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Trainer Challenge of Stroke

A stroke is an obvious turning point in most survivors’ lives. In a best-case scenario, it can be as minor as a mild concussion. At worst, it is a disabling brain injury that leaves the person incapable of caring for themselves—or even breathing on their own. In any case, stroke clients can provide a significant challenge to a trainer wanting to help them, once medical care and primary rehabilitation has plateaued. This is especially true considering the variety of experiences a survivor can have, following a stroke.


Training Clients with Arthritis

According to the CDC, during 2019-2021, 1 in 5 adults in the United States experienced doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Since then, the number has consistently increased! The latest statistics from Health.Gov estimate the number of reported arthritis diagnoses is now 1 in 4, which is not only a leading cause of disability, but also a significant driver of economic costs.


Eating for Arthritis and S.O.S. — Sugar, Oil & Salt… Oh My! 

Is there such a thing as an anti-inflammatory diet? While there is no specific “diet” that people with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) should follow, researchers have identified certain foods that can help control inflammation. Many of them are found in the so-called Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fish, vegetables, olive oil, whole grains, nuts and seeds, among other staples.

Pisa Word Cloud

Pisa Syndrome and Parkinson’s Disease

If you work with people living with Parkinson’s disease then you’ve learned that every PD “fighter” experiences their own unique combinations of symptoms. Someone might have a tremor, hypophonia, and cognitive issues, while another struggles with rigidity, balance, vestibular issues and Pisa Syndrome. Wait. What is Pisa Syndrome?

Pisa Syndrome, also known as Pleurothotonus, affects the spine and is defined as a lateral bending of the trunk with a tendency to lean to one side.  Pisa causes changes in the spine such as narrowing of the central spinal canal through which the spinal cord travels leading to stenosis, poor posture and instability.

It is common for Pisa and Scoliosis to be considered the same problem. However, they are not. A person  living with Pisa will “list” to one side, while a person living with Scoliosis will have an S or C curvature to their spine and rotation but not necessarily a lateral bend.

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What Causes Pisa Syndrome?

It is likely that Pisa is multifactorial, meaning many factors may influence the development of and severity of Pisa Syndrome. We think there is a central (brain and spinal cord) component to Pisa Syndrome involving basal ganglia dysfunction (dystonia and rigidity), abnormal sensory integration, and/or cognitive dysfunctions affecting perception and postural control. Additionally, there is dysfunction with the Peripheral mechanisms consisting of alterations of the musculoskeletal system (myopathy, soft tissue changes).

There is some conjecture that due to medication changes or the increase of the dose of dopaminergic medications, the likelihood of Pisa onset becomes higher. Do not make medication changes without discussing with your care team. Other scientists think that as basal ganglia dysfunction increases, so do the chances of Pisa (Tinazzi et al., 2019; Artusi et al., 2019).

Is Pisa Syndrome Neurological AND Bone-related?       

Yes! Because Pisa is associated with basal ganglia and sensorimotor dysfunction, there is a high likelihood of the onset of Pisa with various movement disorders, such as idiopathic Parkinson’s (80% of the Parkinson’s population) and atypical Parkinson’s syndromes (20% of the Parkinson’s population), such as Multiple Systems Atrophy, dementia with Lewy Bodies, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (Castrioto et al, 2014; Barone et al., 2016).

Although Pisa syndrome is usually classified as a neuromuscular disorder, the spine is greatly affected due to favoring one side, leading to postural abnormalities. This can affect not only muscular health and movement, but also bone health. Bad posture, overcompensation for balance to one side, issues such as falling, and increased risk for osteoporosis may be more likely to occur in those individuals with Pisa, resulting in the likelihood of bone fractures and overall decreased bone health (Barone et al., 2016). 

Medication Awareness

Moving on, let’s investigate how medication may affect Pisa Syndrome. Although there are studies correlating the use of dopaminergic drugs, there is no longitudinal or concrete evidence stating that medication causes Pisa syndrome (Castrioto et al., 2014; Barone et al., 2016; Tinazzi et al., 2016). However, it is known that incorrect dosages, either too high OR too low, can affect the onset of this disorder (Castrioto et al., 2014; Tinazzi et al., 2016). Therefore, it is imperative that providers assess the correct dosage, and that medication is taken consistently  to lessen chances of this syndrome.

