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The Habits of Successful Weight Losers

In a national television interview with Barbara Walters in 2014, Oprah Winfrey confessed that not being able to maintain her weight loss was her biggest regret. In that interview, Walters asked Winfrey to finish the sentence, “Before I leave this Earth, I will not be satisfied until I…”

“Until I make peace with the whole weight thing,” Oprah replied. Losing weight is hard; keeping it off is even harder. What is unique about those who succeed? The answer is buried deep in the archives at the Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center in Providence, Rhode Island: The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), the largest database ever assembled on individuals successful at long-term maintenance of weight loss. Founded in 1994, the NWCR includes more than 10,000 individuals who complete annual questionnaires about their current weight, diet and exercise habits, and behavioral strategies for weight loss maintenance.

Habit #1: Live with Intention

Living with intention eliminates the random approach to weight loss maintenance in favor of the systematic and methodical one that leads to results. The NWCR has shown that, when intention is behind weight loss maintenance, 21 percent of overweight people are successful weight losers. [1]

The longer people keep their weight off, the fewer strategies they need to continue keeping weight off. [2] In other words, weight maintenance gets easier. The longer your clients persist in their intention and behave in accord with that intention, the easier it is for that behavior to “stick” and turn into a habit.

What makes one individual persist at a specific behavior while another individual doesn’t? For starters, the persistent individual has a conscientious personality. In the most recent NWCR study published in 2020, conscientiousness was compared between successful weight losers from the NWCR and non-NWCR weight regainers. [3] The successful weight losers were found to be more conscientious than the weight regainers and scored higher on measures of order, virtue, responsibility, and industriousness. The scientists suggest that being conscientious may help individuals maintain their weight loss by improving adherence to specific behaviors.

In a review of 56 studies that contained 58 health behaviors, researchers at Université Laval in Quebec, Canada and the University of Limburg in The Netherlands found that intention remained the most important predictor of health behavior, explaining 66 percent of the variance. [4] In half of the reviewed studies, perceived behavioral control (believing that you have control over your behavior) significantly added to the prediction.

Habit #2: Control Yourself

Being a successful weight loser requires a lot of self-control, delaying gratification now (e.g., dessert) for the more desirable reward later (e.g., a slimmer waistline, better health, enhanced self-esteem, and happiness).

Compared to typical unsuccessful dieters, successful weight losers are better able to resist temptation, control themselves, and push back against the environment. They restrict certain foods, [5] weigh themselves regularly, [6, 7] and use digital health technology. [8]

One of the key factors of self-control is disinhibition, which literally means not being inhibited. Some inhibition is good, because it prevents people from not giving into temptation and eating whatever and how much they want. High levels of disinhibition are bad, because it leads to risky behavior. Disinhibited eating is a failure to maintain control over eating. The opposite of disinhibited eating is dietary restraint. Several NWCR studies have found that increased disinhibition leads to regaining lost weight. [9, 10, 11, 12, 13] Other studies have found strong relationships between a lack of self-control—impulsivity—and obesity. [14, 15, 16]

Habit #3: Control Calories

Successful weight losers consume fewer daily calories than the general population. Table 1 shows the number of calories the NWCR members consume per day, from the several studies that have reported it, along with the amount of weight they lost at the time they entered the NWCR.

Table 1 – Caloric Intake of Successful Weight Losers

 Calories Per DayPounds Lost
 1,381 [17, 18]

1,297 (women)

1,725 (men)


63 (women)

78 (men)

 1,306 (women) [19]

1,685 (men)

63 (women)

77 (men)

 1,390 [20]69
 1,462 [21]124
 1,400 [22]62
 1,399 [23]73









Successful weight losers consume a low-calorie diet of about 1,400 calories per day, with women consuming about 1,300 and men consuming about 1,700 calories per day. By comparison, the U.S. adult population consumes an average of 2,120 calories per day (women consume about 1,820 calories per day and men consume about 2,480 calories per day). [24, 25]

Successful weight losers control calories several ways, including limiting how often they eat out at restaurants, [26] rarely eating fast food, [27] and limiting how many calories they drink. [28] They are also more likely than normal-weight individuals to have plans to be extremely strict in maintaining their caloric intake, even during times of the year when it’s easy to consume calories, like during holidays. [29]

