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5 Simple Ways To Get Back on Your Health and Fitness Track

If we’re honest, sometimes it would be great to turn off all of our electronic devices, not show up for work, tell our families and friends we don’t want to talk and just take a moment for ourselves. A moment free from distractions, stressors and responsibilities! However in our fast paced digital world seldom do we make time for ourselves or our health.

Therefore if you’re feeling overwhelmed with life and desire to get back to feeling great about your body and improve your fitness conditioning this year, allow me to provide you with a few tips to accomplish this.

Believe me, although I’m the coach, there’s times when I need to be reminded of these things as well!
Are you ready? Here we go…

5 Tips for Getting Back On Your Health and Fitness Track

1). Have a Plan: Create a fitness plan that includes both cardiovascular activities and resistance training exercises. If you only have 30 minutes 3-5 days per week to dedicate to your fitness plan you can combine both by performing 15 minutes of cardiovascular activity, followed up by 15 minutes of resistance training. Cardio and resistance training are a great team!

2). Make it Fun: Working out should be fun therefore find something you enjoy and do more of it! If it is fun, you will stick with it. If you don’t like to run, why run? Just because it’s the New Year don’t force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy!

3). Say No: Learning to say no when asked to do tasks and attend events that over crowd your schedule can add unnecessary stress to your life. Therefore only involve yourself with activities that don’t add stress to your schedule. Politely say no thank you when asked to attend an event or be added to a project that overwhelms your schedule.

4). Watch Your Portions: Eating excess or empty calories can pack the pounds on. Therefore monitor your portions, sweets and fried foods. Accomplish this by discovering how many calories you need to consume in order to lose a healthy amount of weight and reach a better state of health. Choose fresh or frozen foods and don’t forget to ask for a to-go box next time you get to much food on your plate!

5). Silence Please: Silencing your mind and environment can be beneficial to your overall health. Therefore for at least 15 minutes a day disconnect from social media, iPhone and other electronic devices. Sit in a quiet place and just breathe. Your body will say thank you!

Getting healthier is a lifetime investment, therefore by applying these tips on a daily basis you will be on your way to a healthier and fitter version of yourself. At all times remember that the dawning of a new day not just a new year is the perfect time to start applying healthy behaviors into your life! Here’s to your health.

Laticia “Action” Jackson has been called one of the most dynamic and energetic personalities in the health promotion, body awareness, women’s health, fitness and personal development field. She is an IFBB Fitness Pro/ 3-Time NPC Fitness Champion, 2008 Fitness Olympian and Author of “I’m Not a Size Zero-Defining Your Curves While Loving Yourself”. Laticia is passionate about empowering people with the tools to change their lives through health and nutrition. Visit her website at laticiaactionjackson.com

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