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Benefits of Activity Trackers

In the 2013 film Her, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) falls head over heels in love with his computer operating system. After meeting “her,” he never wants to be without her, and his life is changed forever. That’s how New Yorker Marian Rivman feels about her FitBit — the wearable activity tracker that counts her daily steps and the calories she burns and monitors her heart rate.

Physical Therapy

What Should I Weigh?

My clients commonly ask me What should I weigh? — as if I had a crystal ball. Although I could look at weight charts, I find charts to often be misleading; each athlete’s body is unique. I prefer to suggest an appropriate weight range for a person based on a conversation with them, not by looking at a chart. Yet, many athletes pick a number that sounds good for their ideal weight. Sound familiar?


A Simple and Effective Fitness Routine for Those with Busy Schedules

When things get tough for you in terms of balancing your work, social and personal life, your workout routine may be the first thing listed off from your schedule, because of how much time it can take. However, with the right amount of nutritional and health care you can still manage your fitness routine in just half an hour each day! Just stay hydrated and find some time between your schedules to try these effective workouts!

Instructor Showing Health Results On Clipboard To Senior Couple

Medical Fitness Network Can Help Clubs Meet The Needs Of The Baby Boomers

Selling more memberships is the continual goal of every health club. Making that membership an important and constant part of a new member’s life is the major challenge. Clubs can easily attract the under 50 crowd who want to look fit and create a healthy lifestyle. Most clubs market to this group. It is more difficult to get and keep those whose whole focus is weight loss.