Want to learn about more of the habits of successful weight losers? Check out Dr. Karp’s book, Lose It Forever: The 6 Habits of Successful Weight Losers from the National Weight Control Registry

A competitive runner since sixth grade, Dr. Jason Karp pursues his passion every day as a run coach, exercise physiologist, bestselling author of 10 books and 400+ articles, speaker, and educator. He is the 2011 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year and two-time recipient of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Community Leadership award. His REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certification has been obtained by fitness professionals and coaches in 23 countries. His new book, “Lose It Forever: The Habits of Successful Weight Losers from the National Weight Control Registry” is available on Amazon.


[1] Wing, R.R. and Hill, J.O. Successful weight loss maintenance. Annual Review of Nutrition, 21:323-341, 2001.

[2] Klem, M.L., Wing, R.R., Lang, W., McGuire, M.T., and Hill, J.O. Does weight loss maintenance become easier over time? Obesity Research, 8:438-444, 2000.

[3] Gold, J.M., Carr, L.J., Thomas, J.G., Burrus, J., O’Leary, K.C., Wing, R., and Bond, D.S. Conscientiousness in weight loss maintainers and regainers. Health Psychology, 2020.

[4] Godin, G. and Kok, G. The theory of planned behavior: a review of its applications to health-related behaviors. American Journal of Health Promotion, 11(2):87-98, 1996.

[5] Wing, R.R. and Phelan, S. Long-term weight loss maintenance. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 82:222S-225S, 2005.

[6] Wing, R.R. and Hill, J.O. Successful weight loss maintenance. Annual Review of Nutrition, 21: 323-341, 2001.

[7] Butryn, M.L., Phelan, S., Hill, J.O., and Wing, R.R. Consistent self-monitoring of weight: A key component of successful weight loss maintenance. Obesity, 15:3091-3096, 2007.

[8] Goldstein, C.M., Thomas, J.G., Wing, R.R., and Bond, D.S. Successful weight loss maintainers use health-tracking smartphone applications more than a nationally representative sample: comparison of the National Weight Control Registry to Pew Tracking for Health. Obesity Science and Practice, 3(2):117-126, 2017.

[9] McGuire, M.T., Wing, R.R., Klem, M.L., Lang, W. and Hill, J.O. What predicts weight regain among a group of successful weight losers? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67:177-185, 1999.

[10] Niemeier, H.M., Phelan, S., Fava, J.L., and Wing, R.R. Internal disinhibition predicts weight regain following weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Obesity, 15:2485-2494, 2007.

[11] Butryn, M.L., Phelan, S., Hill, J.O., and Wing, R.R. Consistent self-monitoring of weight: A key component of successful weight loss maintenance. Obesity, 15:3091-3096, 2007.

[12] Thomas, J.G., Bond, D.S., Phelan, S., Hill, J.O., and Wing, R.R. Weight-loss maintenance for 10 years in the National Weight Control Registry. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(1):17-23, 2014.

[13] Lillis, J., Thomas, J.G., Niemeier, H., and Wing, R.R. Internal disinhibition predicts 5-year weight regain in the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR). Obesity Science and Practice, 2(1):83-87, 2016.

[14] Chamberlain, S.R., Derbyshire, K.L., Leppink, E., and Grant, J.E. Obesity and dissociable forms of impulsivity in young adults. CNS Spectrums, 20(5):500-507, 2015.

[15] Fields, S.A., Sabet, M., and Reynolds, B. Dimensions of impulsive behavior in obese, overweight, and healthy-weight adolescents. Appetite, 70:60-66, 2013.

[16] Amlung, M., Petker, T., Jackson, J., Balodis, I., MacKillop, J. Steep discounting of delayed monetary and food rewards in obesity: a meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 46(11):2423-2434, 2016.

[17] Klem, M.L., Wing, R.R., McGuire, M.T., Seagle, H.M., and Hill, J.O.  A descriptive study of individuals successful at long-term maintenance of substantial weight loss. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66:239-246, 1997.

