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The New PPE: Post Pandemic Era | Wellness Reimagined

In an age where the words PPE, boosters, and “the new normal” seem to be a part of everyday vernacular, it is time to ask some essential questions:

  • Where do we go from here?
  • How do we best move from a Pandemic state of stress and inflammation to a new state of calm and boosted immunity?
  • How do we step into the New PPE, the New Post Pandemic Era in a way that brings about lasting change?

The answer to those questions lies within a Reimagined approach to “Wellness.”

Wellness, as defined in Dictionary.com[1], is “the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.” While this definition is suggestive of a more holistic approach to wellness, it is still does not adequately address the challenges now faced by the world community due to the devastating impact the pandemic has wrought.

As a result of COVID-19 and its resulting policies, there has been a profound impact on the mental and physical health of the world population resulting in higher instances of stress, depression, insomnia, PTSD, and anxiety.[2] Stress can activate inflammation in the brain and the body which is a common risk factor of 75%–90% diseases linked to morbidity and mortality (CVD, i.e., hypertension and atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases, i.e., diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and neurodegenerative disorders (i.e., depression, Alzheimer’s disease, AD and Parkinson’s disease, PD), cancer. [3]

The Wellness industry is booming, with people investing in their health more than ever before. But for some, this means they buy the latest fads and trends in hopes that it will lead to a healthier lifestyle. The truth is that unless you make a commitment to changing your life and taking control of your wellness goals, you’ll never see the results you want.

To move into the New Post Pandemic Era with a focus on long-term change, an integrated health approach is required. Understanding, not only how we move and fuel our bodies, but also how we relate and interact with the people, places and situations that make up our world is a key towards advancing beyond this pandemic. This New PPE approach will represent Wellness Reimaged, better positioning us to experience long-term health benefits.

There are countless programs – too many to name -that teach the what, when, and how’s of eating and moving. There are also an equal number of programs where mind set is in focus. While many of those programs provide essential information as to how to advance health, it is time to explore what may be missing to experience a state of “true wellness”. The road to attaining “true wellness” lies within the following 3-Step Process.


  • The Yes! Mindset – a positive, purposeful Mindset focused on achieving goals and discovering the authentic you.


  • The Brain/Body Connection in how you Breath, Move and Eat, and
  • The A.G.E. Life Framework where you Age with Grace and Excellence.


  • The Yes! Life of Constant Challenge of the Brain, Body and limiting Beliefs where personal goals are reached and your Life Vision realized.

Are you ready to create a Wellness Revolution?

Free Webinar with Lisa Charles

Join Yes! Coach Lisa Charles for a free webinar from MedFit Classroom, The New PPE: Post Pandemic Era

Lisa Charles is a federal prosecutor turned singer/actress, wellness expert, certified health coach/consultant, and an acclaimed speaker. She served as the Fitness/Wellness Research Coordinator for the Rutgers University Aging & Brain Health Alliance, and is the CEO of Embrace Your Fitness, LLC, and the Author of YES! COMMIT. DO. LIVE.



  1. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/wellness
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7689353/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7689353/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5476783/#B15

7 Reasons Why Exercise is Important for Chronic Pain

When it comes to managing chronic pain due to past injuries, most of us are familiar with common modalities like oral medication, topical analgesic gels, acupuncture, massage, pain therapy machines, meditation/mindfulness, or even surgery. However, did you know that exercising regularly is also an effective tool to manage chronic pain? 

Treating pain mainly falls into 2 categories:

  • Passive Treatment: Designed to address the pain (symptoms) 
  • Active Treatment: Designed to address the cause 

Passive treatment includes treatments that are performed on you such as ultrasound, infrared rays, needling, and manual therapy such as massage or chiropractic manipulation. The therapist is in control during this type of treatment and it mainly focuses on acute pain relief. It does not address or correct the cause of the pain. Brief pain-free periods may ensue, but passive treatment rarely increases the likelihood of complete recovery. For most, one of the main reasons is because people rely too much on passive treatment alone. Passive treatment is usually recommended during the early stage of rehab or for acute pain to help regain minimal functionality, to promote early stages of healing, and to break the vicious pain-cycle. 

