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Facility Spotlight: Phoenix Athletica, Medical Fitness Facility in PA

Name: Phoenix Athletica
Location: Pocono Summit, PA
Website: phoenixathletica.com
Member Since: 2015
Specializations: TRX, Corrective Exercise, Therapeutic Exercise, Weight Loss

How does your business help those with chronic disease/medical conditions or who need pre & postnatal care?

We offer one-on-one personal training that focuses on the individuals specific needs/goals. We stay up on current trends in medical fitness and attend medically focuses workshops as it relates to fitness training.

What makes your facility different from other medically oriented facilities? 

We are the only medically oriented fitness training facility in our area.

What are the services you provide?  

Personal training, weight loss, nutritional guidance, and group classes/semiprivate workouts

How long has your facility been in business?

Since 2014

Does your business support any community activities in your area and if so, what are they and why these?

We support the Linda Geed Breast Cancer 5k event and various local school organizations. We like to stay involved in our immediate community as much as possible.

What is a favorite memory of yours working with someone who had a health challenge or disability?

We have a client who went from a wheelchair to a walker to walking on his own after having severe brain injuries. He now enjoys training on our spin bikes and using the TRX.

What would you like to see change/develop/emerge in the future of healthcare and the fitness industry?

We would like to see that personal fitness is covered by health insurances, especially for those who critically need it but can’t afford it.

And what are you doing to make this happen? 

We have signed letters to state congressman asking them to make this a reality.

Does your business have a motto, if so, what is it?  

Revitalize the body, restore the soul!

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