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Nutrition for Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorder treatment is most effective with a team approach and a Dietitian is an important member of the treatment team. Nutrition counseling by Dietitian who specializes in eating disorders is essential. An Dietitian can help you follow a well-balanced nutrition plan for optimal health and energy, develop a healthier relationship with food, and improve your body image.

Well-Balanced Nutrition

Healthy EatingEating disorders are often accompanied by nutrient deficiencies and these deficiencies can lead to health problems, low energy levels, and other symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include thin hair, brittle nails, easy bruising, bone loss, and constipation. A Dietitian can help you use nutrition to avoid/treat nutrient deficiencies so you can improve your health, reach higher energy levels, and resolve other symptoms. Don’t hesitate; hire a Dietitian today!

Developing a Healthier Relationship with Your Food and Body

If you have an eating disorder or are recovering from an eating disorder it is not uncommon for you to spend most of the day thinking about food, calories, body image, weight and exercise. This can make it difficult to concentrate on and participate in other enjoyable activities. The good news is you can work with your therapist and a Dietitian to develop a healthier relationship with your food and body. A Dietitian who specializes in eating disorders is prepared to help you make peace food and work toward a healthier body image.

Are You Looking for Expert Nutrition Advice?

A Dietitian is a nutrition expert that is trained to help you use nutrition to achieve optimal health. Click here to search for an MFN Dietitian who specializes in eating disorders.


American Dietetic Association (2011). Position of the American Dietetic Association:
Nutrition Intervention in the Treatment of Eating Disorders. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association, 111(8), 1236-1241.
National Eating Disorders Association. Treatment Basics: What Does Treatment for an
Eating Disorder Involve? Retrieved February 9, 2014,
National Institute of Mental Health (2011). Eating Disorders. Retrieved February 9,
2014, http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/eating-disorders/eating-disorders.pdf.

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