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Running on Empty

Planet earth really should be called the water planet. 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Also, when you explore land, air, and sea, it becomes quite obvious that perhaps the most interesting world lies under the water. An ecosystem so diverse, expansive and fascinating.

It should be no surprise that water has an even more amazing impact on the human body where well over 50% is made up of water-moreso for some parts (blood 90%, brain 85%, muscle and skin 70%). It is no wonder why you can go many weeks without food but can survive only a few days without water. Water is an essential nutrient for optimal function of the human machine, yet most of us (estimated 75%) do not get enough. Most of us spend the day mildly dehydrated, approximately one quart low, something not good for your health.

Water is important to virtually every organ system in the body. It carries nutrients through the system and aids in purification, kidney function, bowel function, joint lubrication, cooling and temperature control mechanisms, and biochemical activity at the cellular level.

“Unlike an automobile, we don’t have an Empty/Full gauge and a red light that comes on when out tank is low”

Unlike an automobile, we don’t have an Empty/Full gauge and a red light that comes on when our tank is low. Thirst is usually the first sign that you are running dry but that sensation does not kick in until you already low on H20. Not a great alert system. So you need to stay ahead. Some signs of mild dehydration include daytime fatigue, dizziness, headaches and muscle aches or weakness. A 2% drop in hydration can result in problems with short term memory and concentration. If you exercise regularly you are even more prone to chronic dehydration. Air Conditioning robs your system of fluids as does air travel.

Water is also important for weight control. The body sometimes confuses thirst for hunger, partly because the thirst center is very near the hunger center in you brain. The result, if you are a little dry, you eat-not great for weight control. This is one reason to drink lots of water when you are trying to lose weight. You can often fool the hunger center. Even mild dehydration can slow down your metabolism also leading to weight gain. Water is the perfect weight-watcher beverage-zero calories, and if you drink enough, especially cold, it has a calorie burning effect! A great way to curb night snacking is to first brush your teeth and then drink a full glass of ice water-good for hunger pangs.

Also all beverages are not created equally when it comes to fluid replacement. Coffee, tea and sodas with caffeine don’t count. In fact they create, through their diuretic effect, a net fluid loss to your system, thus increasing dehydration. Also, they are often filled with naked calories (no nutritional value). Sports drinks are useful if you are exercising over one hour especially in hot weather or involved in endurance activities. Proper fluid intake and hydration is the key to preventing illnesses such as heat stroke in athletes especially in the summer months. This is a totally preventable cause of death in young athletes. Learn more about the science behind hydration from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute.

Your goal it a minimum of 8- eight oz glasses (2 quarts) of water a day. Try to get it in earlier in the day so that you are not visiting the bathroom all night. There may even be added health benefits to drinking a full glass of water upon awakening in the AM. A twist of lemon or lime removes some of the monotony. Bottled water has become the rage with over 700 choices worldwide and competition heating up for your dollars. It is a $7 billion industry in North American alone and more in Europe where they’ve been imbibing for years. There are even designer brands with vitamins, supplements and even oxygen. Adds for Fiji water remind us that the word SPA comes from the Latin “Salus Per Aquam” which means “Health By Water”. There are indeed touted purity and health benefits, none proven scientifically but I must admit that they do seem to taste better and go down a little smoother, although I usually stick with my home grown Eau d’ faucet. There are even water taste-testing competitions (International Water Tasting Awards) something I tried many years ago with my sister Linda (an early adopter water snob) to see if she could actually tell the difference between Philly tap and French bottled water. I’ll never tell the results!

If you are going bottled, be prepared to get out your wallet, especially in some restaurants where waiters are pressured to sell more (at 300-500% mark up). Some fancier restaurants and hotels even have “water list” menus and a water sommelier, an aqua expert, to help with your choices, before you take the plunge.

Spring, bottled or tap, to me is less important than being sure that you get enough. To learn more including the difference between purified, artesian, mineral, sparkling, spring and other waters, and even calculate your own fluid needs, checkout bottledwater.org or get your feet wet with these Fun Water Facts for Kids.

So, camel-up. Head over to the water cooler, not only for small talk, but also for big health gains.

Originally published on the Huffington Post. Reprinted with permission from Dr. DiNubile.

Nicholas DiNubile, MD is an Orthopedic Surgeon, Sports Medicine Doc, Team Physician & Best Selling Author. He is dedicated to keeping you healthy in body, mind & spirit. Follow him MD on Twitter: twitter.com/drnickUSA


Enough Protein?

I am often reminded of when my son shared with me a discussion from his fifth-grade class. His teacher, who up until that point he had thought infallible, taught erroneous information about sources of protein. He knew the information was incorrect, but was afraid to offer his input for fear of being labeled a “nerd.” Now, many years later, I am still amazed at how many people do not have even a basic understanding of nutrition. I also think one of the most misunderstood aspects of nutrition is protein—especially protein needs of mature adults.


Proteins are essential parts of organisms and are involved in virtually every process within cells. Many proteins are enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions and are vital to metabolism. Proteins also have structural or mechanical functions, such as actin and myosin in muscle and the proteins in the cytoskeleton, which form a system of scaffolding that maintains cell shape. Other proteins are important in cell signaling, immune responses, cell adhesion, and the cell cycle. Proteins are also necessary in our diets, since we cannot synthesize all the amino acids needed and must obtain al the essential amino acids from foods. (Note: Amino acids are the building blocks from which proteins are made.) Through the process of digestion, ingested protein is broken down into free amino acids that are then used in metabolism.

Proteins contain 4 calories per gram. This is an average, as each protein is slightly different (range roughly 3.5-4.5). Of the 22 amino acids involved in human nutrition, 9 are termed “essential” because they cannot be made by the body and therefore must be supplied daily in the food we eat. The rest, which the body can synthesize, are called “non-essential.” The essential amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, phenylalanine, and histidine. A complete protein is a source of protein that contains an adequate proportion of all of the essential amino acids for our dietary needs. This does not refer to the protein source only containing all the essential amino acids, but also containing them in adequate proportion for use by the human body. A source may contain all essential amino acids, but contain one in lower proportion to the others, making it an incomplete protein.

