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Programming Your Subconscious Mind

Our minds work like a computer. It receives information and data from the world as we go through life interpreting for us life’s experiences forming our value and belief systems. Our self image evolves from this process.

The information on our “tapes” becomes a permanent part of our “storage unit” – or hard drive – and guides our future actions and choices based upon these variables, and many others we don’t even know are affecting us or the people we interact with in life. Our tapes can never be erased however, they can be “re-programmed” by us at any time by specific instruction from us thereby creating new databases from which we can respond to life’s challenges. This is how we can all change our circumstances – by “changing our mind” we can create a new “script” from which we may interact more positively in our affairs.

The REAL barrier to change lies in the subconscious mind because if we believe something to be true – whether or not it is – then it will be true. If we believe we are unworthy of love then the world will also view us as unworthy of being loved and this “fact” will be translated into all other aspects of our life. Lack of self esteem can also create similar issues for as people interpret “who we are” by what we present to the world. These “gaps” or “unknowns” can ruin our chances for getting what we want from life and they can only be altered when we change this information and build a new foundation from which we can derive a new understanding of “who we truly are” (and believe it).

“What you see is what you get” is a true statement. If you see a caring, loving, giving, compassionate person in the mirror in the morning the world will too. “What you give comes back multiplied” now becomes true as well since the world will see your “heart”. Our tapes can only support our purpose when we have one and if you believe that “living from purpose” will inspire you to achieve in life then it is important to create one. If you ACT on purpose and are in alignment with your beliefs you will be living “true to yourself” and the world will respond to you in kind.

Ask yourself the following questions when “re-programming your subconscious” by living “in the present” and make sure you stay focused on the task at hand. This will enable and empower you to find your path and become “congruent” and you will be “walking your talk”.

  • Is it true?
  • Do I believe it?
  • Am I acting in good faith on this belief?

If you can answer in the affirmative to all three questions, then go for it. What others think, feel, or believe is irrelevant to your final purpose – believing FOR yourself IN yourself is priceless and will yield real joy and fulfillment.

We can only change our outward circumstances when we change our INNER circumstances and thoughts. Remember, our subconscious minds do NOT know the difference between vividly imagined experiences (pictured with feelings) and real ones we encounter in life. We create the pictures in mind FIRST (Walt Disney saw Disneyland in his mind’s eye when he viewed the land in Anaheim that would became his first and most famous theme park – not orange groves). This thought follows the principle that “the mind of man is unlimited in its potential and responds to specific demands made upon it”. We create our circumstances according to our beliefs. The “inner creates the outer”.

Guard your thoughts carefully – ALWAYS. Release negative thinking as quickly as you can or you will continue to attract exactly what is currently in your life. The principle obviously works in the positive as well too. Once your life is moving in the direction you desire then keep working toward your dreams. Time heals all wounds if we learn the lessons life has to teach us and opening the door to our greater good.

  • What you SEE is what you get: What do you see? (Visualization)
  • What you SAY is what you get? What do you say? (Affirmation)
  • What you BELIEVE is what you get? What do you believe? (Imagination)
  • What do you DO? What do you do each day? (Behavior)
  • What do you THINK about? Do you carefully monitor your thinking? (Consciousness)

Nicholas Prukop is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer & a Health Coach, a fitness professional with over 25 years of experience whose passion for health and fitness comes from his boyhood in Hawaii where he grew up a swimmer on Maui. He found his calling in writing his first book “Healthy Aging & You: Your Journey to Becoming Happy, Healthy & Fit” and since then he has dedicated himself to empowering, inspiring and enabling people of all ages to reach for the best that is within them and become who they are meant to be – happy, healthy and fit – and be a part of a world where each person can contribute their own unique gifts to life

Reprinted with permission from Nicholas Prukop. 

MFN Industry Expert

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