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Can Exercise help treat women with postpartum depression?

According to several studies, exercise has been proven as an effective method of treating and preventing depression. Some studies suggest that physical activity may be as powerful as anti-depressants for treating mild to moderate depression over time. The same is true for women experiencing mild to moderate postpartum depression. It’s important to note that there are different levels of postpartum depression and screening is available through hospitals and doctors’ offices if PPD is suspected. Both the Edinburgh Postnatal depression scale questionnaire and a PAR-Q medical history questionnaire will help give insight to healthcare practitioner and patient on treatment methods.


Moving Together Outside

Every afternoon around 4:00 pm, just outside my study window, I can hear the sounds of outdoor physical activity classes held in a nearby park. Instructors calling, students responding, joyful sounds of activity and movementthe opposite of what I am doing as I start my seventh Zoom meeting of the day.  

Along with the majority of Americans, I am sitting more and moving less during the pandemic. In fact, physical activity levels are down around 32% in a nation where only 23% of us met recommended guidelines for both aerobic and strength training activities before the pandemic. Shockingly, but somehow not surprisingly, 61% of Americans report experiencing undesired weight gain29 pounds on averageduring the pandemic.

The fitness professionals leading those classes outside my window provide an outstanding case study in the value of adaptability and sheer determination to get people moving. 

During the early stages of the pandemic, their studios were closed. Later on, capacity limits were too constraining, and their studios were too small and poorly ventilated to hold their classes indoors. Therefore, they needed to come up with an innovative solution to keep their businesses open. They worked with our city government to secure permitsat an affordable priceto move their classes to an outdoor public park that was accessible to all community residents.

This is not the only example of fitness professionals successfully securing permits or shared use agreements from their local governments. There are success stories from San Diego, Long Beach, Washington, DC, Austin and Boston. However, these stories are too few and far between.  

Our attention over the past year has been almost single-mindedly focused on an infectious disease, yet beneath the COVID-19 pandemic that raged lay the dual epidemics of physical inactivity and obesity that helped fuel it. People with obesity have more than double the risk for hospitalization from COVID-19 and a nearly 50% higher risk of death. The odds of death are 2.5 times greater for people who are consistently physically inactive, compared with people who consistently meet recommended guidelines, and physical inactivity was found to be the strongest modifiable risk factor for severe COVID-19.

Qualified, credentialed fitness professionals have an important role to play in getting people moving. We have worked hard to gain the expertise to provide safe, structured physical activity programming for different types of populations. We are true believers in the mental and health benefits of physical activity and are trained in helping others change their behavior to experience these benefits.  

The American Council on Exercise has launched a grassroots campaignMoving Together Outsideto support qualified fitness professionals in their efforts to get people moving by expanding access to community spaces. I see it as a win-win-win. For fitness professionals, seeking ways to work with students and clients outdoors during and after the pandemic. For municipalities, seeking safe and affordable physical activity options to offer to residents. For community residents, seeking opportunities for social connection and movement.  

I am proud to be the national spokesperson for the Moving Together Outdoors Campaign. I invite my fellow fitness professionals to become a campaign supporter at advocacy@acefitness.org. Lets help good ideas spread, so the daily physical activity classes that I hear from the park next to my home are sounds heard daily from parks across the nation.   

Dr. Amy Bantham, DrPH, MS, MPP, is the CEO/Founder of Move to Live More, a research and consulting firm addressing physical inactivity, chronic disease and social determinants of health through cross-sector collaboration and innovation. A certified health and wellness coach, personal trainer, and group exercise instructor, Amy holds a Doctor of Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. She can be reached at movetolivemore.com or @MovetoLiveMore



  • American Psychological Association. Stress in America: One Year Later, a New Wave of Pandemic Health Concerns. 
  • Meyer, J., McDowell, C., Lansing, J., Brower, C., Smith, L., Tully, M. & Herring, M. (2020). Changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviour due to the COVID-19 outbreak and associations with mental health in 3,052 US adults. 
  • Popkin, B. M., Du, S., Green, W. D., Beck, M. A., Algaith, T., Herbst, C. H., … & Shekar, M. (2020). Individuals with obesity and COVID19: A global perspective on the epidemiology and biological relationships. Obesity Reviews.
  • Sallis, R., Young, D. R., Tartof, S. Y., Sallis, J. F., Sall, J., Li, Q., … & Cohen, D. A. (2021). Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: a study in 48 440 adult patients. British journal of sports medicine.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018a). 2018 Physical activity guidelines advisory committee scientific report. 