Most animal sources and certain vegetable sources have the complete complement of all the essential amino acids in adequate proportions. Generally, proteins derived from animal foods (meats, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and milk) are complete. However, proteins derived from plant foods (legumes, grains, and vegetables) tend to be limited in essential amino acids. Thus, a variety of protein sources in the diet is one way of assuring that the body’s amino acid needs are met. All the essential amino acids can be obtained on their own from various everyday plant sources, which do not need to be combined in the same meal.

The Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) is a method of evaluating protein quality based on both the amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it. Complete protein foods that obtain the highest possible PDCAAS score of 1.0 are proteins from milk sources (caseinates), egg whites, and soy protein isolate. Other foods, such as amaranth, buckwheat, hempseed, meat, poultry, soybeans, quinoa, seafood, and spirulina also are complete protein foods, but do not obtain a PDCAAS score of 1.0.

Protein Consumption

When protein is metabolized, the nitrogen is released and flushed out by the kidneys. Comparing nitrogen IN (protein intake) with nitrogen OUT (in urine) is the standard method of determining whether a person is getting the right amount of protein. For adults, nitrogen-in should match nitrogen-out. If you are losing less nitrogen than you are consuming in food, you are retaining protein. Retaining protein is normal for kids who are growing or for someone who is building muscle through strength training. But, losing more nitrogen than you consume means protein-rich tissue (mostly muscle), is breaking down. There are many potential causes for this, such as illness, stress, or chronic inactivity.

The current recommendation for protein intake for healthy adults is 0.8 g protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This number was determined using studies on healthy young adults. But consider that body composition changes as people get older. Once adults pass the physical prime of their teens and 20’s, they lose an average of 10 ounces of lean body mass a year. This is mostly in the form of muscle tissue. Few people actually lose 10 ounces of weight a year. Instead, most gain about a pound a year, so the loss of lean tissue is masked. Another way to look at this is the average person gains about 1 pound and 10 ounces of body fat per year. This phenomenon, called sarcopenia, is derived from Greek words for “vanishing flesh.” This change in body composition contributes to impaired wound healing, loss of skin elasticity, and an inability to fight infection.

An article in the July –August 2006 Journal on Nutrition and Aging reported that data from published nitrogen balance studies indicate that, a higher protein intake of 1.0 – 1.3 g/kg/day is required to maintain nitrogen balance in the healthy elderly. The researchers proposed that contribution of muscle protein to whole body protein metabolism was significantly reduced with age and explained by reduced muscle mass and lower rates of myofibrillar protein turnover. Consequently, the contribution of nonmuscle protein, especially that of visceral tissue whose rates of protein turnover are known to be more rapid was proportionally greater with aging. This research suggests that higher protein consumption rates could compensate for the decrease in availability of muscle amino acids and spare the muscle mass. Higher protein intakes for the elderly, especially the frail population, than those presently recommended for younger adults may minimize sarcopenia and in so doing protect against some of the health risks of aging.

To meet the recommendation of 0.8 g/kg/day for a younger adult, a 150-pound person would need about 54 grams of protein per day. To meet the minimum recommendation of 1.0 gram/kilogram body weight for the older adult (> age 50) a 150-pound person would need about 68 grams of protein per day. An ounce of lean meat, chicken, or fish has about 7 grams, a cup of low fat milk 8 grams, an egg about 6 grams, and an ounce of cheese about 6 grams. If the person ate two 4-ounce servings of meat per day plus an egg or glass of milk, then his/her total protein would be about 68 grams.

The diet of an older adult that contains a large amount of bread, pasta, cooked vegetables, juices, and sweets could easily end up being low in protein. Diets of any age group that consist mainly of fast foods or processed foods are often lacking the adequate amount of protein. As a fitness professional, you are likely far more conscious of the amount of protein that you consume than are your clients. Don’t neglect educating your clients in this area using specific examples and information. Don’t assume that if you tell a client they need a specific number of grams of protein per day that they will manage to consume that amount. Give them some examples and educate them on protein sources!

Tammy Petersen, MSE, is the Founder and Managing Partner for the American Academy of Health and Fitness (AAHF). She’s written a book on older adult fitness and designed corresponding training programs. SrFit Mature Adult Specialty Certification is used nationwide as the textbook for a college based course for personal trainers who wish to work with mature adults. SrFit is also the basis for a specialty certification home study course that qualifies for up to 22 hours of continuing education credit with the major personal trainer certification organizations.


  1. Hoffman, Jay R.; Falvo, Michael J. (2004). “Protein – Which is Best”. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 3 (3): 118–30. http://www.jssm.org/vol3/n3/2/v3n3-2pdf.pdf.  Retrieved 2010-6-08
  2. J.A. Morais. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006 Jul-Aug; 10(4):272-83.
  3. “Protein in diet”. Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia. U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health. September 2, 2003. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002467.htm. Retrieved 2010-6-08.
  4. “Quinoa: An emerging “new” crop with potential for CELSS (NASA Technical Paper 3422)” (PDF document). NASA. November 2003. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19940015664_1994015664.pdf. Retrieved 2010-06-09.
  5. Schaafsma G (2005). “The Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)–a concept for describing protein quality in foods and food ingredients: a critical review”. Journal of AOAC International 88 (3): 988–94. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16001875. Retrieved 2010-6-08.
  6. “Tips and Resources: Vegetarian Diets”. USDA. http://www.mypyramid.gov/tips_resources/vegetarian_diets.html. Retrieved 2010-06-09.


A man having question

Food for Thought

One of my “day jobs” is working “background” on various films and TV shows filming in New York. To give an example of a typical today on a set, I’d like to use the phrase “hurry up and wait”. Sometimes we have to get there by a certain time, which is usually very early in the morning on very little sleep. We check in, then we have to get dressed, have make-up and hair done, have photos taken of us on phones which will be sent to various departments for “approval”, and then we literally just sit around and wait.

Sometimes, when I’m working with my car, it means that I’m going to either be sitting in my car for long periods of time by myself, or possibly sitting around inside a basement, church, etc.

During this time where asked to stay in something called “holding” as described above, where there’s very little to do if you did not bring something to read, or there is no WiFi to work on your computer. We do end up talking, or checking messages on our phones, but mostly, we are confined to our small space except for being allowed to go to something called “crafty”, as we may be called at any moment to work on set.

