MFN and I was hooked!

How do you or your business help those with chronic disease/medical conditions or who need pre-& postnatal care?

As a youthful, 62-year-old Certified Personal Trainer, who, along with my team of 23 trainers, create clinical exercise and movement programs for 50-plus year old clientele of all levels of fitness.

Our trained instructors and physical therapists have a knowledge-based foundation to design a customized fitness programs for our clients. Some of our clients are making the transition from a medical model (rehab) to one of physical activity. Other clients (or their families) hire us because they want to reduce their risk of falling, maintain their strength or remain vital as they age. I also teach the fundamentals of how behavioral habits can strengthen their connection to independence.

What makes you different from all the other fitness professionals out there?

I have a far-reaching and vast background in helping seniors, so I combined my personal passion of physical fitness with my extensive background in home health and hospice for seniors. My entrepreneurial journey began in the 80’s. I started a very successful referral agency for families looking for assisted living for their aging loved ones. Prior to my business, in my spare time, I volunteered for over 20 years at assisted living communities where I would take the residents on wheelchair walks and offered musical entertainment. I sang and danced to Broadway show tunes and inspired the residents to participate in movement of all kinds.

While working in home health, I learned about Medicare regulations. I also participated in meetings with the interdisciplinary team of physical and occupational therapists in addition to nurses and physicians where I learned about various conditions that limited our patients from living full and productive lives. I then became a certified Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly Administrator (RCFEA) so I would understand the protocols when referring clients and their families to assisted living and rehab facilities. When I decided to leave the referral agency, a friend of mine suggested I become a personal trainer since I had much experience working with seniors and was devoted to physical activity.

What is your favorite activity or class to participate in?

Dancing is my favorite activity. I met my husband dancing and we still use any excuse to dance. Even around the house, we’ll put on some music and dance in the living room. Music is a big part of my life. In my monthly newsletter, I list at least three songs to motivate my clients. The eclectic choices of songs listed range from Broadway show tunes to pop/rock to classical.

What is one piece of advice that you would give other fitness professionals about working with special populations or those who need pre & postnatal care?

Don’t get into the business of working with special populations such as seniors because the marketing experts say that it is lucrative. Follow your heart. If you want to make a difference in your clients’ lives and you understand that some may not be with you in the long term as with a younger clientele, it can be the best career move you could make in our industry.

What type of community activities are you involved in?

MAPS Charities, a non-profit organization that assists disadvantaged seniors in Los Angeles County, speaking to support groups at The Parkinson Resource Center and I teach several Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program classes each week at local assisted living communities.

What is one of your favorite memories involving working with someone who has a health challenge or disability?

The most inspiring person I know is Alice. We met in 2009 shortly after she moved to the assisted living community where I had just started teaching a balance class. She attended only once. She approached me after class and asked if I would train her privately after her knee replacement surgery. That was seven years ago, she is now almost 92-years-old and, although she has had a few recent setbacks, she continues to travel, play piano, does her “Jack LaLanne routine” at home each morning and comes to see me twice a week at my home studio. We warm up with some dancing to Big Band music, occasionally play tug-of-war and then she thanks me for my patience with “this ole lady.” I adore her.

What would you like to see change/develop/emerge in the future of healthcare and the fitness industry?

I would like to experience a less competitive environment. We should be more supportive of one another. I often give and receive referrals from competing trainers and companies when the client is just not the right fit.

And what are you doing to make this happen?

I try to meet as many trainers as possible at places such as annual conferences as well as joining and utilizing services and organizations such as Medical Fitness Network. I educate my fellow trainers through workshops with The Lori Method, a customized workshop for trainers who serve seniors. Also, action inspires other to do more: I continually try to help and inspire by spreading the word through social media, blogging, videos, etc.

What is your favorite fitness/inspirational/motivational quote?

“My goal has always been to help people help themselves. Your body is your most priceless possession: you’ve got to take care of it!” – Jack LaLanne, International Fitness Expert

Anything else we should know about you?

My real middle name is Peppi! I am thrilled to be celebrating my tenth year with Lori Michiel Fitness and am honored that I am often asked to be a guest speaker for radio programs such as NPR and interviews on shows such as Huffpost Live; I have also been called on as an expert witness in court. My husband is 21 years my senior, works out every day and resembles the late Jack LaLanne.

View Lori’s MFN profile »