Expand Your Career! Become a Multiple Sclerosis Fitness Specialist

The health/fitness industry is constantly evolving with new scientific research and education released on a regular basis. Currently, the medical fitness track is on the precipice of explosion and expansion. Therefore, obtaining your personal training or group exercise instructor certification is only the beginning for launching your professional health and fitness career. One area of health/fitness specialization that is gaining attention is with the multiple sclerosis (MS) community. There is a huge need and demand for qualified health/fitness professionals to provide proper programming for those with MS. The National MS Society states that the MS population is more than double what was previously recorded with over one million people diagnosed in the United States alone. Health/fitness professionals can effectively work with those who have MS, providing them with a better quality of life, hope for the future and continued improvement. Education and specialization on the part of the professional is key to the success of the professional and the client through proper exercise programs, nutritional guidance and mindset training specifically for those with MS.


Promoting the Medical Fitness Market

MedFit Classroom (through the MedFit Education Foundation) continues to expand education and specializations for Fitness professionals. However, simply earning a certification does not mean clients will flock to you, or that doctors/therapists will refer their post-medical/rehabilitation patients to you. Most trainers today working with these types of clients did not look for these clients and fewer were referred to them by a medical professional.

However, many trainers fall in love working with these clients, whether they are a stroke survivor, had a knee replacement, or other physical complications. So, how do you find and attract new clients in this growing niche? 

Researching Medical Fitness

I interviewed Brian White, an MBA student at the University of Colorado, a transitioning military veteran, and an expert in messaging and analysis of popular media. After studying the post-medical rehabilitation and personal training industry, Brian had several takeaways focusing on education — of both the medical community and the fitness community, standards, and networking.

Brian observed that in a survey of physicians, only “17% of the respondents have a formal alliance for stimulating activity with an exercise provider.” (Leemrijse, 2015)  In other words, few physicians have a professional relationship with a personal trainer who they would then refer patients to, after completing physical therapy.  Additionally, the main reason for low collaboration was that they did not know any qualified fitness professionals and so could not inform their patients of exercise options, outside of the medical system.

The global problem of standards

Further, lack of collaboration between medical providers and fitness professionals was not only a problem of ignorance but also a lack of trust for an industry that has few standards. According to Brian’s research, there is a general lack of credibility “of the medical fitness professionals within the healthcare community” and a need for “better prepare[d] medical fitness professionals for practical application, further education, [and] potential elevating to graduate-level coursework [which] should be implemented to support prevalent chronic conditions.” (White, 2021)

Anyone can use the term personal trainer, legally — whether certified or not. A 2017 fitlegally.com article exposed how in the USA, regulation of the industry is state-by-state and no federal statute concerning who can be a personal trainer, what their education must be, or how they may practice. In Australia, only validly certified personal trainers can get mandated insurance. Brazil demands a bachelor’s minimum education. (Rabe, 2017)

The point is this: medical fitness professionals must be educated on the fitness needs of their clientsCourses provided by MedFit help ensure that personal trainers have the specialized knowledge to make a world of difference for a client such as a stroke survivor, after physical therapy. Beyond that, medical professionals, as well as potential clients, must have a dependable source of knowledgeable, experienced fitness professionals who can be trusted to address the needs of the client.  Long term, legislation along with education from organizations like MedFit could help to build awareness, validation, and could help to provide a pool of knowledgeable and trustworthy fitness professionals.

MedFit Education Foundation standing in the breach

In the meantime, professional organizations can bridge the gap for personal trainers. MedFit’s board of directors has stacked their medical and education advisory boards with highly qualified experts. Thus, fitness professionals can be confident they are receiving courses with quality content and validation from recognized medical and fitness professionals.  

Furthermore, MedFit is advocating for fitness professionals by actively networking with the medical community and sharing with them information about the organization’s courses and the caliber of professionals taking their courses. MedFit is effectively building the post-medical fitness market.

Building medical fitness

Strategy #1
Besides online marketing, Brian has advice on how to build your own medical fitness network and allow clients to find you.  

