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Woman Receiving Massage

Invest in Your Health with Therapeutic Massage. If You Don’t, Who Will?

Massage, Reiki and CST allow me to work deeply into the muscles of my clients but without the pain often associated with “deep tissue massage.” Sore points are gently held until they release, and restrictions in the central nervous system are removed, allowing circulation to flow through the muscle fibers again, restoring movement and flexibility.


The Exercise Prescription

With the recent push for getting everybody moving, for some, Health Screening, Exercise Testing, Exercise Prescription as well as Fitness Programming are all areas where professional guidance may be necessary. The knowledge and experience of multiple Healthcare and Fitness Professionals combined provides a holistic approach for a lifetime of optimal health and well-being.


Understanding the “Fibro” behind Myalgia

Muscle aches and pain are common in all of us, despite the type of work, activity or the cumulative activities we do. Once thing is for certain, as an experienced physical therapist, I have seen something unique. Patients who complain with an increase in pain, and trigger points present, despite if they had surgery, trauma, increased stress in their lives or have been suffering from chronic pain.

Fibromyalgia signs

Four Tips for Proactively Managing Your Chronic Pain with your Healthcare Provider

If you suffer from chronic pain or fibromyalgia, it’s time to get proactive when it comes to your health. When I was dealing with my chronic back and neck pain and fibromyalgia that occurred from a car accident in 2006 I took everything my doctors said as gospel, but after years of listening and following their instructions, my pain was still not improving. That is until I started to take things in to my own hands.


Be What You Want to Become

We all know people who continue to say they are going to do something, but never do it, and then complain because they haven’t seen the results they want to see. And then there are the people who refuse to let what they are (or have been) hold them back from what they want to be.


The Chronic Struggle

I’ve found myself become more comfortable talking about my chronic pain and problems revolving around fibromyalgia, but there is a part of that struggle that up until now I’ve only mentioned to one, maybe two people. And that is the chronic struggle I have with myself everyday.

Exercise Considerations for Fibromyalgia Symptom Management

Decades of research continues to demonstrate the benefits of exercise as a nondrug component of fibromyalgia management. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition affecting more than five million American adults, mostly female. Symptoms include widespread musculoskeletal pain, profound fatigue, sleep disturbances, as well as potential cognitive impairments and depression. Research studies have investigated how people with fibromyalgia respond to traditional aerobic conditioning, strength training, and more mindful modalities such as Yoga, Pilates and tai chi.