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Save the Date: Virtual Global Employee Health and Fitness Month is May 1-31


Virtual Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM) 2021 Initiative is ready to go – all we need is you! Join at healthandfitnessmonth.org and show your support for an active healthy world! It has never been easier or more important to keep moving, set goals and create sustainable change in your health and well-being. IGNITE and National Association for Health and Fitness amazing step-by-step toolkits provide outstanding guidance, ideas and tangible examples to ensure success for each participant. Be sure to share your #GEHFM activities and experiences on social media and engage with other participants.

Healthy Moments, Groups & Projects are the heart of GEHFM. From individual activities to corporate events, participants can enjoy health, physical activity and nutrition activities VIRTUALLY while maintaining social distancing.   

Healthy Virtual Moments are focused on the individual and are occasions of healthy eating, physical activity and personal health goals which can be done in your home or safe outdoor environments!   

Healthy Virtual Groups are small groups of participants who choose to virtually participate and track activities intended to last beyond the month of May – adoption of a group name would be awesome!

Culminating Project is a virtual event or series of events that promote wellbeing – (both physical and mental) personally or through the whole company or community where you live.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, you can safely participate in GEHFM and help stop the spread of the virus by avoid being exposed, wear masks that cover your mouth and nose and practice social distancing (leaving 6 feet between you and any person you come in contact with). Wash your hands often with soap and water; clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Call your doctor if you think you’re experiencing symptoms. Visit coronavirus.gov for more information.

Diane Hart, Owner of Hart to Heart Fitness, is a Nationally Certified Fitness Professional, Personal Trainer, Health Educator and is current President of the National Association for Health and Fitness founded in 1979 by the U.S. President’s Council on Sports and Fitness. She is also Chair and one of the original architects of Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, which strives to make healthy the norm in the workplace.

MFN Industry Expert

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