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Aging Gracefully – Fact or Fiction

The sayings, “Getting better with age” and “Age is just a number” are common sayings, but are they true?

Aging gracefully doesn’t mean you look like a 20-year-old; it simply means you’re able to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Luckily, feeling as good as you did 30 years ago is as easy as taking good care of yourself.

Taking care of your skin

As the largest organ on your body, your skin should receive extra care to keep you looking and feeling your best.

By taking care of your skin, you can protect your body against various forms of infection, blemishes, like as age-spots, and boost your sense of touch.

Here are some simple, effective tips to follow:

  • Wear sunscreen.
  • Make sure to have a yearly screening for skin cancer.
  • Use gentle skincare products.
  • Make sure to stay hydrated.


Exercise is without a doubt one of the most effective methods of keeping your body healthy and happy. Regular exercise is proven to lower your risk of developing chronic disease like heart disease and cancer by strengthening your immune system and heart, while also improving sleep, regulating your mood and keeping your body at its best

If you are just starting out with exercise, start with low-impact exercises like walking, swimming or cycling. If you are aiming to build strength, invest in some resistance bands and light weights. The key is to start slow and work your way up. Don’t try and jump into heavy weight-lighting; this only increases the risk of injury – especially if your body isn’t used to exercising.

You can also search the MedFit Network public directory to find a fitness professional in your area.


Another important aspect to consider is your diet. What you put into your body accounts for many health factors, such as muscle mass, stored fat and blood sugar levels.

Try including the following in your diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables, either canned or fresh.
  • Lean protein found in fish and beans, or found in greens powders. Take a look at BarBend’s top greens powders to find out more about the health benefits.
  • Fiber and whole-grain foods such as cereals, rice, bread and pasta are vital to any part of a good diet.
  • Milk, yogurt or cheese. Try to pick brands that include extra Vitamin D.
  • Another great tip is to replace solid fats with vegetable oil when cooking.
  • Limit your daily sugar intake.
  • Limit your daily salt intake to help maintain a lower, healthier blood pressure.

Relieve stress

Being under constant stress is just as bad as having an unhealthy diet. It causes premature aging, wrinkles and puts you at greater risk for a heart attack or stroke.

It’s no wonder then that one of the secrets to aging gracefully is to use proven stress relief techniques like:

  • Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and regular exercise.
  • Getting enough sleep/
  • Talking to someone whose company you enjoy and you trust.
  • Doing something you enjoy.

Not only will this improve your overall physical health, but your mental health as well!

So how will following these tips help?

By taking care of yourself, inside and out, you will start to notice a few changes in your mind and body as you age gracefully:

  • Improved memory. This includes both semantic and prospective memory. You’ll be able to recall facts and remember things easier.
  • Better decision making. With a healthy brain and great memory, you will be able to make more informed decisions.
  • Increased sense of empathy and understanding. This stems from a feeling of contentment within yourself.
  • Boosted self-confidence. When you look good, you feel good. It’s as simple as that!
  • Reduced risk of depression, mood swings and anger issues. If your brain and body are healthy, you will be more inclined to focus on the positive side of life.

Nick is a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast by profession, and a freelance writer by passion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided it was the best time to extend his love of health and fitness into his love for writing. Ever since then, Nick has been sharing his knowledge and insight with his readers, teaching them through his informative, interesting articles.



MFN Contributing Author

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