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Member Spotlight: Functional and Integrative Medicine Physician Pearl Zimmerman, MD, MPH

Dr. Zimmerman specializes in patients with multiple medical problems that haven’t found help through Conventional Medicine. She uses the Functional Medicine Systems approach to address genetic variations and nutritional deficiencies, balance the immune system, hormones, and brain neurotransmitters, plus diagnose undetected Infectious Diseases, GI health, and Cardiovascular/Metabolic issues, instead of just treating symptoms.

Nutrition concept in tag cloud

Your Future: It’s In Your Gut!

When I think about eating, I think about the yummy taste of food and the pleasure of feeling satiated. But after attending a Harvard Medical School conference on Gut Health, Microbiota and Probiotics Throughout the Lifespan, I now realize I am not feeding my body but rather the 100 trillion bacteria that live in my gut – my microbiome. We have about 3 to 4.5 pounds of microbes that outnumber human cells by a factor of 10 to 1.


Loss of Independence Ranks as Osteoporosis Patients’ Greatest Concern about Aging, According to Recent Survey by NOF

Loss of independence and lost mobility ranked as the leading concerns about aging for osteoporosis patients who responded to a recent Bone Health Index Survey by the National Osteoporosis Foundation, the nation’s leading healthcare organization dedicated to preventing osteoporosis and broken bones.