Reaching out to introduce yourself to medical/rehabilitation providers is tried and true. You might ask if you could drop a packet off describing your services. You could ask if they would let you put your brochures in their waiting room or add your cards to their business cardholder. A simple one-page flyer about the specific disorder you are educated to help with (i.e. MedFit’s Stroke Recovery Fitness Specialist), will help them have confidence in you and be a ready resource at their fingertips. Speaking directly to a Physical Therapist is likely to be even more successful. 

If you choose the cold outreach method be prepared to face a lot of rejection. 

Strategy #2
Patient support groups and organizations also offer wonderful contacts. In Colorado, for example, there is a Stroke Advisory Board and dozens of support groups that can be found online (https://www.strokecolorado.org/co-stroke-support-group-list). These lists represent opportunities to speak directly with stroke survivors and allied health professionals, who have direct contact with both providers and clients.

Strategy #3
The personal trainer turned marketing guru, Joe Lemon, advises learning about content-based networking. This technique is creating mutual content with people who can influence your market, like potential referring doctors and therapists. This is proving to be one of the most effective strategies for personal trainers to build trust and community with medical professionals. In fact, this can help the private fitness professional boost awareness for their business and drive down client acquisition costs. By collaborating on content, build strategic partnerships with a win-win mindset and allows personal trainers to demonstrate their level of fitness expertise and commitment to their craft.  (Lemon, 2021)

Keep in mind, your network cannot grow unless someone acts—take action and do not overthink it.  

In conclusion, working with special populations like stroke survivors or joint replacement clients is extremely rewarding and very necessary.  Work is still needed to bring awareness to the availability of quality, safe, and effective training provided by educated professionals.  But the payoff for both fitness specialists and clients is great and with MedFit support and education, the possibilities are exciting.  Together, we can change the face of post-medical fitness.

Dr. Grove Higgins is a chiropractor, rehabilitationist, soft tissue injury expert, researcher, anatomy instructor, biomechanist, human performance expert, speaker, and corporate health consultant. In 2015, Dr. Higgins cofounded Neuroathlete with Coach Patrick Marques (LTC, US Army Ret.) and Peter Hoversten. Neuroathlete’s goal is to more broadly deliver neurological training to a global audience.



Leemrijse, C. d. (2015). Collaboration of general practitioners and exercise providers in promotion of physical activity, a written survey among general practitioners. BMC Family Practice, 16(1), p1-9.

Lemon, J. (2021, April 5). https://anchor.fm/sales. (G. Higgins, Interviewer)

Rabe, A. (2017, September 5). Do fitness professionals legally need to be certified? (US, Australia, Canada, UK & Brazil). Retrieved from Fit Legally: https://fitlegally.com/2332-2/

White, B. (2021, 4 2). “Untitled”. Monument, CO, USA: Brian White.



The Pharmacologics of Exercise: Yes, Exercise Is Medicine!

It’s been said: “If all the benefits of exercise could be placed in a single pill, it would be the most widely prescribed medication in the world.” Scientific evidence continues to mount supporting the numerous medicinal benefits of exercise. In fact, there’s hardly a disease that I can think of that exercise won’t help in one way or another, be it prevention, treatment, or even cure in some instances.


Dementia Doesn’t Invalidate Exercise Needs

With careful capability assessment and appropriate program design, exercise regimens can improve walking, balance, and flexibility and reduce falls in patients with dementia.

“Ruth, sit down! Don’t get up on your own.”
Who is that? Why is she yelling at me? I need to get up. My legs are stiff and I want to go for a walk.

“Ruth, stop getting up. You’re going to fall.”
Stop yelling at me. Who are these people? I feel so anxious. All I want to do is go for a walk. Why can’t I just go for a walk? I have walked by myself my whole life.

In working with older adults, many of us have witnessed circumstances similar to this. Often staff wish to maintain the safety and security of individuals living with dementia by limiting their independent mobility and ambulation. But are we truly protecting these individuals who are at risk? What are the ramifications of our actions? Movement and mobility are important foundations to maintaining strength, balance, flexibility, and continence; reducing anxiety and depression; and maintaining social relationships.

To this point, the positive impact of exercise in older adults is well documented in the literature. Exercise programs have been found to result in more favorable physical, social, and emotional health status and fewer activities of daily living impairments in the elderly.(1) These optimistic results provide support for older adults’ exercise groups to improve quality of life and reduce the burden of care for at-risk populations, including those with dementia.

