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Low-Fat Fish Oil Diet May Prevent Prostate Cancer Growth, Recurrence

Men with prostate cancer who ate a low-fat diet and took fish oil supplements had lower levels of pro-inflammatory substances in their blood and a lower cell cycle progression score, a measure used to predict cancer recurrence, than men who ate a typical Western diet, UCLA researchers found.

The findings are important because lowering the cell cycle progression (CCP) score may help prevent prostate cancers from becoming more aggressive, says study lead author William Aronson, MD, a clinical professor of urology at UCLA and chief of urologic oncology at the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

“We found that CCP scores were significantly lower in the prostate cancer in men who consumed the low-fat fish oil diet as compare to men who followed a higher fat Western diet,” Aronson says. “We also found that men on the low-fat fish oil diet had reduced blood levels of proinflammatory substances that have been associated with cancer.”

Read the full article at Today’s Dietitian…

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