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5 Natural Ways to Anti-Aging

While wisdom certainly comes with age, so do a lot of other things – like decreased bone density, slowed metabolism, frailty/weakness, sleeplessness, and excess body fat – just to name a few.

I’m not here to talk to you about decreasing wrinkles (I bet some of you wish that I was, lol), but I’m here to share my top 5 tips for keeping your body as young as possible for as long as possible.

Here are my five natural ways to anti-aging:

1. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet – focus on consuming mostly lean proteins, vegetables, healthy fats, some fruit and whole grains. Avoid sugars, chemical additives, and processed foods.

2. Strength train – maintaining your strength and muscle mass as you age will keep you both looking younger and living better/longer. You’ll also keep your metabolism and bone density higher.

3. Sleep more – your body repairs and recovers in essential ways during sleep. If you’re sleep deprived, you’ll age faster, among a variety of other consequences.

4. Have self-care practices and goals – humans need something to work toward and to take care of themselves. We need things to keep us engaged, motivated, growing, and creating impact.

5. Stretch more – keeping yourself limber can help in a variety of ways from being better able to enjoy daily activities to avoiding serious injury in the case of something like a fall.

In conclusion, I’m curious… do you have anything special you do to keep yourself young?

Maurice D. Williams is an Assistant Professor of Health & Human Performance at Freed-Hardeman University. With almost two decades in the industry, he’s worked with a wide range of clients, including those with health challenges like diabetes, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, coronary artery disease, lower back pain, pulmonary issues, and pregnancy.

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