While many focus on the cognitive effects of dementia, the physical aspects are also pronounced. Frequently noted are gait changes including a decrease in step length, step height, and reduction in cadence. These are compounded by balance deficits associated with a reduction in coordination, proprioception, and vision. To further aggravate the situation, the physical effects also can result in expressive and receptive communication deficits. As a result, patients living with dementia can have difficulty communicating these issues, as well as pain.

Effects of Exercise on Individuals With Dementia

Randomized controlled trials of patients with dementia or mild cognitive impairment have indicated improved cognitive scores after six to 12 months of aerobic exercise when compared with a sedentary population.(2) Other benefits associated with aerobic activity include the reduction of osteoporosis and fracture risk,(3) as well as a reduction in mortality risk.(4) Aerobic activity has also been noted to have other beneficial effects on secondary diagnoses associated with dementia including depression,5 anxiety,6 and behavior management.(7)

While the exact causative reasons for these beneficial outcomes are not fully understood, many studies favor the view that the cerebrovascular benefits exercise has on other body systems can be applied to the neurodegenerative process of dementia. Furthermore, evidence exists that aerobic exercise reduces the progression of the neurodegenerative process through facilitation of neuroprotective factors and neuroplasticity.(8)

The positive effects of exercise have also been found in individuals living with dementia who are already experiencing negative physical outcomes. Toulotte et al studied the effects of physical training on frail patients with dementia with a history of falls.(9) The training group was noted to have improved walking, flexibility, and balance, and a reduction in falls. Furthermore, Huusko et al evaluated the impact with hip fracture patients who also had mild/moderate dementia. Those who received intensive rehab were found to have shorter lengths of hospital stay and greater ability to return to the community than those in the control group.(10)

Developing an Exercise Prescription

Regardless of the reasons behind the beneficial effects of exercise on individuals with dementia, it’s necessary to evaluate each patient individually before initiating an exercise program. This includes an interdisciplinary review of an individual’s age, prior exercise involvement, and comorbid medical conditions. Based on the findings, an appropriate exercise program can then be initiated using the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 150 minutes per week of moderately strenuous physical activity.(11) These minutes of exercise can be divided over any number of days per week and with any number of sessions per day. For patient tolerance purposes, these sessions are often kept to between 15 and 30 minutes.

What type of exercise is appropriate for a patient to perform? For individuals with dementia, similar to those without, it is important to focus on their interests. Understanding these interest levels requires investigation. For some patients, this investigation may be complicated by apathy, aggressive behaviors, pain, and communication difficulties.

Depending on the severity of the disease, a focused understanding of a patient’s short- and long-term memory recall is necessary. While older adults without dementia may have a strong recall of their short- and long-term interests, this may not be true of an individual with dementia. Therefore, for those with intact long-term memory, we need to obtain the relevant information. Maybe interests include running, ballroom dancing, bowling, bicycling, gardening, or swimming. If patients can’t physically perform these activities, should we just give up? Of course not. We need to improvise. For example, ballroom dancing may now require walkers, or bicycling may need to be on stationary recumbent bikes with scenery posted around the bicycle.

Case Study

Ms. T is a 53-year-old female who presented to the Hebrew Home at Riverdale skilled nursing facility with a diagnosis including vascular dementia. Prior to initiating a therapy-based warm water program, Ms. T required intermittent assistance walking with a rollator. Her cognition was limited to the point that she could not participate in interviews on the Minimum Data Set (MDS). Despite significant staff efforts to minimize any emotional or environmental disturbances, she experienced periods of agitation. She completed a standardized assessment of her mobility, utilizing the Timed Up and Go (TUG) assessment, completing it in 32 seconds.

At that time, a land- and water-based exercise program with a three-days-per-week frequency was initiated with a physical therapist and dance movement therapist. The hypothesis behind this program was that through the use of multiple therapeutic modalities, gains in strength, balance, cognition, emotional support, and socialization would be achieved. Strength, balance, and functional tasks including ambulation with buoyancy in multiple planes, rotational activities, plyometrics, and resistive activities were implemented. For cognition, behavioral management, and emotional support purposes, music, singing, mental imagery, and floatation were incorporated into individual sessions.