Some medications that may contribute to the onset of Pisa syndrome include dopaminergic medications such as carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet or generic), dopamine agonists such as ropinirole, or anticholinesterases such as donepezil. This may sound scary, but it is important to note that Pisa can be treated by adjusting PD medications, so make sure to advise fighters to check in with their  doctor if they are experiencing Pisa symptoms.

The Effect of Pisa Syndrome On Parkinson’s Disease

Now that we’ve looked at Pisa from a scientific perspective, let’s address how Pisa Syndrome affects activities of daily living and Parkinson’s Disease.

As mentioned earlier, Pisa Syndrome essentially causes changes in the spine which leads to poor posture and instability and causes the following:

  • The head may droop.
  • The neck moves forward rather than remaining in alignment with the spine.
  • The shoulders round causing a forward slump that affects the amount of space for your internal organs.
  • Breathing becomes shallow and/or more labored.
  • Movement through the hips and spine decreases which affects gait length and increases risk of falls.

The above postural changes can impact one in the following ways: 

  • Neck/Jaw pain and headaches due to muscle tightness
  • Loss of sleep
  • Digestion disruption due to organs being compressed
  • Depression
  • Poor circulation
  • Constricted nerves
  • Foot pain due to misalignment
  • High blood pressure

Sensory Components of Pisa

Here we see how the three balance systems are impaired:

  • Vision: Impaired perception of vertical (vertical can deviate either towards or away from the side the body tilts).
  • Proprioceptive: Unbalanced proprioceptive feedback (body awareness in relation to space and time).
  • Vestibular: Unilateral or possible bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

Treatment for Pisa Syndrome

Let’s consider some of the activities a person does during the day-to-day – walking, bathing, dressing, cleaning, laundry, caring for children/spouse/pets, cooking, driving, social events.

We don’t have any concrete data on if/how Pisa affects Parkinson’s severity, but we can see from the above how it may affect Parkinson’s symptoms. So, how can we treat Pisa?  Let’s have a look. 

1. Medication – Advise fighters/care partners to speak to their physician. Encourage them to review their medications with their physician to see if changes in dosage or type of drug may be initiating or aggravating the syndrome.

2. Reducing Fall Risk – Pisa Syndrome can increase the risk of falls secondary to a lateral trunk lean which results in a change in the center of gravity and inadequate trunk control. As such, one should seek  a comprehensive evaluation aimed at eliminating risk factors for falls, improving postural awareness, strength/mobility training, and/or offering effective preventive measures to reduce fall risk. This can be performed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a physician, personal trainer, and physical therapist.

Additionally, and importantly, a major goal of physical therapy is improving midline awareness and making sure that their curvature does not worsen.

3. Exercise – Addressing your fighters core through exercises that involve vertical and lateral challenges provide the most benefit.  While we cannot change the shape of the spine, we can strengthen the muscles that support the core!

  • Rows
  • T’s
  • Front Lateral Pulldown
  • Shrugs (standing upright)
  • Modified Cobra (hands on the kitchen counter or ballet barre to protect those
  • with Osteoporosis and Osteopenia)
  • Tube rotation exercises
  • Isometric tube exercises
  • Stretching to maintain spinal mobility
  • Trunk alignment and midline orientation exercises
  • Physical Therapist to assess for somatosensory integration deficits which include:
    • Vision
    • Vestibular
    • Proprioceptive

*Below, you’ll find a video demonstration to learn how to properly perform these exercises. Bridges For Parkinson’s includes these exercises in the warm-up and strength portion of our routines each week.

Note: Some may need individualized physical therapy to provide postural exercises, reduce lumbar pain, and provide preventative exercises.

In closing, Pisa Syndrome is unique in that it develops over time in conjunction with a movement disorder. The strength of a person’s physical structure depends on having the knowledge to identify possible bone issues such as Pisa Syndrome, properly addressing the issue with corrective exercises and a team that provides support and encouragement.

Bridges For Parkinson’s is focused on helping Parkinson’s fighters, care partners and fitness professionals develop a sense of awareness and provide corrective exercise therapy for those dealing with Pisa Syndrome along with preventative exercises to support a strong, vertical spine!

Parkinson’s Disease is a journey and Bridges For Parkinson’s – Rock Steady Boxing Music City and Franklin wants to support you and your Parkinson’s “fighters” on the journey. As a MedFit author and Parkinson’s Fitness Professional, I am here to help.