[18] Wing, R.R. and Hill, J.O. Successful weight loss maintenance. Annual Review of Nutrition, 21:323-341, 2001.

[19] Shick, S.M., Wing, R.R., Klem, M.L., McGuire, M.T., Hill, J.O., and Seagle, H.M. Persons successful at long-term weight loss and maintenance continue to consume a low calorie, low fat diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 98:408-413, 1998.

[20] McGuire, M.T., Wing, R.R., Klem, M.L., Seagle, H.M., and Hill, J.O. Long-term maintenance of weight loss: Do people who lose weight through various weight loss methods use different behaviors to maintain their weight? International Journal of Obesity, 22:572-577, 1998.

[21] Klem, M.L., Wing, R.R., Chang, C.H., Lang, W., McGuire, M.T., Sugerman, H.J., Hutchison, S.L., Makovich, A.L., and Hill, J.O. A case-control study of successful maintenance of a substantial weight loss: Individuals who lost weight through surgery versus those who lost weight through non-surgical means. International Journal of Obesity, 24:573-579, 2000.

[22] Klem, M.L., Wing, R.R., Lang, W., McGuire, M.T., and Hill, J.O. Does weight loss maintenance become easier over time? Obesity Research, 8:438-444, 2000.

[23] Ogden, L.G., Stroebele, N., Wyatt, H.R., Catenacci, V.A., Peters, J.C., Stuht, J., Wing, R.R., and Hill, J.O. Cluster analysis of the National Weight Control Registry to identify distinct subgroups maintaining successful weight loss. Obesity, 20(10):2039-2047, 2012.

[24] Wright J.D., Wang, C.Y., Kennedy-Stephenson, J., Ervin, R.B. Dietary intake of ten key nutrients for public health, United States: 1999-2000. Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics, 334:1-4, 2003.

[25] U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Energy intakes: percentages of energy from protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol, by gender and age. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2015-2016, 2018.

[26] Wing, R.R. and Hill, J.O. Successful weight loss maintenance. Annual Review of Nutrition, 21:323-341, 2001.

[27] Thomas, J.G. and Wing, R.R. Maintenance of long-term weight loss. Medicine & Health Rhode Island, 92(2):56-57, 2009.

[28] Catenacci, V.A., Pan, Z., Thomas, J.G., Ogden, L.G., Roberts, S.A., Wyatt, H.R., Wing, R.R., and Hill, J.O. Low/no calorie sweetened beverage consumption in the National Weight Control Registry. Obesity, 22(10):2244-2251, 2014.

[29] Phelan, S., Wing, R.R., Raynor, H.A., Dibello, J., Nedeau, K., and Peng, W. Holiday weight management by successful weight losers and normal weight individuals. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(3):442-448, 2008.


Genetics & Weight Problems: The Role of Genetics for that Number on the Scale

There are a number of factors that influence obesity. These include behavioral choices, environmental circumstances, and genetics. Genes don’t always predict someone’s weight future, but science has shown that genetics play a role in obesity. Genes increase a person’s susceptibility to become overweight, but this is not an isolated causality due to behavior and environment. 

Take for instance the number of people living in a certain environment with all the same living conditions. How is it so that in an environment that promotes inactivity and high calorie foods that not all of these people become obese? Not all these people will have the same resulting health problems or body fat distribution. Even people in the same family, of the same race, and of the same ethnicity, will not all become obese given this environment. The diversity in body types leads one to believe that genetics do play a role in weight. 

Genes are what instruct the body. They map out how the body will respond to a given environment. Genes dictate behaviors including a person’s choice to be sedentary, to overeat, and their metabolic functions. Genes tell the body how to store fat and how to use food for fuel as energy. Both hunger and food intake are associated with genes. For example, take two siblings or twins raised in very similar environments — they still may not have the same body weight distribution. 

