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Four Reasons Why Yoga is the Perfect Choice of Exercise for College Students

Studying for a college degree is undoubtedly a very stressful experience. For many students, the demands of college can quickly get on top of them, especially if they are trying to juggle their studies with working or around other commitments such as raising a family. Along with taking in all the new information that you need to learn whilst studying for your health law degree, the stress of meeting assignment deadlines and studying for finals can quickly get to you and leave you feeling extremely stressed out and anxious. For many students, exercise can be one of the best ways to combat stress and improve your health so that you are both physically and mentally strong enough to deal with the demands of further study. We’ve listed some of the best ways that yoga can help you to study better and get higher grades in college.

1. Practice Mindfulness

When you’re studying for a health policy masters degree from Hofstra Law, one of the best ways to deal with related stress is mindfulness. Yoga and mindfulness meditation are very closely related, especially when it comes to yoga breathing, which can help you to get back in control of your stress and anxiety. Breathing deeply, in a controlled manner, is one of the best ways to calm yourself down and deal with your stress quickly.

2. Exercise from Home

If you’re working hard studying for your degree, then you might find it difficult to find the time to go to the gym or take up classes. This is one of the main reasons why yoga is such a good choice for college students since there are several online yoga tutorials that you can use. Yoga itself is very easy to do from home since you don’t need to purchase any equipment unless you want to use a yoga mat. You can find tutorials that will guide you through various yoga poses so that you can do some when you’re having a break from revision, or when you get home from class.

3. Improve Your Physical Strength and Health

When it comes to getting good grades at college, it’s not just your mental health that matters. If you are physically unfit and unhealthy, then this will have a direct effect on your ability to focus and work well. On the other hand, students who work to keep themselves in the best physical health can often think clearer and focus better and for longer periods of time when it comes to getting their work done. As a result, you can improve your grades too!

4. Boost Your Self-Esteem

Yoga and mindfulness don’t just work well for boosting your physical health, strength, and condition. Since they can also have a great effect on your mental health and well-being, your self-esteem can also be improved. For many students, low self-esteem will quickly take over and negative thoughts can have a direct impact on your grades. When you are stronger both mentally and physically, you will view yourself in a more positive light.

Maggie Hammond is a retired nurse and freelance writer, exploring and writing in the U.S. in retirement. An advocate for public health and nursing qualifications, she feels passionate about raising awareness of the current strain on public health organisations.

MFN Contributing Author

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