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seniors biking

Top Health Conditions

How did we become a society of illnesses, along with conditions such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and so many other health concerns? According to statistics, the expenses related to health care are on the rise, with almost 4 trillion dollars in 2014. Along with various studies, the reason behind the illness is our body adapted to the environments years ago but has become dysfunctional in this newly created society. Scientists have also reflected on allergies continuing to be widespread and the process of food production has grown significantly along with an inactive lifestyle.

What is your top health concern?

As we look at the most searched topics, I narrowed it down to the top 10 list of health related topics and ways you can slow down the progression.

  1. Obesity: Stay active – incorporate physical activity into your day to prevent injuries later and delay the onset of certain diseases, including some cancers, diabetes and heart disease. It can increase blood pressure, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, stroke, and develop respiratory issues. Prevention can provide relief toward depression and increase happiness along with gaining longevity. Find an activity you enjoy, get outside or go to the mall to add in a daily walk routine. Avoiding processed foods, sweets, and fast food will aid in keeping you stay young.
  2. Heart Disease: Statistics show that this is the largest killer in the U. S. per year and more people than all categories of cancer combined. As you age, you are increasing the odds with having high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which leads to higher risk of stroke. Simple changes you can do now is quit tobacco use and eat foods low in fat and sodium, exercise and get your rest. Other influences are diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections.
  3. Cancer: 2nd largest cause of death leading those over the age of 65, with lung cancer responsible for most deaths. That’s why it’s important to eliminate tobacco and alcohol use, maintain a well-balanced diet, lose weight, use sunscreen, getting mammograms, colonoscopies, and seeing a dermatologist on a regular basis while keeping up with regular screenings with all professionals. Genetics does play a role among siblings and other relatives. The most common are breast and prostate cancer.
  4. Diabetes: Significant risk in our senior population according to the CDC. It can lead to kidney damage, losing your sight, stroke, nerve issues, hearing impairment and heart disease. Along with eating a well-balanced diet, physical activity and using a food diary to track what you are consuming can help conquer diabetes. Healthy food options are fiber rich whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Always get your checkup, a simple blood test can indicate symptoms early.
  5. Stroke: 3rd leading cause of death in women, and 4th in men. Prolonging your life with eliminating tobacco use, losing weight, increasing physical activity, and eating a well-balanced diet can aid in your risk for stroke. Some of the indicators are diabetes, inactivity, overweight, high blood pressure, and indication that genetics has some part of increased risk. Since a stroke can lead to brain complications, paralysis, emotional and behavior issues, changing your lifestyle can help in the prevention of the disease.
  6. Respiratory diseases: Keep on track with correct medications, completing tests on lung functions and using oxygen as per instructed when having this disease to control vulnerability to flu, bronchitis, or emphysema. By eliminating tobacco use, will help prevent COPD, which is the largest risk factor.
  7. Alzheimer’s disease: 5th leading cause of death in women and 10th in men. It’s unknown the cause behind it, but it’s been associated to heart disease and head injuries. It’s also difficult to know the true statistics behind how many are living with this type of condition. Parkinson is the most common brain disease. Influencers are overweight, family history, aging, high blood pressure, and Down syndrome. Just by increasing exercise will aid in slowing down the disease.
  8. Kidney Disease: 9th largest cause of death for both men and women. Keep your blood sugar in balance to prevent this, which can be influenced by high blood pressure or diabetes. Kidney injuries can be driven by dehydration, loss of blood, kidney infections, and urine flow blockage. After three consecutive months of kidney function loss, it’s concluded as chronic kidney disease. The symptoms can be nausea, appetite loss, tightening of muscles, and urine volume reduction. Prevention options are hydration, maintaining weight, reducing protein and cutting out salt.
  9. Arthritis: CDC statistics show that 49.7% of all adults over 65 are affected, which can affect how they live and influencing the pain response. Staying active and discussing treatment options with your doctor will aid in maintaining your health as a senior.
  10. Osteoporosis: Statistics show that 54 million people over 50 are affected with reduced bone mass, which leads to fracture or breakage risk. It can lead to becoming potentially disabled and the results indicate that by 2020, the statistics will increase to 64.4 million. Make sure you are getting enough calcium and Vitamin D and decrease soda, salt and caffeine.

In conclusion, health conditions are on the rise as we take into consideration lifestyle, nutrition, stress, genetics and inactivity. As you can see most of these main conditions can be alleviated with the help of eating a well-balanced diet, increasing physical activity, and eliminating tobacco and alcohol.

As always consult your health professional. I hope this article finds you in good health.

Connie Stoltz-McDonald is an Integrative Nutrition-Certified Health Coach, CPT, Wellness Educator, Blogger and Author. From her passion for writing, she is excited to announce her first book release titled “Healthy Lifestyle- The inside secrets to transforming your body and health.” If you’d like to get a copy, you can connect with her at her website, www.lifestylehealthmentor.comFacebookTwitterLinkedIn, or Instagram.



Healthy Lifestyle

Why Is Today’s Society So Unhealthy?

As we look back, our ancestors never worried about their thyroid, gut, heart disease, cancer or any of the issues that are top of mind today. So why are they popping up everywhere? It all comes down to they simply ate real food. Seasonal fruits & vegetables, grains, eggs and dairy. They avoided fake foods, such as crackers, cookies and frosted cereals.