For now, science does not have genetic testing which would determine one’s weight future. There is no science that shows a personal diet plan or exercise regimen will result in exact body types. Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) and Prader-Willi syndrome are the only two directly related obesity causing genetic factors. BBS is associated with increased body fat in the abdominal area, poor functioning kidneys, eyes, and genitalia, as well as intellectual impairment. Prader-Willi syndrome is associated with a constant desire to eat. This causes dangerous weight gain, stunted growth, and poor health. Research is still being performed on genetic response to weight gain. Knowing one’s family history won’t change the path to obesity, but lifestyle behavior and environment can be adjusted as a proactive and preventable method. For example, children of obese parents are more likely to become obese themselves due to their lifestyle and environment. Marketing has also become a strong influence for eating patterns. 

The finger can’t be pointed at genetics alone for weight problems. However, we do know that even under exact circumstances, two bodies can react entirely different. The research is not entirely there YET, but hopefully in the near future we can have helpful answers to help fight the obesity epidemic. 

Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health, and is a current doctoral candidate in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.



  • https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/calories/other_factors.html 
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2636925/ 
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12127777

Creating Welcoming, Inclusive Health & Fitness Environments for People with Obesity

Each year for the past several decades, the health & fitness industry has served approximately 20% of the population, primarily helping the fit get fitter. Eighty percent of the population joined a health & fitness center but did not stay, or never joined because they decided it was not the right fit for them. A movement is gaining momentum to change that, and to make the health & fitness industry more inclusive and welcoming of people of all different ages, shapes, sizes and abilities. 

Worldwide, rates of obesity have tripled in the past 45 years. More than 42% of Americans have obesity, with the prevalence in the United States rising over 12% in the last 18 years. This presents an untapped opportunity for fitness professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in working with clients with obesity. 

Dr. Rachele Pojednic and I have developed a MedFit Classroom Specialist Course. Presented in 10 modules and requiring 10 hours to complete, the Obesity Fitness Specialist course defines obesity and weight bias and identifies the biological, developmental, environmental and lifestyle factors that contribute to obesity. It explores solutions to obesity using the Socioecological model and empowers fitness professionals to be a part of individual-level, as well as institutional- and community-level, solutions. 

Learners will be able to position themselves as obesity fitness specialists separate and distinct from weight management and weight loss specialists. They will be able to create safe and effective programming for clients with obesity and inclusive environments that can lead to sustained client behavior change and health outcomes. The course culminates in a 10-step roadmap with one end goal—obesity fitness specialists who can help their clients reduce their risk of obesity-related risk factors and associated disease, discover the joy of movement, and reap the many health benefits of physical activity. 

People with obesity who find health & fitness environments where they feel welcome and included are likely to stay. Fitness specialists who are able to lead with empathy and build trust are likely to make their clients feel understood and heard. Obesity Fitness Specialists have an important role to play in helping their clients with obesity achieve their health & fitness goals.

Dr. Amy Bantham, DrPH, MS, MPP, is the CEO/Founder of Move to Live More, a research and consulting firm addressing physical inactivity, chronic disease and social determinants of health through cross-sector collaboration and innovation. A certified health and wellness coach, personal trainer, and group exercise instructor, Amy holds a Doctor of Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. She can be reached at movetolivemore.com or @MovetoLiveMore


Youth Obesity: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

This sentiment from Benjamin Franklin is as true today as ever.  Especially when it comes to fitness and health.  The past 50 years has seen a nearly triple increase in obesity rates for adults and youths.  According to the website USAFACTS.ORG. this costs the American people $147 Billion annually.  They also state that “roughly have of all medical cost associated with obesity are financed by Medicaid and Medicare”.  


Still Joking About Obesity, Even Now?

No, I’m not on a rant. But I sure could be. What’s funny about a chronic disease that impairs health and renders people more sensitive to deadly co-morbid factors associated with COVID-19? Nothing. Nothing is funny at all.

I write about obesity a great deal, have been caring for those with emotional and behavioral components related to the disease, speaking and teaching about it since the early 1970s, and won’t stop. When it comes to promoting health…


Your Weight and the Pandemic

During a recent interview on a talk radio show, a caller told me she had gained seven pounds since living in lockdown; her friends also had gained weight, she said. A few days later, a colleague who has been conducting what she calls “telephone clinics” with her obese patients wrote: “All were telling me how lockdown is causing further weight gain and how they feel unable to do anything about it.” She continued: “I think that the lockdown affects disproportionately people who were already struggling with obesity and unhealthy eating habits.”