“Crafty” is basically a table under a tent filled with plenty of food. Some are healthy, and some are not. You’ll see lots of coffee pods in various flavors that work in a Keurig or similar machine. There will be lots of candy, cookies, and other sweet treats that will satisfy a sweet tooth, and then lead to a sugar crash.  But if you look carefully, there are many healthy options to choose from under the tent.

Typically, many people will go for the carbs, and simple sugars, but if you are conscious, one will also see that there many delicious foods that are easy to grab such as, cut bell peppers, fresh mango slices, celery, carrot sticks, pita bread, hummus for dipping, small sandwiches, oranges and bananas… One can make peanut butter or almond butter sandwiches, and although I like my coffee, having more than one would not be a good idea, so I switch to herbal tea and water for the rest of the day.

The trick to eating on set, vacation, or even a party, is training yourself to decide what is healthy and what is not. Training yourself to decide what is satisfying in the long run that will give you true energy, as well as nutritionally. If you need such a sweet fix, having a piece of watermelon or cut mango is way more satisfying then say, a cookie or a big piece of cake — that doesn’t give long-lasting energy, has less nutritional value, and doesn’t fill you up the same way as fruit. And adding a small protein will also satiate you longer than simple sugars.

I derive enjoyment from mangoes, watermelon, veggies that are cut for me, vs. candy and cookies, knowing this type of sweetness is more satisfying, nourishing, and will fuel my workouts when I finish, even when I am sitting around in holding in the rain.

Also, there is a beauty in eating from a color palette. Having red, such as red peppers and watermelon; orange — baby carrots; yellow — pre-cut peppers and mangoes; green — celery, spinach, lettuce, honeydew; blue — blueberries; purple — beet juice (which is made for us in a juice press or machine). It’s so much more satisfying than having your typical beige and brown food (unless you include hummus and almond butter!).

On the second day of last week’s project, I knew that basically they were just using my car and not me. So I took the liberty of walking up and down the block many times, which had a nice incline, but staying close to set in case I was suddenly called.

Granted, I did do my yoga workout that morning, and lifted my weights similar to the weight workouts found in Healthy Things You Can Do In Front of the TV for Chest, Rows, Biceps, Triceps, and a few abdominals, as well as Rear Flies and Chest Flies. But I did want to supplement my workout with a little bit of cardio, so I had been walking up and down the hill attempting to get a little bit of my cardio in that day while the sun was out, and the air was fresh.

It also inspired me to write this article.

Although there is “crafty”, there will also be a fully catered lunch. Like “crafty”, there are also many healthy and unhealthy to choose from. Many folks will go for the meat, and many will go for the sweet cakes at the dessert table, as they do look pretty.  However, if you look at my plate, you will see: brown rice, spinach, swordfish, and grilled vegetables. I opted out of dessert, because I know that there will be “crafty” later on, where the be plenty of cut fruit and other treats for me to partake from.

Speaking with the crew on set that day, as well as other actors in holding, many of them want to work out, and don’t have the time. Hence why the exercises in Healthy Things You Can Do In Front of the TV are so important. Even just choosing a few of them while you’re on a break or in holding can be done while you’re sitting down, such as the leg lifts while you’re in a chair, or standing leg lifts holding the chair back, simple or 1 legged squats, or even lunges. These are all things you can do when you’re cramped up in a small space or in between takes. The crew, who need to lift a heavy equipment could do things like “roll downs”,  Warrior 1 and 2, forward bending stretches with one leg forward, using the equipment as a props to help them stretch the tight hamstrings. It is very important to keep your hamstrings in check so that your lower back does not give way when lifting heavy equipment, or wearing a camera on a shoulder harness.

In closing, when presented with many options, and perhaps even too many options to eat, try to choose the options that provide the most color to your plate, as well as choose the options that will fuel and nourish your body, versus just fill your stomach!

Kama Linden has been teaching fitness for over 2 decades. She has taught strength, step, pilates, vinyasa yoga, senior fitness, and has worked with clients and students of all ages and fitness levels. She is certified by AFAA Group Exercise and NASM CPT, as well as 200 hour Yoga. She has a BFA in Dance from University of the ARTS.  Her new book, “Healthy Things You Can Do In Front of the TV” is available on Amazon.com, and will soon be available on BN.com, and Kindle. Visit her website, bodyfriendlyoga.com


Does juicing really “detox” the body?

Anything that promises detoxification sounds a little questionable – like products that claim to “pull toxins out of your system” or “cleanse the liver.”  The body does have detoxification mechanisms that are working all the time, and both healthful eating and intermittent fasting can accelerate those processes. Several-day juice “fasts” are one way to tap into the benefits of intermittent fasting and enhance removal of toxins from the body, because the body enhances the removal of toxins when not digesting food and burning more fat for its energy needs. Our fat supply stores toxins, and when we lose body fat we release more toxic waste simultaneously. The body also needs adequate phytochemical and antioxidants for the liver to most effectively process fat-soluble toxins so they can be excreted via the urine.

Get into the catabolic phase

We’re always either in a fed state or a fasting state; you’ve likely read about the anabolic and catabolic phases of digestion in my books or articles that discuss toxic hunger. When we are eating, digesting, and absorbing nutrients from food, we are in the anabolic phase; think of it like filling your car’s tank with gas. That is followed by the catabolic phase, between meals, in which our energy needs are met by burning energy that we stored during the anabolic phase.

The catabolic phase is when most healing and self-repair happens, and there is evidence that prolonged time in this fasting (catabolic) state has significant health benefits. Also, these benefits don’t necessarily require an extended, several-day water fast, which is difficult for most people to commit to.

I always say, the longer you live in the catabolic phase, the longer you live. Here’s why: Being in a fasting state shifts the body’s cells away from growth, and instead toward a mode of maintenance and repair.1,2 This repair mode is associated with a reduction in insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) production; two hormones that play a huge role in health and longevity.3,4 These hormonal changes lead to reduced inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity and stress resistance, slower cell growth, improved immune function, and reduced oxidative stress.5,6  Fasting also stimulates autophagy, an important self-repair process. Autophagy removes damaged components from cells and tissues.7

Eating right is already detox; calorie restriction enhances the benefits

On a cellular level, many dietary phytochemicals – such as isothiocyanates derived from cruciferous vegetables, sulfur compounds from garlic and onions, and carotenoids from a variety of colorful produce – drive the production of enzymes that enable the excretion of carcinogens and other potentially harmful compounds. This detoxification system counteracts oxidative stress, inflammation, and DNA damage.8  Eating right, in itself, enables valuable detoxification mechanisms.