After two months of participating in this innovative program, Ms. T was walking independently without an assistive device. She had also demonstrated an improvement in TUG assessment, completing the test in 10 fewer seconds. Additionally, Ms. T was noted to have experienced an improvement in her cognition, as she was now able to participate in interviews for the MDS. Most meaningful was that Ms. T rediscovered her smile. Tenaya Cowsill, MS, R-DMT, LCAT-P, reported that “this program has been an incredibly meaningful source of joy, autonomy, and pride” for Ms. T.

The Power of Dance

Dance/movement therapy (DMT) is an evidence-based movement approach to psychosocial health and well-being. The American Dance Therapy Association defines DMT as “the psychotherapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical, and social integration of the individual.”(12) Therapists are board-certified licensed mental health professionals who use movement as a tool to explore, support, and strengthen clients’ emotional needs and coping mechanisms.

DMT can result in both positive physical and emotional outcomes, including a “sense of community, decreasing the experience of emotional isolation, and enriched relational interaction.”(13) Because this modality comprises both verbal and nonverbal interventions, it is especially appropriate for older adults with memory loss who are affected by the expressive and receptive communication difficulties.

The American Dance Therapy Association describes the emotional benefits and processes in treatment for older adults. “Individuals’ capacities and incapacities are explored, and accompanying feelings are expressed. Mourning, frustration, joy, and laughter can be ritualized in group movement, allowing for emotional release and group bonding.”(14)

The physical benefits of exercise and movement have been detailed in previous sections of this article. DMT, which places a focus on mental and emotional health, provides additional benefits as its holistic process includes “physical activity or exercise [and also] … learning, attention, memory, emotion, rhythmic motor coordination, balance, gait, visuospatial ability, acoustic stimulation, imagination, improvisation, and social interaction.”(15)

Older adults, especially those living with memory loss, may struggle with coordinated movement due to changes in brain functioning. Dance therapy welcomes all levels of functioning, encouraging engagement from an individual’s baseline, wherever that may be.

The creative, fluid, psychodynamic process allows for relatedness and engagement with multiple levels of functioning. A primary practice of a dance/movement therapist is one of embodied mirroring defined as the “somatic attunement of the therapist in face-to-face engaged interaction,”(13) which physically communicates to individuals living with memory loss that they are seen and understood. In a time when communication is often impaired, embodied mirroring provides an important tool for validating a patient’s experience.(15) As clinician Kalila B. Homann, MA, LPC-S, BC-DMT, wrote, “Mirroring is practiced by the therapist in DMT as a way to enhance emotional resonance between a therapist and patient … when a therapist mirrors the client’s emotional movements, the therapist is communicating this understanding and acceptance nonverbally.”

On a neurological level this intervention activates the brain’s mirror neuron system. From the neuroscience lens, mirror neurons are thought to be the determining factor in our capacity for empathy and interrelatedness.(13,16) This neurophysiological process “coordinates auditory and visual perception of nonverbal communication by tracking movement and expression in others—replicating the patterns of activation in the brain of the observer.” A resident with memory loss thus experiences validation on a neurobiological level. In dementia, because of the changes in communication that often occur due to brain deterioration, the benefits of emotional attunement from a therapist cannot be overstated. This need for witnessing and validation is a basic human need that does not change with dementia.

Case Study

Ms. M was a 92-year-old woman living in a skilled nursing neighborhood at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale. She carried a diagnosis of mild memory impairment and was a vibrant and active member of the community. She expressed and demonstrated a love for music. She would ambulate throughout the home with her walker, attending a wide variety of programs and actively socializing.

After suffering a stroke, her life shifted. She became reliant on a wheelchair for mobility, and her speech, gait, balance, and cognition were all impaired. This medical event also triggered an exacerbation of major depression, something she had lived with throughout her life. Through working with the rehabilitation team, she demonstrated improvements in functioning; however, major depression remained an impediment to treatment. As her therapy was reaching completion, she was transitioned via a warm handoff to DMT twice weekly from her wheelchair.