As most of you know, it is not just select “obese patients” who are struggling with overeating and ensuing weight gain. This is because overweight and obese people are not a small subset of the population. Rather, almost 70% of Americans are overweight or obese; indeed, by 2030 the percentage is expected to be closer to 100%. This means that the lockdown may be speeding up our obesity stats, but it is not the cause of our overweight pandemic: The fat-track train left the station decades ago.

The Obesity Link to Covid-19

Today, with the threat of coronavirus infection, there is yet another reason to be concerned about being overweight: As Americans reel from the shocking and devastating health, mental, emotional, economic, and social impact the coronavirus pandemic has wrought, the virus continues to disproportionately harm those who are already struggling with obesity and other diet-related conditions — from heart disease and diabetes to high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. This is an alarming situation given that (1) almost 45% of adults in the United States are obese — we rank #1 in obesity among international OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) nations, (2) and one in two Americans — over 133 million people — suffer from chronic health conditions, many of which are linked to poor food choices.

In my opinion, the coronavirus pandemic is a wake-up call; a stunning event that is sounding the alarm we need to take action NOW to remedy the struggle that millions of overweight and obese people live with day-to-day. Clearly, we are being alerted to change — really, really change — what we eat and how we eat. Each day and every day. Starting now. For the rest of our lives. My vision is that we accomplish this by halting and turning around the obesity pandemic without dieting; rather, by losing weight and keeping it off with what I call a dietary lifestyle, meaning, a way of eating that leads naturally to weight loss, health, and healing…for life.

The Whole Person Integrative Eating (WPIE) Weight Loss Rx

What if…

…it were possible to overcome overeating and to lose weight and keep it off without traditional dieting? (Note: Almost 50% of Americans are “on a diet” at any one time; and typical dieters will try between 55-130 diets in their lifetime!)

…you could nourish yourself physically each time you eat? But also emotionally, spiritually, and socially?

…your relationship to food, eating, and weight was based on a way of eating that leads to a pleasurable relationship to food and eating—with weight loss as a natural “side effect?”

What I am describing is the Whole Person Integrative Eating (WPIE)® dietary lifestyle, an evidence-based, scientifically sound model and program that treats the root causes of overeating, overweight, and obesity. It is also a way of eating that may prepare your immune system to fight viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.1-3 And the WPIE dietary lifestyle can also help you prevent and reverse a plethora of other diet-related chronic conditions.

After 25 years of research by behavioral scientist Larry Scherwitz, PhD (transparent disclosure: Larry’s my

husband) and me, the well-documented message in Whole Person Integrative Eating is that it is possible to overcome overeating, overweight, and obesity by replacing the newly identified, new-normal overeating styles Larry and I have discovered with their antidotes: the ancient/new, science-backed elements of our Whole Person Integrative Eating® model and program.4-6 FYI…WPIE is a “whole person” program that address both what you eat (your food choices) and how you eat (your eating behaviors); and in turn, how your food choices and eating behaviors nourish you physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, and socially. As a first step, this article offers the WPIE what-to-eat guidelines for weight loss.

What-to-Eat Rx: Fresh, Whole, Inverse

What Larry and I, and hundreds, perhaps thousands of other researchers have discovered, is that there’s a simple way to eat that provides the antidote to the Fast Foodism overeating style our WPIE research identified that leads to overeating and obesity. It is a time- and science-tested what-to-eat guideline that has nourished humankind for millennia—and it is how people who are naturally thin and healthier eat today: Eat fresh, whole food in its natural state as often as possible.Please keep in mind the phrase “as often as possible.” This means making fresh, whole foods your most-of-the-time way of eating; it is not a rigid, regimented way of eating you start, then stop.

To get you, and your waistline and immune system, started on the road to health and healing, here are the three words that describe the WPIE what-to-eat guidelines that lower odds of illness: Fresh. Whole. Inverse.7 This is what I mean.

Fresh. Whole. The optimal way to eat for weight loss, health, and healing is to consume mostly unrefined, unprocessed, real food that has all its constituents (such as the fiber and germ in grains) intact. This means choosing lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (beans and peas), and nuts and seeds, with lesser—or no—amounts of free-range, grass-fed, and/or wild dairy, poultry, meat, and fish that is free of antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, GMOs, and additives and chemicals (you often can’t pronounce).