Together, we fight back stronger!

Fit Pros: You Can Improve the Lives of Those Living with Parkinson’s

Enroll in Colleen’s 12-hour online course, Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Specialist. The course brings the research, medical and fitness fields together so that fitness professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of Parkinson’s disease, and learn how to work with those who have it.

Written by

  • Colleen Bridges, M. Ed., NSCA-CPT, Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Specialist, Founder of Bridges For Parkinson’s
  • Renee Rouleau- PhD candidate, Jacobs School of Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
  • Betsy Lerner, MA English &  African American Lit., ISSA-CPT, Parkinson’s Disease Specialist and Rock Steady Boxing Certified
  • Megan Kelly, PT, DPT, LSVT Big and Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery Certified
  • Cindy Nyquist, LPTA, ATC, Rock Steady Boxing Certified


  • Huh, Y. E., Kim, K., Chung, W.-H., Youn, J., Kim, S., & Cho, J. W. (2018). Pisa syndrome in parkinson’s disease: Pathogenic roles of verticality perception deficits. Scientific Reports, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-20129-2
  • Huh, Y. E., Seo, D.-W., Kim, K., Chung, W.-H., Kim, S., & Cho, J. W. (2022). Factors contributing to the severity and laterality of Pisa syndrome in parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2021.716990
  • Di Lazzaro, G., Schirinzi, T., Giambrone, M. P., Di Mauro, R., Palmieri, M. G., Rocchi, C., Tinazzi, M., Mercuri, N. B., Di Girolamo, S., & Pisani, A. (2018). Pisa syndrome in parkinson’s disease: Evidence for bilateral vestibulospinal dysfunction. Parkinson’s Disease, 2018, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8673486
  • Artusi CA, Montanaro E, Tuttobene S, Romagnolo A, Zibetti M and Lopiano L (2019) Pisa Syndrome in Parkinson’s Disease Is Associated With Specific Cognitive Alterations. Front. Neurol. 10:577. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00577
  • Barone P, Santangelo G, Amboni M, Pellecchia MT, Vitale C. Pisa syndrome in Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism: clinical features, pathophysiology, and treatment. Lancet Neurol. 2016 Sep;15(10):1063-74. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30173-9. Epub 2016 Aug 8. PMID: 27571158
  • Castrioto, A., Piscicelli, C., Pérennou, D., Krack, P. and Debû, B. (2014), The pathogenesis of Pisa syndrome in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord., 29: 1100-1107. https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.25925
  • Huh YE, Seo D-W, Kim K, Chung W-H, Kim S and Cho JW (2022) Factors Contributing to the Severity and Laterality of Pisa Syndrome in Parkinson’s Disease. Front. Aging Neurosci. 13:716990. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.716990
  • Tinazzi, M., Geroin, C., Gandolfi, M., Smania, N., Tamburin, S., Morgante, F. and Fasano, A. (2016), Pisa syndrome in Parkinson’s disease: An integrated approach from pathophysiology to management. Mov Disord., 31: 1785-1795. https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.26829
  • Tinazzi, M., Gandolfi, M., Ceravolo, R., Capecci, M., Andrenelli, E., Ceravolo, M.G., Bonanni, L., Onofrj, M., Vitale, M., Catalan, M., Polverino, P., Bertolotti, C., Mazzucchi, S., Giannoni, S., Smania, N., Tamburin, S., Vacca, L., Stocchi, F., Radicati, F.G., Artusi, C.A., Zibetti, M., Lopiano, L., Fasano, A. and Geroin, C. (2019), Postural Abnormalities in Parkinson’s Disease: An Epidemiological and Clinical Multicenter Study. Mov Disord Clin Pract, 6: 576-585. https://doi.org/10.1002/mdc3.12810

GETTING TO “YES!”: Marketing Strategies to Help People Invest in Their Health

Bill walked into my client’s fitness studio clutching two things: a book and a small piece of paper.

With a sheepish look, he revealed, “My doctor gave me your book and this script to contact you. That was almost a year ago, and I haven’t gotten it done. Until now.”

After discussing his fitness goals and health concerns, Bill pulled out a pen and inked a check for a full year of private training.

It took months to get him in the door … and just 15 minutes to close the sale.

What happened?