Active treatment requires you to be physically involved in the process while working towards a cure to pain. Some active treatments include stretching, a corrective exercise program, and resistance training. However, it is extremely important that you are given the correct active treatment program that is relevant to your injury or condition as well as your goals. Correct exercises are able to address the root of the problem and may even prevent injuries. Active treatment is salient in the mid to late stages of rehab when one is nearly back to full functional capacity. The key is to strike a balance between passive and active therapies to best suit the type of chronic pain. 

In order to treat chronic pain, it is important to understand that pain is a complex and individualized experience. Moreover, physical exercise may seem counterintuitive when you’re already suffering from pain, but whether your pain is intermittent or constant, adopting exercise as part of your active treatment can play an important role in managing pain for the long run. 

Here are the 7 reasons why exercise is essential to manage chronic pain:

1. Exercise alters pain tolerance

Athletes tend to report higher resilience towards pain compared to people who are sedentary. Studies have shown that active individuals are also likely to perceive pain differently. People who perform aerobic exercise or resistance training regularly, may develop the ability to adapt and desensitize the sensation of pain, thereby altering their pain tolerance in the process. 

2. Exercise increases the tissue’s tolerance threshold

Recurring injuries can happen when an excessive load surpasses the tissue tolerance level. Excessive load can come in many forms such as lifting up a pail of water, gardening, or from over-training. Gradually performing optimal exercises coupled with rest can stimulate and improve tissue tolerance margin. An increased threshold can help prevent an injury from reoccurring. 

Source: McGill, Stuart; (2017). Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance. Backfit Pro Inc.

3. Exercise improves blood circulation

Frequent exercise is associated with enhancement of the cardiovascular system. Aside from reducing risk of heart disease, increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels and helps deliver key nutrients within the body that are essential for cellular healing and reparation of injured tissues.

4. Exercise releases feel-good hormones

People living with chronic pain may experience severe disturbances in their psychological state. One can become anxious, depressed or stressed due to physical limitations. Therapeutic exercise can help elevate mood by releasing feel-good hormones such as endorphins and dopamine while at the same time reducing stress due to the release of hormones such as cortisol. 

5. Exercise may help address the root cause of the pain

Common injuries such as chronic lower back pain can be caused by many factors like continuous poor movement, muscle imbalances or past traumatic injuries. Exercise can help tackle the root of the problem by identifying compensating movements or muscle weakness through a series of assessments and resolve them with an exercise program. 

6. Exercise strengthens the body’s structure

Use it or lose it” is a popular phrase used by physical therapists and exercise professionals when it comes to exercise. The connective tissues that move our body and support the joints are muscles. When the muscle stop being challenged, they lose function and strength. Over time, this weakens muscles and exposes the musculoskeletal structure to potential harm. 

7. Exercise improves confidence

In addition to strengthening muscles and improving overall health, exercise can also enhance motor skills by stimulating the connection between the central nervous system and the muscles. Neuromuscular training helps improve balance, stability, proprioception and joint control. This can translate to pain-free movement and a decreased risk for falls. Practicing quality movements via routined exercise can boost functional capacity to perform various activities of daily living without fear of injuries. 

Regular exercise that encompasses both aerobics and strength training is strongly recommended because it is both healthy and effective to decrease chronic pain. However, be sure to seek the advice of a certified medical fitness professional to help you design an appropriate pain management strategy that is appropriate for your condition.

Ke Wynn Lee is an author and an international award-winning corrective exercise specialist who currently owns and operates a private Medical Fitness Center in Penang. Apart from coaching, he also conducts workshops and actively contributes articles related to corrective exercise, fitness & health to online media and local magazines.



