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summer meditation

One Minute Practice: Present Moment Awareness

Roasting, boiling, baking. One might use these words if they are providing cooking instructions. For those who live in the Northern Hemisphere, these might also be some words you are using to describe your current relationship with the weather. Maybe even adjectives for your internal atmosphere.  

For some, summer signifies increasing daylight. While others, summer indicates an excess of heat.  Between last issue and now, perhaps you have been practicing how to maintain an awareness of and appreciation for the strengths gleaned in darkness, while simultaneously allowing the lengthening of days to unfold in a way that is calm, reflective and appreciative of what is present now. What did you learn in winter that can serve you now? Beauty in breath? Beauty in darkness? Beauty in coolness?

Between now and June 21, for those in the Northern Hemisphere, days will continue to lengthen. Heat will increase. The digestive fire will burn. And muscles will contract. Although we must not forget the importance of the cool, the rest, and the relaxation.

As I introduced in the previous article, the month of March can evoke bodily rhythmic awareness. For respiratory, digestive, muscular or cardiac system, or any other bodily function – you may be feeling the heat. A balance of the fire is necessary.

In what ways can you locate spaces, in June and among the continually unfolding hot Summer days, where the appreciation of coolness you cultivated in winter may gently breeze in? Neurologically, the exhale induces the brain to relax and feel calm.

I invite readers to consider finding spaces where you can allow your breath to exhale.  How might you channel the winter of the breath to serve you in summer?

Let’s engage in a 1-minute practice of honoring the internal fire and welcome a cool breeze.

Where you are right in this moment is the perfect place to practice. You have everything you need.

1. Locate the breath: say, “Hello breath. Thank you for respirating today.”

2. Create a comfortable breeze: Tune into the coolness of the exhale.

3. Discover the coolness within: Focusing on the exhale creates a lowered body temperature.

4. Carry your awareness: Maintain an awareness of coolness.

Repeat steps one through four.

Dr. Adrienne Ione is a cognitive behavioral therapist and personal trainer who integrates these fields in support of people thriving across the lifespan. As a pro-aging advocate, she specializes in the self-compassion of dementia.

Website: yes2aging.com
Guided Meditations: insighttimer.com/adrienneIone
Facebook: silverliningsintegrativehealth