Inverse eating. Along with “fresh” and “whole,” the third WPIE “ingredient” for optimal eating is to eat inversely. What do I mean by “inverse eating?” Whether you’re looking at the traditional diets of Mediterranean, Asian, South American, African, Indian, or Native American cultures, they all have one way of eating in common: meals are mostly plant-based foods (fruits, veggies, grains, beans and peas, and nuts and seeds), with lesser amounts of animal-based foods (dairy, fish, poultry, and meat). In other words, the diets of most cultures worldwide are—and have been for thousands of years—mostly plant-based foods as the centerpiece of the meal, and animal-based foods as a condiment or side dish.

Clearly, this is the inverse of the almost 40 percent—approximately 84.8 million Americans—who eat fast food every day and the 91 percent—at least 290 million Americans—who completely miss the mark of meeting the U.S. dietary guidelines of a half to two cups of vegetables per day. Same with fruit: only 12 percent of Americans consume one-and-a-half to two servings per day. In other words, most Americans eat the standard American diet (SAD) of mostly processed animal-based foods with few, or no plant-based foods.

With SAD as a starting point, I use the term inverse eating to describe the antithesis, or inverse, of the standard American diet: the opposite way of eating that evolved naturally over thousands of years and includes mostly fresh, whole, plant-based foods supplemented with small, occasional servings of fresh, whole, chemical-free animal-based foods.

The WPIE Dietary Lifestyle: If Not Now, When?

I know. Change isn’t easy. Especially when it comes to food and eating. I understand; truly. Since the social-isolation policy that has gone into effect for most of us, I’ve talked with people who are turning to high-carb, high-sugar, high-fat “comfort foods” to cope. And they are gaining weight. And weakening their immune system. And making themselves vulnerable to a plethora of diet-related conditions.

The antidote? Commit to, and adopt a dietary lifestyle that empowers you to eat to prevent, even reverse, a multitude of food-related ailments and increase odds of boosting immunity, which in turn may decrease your risk of becoming ill from the coronavirus. And it lowers odds of being overweight and obese. Or developing diabetes. And heart disease. And some cancers. And depression and anxiety. And other mind-body, diet-related chronic conditions.

In other words, we know that the WPIE fresh, wholeinverse way of eating ups the odds of helping you lose weight and keep it off, lessens the risk of Covid-19 symptoms, and can prevent and reverse food-related chronic conditions; that the Whole Person Integrative Eating® dietary lifestyle holds the key to transforming your relationship with food and eating so you can reclaim your health…for life. If not now, when?


Article originally printed on integrativeeating.com. Reprinted with permission from Deborah Kesten. 

Deborah Kesten, M.P.H., is an award-winning author, specializing in preventing and reversing obesity and heart disease. Her expertise includes the influence of epigenetics and diet on health, Lifestyle Medicine, and research on the Whole Person Integrative Eating dietary lifestyle to treat overeating, overweight, and obesity. She and her husband, behavioral scientist Larry Scherwitz, Ph.D., collaborate on research and writing projects. Her latest book, “Whole Person Integrative Eating” was named the “Winner” in the Health category by the 2020 Book Excellence Awards.


Whole Person Integrative Eating: A Dietary Lifestyle for Attaining and Maintaining Weight Loss

At the beginning of our Whole Person Integrative Eating (WPIE) coaching sessions, Alison was a 64-year-old woman who weighed 235 pounds and wore a size 3x. A former businesswoman turned professional meditation practitioner, Alison’s obesity began as a teenager. She had tried many “diets-du-jour” over the decades. Each time she would lose some weight—sometimes a lot; then she would return to her preferred “go-to” foods and gain back the weight…

Senior Couple Cooking In The Kitchen

7 Tips to Avoid Obesity as You Age

As humans age, we are prone to obesity, which can cause a variety of other health problems and make it difficult to live a healthy and active life overall. Luckily, there are many things you can do to prevent obesity in old age, even if you haven’t always been healthy in the past. If you’re transitioning into retirement or living in senior communities, now is the perfect time to start living a more healthful lifestyle.