  • Ageberg, Eva1; Roos, Ewa M.2 Neuromuscular Exercise as Treatment of Degenerative Knee Disease, Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews: January 2015 – Volume 43 – Issue 1 – p 14-22 doi: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000030 
  • Järvinen TA, Järvinen TL, Kääriäinen M, Aärimaa V, Vaittinen S, Kalimo H, Järvinen M. Muscle injuries: optimising recovery. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2007 Apr;21(2):317-31. doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2006.12.004. PMID: 17512485. 
  • Jones MD, Booth J, Taylor JL, Barry BK. Aerobic training increases pain tolerance in healthy individuals. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014 Aug;46(8):1640-7. Doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000273. PMID: 24504426. 
  • F. Koltyn, R W Arbogast. Perception of pain after resistance exercise. (Br J Sports Med 1998;32:20–24)
  • McGill, Stuart; (2017). Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance. Backfit Pro Inc. 
  • Staying Healthy: Exercise to Relax. Harvard. December 2021. 
  • https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/exercising-to-relax 

Fall Prevention: Tip for Preventing Falls

Falling is an issue for almost every chronic condition discussed in this text, from peripheral neuropathy to CVA’s, as well as sarcopenia that leads to fragility. Things like poor hearing, dizziness, joint stiffness or even wearing glasses can also disrupt a person’s balance. Some medications such as blood pressure, sleep medications and antidepressants may influence balance. A bad fall can make a chronic condition even more disabling. The consequences of a fall include serious injury, limited activity and significant medical costs. Many older people never fully recover from a fall. 

Guarding Against Falls 

If they are going to fall, most people (particularly stroke victims) will fall toward their weak side. They can also fall forward or backward. They fall primarily because their muscles are weak and their legs crumple under them or because their balance is poor. The American Geriatrics Society suggests fall screening be done at each annual doctor’s visit. Tell your client to mention to the doctor if they are having a balance problem or have fallen within past 12 months. 

Safety Tip 

If the person’s left side is weaker, stand at the person’s left side and just a little behind. Put your right hand on their belt or transfer / gait training belt and your left hand on the front of their shoulder. In this position you can push back on their shoulder and push forward on their hips to straighten them up, or you can pull them against yourself. In case you cannot hold the person up, you are in a good position to ease them gently to the floor if they should start to fall. Remember to use good body mechanics. If a person is falling, you can do more harm to your back and to them by straining to hold them up than if you ease them to the floor. You should never hold a person only by the arm or let them hold onto you, because if they suddenly start to fall, you will both fall over. 

Tip: Transfer belts are available at most drug stores. 

Preventing Falls

Keeping the walkways well lite is a good precaution. Nightlights on. To make house safer consider the following top 10 safety checklist items:

  1. Don’t let person rush to phone or door.
  2. Discourage them from wearing long bathrobes or slippers that can be a tripping hazardous.
  3. Teach person to get up slowly from sitting or lying, to avoid postural hypotension, (Low Blood Pressure).
  4. Teach them to transfer safely from place to place.
  5. Make sure person knows how to use cane or walker properly
  6. Remove all tripping hazards, extension cords, books, throw rugs. If the people have pets make sure toys are out of way and cats should wear a bell.
  7. Keep things within reach, to avoid step stool use.
  8. Have grab bars installed where needed.
  9. Use non-slip mats where needed.
  10. Teach them to be alert to outside hazards, wet sidewalks etc. 

Reprinted with permission from Karl Knopf

Karl Knopf, Ed.D, served as the Director of The Fitness Therapy Program at Foothill College for almost 40 years. He has worked in almost every aspect of the industry from personal trainer and therapist to consultant to major Universities such as Stanford, Univ. of North Carolina, and the Univ. of California well as the State of California and numerous professional organizations. Dr. Knopf was the President and Founder of Fitness Educators Of Older Adults for 15 years. Currently, he is the director of ISSA’s Fitness Therapy and Senior Fitness Programs and writer. Dr. Knopf has authored numerous articles, and written more than 17 books including topics on Water Exercise, Weights for 50 Plus to Fitness Therapy.