The Long Game

Good marketing is about helping people invest in something they’ll be glad they did. If you are selling a $40 product, the sale is relatively easy. But when you’re offering a lifestyle change, complex emotions are involved.

Bill delayed, but when he was ready, he knew exactly where to go and what to do. My client understood marketing for the long game.

Since our ideal prospects often encounter our message before they’re ready to buy, marketing for the long game focuses on two key strategies:

  • Helping prospects make a decision sooner.
  • Ensuring they choose you.

Inspire: Lead with Story

One of the most powerful devices in your marketing toolkit should be storytelling.

Specifically, storytelling that creates the emotions you want your prospects to feel and associate with your offer: joy, hope, urgency, victory, etc.

It’s these emotions that drive our powerful unconscious mind to make conscious decisions that make us feel good.

What goes into a good inspiring story?

My two favorite books on this topic are Michael Hauge’s Storytelling Made Easy and Donald Miller’s Building a StoryBrand.

The most critical elements shared in these books come down to four key points:

  1. Show your character is a normal person.
  2. Share the crisis that changed their thinking.
  3. Describe their journey with you as their guide.
  4. Show the reward of their victory.

Even a short 5-sentence testimonial can cover all four of these elements and drive your prospects’ desire to get started.

The more you share stories, the more you can inspire your audience with emotions they will associate with your brand for the long-term.

Encourage: Build Their Confidence

As a publisher, I encounter a lot of business authors who are anxious to write a 200-page book filled with overwhelming details.

Features and facts great for a small portion of the population, but the vast majority of buyers get overwhelmed by analysis paralysis and walk away “to think about it for a little longer”.

Good marketing is educating your prospect to the point they’ve got the confidence to begin your process… but not so much that they gain a false confidence they should be able to do a version of it on their own.

If you truly believe your services offer value they can’t achieve without you, then make sure your marketing doesn’t imply they should try.

Build their confidence in the benefits of your proven process, not the details or the data.

Equip: Help Them Start Simple

Overwhelmed people don’t buy, and confused people don’t start so if you want to make getting started easier, make it simple.

My team and I have been doing this for years within the fitness industry, using 100-page books explicitly designed to convert prospects into clients.

The books are lead magnets, turning the authors into fitness authorities and local celebrities.

They educate without overwhelming; giving readers an idea of who they’ll meet at the studio, what to wear, what to take with them, what to eat (or not eat), and what to expect in their workout sessions (and why). Vital details that can close a sale faster.

Now, think about your company.

Remove the fear-of-the-unknown obstacle by showing potential customers exactly what to expect in their first few visits.

If you’re marketing online, demonstrate – screen by screen – the buying and login process before they click the “buy now” button.

When you clarify exactly what to expect and what to do first, you make the process easier.

And that matters.

Take the Lead

When you understand that marketing is a long game, it transforms your marketing strategy.

Spend time developing assets that stand the test of time; particularly those you can build once and reuse over and over.

An inspirational talk (or webinar), a compelling book, and a thoughtful email onboarding campaign are all reusable assets that give you time to inspire, encourage, and equip people to say yes to life-changing decisions.

Nicole Gebhardt loves marketing, books, and key lime pie. She is the CEO of Niche Pressworks, a consulting and publishing services company for experts, speakers, coaches, consultants, and business leaders. Learn more about her 3-book strategies inside “The Ultimate Book Plan” at NichePressworks.com


Gait and Alignment

Many times when I run in Central Park, I see some elite runners. They look like gazelles. However, sometimes, I will see runners who have knees turned in, toes turned the opposite way, or simply just POUNDING on their feet.

When I teach Yoga, or even strength training, I advocate aligning the hip bone (asis joint) with the knee, and the 2nd toe.

i.e., Squats.

Often trainers will tell students to “bring their feet hip width apart” and perhaps, having read too many magazines with models who are super thin, they bring their feet so wide that they are BEYOND the alignment they could possible sit in or walk in. Imagine the MANSPREAD on the subway. Over time, if clients keep doing “squats” with their feet so beyond the width of their hips, it puts undo strain on the ACL, ankles, and causes many muscle imbalances.

In a squat, the goal is NOT to “go lower”.

A member once wrote a nasty comment via the gym website that “I didn’t go low enough” in my squat. What is “low enough”? If you are compromising form, or bending your back over more to make up for the fact that knees can only bend so much, then this is counterproductive.

