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Member Spotlight: Functional and Integrative Medicine Physician Pearl Zimmerman, MD, MPH

Dr. Zimmerman specializes in patients with multiple medical problems that haven’t found help through Conventional Medicine. She uses the Functional Medicine Systems approach to address genetic variations and nutritional deficiencies, balance the immune system, hormones, and brain neurotransmitters, plus diagnose undetected Infectious Diseases, GI health, and Cardiovascular/Metabolic issues, instead of just treating symptoms.


Facility Spotlight: Amen Clinics, Specialists in SPECT Imaging

Amen Clinics uses brain SPECT scanning, detailed clinical histories, neuropsychological testing and comprehensive backgrounds checklists to provide assistance with emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder, behavioral challenges, like addictions, weight control, or anger, cognitive problems such as brain fog or memory issues, learning challenges like ADD, ADHD.