Caloric restriction adds to this, and has been the one intervention that extends life in a number of different species. Adding periodic calorie restriction to an already nutrient-rich diet could intensify the body’s ability to heal and repair by extending the amount of time in the fasting repair mode and reducing growth-related signals.4  It also can enhance the breakdown and excretion of fat-soluble toxins; lowering the body’s toxic load.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting or a juice detox could also be a warm-up to incorporating occasional water fasting. Back in 1995, in my book, Fasting and Eating For Health, I discussed my experience of how fasting improved health parameters in my patients. I also co-authored a series of case reports documenting remission of autoimmune diseases following supervised fasting.9  More recently, fasting has been shown to have dramatic regenerative effects on the immune system. Studies over the past few years in animals and humans have suggested that fasting signals the immune system to discard old and damaged cells and generate new cells by increasing hematopoietic stem cells. The reduction in IGF-1 signaling was a necessary factor in this immune boosting. 6,10

Intermittent fasting – usually by reducing calorie intake dramatically a few days per week – is a method for getting some of the benefits of longer-term fasting. Human studies on intermittent fasting suggest it improves insulin sensitivity and promotes weight loss.2,11,12

I recommend incorporating a juice detox into your life, with vegetable juices plus one salad per day for several days, to act as a method of intermittent fasting, to slow aging and prolong lifespan as an easier alternative to water fasting.  Water fasting has a rapidly decreasing effect at removing toxins, as nutrients necessary for the removal also decrease as the fast progresses. Also, juice fasting enables the participants to continue to work and is safer, compared to water fasting, as it prevents dehydration, loss of electrolytes and fainting. It is also compatible for people who must remain on medications, so almost anyone can participate.

Tips for juicing wisely

  • Figure out a timeline you’re comfortable with. You may want to try juicing one day a week, or you may want to try a week-long juice cleanse.
  • Juice should be mostly vegetables, not fruit. Apple juice with a little kale added doesn’t bring much benefit. The maximum amount of fruit in a vegetable juice should be one serving of a low-sugar fruit, such as green apple or berries. The rest should be nutrient-rich vegetables, leafy greens in particular. Lemon and lime juice can be added to flavor your juice without counting toward the fruit serving. Include cucumber, lettuce and celery juice, along with carrots, beets, and some leafy cruciferous greens such as cabbage, kale or bok choy.
  • Follow it up with a health-promoting diet. A few days of juicing can be a great way to reset your taste buds and jumpstart a new, healthful, nutrient-rich diet. However, there is no health benefit of trying to use a juice cleanse as temporary detox, just a break from an everyday junk food diet. This only works if you stick with a Nutritarian diet for the rest of your life, incorporating some juicing and caloric restriction episodically.
  • If you have a serious medical condition or are on any medication, consult a physician before starting a juice detox.

Originally printed on DrFuhrman.com. Reprinted with permission from Dr. Fuhrman.

Dr. Fuhrman is a board-certified family physician specializing in nutritional medicine. He is President of the Nutritional Research Foundation and the author of 6 NY Times bestselling books, including The End of Heart Disease. Visit him at DrFuhrman.com.


  1. van Niekerk G, Hattingh SM, Engelbrecht AM. Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy in Cancer Patients by Short-term Fasting: The Autophagy Connection. Front Oncol 2016, 6:242.
  2. Mattson MP, Longo VD, Harvie M. Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Ageing Res Rev 2017, 39:46-58.
  3. Pan H, Finkel T. Key proteins and pathways that regulate lifespan. J Biol Chem 2017, 292:6452-6460.
  4. Solon-Biet SM, Mitchell SJ, de Cabo R, et al. Macronutrients and caloric intake in health and longevity. J Endocrinol 2015, 226:R17-28.
  5. Longo VD, Mattson MP. Fasting: molecular mechanisms and clinical applications. Cell Metab 2014, 19:181-192.
  6. Cheng CW, Adams GB, Perin L, et al. Prolonged Fasting Reduces IGF-1/PKA to Promote Hematopoietic-Stem-Cell-Based Regeneration and Reverse Immunosuppression. Cell Stem Cell 2014, 14:810-823.
  7. Mattson MP, Allison DB, Fontana L, et al. Meal frequency and timing in health and disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014, 111:16647-16653.
  8. Stefanson AL, Bakovic M. Dietary regulation of Keap1/Nrf2/ARE pathway: focus on plant-derived compounds and trace minerals. Nutrients 2014, 6:3777-3801.
  9. Fuhrman J, Sarter B, Calabro DJ. Brief case reports of medically supervised, water-only fasting associated with remission of autoimmune disease. Altern Ther Health Med 2002, 8:112, 110-111.
  10. Wu S. Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system. In USC News2014 [http://news.usc.edu/63669/fasting-triggers-stem-cell-regeneration-of-damaged-old-immune-system/]
  11. Antoni R, Johnston KL, Collins AL, Robertson MD. Effects of intermittent fasting on glucose and lipid metabolism. Proc Nutr Soc 2017, 76:361-368.
  12. Tinsley GM, La Bounty PM. Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans. Nutr Rev 2015, 73:661-67
beer in glass

Alcohol in Sport: How Bad Is It for Athletes?

Alcohol has a strong link with sport, be it with sponsorship, beer consumption after a hard workout, or teams enmeshed in a culture of heavy drinking. To address what is known—and not known—about the impact of alcohol on athletic performance, members of Professionals In Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (PINES) organized a session at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 2018 annual meeting in Minneapolis. Respected researchers answered some questions athletes commonly ask regarding alcohol and sport performance. Here’s what you might want to know.

What effect does a big night of drinking have on sports performance the next day?

Dr. Louise Burke, Head of Sports Nutrition for the Australian Institute of Sport, reported heavy drinking is common after many athletic events. For example, research with rugby players suggests they consumed an average of 13 units* of alcohol post-game, with a range of 1 to 30 units (*One unit equates to 10 grams of alcohol; 5 ounces (150-ml) wine equates to 1.5 units; a 30-ml nip of hard (40%) alcohol is 1 unit; a 375 ml (13 oz.) bottle of 4.8% alcohol beer is 1.4 units.)

