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7 Tips to Avoid Obesity as You Age

As humans age, we are prone to obesity, which can cause a variety of other health problems and make it difficult to live a healthy and active life overall. Luckily, there are many things you can do to prevent obesity in old age, even if you haven’t always been healthy in the past. If you’re transitioning into retirement or living in senior communities, now is the perfect time to start living a more healthful lifestyle.

1. See your doctor regularly

As you age, it becomes absolutely crucial that you attend regular doctor’s appointments. Working with a doctor to manage your health is one of the best ways to prevent obesity. Your doctor can assess your own personal health challenges, as well as existing positive health practices, to help you develop a routine. Doctors can also help you develop a health management plan that is rooted in science and the latest technological developments, as opposed to the fad diets and exercise plans you might hear about online and in magazines. Additionally, doctors can help you catch any health problems you may encounter early on, so you can treat them and get back to health quickly.

2. Find an exercise routine you like.

It’s very important to exercise regularly, but for many people, it’s hard to find the motivation to exercise because they just don’t enjoy it. A good way to combat this is to take the time to find a form of exercise you really enjoy. There are so many different types of exercise to choose from, so if you don’t enjoy running or going to the gym, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways you can stay fit. Look into local workout studios to see what types of classes they offer, and you can also check to see if there are any senior sports teams in your area. Even just going for a walk outside in an area you love can be a great way to stay healthy. Exercise burns calories and keeps the muscles and bones strong, so it prevents obesity from setting in. Additionally, exercising regularly will boost your mood and lower your likelihood of developing a serious health problem in the long run.

3. Drink water

Drinking water is one of the best ways to prevent weight gain, no matter what you like to eat. Water flushes out your system, so it helps you process the food you’re eating efficiently. If you’re exercising, drinking water can also help you lose weight more quickly than drinking sugary energy drinks. Water is a great way to quench your thirst without the calories that come with soda, coffee, or tea. It’s also very easy and cost-effective to drink. If you struggle to remember to drink water, carrying a water bottle around with you is an easy way to make it into a habit.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Eating breakfast is crucial to jump-starting your metabolism for the day, so the body can burn calories effectively later into the afternoon and evening. If you don’t eat breakfast, your body gets hungry and starts storing the calories you consume, making it difficult for you to burn them off later. Keeping healthy, easy breakfast options on hand is a good way to ensure that you include this meal in your routine for the day. Examples of good breakfast options include fortified cereal, fruit and greek yogurt, or scrambled eggs, just to name a few.

4. Make it difficult to be lazy.

You’ll find that you’re more motivated to stay active and participate in healthy activities, such as exercising or spending time with friends, when you don’t have easier, more tempting options in front of you. For example, not having a TV in your home is a good way to ensure you don’t watch too much of it, and you won’t spend too much time relaxing on the couch. Figure out what your own personal weaknesses are and just make it hard for you to access them.

If you have a senior in your life that’s transitioning into retirement living, you can work with them to make sure that they have plenty of healthy activities accessible to them. Encouraging your senior to live a healthful lifestyle will ensure that they feel supported during this potentially challenging transition.

6. Keep track of what you’re eating.

You don’t necessarily have to count calories, but keeping a record of everything you eat every day is a great way to live healthier. Keeping a food journal forces you to be aware of everything you’re eating, and typically results in making healthier decisions. It also psychologically reinforces your positive decisions, encouraging you to stick to a healthy diet in the long term. Additionally, keeping a food journal makes it easy to talk to your doctor about your diet so you can make changes if necessary.

7. Keep your stress levels in check.

High stress levels will increase your chances of becoming obese, so it’s important to keep a handle on your stress levels as you transition into old age and retirement living. There are many things you can do to reduce stress levels – be sure you’re getting enough sleep, take time to relax and participate in hobbies, and socialize with friends and family. Actively managing your stress levels will make it more difficult for you to gain excess weight, and it’ll also help you stay healthy in other aspects of your life as well.

It’s very important for anyone to manage their weight, but it’s particularly important for seniors to do what they can to prevent obesity. Obesity can result in a variety of other health problems, and an older body won’t be able to fight off illness or injury as well as it once might have. It’s very important to work with a health professional to prevent obesity.

Holly Klamer is a connector with Senior Guidance and Senior Living Help that help provides comprehensive resources on various senior living options. She loves working in the ever-changing world of digital and is fascinated by the role content plays in today’s marketing.

MFN Contributing Author

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