  • Focus on Healthy Aging publication, 2016
  • ISSA Fitness Therapy Course, 2019
  • WebMD – focus on falls, March, 2019
  • IDEA Journal, Effective Posture, February 2015
  • American College of Sports Medicine, “physical activity falls and physical function, ,July, 2019
  • Weights for 50 plus, Knopf Ulysses Press, 2006
  • Resistance Band Workbook, Knopf, Ulysses Press, 2013
  • Stability workouts on a Balance Board, Knopf, Ulysses Press, 2017 Core Strength for 50 plus, Knopf, Ulysses Press, 2012

Nutrition for Competitive Athletes

Most athletes love to win! Many factors impact your ability to perform at your best. Some factors are out of your control, such as heat, humidity, wind, altitude, terrain or playing surface, as well as the time of the event, amount of time between events, and perhaps jet lag. But nutritional factors are in your control, including what, when, and how much you eat. Simply put, to perform at your best, you need to know how to eat well enough to fight fatigue and be strong to the finish.

To address the how to eat to perform at your best issue, I looked to the highly respected sports nutritionist Louise Burke PhD. researcher at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne. Here are some key points from her journal article, Nutritional approaches to counter performance constraints in high-level sports competition. This information might inspire you to consult with a registered dietitian/ board-certified specialist in sports dietetics (RD CSSD) who can help you optimize your sports diet.


• Carbohydrate is a fundamental source of energy for your muscles. It is stored in your muscles as glycogen. Glycogen depletion (“hitting the wall”) is linked with fatigue.

• Carbohydrate is also a fundamental fuel for your brain. Carbohydrate in the blood, known as blood glucose, fuels the brain so it can focus on—and respond quickly to—the task at hand. To optimize athletic performance, you want to maintain adequate blood glucose levels during exercise, as well as start intense exercise with fully loaded muscle glycogen stores.

• Blood glucose gets supplied from your liver as well as from the banana, toast or other form of sugar or starch (carb) you eat before and/or during exercise. Some athletes avoid pre- and during-exercise carbs, fearing it will create intestinal distress. The better path is to train you gut to tolerate foods and fluids. By experimenting during exercise sessions with a variety of carbs (dried pineapple, granola bar, diluted juice) and/or a variety of flavors and brands of commercial products (sports drinks, gels, chomps, etc.), you can learn which fuels settle best. Choosing a variety of carbohydrates can increase the rate they are absorbed and might reduce the risk of GI distress. Having a well-tested fueling plan is helpful.

• Training enhances your ability to burn fat, and it can be further enhanced by adapting to a keto (high fat, very low carb) diet. Given fat stores are essentially limitless, a keto-adapted endurance athlete (theoretically) should be able to perform very well without having to consume additional carbs during exercise, reducing their risk of intestinal upset from drinking/eating during a race. Sounds good, but this theory doesn’t always work. Research shows that keto-adapted athletes can maintain their performance of moderate intensity exercise but experience a performance decline during real-life high intensity competitive endurance events. That’s in part because burning fat, as compared to burning carb, requires more oxygen and at high intensities, such as a break-away to the finish, oxygen supply to the muscle becomes a limiting factor.

Brain function

• Athletes need a well-fed brain to help them concentrate and make wise decisions. A well-fed brain can also help keep you motivated to exercise at a hard pace. To feed your brain, you want to embark upon exercise being well fed, with blood sugar in a normal range (blood sugar can drop overnight) and not be fasted and running on empty. Eat before you exercise!

• Caffeine is known to reduce the brain’s perception of pain, effort, and fatigue (even in athletes who regularly consume coffee). The recommended dose is 1.5-3 mg per pound of body weight (3-6 mg/kg) but one size does not fit all. Experiment to find the dose that’s best for your body.

• Athletes can consume caffeine via gels, caffeinated energy bars, pre-workout supplements, caffeine pills, and coffee. The problem with coffee is the variability of the caffeine content, which makes it hard to identify a specific dose.

