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MS and Tai Chi

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to stay active with MS. Movement is the key, even if you are limited in doing so. Exercise has been shown to help with strength, mobility, fatigue and depression. Exercise also has can help develop a positive attitude and make you more likely to participate in group activities. These positive attributes of exercise can really help a patient overcome some of the isolating symptoms of MS.

As someone living with MS, I am always trying to find something new and interesting that may be beneficial to those of us living with the disease. In this installment, we will learn how an ancient art may provide therapeutic healing to those of us living with MS today.

Tai chi, an ancient Chinese tradition that was originally a form of self-defense, has been transformed into a form of exercise that is considered good for people of all ages and fitness levels. Tai Chi is a series of slow movements combined with deep breathing.

Tai Chi is considered to be low impact, meaning that it does not put a lot of stress on the muscles. If you have MS and have tried yoga, but struggle to hold some of the poses, then you may want to try Tai Chi. Much like adaptive yoga, adaptive Tai Chi can be done either standing or sitting.

Tai Chi is thought to have many health benefits for people living with MS, including:

• Improved strength and balance
• Increased energy and mood
• Decreased stress, anxiety and depression

To get started in Tai Chi, it is recommended that you take a class. There are videos available, but working one-on-one with an instructor will give you a great head start. Instructors can also provide safe modifications for your ability level. If you start a Tai Chi class, meet with the instructor ahead of time. Let the instructor know of any physical limitations that you may have with MS, like balance issues.

If your instructor learns your limitations, they will ensure that they teach you a routine that is safe, yet gives you the benefit of the workout. Then, over time, you may feel yourself becoming stronger and be able to take on more of a routine with less modifications.

If you have MS and have struggled in other forms of exercise, it may be time to try Tai Chi. The health benefits associated with the ancient form of low-impact movements can help you with your battle against MS, but make sure that you let your instructor know of any limitations you may have. The key to winning the battle against MS is to stay moving which is exactly what the ancient art of Tai Chi can help you achieve.

Originally printed on MS Focus Magazine. Reprinted with permission from Matt Cavallo.

Matt Cavallo, MPH is a patient experience speaker, author, and podcaster who motivates audiences worldwide with his personal patient experience and genuine storytelling style. At age twenty-eight, Matt was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Seemingly overnight he went from a fully-functioning, healthy man to someone who was numb from the waist down and unable to walk. As a result of his diagnosis, Matt has dedicated his life to improving the patient experience. Matt is the founder of PatientActivation Network

Disabled Man with family practicing yoga outside.

Patient Activation Network Interview with Alene Brennan

Matt Cavallo, MPH, patient advocate, author and speaker, interviews Alene Brennan, a Nutrition Coach, Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer and Natural Food Chef.  Alene overcame debilitating migraine headaches through diet and lifestyle and is now once again using a “Less Pharm, More Table” approach is managing her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.

Since receiving her MS diagnosis and seeing first-hand the power of using diet and lifestyle to create a healing environment in the body, she dedicated her virtual nutrition coaching practice to helping people with MS and autoimmune take back control of their health. She connects with clients around the world via phone and video chat to help them transition to a healing diet and lifestyle and manage the symptoms of chronic illness.

Listen to the podcast from Patient Activation Network:


Our health is truly the only thing that connects us. Whatever your age, gender or background, health is the great equalizer. The Patient Activation Network was created by patients for patients to accomplish real change in healthcare. Visit patientactivationnetwork.com for more podcasts.

Matt Cavallo, MPH is a patient experience speaker, author, and podcaster who motivates audiences worldwide with his personal patient experience and genuine storytelling style. At age twenty-eight, Matt was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Seemingly overnight he went from a fully-functioning, healthy man to someone who was numb from the waist down and unable to walk. As a result of his diagnosis, Matt has dedicated his life to improving the patient experience. Matt is the founder of PatientActivation Network

Matt Cavalo Photo

Fearing the Gym after Injury or Illness

One of the activities my wife and I used to really enjoy doing together was going to the gym. We had a personal trainer named Eric. Eric was funny, knowledgeable and understood how to maximize the workout for both me and my wife. Having a personal trainer that understood both our individual needs kept us motivated to workout. Eventually we moved and got a gym membership. However, we did not sign up with a personal trainer and the gym experience was no longer that unified activity we enjoyed together like we did when we worked out with Eric.