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Eating Healthy on a Budget

Do you have a hard time eating healthy because you’re on a tight budget?  Use the following tips to eat healthy and save money:

Eat at home more often

  • Make healthy snacks at home and take them with you
  • Pack a lunch most days of the week
  • Make healthy meals in large portions and freeze leftovers

Shopping techniques

  • Make a shopping list for this week’s meals and stick to the list
  • Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry!
  • Shop for most of your food around the perimeter of the store to avoid the more costly, processed foods

Look for deals

  • Browse your local stores to see who offers the best deals on your favorite, healthy products
  • Search the newspaper for coupons
  • Compare the per unit price between brands and different sized packages
  • Choose generic if possible

Buy in bulk

  • Look for deals on pre-bagged, bulk fruits and veggies
  • Purchase sale priced lean meats in bulk and freeze what you don’t plan to use in 5 days
  • Stock up on sale priced whole grain crackers and cereals
  • Most stores offer a discount on milk if you buy 2 gallons at a time

Go Frozen!

  • Stock up on sale priced frozen meals (Kashi, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, Smart Ones)
  • Buy a wide variety of frozen veggies.  They are just as healthy as fresh veggies but they’re cheaper and last longer
  • Purchase frozen lean meats

Do your own prep work

  • Buy whole fruits and veggies and do the cutting and peeling yourself
  • Shred a block of reduced fat cheese
  • Remove skin from chicken breasts

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