In reality, half of Americans are over indulging and the other half are on a diet. So, why are we not taking care of ourselves? Why are we overweight, ill and struggling every day? The news changes our health regimen daily. One day, we’re told to cut out carbohydrates, then the next, cut out fat or reduce the amount of daily protein. I can see why, as a society, we are confused and just let go. Our lives are busy and the average consumer doesn’t have time to research what’s good and bad for them. Looking back, our ancestors got their nutrition through killing large mammals and picking fruits and nuts. Studies have shown that our body is better acquainted with consuming meat and natural sugars and has a hard time digesting fiber. Therefore, not obtaining the protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber or any other nutrients that we need to maintain our bodies at optimal levels.

We are no longer growing our own food, but obtaining our meals through the drive-thru because of convenience and time. Let’s put it this way: our bodies can’t breakdown large amounts of vegetable oil and our bodies were not meant to sit all day. I remember growing up thinking, “when do we actually get a break?” When you live a life of a farmer, there is no downtime. It seemed from the moment I got off the bus until it was time to go to bed, I was on my feet. We didn’t have computer games, smart phones and only had a couple channels to watch on TV — which seemed like all there was to watch was news or cooking shows!

So, what is the root of such a growing concern? It’s simply poor lifestyle choices…. We overindulge, choose the wrong foods, we’re less active, and let stress and anxiety take over our lives. What can we do today to take action on our health?

Tips to Maintain a Simple Healthy Action Plan

ABM – Always be moving. Keep physically active, whether it’s getting away from the office chair for a walk downstairs or going outside during lunch to gain some much needed sunlight. Just doing stretches can get the blood flowing and revive that inner energy to regain focus. Strive for 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days a week. Find an exercise you enjoy so you’ll maintain a regimen

Get cooking. Be creative in the kitchen and make your own meals at home. This way you incorporate the ingredients and you stay healthier. Plus it’s fun, gets you on your feet and a great family activity.

Choosing the right foods. Always shop around the outside perimeter of the store, as this is where you’ll find the wholesome goodness of fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and unprocessed, preservative-free foods. Keep in mind that dietary guidelines have changed to where half our plate should be filled with fruit and vegetables. Plus, you never have a label to investigate prior to purchasing as there is only one ingredient. Keep in mind, to benefit from satiety, wait 20 minutes after your meal to cue into your hunger levels.

All in moderation. Keep a balance in your daily regimen. There will be days when life happens and you can’t maintain the My Plate routine along with the daily exercise plan. That’s OK. Keep yourself in check knowing you’ll get back on the wagon tomorrow. Life is all about things coming at you when you least expect it. That’s why you have a backup plan to slide the goal to the next day and never overwhelm yourself with anything, especially something that is out of your hands. This will, in turn, help alleviate the stress and anxiety that you get if you’re a perfectionist. I’m one to always have everything in check, but I’m realistic and know there will be surprises, so let yourself go if everything doesn’t fall into place.

Live a simple life. Sometimes going off the grid isn’t a bad thing. One thing I’ve learned is to not let social media rule our lives. It can consume our time, lead to insecurity, stress and anxiety. Limit your time on electronics and spend quality time with family and friends. Take time to eat at the dinner table while discussing how the day went or what’s new in your lives. It seems we get so wrapped up in what others are doing, thinking, feeling and finding out what’s going on with our family and friends through a Facebook post. Remember, you’re not living their life and they aren’t living yours, so take care of yourself first! Otherwise, you can’t be there to help others.

Meditation. It may seem silly at first, or make you feel out of place, but studies have proven the effectiveness of certain breathing methods and poses that will relax you and alleviate some of that stress from your day. Try sitting by yourself for 10 minutes and just take a breath in. Breathe through your nose to let go of all the chaos that may have happened throughout the day. You can also incorporate yoga, which aids in the meditation process.

Let’s not forget sleep! Strive for 6-8 hours. Remember, your body is like a machine, you need to keep it oiled and in tip-top shape for it to run at it’s best. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re causing oxidative damage, which causes your cells and DNA to build up, reducing our longevity.

Laugh. Amazingly enough. if you laugh for 10-15 minutes per day, you can burn up to 40 calories! So why aren’t you laughing?! It helps release endorphins to help you feel relaxed. Spend time with family and friends to gain the much needed benefit of humor and in-person social interaction.

In summary, living longer depends on how we react, what we choose to do, and how we live. Revive yourself from the inside with wiser food choices, letting go of the things beyond your control, and finding ways to alleviate stress in our lives. All you have to do is remind yourself of the simple life that our grandparents lived and how much of a difference it made in longevity and happiness.

As always consult your health professional. I hope this article finds you in good health.

Connie Stoltz-McDonald is an Integrative Nutrition-Certified Health Coach, CPT, Wellness Educator, Blogger and Author. From her passion for writing, she is excited to announce her first book release titled “Healthy Lifestyle- The inside secrets to transforming your body and health.” If you’d like to get a copy, you can connect with her at her website, www.lifestylehealthmentor.comFacebookTwitterLinkedIn, or Instagram.
