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Why do yoga if you have multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that damages the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Sclerosis means scarring; MS sufferers develop scar tissue in response to the nerve damage. Symptoms can include failure of muscle control, balance, vision, and even speech, depending on where the “flare ups” occur. Early MS symptoms include weakness, tingling, numbness, and blurred vision. Muscle stiffness and urinary problems are other signs as well. Treatment can relieve MS symptoms and delay progression, but there is no cure as of yet for MS.

The Benefits of Exercise for Individuals with Autism

Seriously, what aren’t the benefits of fitness for the autism population? As human beings, we all need to move for optimal health and development. Last I checked (approximately four minutes ago), individuals with autism and related disorders were, in fact, human beings. When discussing the inherent benefits of exercise, certainly there are physical, behavioral, and cognitive areas of ability that can receive a boost in quality.

Bikes and Bones

Inspired by the AmGen Tour of California, coming through Santa Cruz, I am thinking about the bone density of the world’s top cyclists. In the past 5 years, much has changed in the way we think about exercise and bone density. We used to think that weight-bearing or weight training exercise was the best for building bone. So, just what exercise is best for building bone? And, what can avid cyclists do to preserve their bones?


Exercise – Don’t Break the Hearts of Your Loved Ones

Two and a half years ago my dad had a fluke accident in our home, at the age of 87 he fell and broke his leg. Well, my dad is an avid tennis player, gym enthusiast, has a Nordic Track in his bedroom, and takes bike treks with his buddies (the ones 20 years his junior) for hundreds of kms. Even at his age, he had a fabulous recovery, blowing the minds of all health professionals…


Are you aware of the global aging crisis?

Are you aware of the global aging crisis? Now at FAI we don’t think to grow old is a problem or a crisis at all. But many of our developed countries around the world are facing a crisis of economic and health care stresses as their countries begin to tip out of balance with respect to their average ag