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Exercises for Your Bone Health

Your muscles get bigger and stronger when you use them. Your bones are similar! They get stronger and denser when you make them work. And “work” for bones means handling impact, the weight of your body or more resistance. Currently, we know the most about two types of exercises that are important for building and maintaining bone density.

Human Joints Concept

Can Exercise Help Treat Arthritis?

Arthritis is a very common health problem I see as a rehabilitation trainer every week and one that affects millions of people all over the world. It can be extremely painful and significantly change your lifestyle and overall health. Most people think of this as an “old person’s” condition but it can affect many younger people and cause serious damage to their body.


Understanding the “Fibro” behind Myalgia

Muscle aches and pain are common in all of us, despite the type of work, activity or the cumulative activities we do. Once thing is for certain, as an experienced physical therapist, I have seen something unique. Patients who complain with an increase in pain, and trigger points present, despite if they had surgery, trauma, increased stress in their lives or have been suffering from chronic pain.


In Sickness and in Movement

I have a personal and professional mission to help people move. Helping them move with no pain while accomplishing their goals and enjoying life. Movement is everything. But we don’t give it the credit it deserves in our society today. Lack of movement (which could be considered “sickness”) is leading to many of the issues we face in medicine and movement health today. What would be reasons why someone is unable to move? First things that come to mind is physical size restrictions (obesity) or because it hurts (chronic pain). Here’s some food for thought…


Nutrition Updates from ACSM

The American College of Sports Medicine is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world. ACSM members strive to advance the science of exercise. Their research, presented at ACSM’s Annual Meeting, offers the latest information to help you reach your athletic and health goals. Last month, I reported some of the weight-related research presented at ACSM’s 2014 Annual Meeting. This month, I’m sharing some fueling and training updates that might be helpful.


Be What You Want to Become

We all know people who continue to say they are going to do something, but never do it, and then complain because they haven’t seen the results they want to see. And then there are the people who refuse to let what they are (or have been) hold them back from what they want to be.


The Chronic Struggle

I’ve found myself become more comfortable talking about my chronic pain and problems revolving around fibromyalgia, but there is a part of that struggle that up until now I’ve only mentioned to one, maybe two people. And that is the chronic struggle I have with myself everyday.

Exercise Considerations for Fibromyalgia Symptom Management

Decades of research continues to demonstrate the benefits of exercise as a nondrug component of fibromyalgia management. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition affecting more than five million American adults, mostly female. Symptoms include widespread musculoskeletal pain, profound fatigue, sleep disturbances, as well as potential cognitive impairments and depression. Research studies have investigated how people with fibromyalgia respond to traditional aerobic conditioning, strength training, and more mindful modalities such as Yoga, Pilates and tai chi.