What does heavy post-exercise alcohol intake do to rehydration and refueling goals?

Dr. Ron Maughan, visiting professor at St. Andrew’s University, acknowledged a modest amount of alcohol, consumed along with a balanced meal, is unlikely to have a negative impact. Alcohol impairs glycogen resynthesis only a little bit. But in the real world of sports drinking, athletes who drink a lot tend to make high fat food choices—and that can hinder optimal muscle glycogen replenishment a lot! Consuming a balanced meal before embarking on heavy drinking is probably a good idea.

Alcohol is a diuretic. One unit (10 g) of alcohol stimulates the formation of 100 ml of excess urine. The alcohol content of beer is low—and beer has a lot of water—so dehydrated athletes can effectively rehydrate with beer. Whiskey and other spirits, however, cause more water loss than they contribute.

What impact does pre-exercise alcohol have on heat tolerance/dehydration during exercise?

According to research presented by Dr. Doug Casa, professor at the University of Connecticut, pre-exercise alcohol contributes to slower running across a wide range of distances. Anecdotes, more so than much-needed research, link pre-event alcohol with poor sleep, under-hydration, reduced heat tolerance, and decreased mental function. Dr. Casa reported that one major summer road race had 20 to 25 heat injuries one year. The common denominator among those heat-stricken runners was pre-event alcohol consumption. Don’t drink excessive alcohol before an event—especially in the summer heat!

What does heavy alcohol after exercise do to weight and body-fat goals?

Dr. Barry Braun, professor at Colorado State University, said for most athletes, alcohol is a source of unwanted calories. For example, just five Heineken Light Beers add 500 calories—and that’s not counting the pepperoni pizza or nachos that you can easily overeat when alcohol lowers your inhibitions.

What effect does heavy post-exercise alcohol intake have on muscle recovery?

Dr. Stuart Phillips, professor at McMaster University, noted bad things happen during exercise and good things happens during recovery when athletes rehydrate, refuel, and repair (by consuming protein) their muscles. Adding alcohol to the recovery diet slows down muscle repair, protein synthesis, and adaptation processes. Heavy alcohol intake is not on Phillips’ list of best recovery practices for athletes to follow! Yet, he doesn’t begrudge anyone a glass or two of wine. Moderation is the key word.

What does heavy alcohol intake do to sleep?

Dr. Shona Halson, Senior Physiologist at the Australia Institute of Sport, reports that alcohol might help you fall asleep faster, but it disrupts your sleep cycles so you get less restorative sleep. Alcohol alters body temperature, which can affect how well you sleep. It also aggravates snoring (due to relaxed muscles and a lower breathing rate), so your bed partner also gets sleep deprived. Plus, you have to get up to go to the bathroom more often in the middle of the night. None of this enhances athletic performance.

What does heavy alcohol intake after exercise do to muscle soreness, injury, and inflammation? Matthew Barnes of Massey University in New Zealand noted when athletes perform exercise to which they are accustomed, alcohol’s negative effects are less pronounced compared to doing a new form of exercise. That is, after getting battered up in a game, a 200-lb rugby player who is experienced with both sport and drinking could have perhaps 20 standard drinks and still effectively perform a vertical jump! As for inflammation, players who are conditioned to both their sport and to drinking alcohol do not have a significant inflammatory response. But if you are a weekend warrior, watch out…

Why isn’t alcohol & performance better researched?

Indeed, more research would be very helpful, but few research institutions approve studies that involve alcohol + heat. The alternative is to study athletes who have already been drinking. For example, they can track the number of runners in the medical tent who consumed alcohol the night before.

Any words of wisdom?

When asked, Is beer good for runners?, running legend Jim Fixx’s answer was “Sure, if it’s the other guy drinking it.” If you stay sober, you can take advantage of other athletes’ poor judgment!

Nancy Clark, MS, RD counsels both casual and competitive athletes at her office in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her best selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook and food guides for marathoners, cyclists and soccer players offer additional information. They are available at NancyClarkRD.com. For her popular online workshop, see NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com.


Top Ten Things a Personal Trainer Should Know About Working with Eating Disorders

Having worked as a certified personal trainer and strength and conditioning specialist early in my career, and now as a certified specialist in sport dietetics who specializes in treating clients with eating disorders who are often over-exercising, I feel it is critical for trainers to have some training about how to deal with their clients with these issues because you will be seeing these clients.  Given eating disorders can present as over-exercise and under-fueling, a personal trainer is in a position to be the first identifier of these issues and can be a key player on an eating disorders treatment team.  I often utilize personal trainers to help these clients develop exercise limits, boundaries, or assist with reiterating the “fueling and hydrating” messages the dietitian may be providing the client.  I have helped in developing a new tool available to those who work in the fitness and coaching field called Running on Empty,an online eating disorders awareness and prevention program for coaches and exercise professionals, through a non-profit eating disorders outreach and prevention organization, Eating Disorders Information Network. I have also invited one of our recovery speakers to share her tips in this article. She is both an ACE certified personal trainer and a recovery speaker for EDIN. She, Kristy Wegert, shares her thoughts as a professional who currently treats clients who are on their recovery path.

A key reference on this topic is the new International Olympic Committee’s position statement on RED-S, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport. Many of us will work with people with sub-diagnostic cases of eating disorders who may present with many of the negative energy balance physical issues discussed in this consensus statement. Working with an exercising population means helping this population stay in energy balance or eating appropriately to fuel for the level of activity in which they are engaging without harming the body because of lack of energy for basic body systems to function.  All body systems are affected when limiting the body to too little energy to function fully, including the systems visually represented below. It is the job of the eating disorders treatment team, including the exercise professionals, to be aware of this set of possible consequences and treat/refer to treatment accordingly.

A sport dietitian’s top 5 tips for working with the exercising client with an eating disorder:

1. Keep your client in energy balance by reminding them about appropriate fueling, recovery, and hydration. Complex carbs rule before exercise. Encourage your clients to fuel on these before they train vs. training on empty. Common “on the go” examples of this can be as simple as a slice of toast or a higher carbohydrate energy bar. Encourage your client to drink hydrating fluids and even an electrolyte beverage during their training session with you. Also, most active clients need to drink 4 oz. of fluids every 15 minutes. Encourage your client to take these breaks.  Encourage your clients to have a protein recovery choice within 15-45 minutes after they finish their workout.  This could be a glass of chocolate milk or a smoothie with protein.