1. See your doctor regularly

As you age, it becomes absolutely crucial that you attend regular doctor’s appointments. Working with a doctor to manage your health is one of the best ways to prevent obesity. Your doctor can assess your own personal health challenges, as well as existing positive health practices, to help you develop a routine. Doctors can also help you develop a health management plan that is rooted in science and the latest technological developments, as opposed to the fad diets and exercise plans you might hear about online and in magazines. Additionally, doctors can help you catch any health problems you may encounter early on, so you can treat them and get back to health quickly.

2. Find an exercise routine you like.

It’s very important to exercise regularly, but for many people, it’s hard to find the motivation to exercise because they just don’t enjoy it. A good way to combat this is to take the time to find a form of exercise you really enjoy. There are so many different types of exercise to choose from, so if you don’t enjoy running or going to the gym, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways you can stay fit. Look into local workout studios to see what types of classes they offer, and you can also check to see if there are any senior sports teams in your area. Even just going for a walk outside in an area you love can be a great way to stay healthy. Exercise burns calories and keeps the muscles and bones strong, so it prevents obesity from setting in. Additionally, exercising regularly will boost your mood and lower your likelihood of developing a serious health problem in the long run.

3. Drink water

Drinking water is one of the best ways to prevent weight gain, no matter what you like to eat. Water flushes out your system, so it helps you process the food you’re eating efficiently. If you’re exercising, drinking water can also help you lose weight more quickly than drinking sugary energy drinks. Water is a great way to quench your thirst without the calories that come with soda, coffee, or tea. It’s also very easy and cost-effective to drink. If you struggle to remember to drink water, carrying a water bottle around with you is an easy way to make it into a habit.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Eating breakfast is crucial to jump-starting your metabolism for the day, so the body can burn calories effectively later into the afternoon and evening. If you don’t eat breakfast, your body gets hungry and starts storing the calories you consume, making it difficult for you to burn them off later. Keeping healthy, easy breakfast options on hand is a good way to ensure that you include this meal in your routine for the day. Examples of good breakfast options include fortified cereal, fruit and greek yogurt, or scrambled eggs, just to name a few.

4. Make it difficult to be lazy.

You’ll find that you’re more motivated to stay active and participate in healthy activities, such as exercising or spending time with friends, when you don’t have easier, more tempting options in front of you. For example, not having a TV in your home is a good way to ensure you don’t watch too much of it, and you won’t spend too much time relaxing on the couch. Figure out what your own personal weaknesses are and just make it hard for you to access them.

If you have a senior in your life that’s transitioning into retirement living, you can work with them to make sure that they have plenty of healthy activities accessible to them. Encouraging your senior to live a healthful lifestyle will ensure that they feel supported during this potentially challenging transition.

6. Keep track of what you’re eating.

You don’t necessarily have to count calories, but keeping a record of everything you eat every day is a great way to live healthier. Keeping a food journal forces you to be aware of everything you’re eating, and typically results in making healthier decisions. It also psychologically reinforces your positive decisions, encouraging you to stick to a healthy diet in the long term. Additionally, keeping a food journal makes it easy to talk to your doctor about your diet so you can make changes if necessary.

7. Keep your stress levels in check.

High stress levels will increase your chances of becoming obese, so it’s important to keep a handle on your stress levels as you transition into old age and retirement living. There are many things you can do to reduce stress levels – be sure you’re getting enough sleep, take time to relax and participate in hobbies, and socialize with friends and family. Actively managing your stress levels will make it more difficult for you to gain excess weight, and it’ll also help you stay healthy in other aspects of your life as well.

It’s very important for anyone to manage their weight, but it’s particularly important for seniors to do what they can to prevent obesity. Obesity can result in a variety of other health problems, and an older body won’t be able to fight off illness or injury as well as it once might have. It’s very important to work with a health professional to prevent obesity.

Holly Klamer is a connector with Senior Guidance and Senior Living Help that help provides comprehensive resources on various senior living options. She loves working in the ever-changing world of digital and is fascinated by the role content plays in today’s marketing.