During group sessions, she presented with bright affect and eye contact, which was supported and validated by the therapist facilitating the group. In the therapeutic group space, Ms. M was able to both verbally and nonverbally express her grief and frustration with her condition. She spoke about her depression and was able to verbally and physically process her feelings through creative expression within the therapeutic alliance. Ms. M was able to “engage physiological processes related to emotion and make them more available to the conscious mind,” as Homann’s writings suggest. Through increased awareness Ms. M was able to more fully process and express her depressive symptoms, enabling her to further her treatment.

As dance therapy progressed, Ms. M began to increase her interpersonal relatedness, making eye contact with peers, sharing memories and physical gestures of connection. Ali Schechter, LCAT, R-DMT, her dance/movement therapist, states: “[Ms. M’s] movement generates vitality which results in expression.” Through the therapeutic alliance, this expression was validated, supporting Ms. M’s improved mood state.

As her mood state improved through DMT, Ms. M expressed the desire to begin standing and walking again. In addition to mood state support, DMT focused on movement of the spine, core, and hips, aiding in body strengthening for standing. The interdisciplinary team referred her for further physical therapy, and she began standing and, at times, walking with her walker for short periods. She continues to be an active participant in DMT sessions.

Blending Therapy Modalities

Maintaining and improving fitness and well-being remains an important evidence-based practice in our society. This is further magnified for older adults, especially those living with dementia. While the benefits of fitness programs remain the same for this population, the prescription for achievement may require a blended approach. Therapies, inclusive of physical and dance/movement, share many common strengths and goals. Therefore, the ability of these modalities to partner provides opportunities for improved mental, physical, and emotional health. The goal in all treatment is the well-being of residents, and care teams should use interdisciplinary tools and modalities toward that goal.

Get a Free Subscription to Today’s Geriatric Medicine

This article was featured in Today’s Geriatric Medicine.

Today’s Geriatric Medicine is a bimonthly trade publication offering news and insights for professionals in elder care.

Get a Free Subscription to Today’s Geriatric Medicine


This article was featured in the March/April 2018 issue of Today’s Geriatric Medicine (Vol. 11 No. 2 P. 14). Written by David Siegelman and Mary Farkas.

 David Siegelman, PT, RAC-CT, is the vice president of rehabilitation at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale in Bronx, New York. In this role he oversees the operation of the short-term rehabilitation units, clinical documentation and reimbursement department, and rehabilitation department. Having entered the field as a physical therapist, he has demonstrated expertise in clinical and systems management in acute care hospitals and skilled nursing facilities over the past 20 years.

Mary Farkas, RDT, LCAT, CDP, is the director of therapeutic arts and enrichment programs at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale. She is a licensed creative arts therapist who specializes in the intersection of dementia, end-of-life care, and mental health.



  1. Hamar B, Coberley CR, Pope JE, Rula EY. Impact of a senior fitness program on measures of physical and emotional health and functioning. Popul Health Manag. 2013;16(6):364-372.
  2. Smith PJ, Blumenthal JA, Hoffman BM, et al. Aerobic exercise and neurocognitive performance: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials. Psychosom Med. 2010;72(3):239-252.
  3. Rizzoli R, Bruyere O, Cannata-Andia JB, et al. Management of osteoporosis in the elderly. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(10):2373-2387.
  4. Lee DC, Artero EG, Sui X, Blair SN. Mortality trends in the general population: the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness. J Psychopharmacol. 2010;24(4 Suppl):27-35.
  5. Conn VS. Depressive symptom outcomes of physical activity interventions: meta-analysis findings. Ann Behav Med. 2010;39(2):128-138.
  6. Dunn AL. Review: exercise programmes reduce anxiety symptoms in sedentary patients with chronic illnesses. Evid Based Ment Health. 2010;13(3):95.
  7. Teri L, Gibbons LE, McCurry SM, et al. Exercise plus behavioral management in patients with Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2003;290(15):2015-2022.
  8. Ahlskog JE, Geda YE, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC. Physical exercise as a preventive or disease-modifying treatment of dementia and brain aging. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011;86(9):876-884.
  9. Toulotte C, Fabre C, Dangremont B, Lensel G, Thévenon A. Effects of physical training on the physical capacity of frail, demented patients with a history of falling: a randomised controlled trial. Age Aging. 2003;32(1):67-73.
  10. Huusko T, Karppi P, Avikainen V, Kautiainen H, Sulkava R. Randomised, clinically controlled trial of intensive geriatric rehabilitation in patients with hip fracture: subgroup analysis of patients with dementia. BMJ. 2000;321(7269):1107-1111.
  11. Nelson ME, Rejeski WT, Blair SN, et al. Physical activity and public health in older adults: recommendation from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2007;116(9):1094-1105.
  12. What is dance/movement therapy? American Dance Therapy Association website. https://adta.org/. Retrieved January 7, 2018.
  13. Homann KB. Embodied concepts of neurobiology in dance/movement therapy practice. Am J Dance Ther. 2010;32(2):80-99.
  14. American Dance Therapy Association. Dance/movement therapy & the older adult. https://adta.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/DMT-with-the-Elderly.pdf. Accessed January 7, 2018.
  15. Kshytriya S, Barnstaple R, Rabinovich DB, DeSouza JFX. Dance and aging: a critical review of findings in neuroscience. Am J Dance Ther. 2015;37(2):81-112.
  16. Iacoboni M. Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect With Others. New York, NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux; 2008.