2. Encourage and educate your clients with a non-diet mentality. This means “All Foods Fit” and that there are “No Bad Foods.” All foods have some energy value and can fit into our performance plan. In fact, when we exercise, we have need to eat more energy. If we adapt the mentality that all foods fit, then we will have less chance of sabotaging ourselves with exercise or restriction.  Check out the references Moving Away from Diets by King, Katrina, and Hayes and Intuitive Eating by Tribole and Resch for more on this way of working with clients.

3. Be aware of different types of eating disorders or disordered eating that may present to you. An individual with Binge Eating Disorder may be a common client seeking a trainer’s help for weight loss. Be sensitive to this type of client’s energy needs, orthopedic limitations, and potential resistance to traditional exercise and Health at Any Size®.

4. If you must take any anthropometrics, make sure you discuss amongst the team who is the best person to take those measurements.Often the dietitian is the best fit on the team to do this, to discuss these results, and to comment on realistic body weight ranges and appropriate food intake to fuel activity with a sport nutrition approach in a way that is focused away from calories.

5. Set reasonable boundaries on movement to include at least 2 rest days per week; sessions not exceeding 1 hour in duration; alternate cardio and strengthening to not over-exercise; consider cross training or varying types of activities to lower risk of over-training (such as outside, non-gym activities like road biking, climbing, kayaking, etc.); encourage gentle and restorative activities during the week as well, like yoga, barre, and Pilates; support varying types of classes (dance, kickboxing, karate, etc.) that have appropriate warm-ups and cool downs and are led by a certified instructor; and lastly, exercise with others who have reasonable exercise boundaries to give one appropriate containment and normal exercise boundaries.

A personal trainer’s top 5 tips in working with an exercising client with an eating disorder:

1. Exercise will bring up past trauma in the body. It can get emotional. Be prepared for some distress and perhaps, some crying. Hence, it is important to consult with the treatment team so you are prepared and can offer the appropriate type of support.

2. Don’t assume that a small person is weak; that a larger person cannot move or has never worked out; that someone in a larger or smaller body doesn’t purge. Bottom line…never assume. Check out the Health at Any Size® movement to learn more about this mindset.

3. Offer privacy when possible. Many people in early recovery feel awkward in their own bodies. Try to help them feel as comfortable as they can during a workout. This may mean taking them out of the traditional exercise environment and away from mirrors, or going outside.

4. Get written permission to speak with therapists, doctors, dietitians, sponsors, partners, and parents. People who are in recovery from anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and OSFED need well-defined, appropriate boundaries and you may need help from the treatment team in determining this. People who are in recovery need a team to help them.

5. Fitness is about function, healthy lifestyle, and feeling good. No matter what the client asks for, focus away from aesthetics. Have fun! Exercise should be a good time for your clients. Help them have a positive experience!

This article was co-written by Page Love, Vice President of the Board for Eating Disorders Information Network (EDIN) and Kristy Wegert, recovery speaker for EDIN. Originally printed on ED Resource Catalog. Reprinted with permission.

Page Love is a registered dietitian, certified specialist in sport dietetics and nutrition therapist, and runs a thriving private practice specializing in eating disorders nutrition therapy, sports nutrition, and weight management nutrition counseling in Atlanta, Ga.  She served as a clinical dietitian for Atlanta Center for Eating Disorders for 20 years and has run ANAD groups in Atlanta for 25 years, and has served as a consultant to The Renfrew Center and Veritas Collaborative.  She has developed materials for the NEDA, Renfrew Center, and EDIN and has been published in the Renfrew Perspectives, International Journal of Sport Nutrition, and International Journal of Sport Science for Tennis Medicine.  She currently serves as the Vice-President of the board for EDIN, Eating Disorders Information Network.  She also serves as a consultant for the International Women’s Professional Tennis Tour (WTA) and the Men’s Tour, Association for Tennis Professionals (ATP), the Atlanta Ballet, The Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders, and formerly with the Atlanta Braves.  She has recently co-authored Running on Empty, an online education program for the exercise professional working with eating disorders through Eating Disorders Information Network, a non-profit for the prevention and outreach for eating disorders in Atlanta, Ga.

At 40 years old, Kristy Wegert made some decisions that caused a mid-life career change. She decided after some much needed deep thought, that she was meant for the fitness industry. She holds an ACE Personal Trainer Certification. While she was studying for the ACE exam, she decided to get herself into the industry. There was just no point in waiting (and  she was too excited!) so she became a certified Cycle Instructor. (A little back story: Kristy lost 100 pounds after being heavy most of her life and has kept off that weight since 2008). Kristy loves to exercise and loves being an inspiration to others. Her current passion is to help others in a safe, fun way and watch them transform. Her company, My Workout Buddy, embodies everything she feels is important in the fitness industry…rigorous yet fun physical activity, a well balanced lifestyle, and the safety of a properly educated personal trainer at your side.


The IOC consensus statement: beyond the Female Athlete Triad

bjsm.bmj.com › Archive › Volume 48, Issue 7

Running on Empty; A online eating disorders awareness and prevention program for coaches and exercise professionals, Love and Guntermyedin.org http://www.myedin.org/athletes.html

Moving Away from Diets Hayes, Katrina, and King

Health at Any Size Bacon

Intuitive Eating Tribole and Resch

Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition dietetics practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Manual:  https://www.scandpg.org/e-learning-and-events/a-practice-manual-for-professionals/

American Council on Exercise Podcast on Why We Eat: https://www.acefitness.org/health/resources.aspx

Personal trainer and her client with dumbbells

Metabolic Syndrome: A New Focus for Lifestyle Modification

Personal trainers have the opportunity to do more than just help people they train become more active. We need to be prepared to also help our clients implement lifestyle behavior changes related to stress, family history of coronary heart disease, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

A look at what is called metabolic syndrome will help you understand why, even though increasing physical activity levels is the overall best thing you can do for any client, there are additional ways to guide them to a healthier lifestyle. Sometimes you may be able to help them make the changes yourself; and, sometimes you will need to refer them to another health professional like a doctor or dietitian for guidance. Either way, knowing how to help them or when to direct them to someone who is more knowledgeable than you is important. So, first let’s become familiar with the syndrome and the clinical criteria that the doctor uses to diagnose it. Your goal is then to help your clients understand and make the necessary changes so that they don’t progress to cardiovascular disease and the almost certain heart attack heart that will be the end result.