When squatting, you should “crease” the hip joint (hip flexors) and imagine a chair being pulled out for you. Reach for the chair with your butt while bending your knees. The chest may tilt slightly forward, but the movement is NOT initiated by bending the upper body into forward flexion. Imagine if you were wearing all white, dry clean only clothing, and were carrying a tray of martinis (or red sauce). You would have a mess if you bent forward with your upper body. Therefore, keep your chest high, hold the platter high, and only angle forward as needed. This way all the work goes into the quads and glutes, and not into the back.

Exercise Samples (L to R): One leg step up; one leg dead lift; squat to one leg

Another drill I like to teach is a step-to 1 leg squat. Take a step to your right, balance on the right leg, and perform 1-3 squats. Then repeat by stepping left. To advance this, take a little hop, and then do 1-3 1 legged squats.

1 leg step ups (pictured above): place 1 foot on a bench laterally. The step should have 2 risers on each side if you are between 5’ and 5’4, and maybe 3 risers if you are above 5’6, and 4 risers if above 6’ tall. Press the weight into the foot that is on the bench and full stand up on this 1 leg. Then sit back down into the squat stance with both knees bent (one will be on the floor).

1 leg dead lifts  (pictured above): based on warrior 3: 1 leg is very straight without locking. Like a seesaw, pitch forward by lifting the free leg as high as it can go, but do not round the back, or drop the chest. I also look forward and keep my chest slightly lifted. Recover to upright by raising the gaze. Repeat 4-8 reps per leg.

Sit, stand, raise lower…this is a combination 1 leg squat into 1 leg deadlift (warrior 3). Repeat 4-8 reps.

Practicing 1 legged drills will make it so that when you perform drills such as squats on 2 legs, you will remember that if you were to take 1 leg off the ground, your stance/width should be based on this idea.

This will give you better form for running, and even walking.

The hip, knee, and 2nd toe should always REMAIN FRIENDS in every exercise for better alignment, and pain-free workouts.

Kama Linden has been teaching fitness for over 2 decades. She has taught strength, step, pilates, vinyasa yoga, senior fitness, and has worked with clients and students of all ages and fitness levels. She is certified by AFAA Group Exercise and NASM CPT, as well as 200 hour Yoga. She has a BFA in Dance from University of the ARTS.  Her new book, “Healthy Things You Can Do In Front of the TV” is now on sale on amazon.com, BN.com, and Kindle. Visit Kama’s website, bodyfriendlyoga.com, and kamalinden.com.

Seniors with trainer in gym at sport lifting barbell

4 Tips to Help Your Clients Reduce Their Risk of Falls

No matter how fit and healthy your older clients are, there is one thing that can change their lives forever: a bad fall. Every year, almost 1/3 of older adults fall and many cause injuries that will affect them the rest of their lives.

As a fitness professional, you need to be well-prepared to deliver the most effective fall prevention exercise programming to your clients. You can find excellent guidance on assessment and program design at www.mobilitymatters.fit. But you also should be providing advice to your clients on how to reduce their fall risk in other ways.

Have them do these and keep them on their feet!

1. Many falls happen outside where there are lots of potential hazards. Advise your clients to avoid walking on loose gravel, metallic/painted surfaces and cracked sidewalks and avoid being outdoors in bad weather (e.g., rain, sleet, snow). Appointments can always be rescheduled, but a trip to the ER should never be the reason!

2. Indoors, advise your clients to make sure that their path from the bedroom to the bathroom is free from obstructions (e.g., pet toys, rumpled rugs) prior to going to bed at night – that way a trip to the bathroom will not include a trip and a fall!

3. Advise your older female clients to never wear high heeled shoes outdoors. Put their heels in a canvas tote bag and walk outside in sneakers or flats instead. Nobody looks good falling, no matter how stylish the shoes!

4. In the bathroom, advise your older clients to line the floor of their shower/tub with textured adhesive strips. These are less likely to cause a slip or a trip than a rubber bath mat that might slip or bunch up. They also give a nice pedicure!

Christian Thompson, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of San Francisco and founder of Mobility Matters, an exercise assessment and program design platform designed to help fitness professionals and clinicians work with older adults. Christian has published scientific articles on exercise programming for older adults in peer-reviewed journals such as Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, and Journal of Applied Research.

Specialized Education for Fit Pros