Youth Obesity: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

This sentiment from Benjamin Franklin is as true today as ever.  Especially when it comes to fitness and health.  The past 50 years has seen a nearly triple increase in obesity rates for adults and youths.  According to the website USAFACTS.ORG. this costs the American people $147 Billion annually.  They also state that “roughly have of all medical cost associated with obesity are financed by Medicaid and Medicare”.  


A Pipeline of New Clients Through Physician Exercise Referrals

“I want to know how good the [fitness professional] is at their art and science of progressing people through exercise.” 

These words were spoken by a physician who regularly refers his patients to fitness professionals. In 2019 and 2020, I spent ten months surveying and interviewing physicians and fitness professionals at a New England healthcare organization. This healthcare organization has had an exercise referral network in place for over a decade, and averages about thirty-five exercise referrals per week. 

As part of the exercise referral network, physicians were able to refer patients to community-based fitness centers and professionals, as well as a hospital-affiliated facility. The hospital-affiliated facility has four programs: an 8-week exercise program for post-rehab (muskuloskeletal, cardiac, and pulmonary); a 13-week fitness, nutrition, stress management and behavior modification program; a 12-month weight management program; and a 3-month cancer recovery program. Its program staff were registered dietitians, personal trainers, and health coaches.

The purpose of my research was to understand physicians’ and fitness professionals’ perspectives on physician exercise referrals and the impact on patient behavior change. Not enough physicians provide exercise referrals to their patients, and my research revealed a clear opportunity to address barriers to referral. In addition, physicians are less comfortable referring their patients to community-based fitness facilities and professionals than they are to hospital-based fitness facilities and professionals. Raising physician familiarity with, awareness of, and confidence in fitness professionals can help build physician trust in their capabilities. This is especially true for fitness professionals who have expertise and experience working with special populations, including people with different injuries, disabilities and diagnoses.

Physicians want to know that [their patients] are exercising in a place where, if anything bad or adverse were to happen, they are in good hands.” ​ –Fitness Professional 

Join me for my upcoming webinar with MedFit, where I’ll speak more on this topic as part. I’ll discuss ten steps that fitness professionals can take to become professionals that physicians trust to take good care of their patients. These steps focus on facilitating communication between physicians and fitness professionals about patients’ progress and outcomes, as well as raising physician awareness of the professionals’ capabilities. Join me as I walk through how to develop A Pipeline of New Clients Through Physician Exercise Referrals.


Dr. Amy Bantham has 20 years of experience working in consulting, health & fitness, and healthcare. She is the CEO/Founder of Move to Live®More, a research and consulting firm addressing physical inactivity, obesity, chronic disease, and social determinants of health through cross-sector collaboration and innovation. 

Amy holds a Doctor of Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, with concentrations in Health Communication and Obesity Epidemiology & Prevention. Her doctoral research focused on physician exercise prescriptions/referrals and patient exercise behavior change. She is a certified group exercise instructor, personal trainer, and health & wellness coach. She also holds a Master of Science from Northeastern University, a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University.


Closing the Trust Gap: Are personal training certifications failing medical fitness?

For over 30 years, the alphabet soup of letter-bearing personal training certification companies like ACE, NASM, NSCA and ISSA have focused on providing education leading to a fitness certification. While the companies have differing audiences and missions, collectively they have failed to truly make the connection between the fitness industry and the healthcare industry.