Cardiovascular disease is still the number one cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States and much of this burden of disease can be linked to poor nutrition and a dramatic increase in sedentary lifestyles, leading to overweight and obesity. This increase in weight leads to an increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes, and blood pressure and cholesterol problems, which are all well-established cardiovascular disease risk factors. The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III has updated the recommendations for the evaluation and management of adults dealing with high cholesterol, renewing its emphasis on the importance of lifestyle modifications for improving cardiovascular risk. The NCEP has coined the term “therapeutic lifestyle changes” (TLC) to reinforce both dietary intake and physical activity as crucial components of weight control and cardiovascular risk management.

As well as focusing attention on the LDL cholesterol (also called bad cholesterol) levels, the NCEP also identified metabolic syndrome as a secondary target of therapy. Metabolic syndrome (also called insulin resistance syndrome and syndrome X) is characterized by decreased tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin (pre-diabetes), resulting in a compensatory increase in insulin secretion. This metabolic disorder predisposes individuals to a cluster of abnormalities that can lead to such problems as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke. The prevalence of the syndrome has increased 61% in the last decade. It is crucial for medical professionals to identify patients at risk and follow these patients closely and counsel them about making lifestyle changes to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

GUIDELINE: According to the NCEP, the criteria for metabolic syndrome includes at least 3 of the following 5 clinical factors

Risk factor Defining level
Abdominal obesity
Waist circumference
>40 in (>102 cm)
>35 in (>88 cm)
Fasting triglyceride level >150 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol level
<40 mg/dL
<50 mg/dL
BP >130/>85 mm Hg
or taking antihypertensive medication
Fasting glucose level >100 mg/dL or diabetes

Source: Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. Executive Summary of the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Bethesda, Md: National Institutes of Health; 2001. NIH publication 01-3670.

Millions of Americans at risk for metabolic syndrome can sharply lower their chances of getting this disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle (stop smoking, low-fat diet, weight loss/maintenance and increased physical activity). Without diet and exercise modifications, most patients will eventually fail and progress to type 2 diabetes within a decade and experience a heart attack about 10 years later. Experts recommend a diet reduced in saturated fats (<7%), low in cholesterol (<200 mg/day), high in fiber (20-30gm/day) and reduced in simple sugars. Weight loss of only 5-7% (less than 15 pounds) can make a big difference in health markers like cholesterol and blood pressure. A program that includes daily exercise reaching 85% of heart rate for age is reported to be of benefit too. However, any exercise is better than none, and a target of 30 minutes every other day is a reasonable level for most people.

As a fitness professional reading this, hopefully you are not asking yourself “so what?” but are instead seeing an opportunity to educate and motivate your current clients and to use your knowledge to help attract future clients. The medical community is good at diagnosing this syndrome, but not necessarily equipped to provide patients with the tools to be successful with the lifestyle changes they recommend. There exists a wonderful opportunity to build a partnership with physicians in your area. Most physicians will gladly refer patients to you for help with the all-important exercise and nutrition portion of the treatment program. In many cases, you have more knowledge in this area than the physician who has been trained in tertiary, not preventative, (i.e. most MD’s know very little about diet and exercise since this is not a focus in medical school) medicine.  Often times all that you will need to get a referral is for the doctor to be aware of your existence and to give them an easy way to get the patient to you. A short introduction letter outlining your qualifications and showing your desire to help people make lifestyle changes is a good start. A personal visit to your primary care doctor and others in your area is even better. But, be prepared to take up just a few minutes of their time to introduce yourself, your idea, and leave your letter and cards.

Tammy Petersen, MSE, is the Founder and Managing Partner for the American Academy of Health and Fitness (AAHF). She’s written a book on older adult fitness and designed corresponding training programs. SrFit Mature Adult Specialty Certification is used nationwide as the textbook for a college based course for personal trainers who wish to work with mature adults. SrFit is also the basis for a specialty certification home study course that qualifies for up to 22 hours of continuing education credit with the major personal trainer certification organizations.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Early release of selected estimates based on data from the January-June 2003 National Health Interview Survey. URL: cdc.gov/nchs/about/major/nhis/released200312.htm.
  2. Summary Health Statistics Tables for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2016 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/SHS/tables.htm 16 Apr. 2018.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of health care providers asking older adults about their physical activity levels—United States, 1998. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 51(19):412-4, 2002.
  4. Huang, Paul L. “A Comprehensive Definition for Metabolic Syndrome.” Disease Models & Mechanisms5-6 (2009): 231–237. PMC. Web. 16 Apr. 2018.
active adults walking

Four Sources of Stress & How to Beat Them

Stress is a normal physical response. Everyone feels stress. You may feel stress when you have too many errands to run, when you are given a promotion at work, or in your daily commute through Atlanta traffic!

During stressful times, your body responds physically by producing hormones to speed up your heart, make you breathe faster, and give you a big burst of energy. That physical reaction is called the “fight or flight” response.

Some stress is good and some stress is bad. But when stress happens too often, it can take a toll on your body. So that’s why I want to discuss where stress comes from and how you can effectively manage it.

Take a look around you. The environment in which you live can cause stress. Pollution causes stress and comes in the form of substances or energy — think trash or smog and noise or light pollution. Your environment also includes your family, home, neighbors, community, and geographic location. The people with whom you choose to surround yourself can either be uplifting and positive or upsetting and negative. Being isolated or overcrowded can also cause stress depending upon which situation you prefer.

Your diet may be causing you stress. The food that you eat either nourishes or starves your body. Do you eat mostly processed foods with chemical additives and empty calories? Doing so creates a toxic environment inside your body and allows you to become more susceptible to sickness and disease.

How much physical activity do you get? Science and medicine have proven that exercise negates the effects of bad stress on your body and in most cases it does so better than any prescription medicine. On the other hand, a lack of physical activity can make even small amounts of stress seem monumental.