• Some performance enhancers do not need to be absorbed into the body to offer beneficial effects. For example, simply rinsing the mouth with a sugar solution/sports drink (and spitting it out) stimulates reward centers in the brain, allowing you to work harder and enhance your performance.

• Rinsing the mouth every 5 to 10 minutes with a menthol-containing solution creates a perceived cooling effect that can help to increase power or speed during prolonged exercise in the heat. But be careful. If you feel cooler—but actually are not cooler, you might over-extend yourself and end up slowing down prematurely.

• Anti-cramping agents such as pickle juice, capsaicin, or spicy tastes might be helpful for athletes who experience muscle cramps. These pungent tastes are thought to “distract” the nerves involved with the cramping muscle and reduce the severity of the cramp. (More research is needed.)


• You want to be sure you are optimally hydrated before you start competing. Your first morning urine should be light-colored, not dark and concentrated.

• Whether programmed drinking (according to a plan) is better than drinking as desired, according to your thirst, depends on your sport. For example, a marathon runner can develop a large mismatch between sweat losses and fluid intake. A 10-K runner is less likely to become severely dehydrated.

• The suggested goal is to lose <2% of your body weight over the course of the event (3 lbs. for a 150-lb. athlete). In lab-based research, a loss of >3% of body weight (4.5 lbs.) is linked to reduced performance. In real life, many athletes’ motivation to win over-rides the negative effects of being under-hydrated. Questions remain unanswered: Could underhydrated athletes have performed better If they were better hydrated? Or does being lighter due to dehydration offer an advantage? Stay tuned. Sports nutrition is an evolving science.

Nancy Clark, MS, RD counsels both casual and competitive athletes in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875). Her best-selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook is a popular resource, as is her online workshop. Visit NancyClarkRD.com for more info.

Reference: Burke, LM. Nutritional approaches to counter performance constraints in high level sports competition. Experimental Physiology, Nov 2021


Superfoods or Superfitness?

There are no superfoods. But there are SuperVillian Foods. We created them in a lab. “Superfoods” are just the normal, healthy foods we have consumed for all of human history. They have no superpowers and have difficulty balancing out the damage from SuperVillian Foods. 


Studies Show COVID-19 Has Led To More Injuries

The coronavirus pandemic has had a major effect on all areas of people’s lives, and physical activity levels are no exception. Recent studies show that the pandemic and associated lockdowns prompted many people to go one of two ways with regard to their exercise program. They either decided to work out more in an attempt to get in the best shape of their lives, or chose to spend lockdowns sitting at the computer, watching TV and/or enjoying long phases of inactivity. Both of these choices, while seemingly unrelated, have led to an increased number of people experiencing musculoskeletal injuries.1,2,3

What is Causing the Increase in Injuries?

The COVID-19 situation prevented most people from utilizing in-person fitness and exercise services. Consequently, those individuals who decided to increase their physical activity levels often did so without the supervision of a qualified fitness or exercise professional. In addition to engaging in exercise endeavors unsupervised, research found that they tended to work out longer and harder than would have been appropriate, and tried more extreme forms of exercise. This has resulted in many of these people experiencing musculoskeletal overuse injuries.1

Alternatively, individuals who stopped exercising during the pandemic and instead spent more time watching TV, playing computer games, and generally sitting for longer periods of time became deconditioned. Once lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions began to ease up, these people experienced musculoskeletal injuries as they tried to return to their pre-pandemic exercise levels in a deconditioned state. 1,2

Guiding Clients Back from Pain and Injury

Corrective exercise specialists and fitness professionals well-versed in corrective exercise methodologies are uniquely positioned to help people overcome pain, injuries and musculoskeletal issues that have arisen as a result of over- or under-exercising during the pandemic.