Personal trainers tend to be health advocates (and sometimes zealots) who show up as the face of the fitness industry. They tend to actually live and practice the life they espouse. Most leave the industry quickly, but even as they leave personal training and continue throughout their careers they tend to retain their core values around fitness.

Listen to almost any group of personal trainers and you’ll hear them speak passionately about the value of fitness and the ability to help control or eliminate diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and some forms of cancer. For their more affluent customers, personal trainers are frontline soldiers in a battle for healthier living.

So, how is it that well-intentioned organizations that believe that healthier living improves lives and who have over 350,000 personal trainers working in America alone have been unable to connect those trainers to the next higher level of their mission? What has gone so wrong that the average consumer would more likely connect a personal trainer to an Instagram or social media influencer than to their healthcare provider?

In a recent ISSA survey, personal training buyers were asked what education or qualifications were required to become a personal trainer. Nearly 80% of those surveyed did not know. Fortunately, nearly everyone surveyed believed that some form of education or certification was required. Perhaps consumers would have the same answer if the question was asked regarding nursing or other healthcare positions other than that of a doctor.

In this situation and those like it in America, we are accustomed to trusting the person in the job has the knowledge, skills and abilities to do the job. We may not know how or why, but we have given them the magic ingredient — trust.

In our society, we fundamentally trust that by achieving the title of doctor, the holder will do no harm and will have the secret to curing what ails us. Do we trust that our personal trainer will do no harm and will have the secret to help us achieve our fitness goals? Not so much.

In the same ISSA survey, buyers of personal training were asked if personal trainers could help clients lose weight and 90% answered yes. When asked if personal trainers could help cure type 2 diabetes only 10% answered yes. There was an 80% difference when asked the same question in the context of personal training goals versus medical goals!

It would seem logical that if the same question was asked in the context of knee pain or joint pain and heart disease or blood pressure the results would be the same.

We trust that personal trainers understand how to improve our fitness, but we don’t connect our fitness to our healthcare. This is a trust gap.

This trust gap is the most fundamental issue preventing all of the subsequent steps which need to happen in order for medical fitness to thrive. There can be no insurance reimbursement or physician prescription of exercise as medicine as long as we don’t first believe our health is in our control and that fitness professionals can help their clients achieve results.

Today, even physicians who believe in exercise as medicine are reluctant to refer clients. Despite some of the most forward-looking physicians and groups bringing exercise and personal training into their medical practice, compliance remains spotty and reimbursement varies widely.

A recent study provided insights around prescribing exercise as medicine in the treatment of 26 different diseases: psychiatric diseases (depression, anxiety, stress, schizophrenia); neurological diseases (dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis); metabolic diseases (obesity, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes); cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, cerebral apoplexy, and claudication intermittent); pulmonary diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis); musculoskeletal disorders (osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis); and cancer.

But, how much of this is studied by medical students and applied by physicians? Why does the majority of our society doubt fitness? Is it because we don’t trust fitness professionals? If so, what is the fitness certification world to do?

If we are to close this trust gap, the industry needs to achieve three milestones:

  1. Personal trainers need to have a common standard of professional knowledge and skill
  2. Required continuing education and training must be in place
  3. We need to have standards of care for fitness programming.

This requires that the industry through leadership such as IHRSA combined with companies like ISSA, NASM, ACSM, ACE and others eliminate the need for individual exams and certifications and move to a common standard of excellence for all.

In the absence of the fitness industry creating an environment where all parties can trust their personal trainer to provide safe and effective training programs, none of us can expect medical schools to teach fitness or doctors to prescribe exercise or insurance companies to reimburse for exercise.

COVID-19 created a broad national awareness of the incredible risks of obesity and underlying medical conditions which largely could be controlled through diet and exercise. Now is the time to take action and help a new generation live healthier lives.

Andrew Wyant serves as the President of the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) after having helped successfully build and grow a series of businesses in a wide variety of industries. Since becoming ISSA’s leader in 2018, the ISSA has grown by over 400% and has become the No. 1 rated and reviewed personal training company in the world. Andrew is passionate about the potential personal trainers have to help improve our world by reducing the rates of preventable diseases. He has been deeply involved in the health and fitness industry since 2011.

This article was featured in MedFit Professional Magazine.