Take an inventory of what you’re feeling right now. Are you worried, doubtful, fearful? Do you feel happy, confident, or at ease? Your attitude and how you choose to react to stress can either cause you more stress or help you release stress. Oftentimes people manufacture stress in their thoughts that then manifest themselves in their bodies and environment.

The good news is you have choices here. You can choose to take control of all of these factors in your life. Or you can choose to be a victim to stress and succumb to headaches, ulcers, back pain, sickness, disease, obesity, depression, unhealthy relationships…

Take a moment to look at these four areas of your life. Identify the stress points. Then allow yourself to decide whether you will take control of that stress or simply accept it.

Reprinted with permission from Christina Estrada. Originally printed on yourfamilylifestylecoach.com.

Christina Estrada is a lifestyle coach helping people discover their strengths and reset their mindset for a healthier, more fulfilling life. She is a holds multiple certifications with International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), including Master Personal Trainer, and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Youth Fitness, and Senior Fitness. 

Bananas is good way for healthy carbs

Sports Nutrition: #ScienceNotOpinion

Performance starts with fueling, not training! The best way to fuel for top performance seems to be a debatable topic these days. To keep on top of the science regarding food, exercise & performance, I look to SCAN, the Sports & Cardiovascular Nutrition practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). Here are some tidbits of  information from this year’s 35th annual meeting in Keystone CO, May 2018.

In your search for sports nutrition information, Leslie Bonci RD CSSD wants you to find #ScienceNotOpinionand #FactsOverFallacy. Here’s some of what science supports:

—Exercising in a fasted stated leads to muscle breakdown. Think twice before eating nothing before morning exercise.

—The keto diet does not enhance performance, but rather leads to a down-regulation of the enzymes needed by carbohydrates to fuel a surge or a winning sprint at an event.

—Whole30 and Intermittent Fasting are just two more fads to add to the list of unsuccessful diets. You never want to embark upon a diet you won’t maintain for the reset of your life. Otherwise, diet backlash (binge eating, weight gain) takes it toll. Learn how to eat smarter, not diet harder!

—Carb-phobia refuses to go away, despite the plethora of research supporting the performance benefits of a carb-based sports diet. #Don’tDreadTheBread.

  • Omega-3 fats (DHA, EPA) found in oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel) are related to brain health. Animal research (rats, mice) suggests giving intravenous DHA within an hour after brain or spinal cord injury contributes to better outcomes regarding recovery. Would the same help athletes? Could DHA help with reducing the damage done by brain injuries? According to Michael Lewis MD, athletes, war fighters and others at high risk for getting concussed should consider taking 3,000 mg. EPA + DHA per day as a protective strategy.Omega-3s can also help treat depression, and that might help reduce suicides. Among soldiers with adequate levels of omega-3, the suicide-rate was 62% lower than soldiers with low blood levels of DHA.
  • Should athletes take anti-oxidant supplements? Likely not, according to exercise physiologist Scott Powers PhD of the University of Florida in Gainesville. The body has a natural balance of pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants. An imbalance can lead to muscular fatigue and molecular damage. Anti-oxidant supplements can down-regulate the body’s natural production of anti-oxidants, and that can blunt the training response. Athletes can ingest a performance enhancing balance of anti-oxidants (including vitamins C & E, zinc, carotenoids, and polyphenols) via all sorts of colorful fruits and vegetable: blueberries, strawberries, tart cherry juice, grape juice, broccoli, spinach, carrots….
  • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, along with the American College of Sports Medicine and Dietitians of Canada, have created guidelines on nutrition for athletes. But what about nutrition for fitness exercisers and weekend warriors? If that’s you, exercise physiologist Asker Jeukendrup, PhD, of www.mysportscience.com suggests you match your nutritional guidelines to your athletic goals. That is, are you exercising to lose weight? build muscle? finish an Ironman Triathlon? or just to invest in better health?

When it comes to fueling during extended exercise, Jeukendrup stated the recommendations are similar for both athletes and less fit people: For exercise that lasts from 60 to 90 minutes, you want to maintain high energy by consuming from 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate (120 to 240 calories) per hour of exercise. If you are a weekend warrior who exercises hard for more than two hours, you want to target 60 to 90 grams carh (240 to 360 calories) per hour. You might have to start at the low end of the calorie range while you train your gut to tolerate that much fuel. (The gut is trainable!). You’ll discover that exercise is much more fun when you have high energy!

  • An estimated 35 million Americans are older than 65. By 2030, 70 million Americans will exceed the age of 85. Unfortunately, as we age, we lose muscle strength. That loss is associated with frailty and falls. Because the daily diet of an estimated 25% to 40% of older people lacks adequate protein, muscle loss gets exacerbated.

Research suggests that older people, including athletes, should increase their protein intake to 1.4 g to 1.6 g/kg per day, and up to 40 grams after hard exercise. Exercise physiologist Robert Murray, PhD,(www.sportsscienceinsights.com) reports this could help boost the muscle-building response to exercise. If you are an older athlete who weighs 150 pounds (68 kg), this means. 95 to 110 gram protein per day. That’s about 25 grams, four times a day—much more than in a bowl of oatmeal or a handful of nuts!

  • The health risks of yoyo dieting are more harmful than the (short-lived) benefits of weight loss. Julie Duffy Dillon RD (host of the Love Food podcast) reminds us that weight cycling (yoyo dieting) contributes to malnutrition, muscle loss, reduced metabolic rate, and feelings of deprivation. The binge-eating that occurs upon “blowing the diet” is linked to fat gain, inflammation, elevated blood pressure, and insulin resistance—to say nothing about disordered eating. Dieting is the #1 predictor of who will develop an eating disorder.
  • According to sports dietitian Nanna Meyer PhD RD of the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, climate change is here. It’s time for athletes to think more about how we can be good Food Citizens and take better care of the earth that we enjoy. This could be by eating locally grown foods, choosing more plant foods, buying sustainably farmed fish, using fewer plastic water bottles, eating less food in wrappers, and buying from local farmers. Eat with integrity and with respect for the planet!

Nancy Clark, MS, RD counsels both casual and competitive athletes at her office in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her best selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook and food guides for marathoners, cyclists and soccer players offer additional information. They are available at www.NancyClarkRD.com. For her popular online workshop, see www.NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com.