Helping Over-Exercisers

Clients who sustained overuse injuries in their pandemic pursuit of ultimate fitness will benefit most from incorporating activities into their exercise regime that actively promote rest, recovery and rejuvenation. Coach these people to take days off from strenuous activity to instead perform self-myofascial release and gentle stretching exercises appropriate for their musculoskeletal issue or condition. Areas of the body that were overly-strained, stressed and/or injured during high levels and intensities of exercise should now be prioritized with these corrective exercise techniques.4

Helping Under-Exercisers

A deconditioned client trying to resume their pre-pandemic physical activity levels without adequate reintroduction will benefit from the application of gradual progression. Coach them about the need to address musculoskeletal changes that have occurred as a result of prolonged static postures like sitting, and the importance of slowly reintroducing exercise stress to help safeguard their body from the pain and injury that can result if they overdo it upon returning to the gym.4

As the availability of in-person exercise and fitness services begins to resume, corrective exercise specialists are in a unique position to assist people that have sustained musculoskeletal injuries as a result of too much or too little exercise. Whether helping clients get over pain and injuries incurred during the pandemic, or reintroducing exercise safely to those who are unfit and out of shape as a result of long periods of inactivity, expertise in the area of corrective exercise is now more important than ever.

Justin Price is one of the world’s foremost experts in musculoskeletal assessment and corrective exercise and creator of The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist certification (TBMM-CES).  The BioMechanics Method is the fitness industry’s highest-rated CES credential with trained professionals in over 70 countries. Justin is also the author of several books including The BioMechanics Method for Corrective Exercise academic textbook, a former IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, and a subject matter expert for The American Council on Exercise, Human Kinetics, TRX, BOSU, MFN, Arthritis Today, BBC, Discovery Health, Los Angeles Times, Men’s Health, MSNBC, New York Times, Newsweek, Time, Wall Street Journal, WebMD and Tennis Magazine.



  1. Clarence Valley Independent. Nov 7, 2021. Increased exercise leads to unexpected injuries during lockdown. Retrieved from clarencevalleynews.com.au on Nov. 8, 2021.
  2. Moses, S, and Robins, M. August 2, 2021. The COVID connection: Youth sports injuries on the rise. WKYC studios. Retrieved from WKYC.com on Nov. 8, 2021.
  3. Seshadri, D., Thom, M., Harlow, E., Drummond, C. and Voss, J. Case Report: Return to sport following the COVID-19 lockdown and its impact on injury rates in the German Soccer League. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Feb 18, 2021.
  4. Price, J. and Bratcher, M.  2019. The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist Education Program (2nd ed). San Diego, CA: The BioMechanics Press.


mother and daughter exercising

Aging Gracefully – Fact or Fiction

The sayings, “Getting better with age” and “Age is just a number” are common sayings, but are they true?

Aging gracefully doesn’t mean you look like a 20-year-old; it simply means you’re able to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Luckily, feeling as good as you did 30 years ago is as easy as taking good care of yourself.

Taking care of your skin

As the largest organ on your body, your skin should receive extra care to keep you looking and feeling your best.

By taking care of your skin, you can protect your body against various forms of infection, blemishes, like as age-spots, and boost your sense of touch.

Here are some simple, effective tips to follow:

  • Wear sunscreen.
  • Make sure to have a yearly screening for skin cancer.
  • Use gentle skincare products.
  • Make sure to stay hydrated.


Exercise is without a doubt one of the most effective methods of keeping your body healthy and happy. Regular exercise is proven to lower your risk of developing chronic disease like heart disease and cancer by strengthening your immune system and heart, while also improving sleep, regulating your mood and keeping your body at its best

If you are just starting out with exercise, start with low-impact exercises like walking, swimming or cycling. If you are aiming to build strength, invest in some resistance bands and light weights. The key is to start slow and work your way up. Don’t try and jump into heavy weight-lighting; this only increases the risk of injury – especially if your body isn’t used to exercising.

You can also search the MedFit Network public directory to find a fitness professional in your area.


Another important aspect to consider is your diet. What you put into your body accounts for many health factors, such as muscle mass, stored fat and blood sugar levels.

