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Do you have an Open-Mind?

1.  Do you have a willingness to learn? (Yes, you are reading this article.)

“You certainly are open-minded. I don’t see that often in Ph.D.’s”.

Although I was not quite sure of the significance of this comment, I did thank my colleague and continued on my merry way.   As time passed however, those simple words began to resonate louder and louder . . . Open-Minded.

Throughout my professional years, I have interacted with thousands of people. One powerful element that has clearly played a significant role in my success is a sincere willingness to be Open-Minded. In other words, having an ability to filter preconceived ideas, objectives and outcomes is the only way to have a clear view of the perspective of others. This link is not the used car salesman connection, but instead, this genuine bond allows you to see from a different angle as a result of a willingness to put down your professional guard and defenses.

2.  Do you have a willingness to change? (Yes/No/Maybe/In some cases)

To be optimal, you must be willing to accept that you may not know everything. You must believe that it is possible that other ideas may be valid and effective. This does not mean that you are stupid or untrained or not an expert in your field. What this does mean is that you use your base of knowledge and experience to guide you while you have a true willingness to change if circumstances arise.

3.  Do you collect information before you act? (Yes/No/Maybe/In some cases)

As a wellness and lifestyle medicine professional I was truly fortunate to learn from the best of the best, Charles B. Corbin, PhD. As a pioneer in the field, Dr. Corbin held an unwavering dedication to developing a foundation based on documented standards, objectives, and population specifics, without which it would be foolish to take action. For me, the action step is where the fun begins. This is where the “rubber-meets-the-road”. This is where the change occurs. For you to optimize what you do, you must have confidence in your base and only act when you have openly absorbed information about others you are working with AND utilize this information in each and every action step.

The more Open-Minded people you work with the better. Please share this with others!

Reprinted with permission from Dr. Steve Feyrer-Melk.

Steve Feyrer-Melk, MEd, PhD, is a powerful, passionate, and trusted authority in Lifestyle Medicine who is bringing an innovative, refreshing, and successful approach to proactive health care. Dr. Steve co-founded the Optimal Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Center where he crafts and hones real-world programs for immediate impact. Dr. Steve also serves as the Chief Science Officer of Nudge, LLC, a lifestyle medical technology company.

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