Try including the following in your diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables, either canned or fresh.
  • Lean protein found in fish and beans, or found in greens powders. Take a look at BarBend’s top greens powders to find out more about the health benefits.
  • Fiber and whole-grain foods such as cereals, rice, bread and pasta are vital to any part of a good diet.
  • Milk, yogurt or cheese. Try to pick brands that include extra Vitamin D.
  • Another great tip is to replace solid fats with vegetable oil when cooking.
  • Limit your daily sugar intake.
  • Limit your daily salt intake to help maintain a lower, healthier blood pressure.

Relieve stress

Being under constant stress is just as bad as having an unhealthy diet. It causes premature aging, wrinkles and puts you at greater risk for a heart attack or stroke.

It’s no wonder then that one of the secrets to aging gracefully is to use proven stress relief techniques like:

  • Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and regular exercise.
  • Getting enough sleep/
  • Talking to someone whose company you enjoy and you trust.
  • Doing something you enjoy.

Not only will this improve your overall physical health, but your mental health as well!

So how will following these tips help?

By taking care of yourself, inside and out, you will start to notice a few changes in your mind and body as you age gracefully:

  • Improved memory. This includes both semantic and prospective memory. You’ll be able to recall facts and remember things easier.
  • Better decision making. With a healthy brain and great memory, you will be able to make more informed decisions.
  • Increased sense of empathy and understanding. This stems from a feeling of contentment within yourself.
  • Boosted self-confidence. When you look good, you feel good. It’s as simple as that!
  • Reduced risk of depression, mood swings and anger issues. If your brain and body are healthy, you will be more inclined to focus on the positive side of life.

Nick is a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast by profession, and a freelance writer by passion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided it was the best time to extend his love of health and fitness into his love for writing. Ever since then, Nick has been sharing his knowledge and insight with his readers, teaching them through his informative, interesting articles.




Genetics & Weight Problems: The Role of Genetics for that Number on the Scale

There are a number of factors that influence obesity. These include behavioral choices, environmental circumstances, and genetics. Genes don’t always predict someone’s weight future, but science has shown that genetics play a role in obesity. Genes increase a person’s susceptibility to become overweight, but this is not an isolated causality due to behavior and environment. 

Take for instance the number of people living in a certain environment with all the same living conditions. How is it so that in an environment that promotes inactivity and high calorie foods that not all of these people become obese? Not all these people will have the same resulting health problems or body fat distribution. Even people in the same family, of the same race, and of the same ethnicity, will not all become obese given this environment. The diversity in body types leads one to believe that genetics do play a role in weight. 

Genes are what instruct the body. They map out how the body will respond to a given environment. Genes dictate behaviors including a person’s choice to be sedentary, to overeat, and their metabolic functions. Genes tell the body how to store fat and how to use food for fuel as energy. Both hunger and food intake are associated with genes. For example, take two siblings or twins raised in very similar environments — they still may not have the same body weight distribution. 

For now, science does not have genetic testing which would determine one’s weight future. There is no science that shows a personal diet plan or exercise regimen will result in exact body types. Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) and Prader-Willi syndrome are the only two directly related obesity causing genetic factors. BBS is associated with increased body fat in the abdominal area, poor functioning kidneys, eyes, and genitalia, as well as intellectual impairment. Prader-Willi syndrome is associated with a constant desire to eat. This causes dangerous weight gain, stunted growth, and poor health. Research is still being performed on genetic response to weight gain. Knowing one’s family history won’t change the path to obesity, but lifestyle behavior and environment can be adjusted as a proactive and preventable method. For example, children of obese parents are more likely to become obese themselves due to their lifestyle and environment. Marketing has also become a strong influence for eating patterns. 

The finger can’t be pointed at genetics alone for weight problems. However, we do know that even under exact circumstances, two bodies can react entirely different. The research is not entirely there YET, but hopefully in the near future we can have helpful answers to help fight the obesity epidemic. 

Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education &amp; Health, and is a current doctoral candidate in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.



  • https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/calories/other_factors.html 
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2636925/ 
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12127777