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Human Osteoporosis

Does Low Bone Mass Mean Osteoporosis?

Nearly 30 years ago when I was in school, I wrote an exercise physiology paper on exercise and osteoporosis.

At that time there wasn’t much research available. But even then, the studies I found on tennis players, astronauts, and bed rest pointed in the direction that weight-bearing exercise could help maintain the bone density you have and even promote bone growth. I was intrigued. I’ve followed the research over the years and even created an osteoporosis exercise program.

In working with my clients, I often hear the question, “What’s the difference between osteoporosis and low bone mass (osteopenia)? And what can I do about it?”

Well to answer these questions, I have to start at the beginning.

Osteoporosis is a disease, which, over time, causes bones to become thinner, more porous and less able to support the body. Bones can become so thin that they break during normal, everyday activity. Osteoporosis is a major health threat. 54 Million are at risk, nearly 80% are women.

Postmenopausal women are particularly at risk because they stop producing estrogen, a major protector of bone mass.

As we age some bone loss is inevitable. Women age 65 or men age 70 should get a bone mineral density test. If you have a family history of osteoporosis or other risk factors, you may need a BMD much earlier.

The test is completely painless, non-invasive and takes only a few minutes. It compares your bone mineral density to that of an average healthy young person. Your results are called your T score. The difference between your score and the average young person’s T-score is called a standard deviation. (SD)

Here is how to interpret your T score:

  • Between +1 and –1: normal bone density.
  • Between -1 and -2.5: low bone density (osteopenia).
  • T-score of -2.5 or lower: osteoporosis.

Until recently it was thought that if you had low bone mass (osteopenia) you were well on your way to getting osteoporosis. But it’s now known even at this stage bone loss can be slowed down, stopped and even reversed. You and your doctor will have a number of options depending upon your particular condition.

Many MDs like to start with a calcium and vitamin D rich diet coupled with weight-bearing exercise. For many of us, that’s all we need. Others will require medication and there are many bone-building medications available.

Remember it’s never too early to start taking care of your bones. The more bone density you have as a young person the less likely to end up with osteoporosis later in life.

EASE IN, BECOME MOBILE, GET STRONG, LIVE LONG!  May is Osteoporosis Prevention Month! It’s Never Too Late To Take Care Of Your Bones!

Mirabai Holland MFA, EP-C, CHC is one of the foremost authorities in the health and fitness industry. Her customer top rated exercise videos for Health issues like Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Diabetes & more are available mirabaiholland.com. Join her NEW Online Workout Club at movingfreewithmirabai.com. Mirabai offers one-on-on Health Coaching on Skype or Phone. Contact her at askmirabai@movingfree.com.

family meal

Food, Athletes & Joy of Eating

Once upon a time (before WWII), daily life revolved around structured meals: enjoying a hearty breakfast, dinner (at noon), and supper (at night). When women entered the workforce, eating patterns changed — lighter breakfasts and lunches, with bigger family-focused dinners. Fast forward to pre-COVID 2020, youth sports and life’s busy-ness totally disrupted dinner-times; structured meals got lost in the shuffle.

Today (week #8 of COVID shut-down), our stay-at-home lifestyle has gifted many of us with time to cook breakfast, enjoy lunch, and have family dinners. Yet, many athletes are feeling confused and/or uneasy about how they are eating:

“I’m sleeping until 11:00 a.m. Should I eat breakfast — or lunch — when I get up?”

“I now have easy access to food given I’m working at home. I spend too much time grazing. Seems like I am hungry all the time.”

“My eating habits are weird. How should I be eating? What is “normal” eating?”

Sound familiar? To add a supportive framework, joy to meals, and answer the question What is normal eating?, I turn to eating authority Ellyn Satter, author of Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family (a book every parent should read; EllynSatter-Institute.org).

Here is her definition of “normal eating”:

Normal eating is going to the table hungry and eating until you are satisfied. It is being able to choose food you like and eat it and truly get enough of it — not stopping eating just because you think you should.

That is, did you stop eating breakfast today because the oatmeal in your bowl was all gone? Or were you truly satiated? At the end of lunch, did you stop at your one-sandwich allotment, even though you wanted more? If you are “feeling hungry all the time,” you likely ARE hungry; your body is requesting more fuel. Trust it. You’ll end up eating more sooner or later, so please honor that hunger and eat more now.

Normal eating is being able to give some thought to your food selection so you get nutritious food, but not being so wary and restrictive that you miss out on enjoyable food. That is, have you put yourself in food jail and banned “fun foods” like cookies, cupcakes, and chips, out of fear of over-eating them? Ideally, your meal plan includes 85-90% quality foods, with 10-15% fun foods. You need not eat a perfect diet to have an excellent diet. Some “fun food” in the midst of a pandemic can be, well, fun!

Normal eating is giving yourself permission to eat sometimes because you are happy, sad, or bored, or just because it feels good. Yes, food is a way we celebrate, mourn, and entertain ourselves. Sometimes we even need a hug from food, despite being not hungry. One bowl of ice cream will not ruin your waistline nor your health forever. That said, routinely overindulging in ice cream as a means to distract yourself from life’s pain will not solve any problem. If you are using food as a drug, to not start eating can be easier than stopping once you have started.

Normal eating is mostly three meals a day, or four or five, or it can be choosing to munch along the way. Most athletes require fuel at least every 3 to 4 hours. Those who “graze all day” commonly under-eat at meals. If you stop eating because you think you should, not because you are satiated, you will feel the urge to graze. Solutions: eat the rest of your breakfast-calories for a mid-morning snack, eat an earlier lunch, or better yet, give yourself permission to eat enough satiating food at breakfast. Living hungry all the time puts a damper on your quality of life, to say nothing of impairs athletic performance.

Normal eating is leaving cookies on the plate because you know you can have some again tomorrow, or it is eating more now because they taste so wonderful. If you are banning fun foods from your house because you can’t eat just one cookie, think again. Denying yourself permission to enjoy a few cookies boosts the urge to eat the whole plateful. I call that “last chance eating.” You know, “last chance to have cookies, because tomorrow I am back on my cookie-free diet.” Depriving yourself of cookies leads to binge-eating. Try planning in forbidden foods every day. They will soon lose their power.

Normal eating is overeating at times, feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. And it can be undereating at times and wishing you had more. Normal eating is trusting your body to make up for your mistakes in eating. Yes, even normal eaters overeat. It’s normal to have too much birthday cake, too much Sunday Brunch, too much ice cream. When competent eaters overeat, they listen to their body’s signals – and notice they take longer to get hungry again. That is, if you have a hearty brunch, you will be less hungry that evening. Trust me. Rather, trust your body.

Hunger is your body’s way of telling you it has burned off what you gave it, and now it is ready for more fuel. You want to honor hunger and eat intuitively, like kids do. Kids eat matter-of-factly; they stop eating when they are content. Adults (especially weight-conscious athletes), don’t eat when they are hungry, then don’t stop when content. Rather, they “cheat” and guiltily stuff themselves with forbidden foods —last chance before the diet starts again!

Normal eating takes up some of your time and attention, but keeps its place as only one important area of your life. If you are spending 90% of your time thinking about food, you are likely hungry 90% of the time. (If humans didn’t think about food, they would never think to eat.) If you eat until you are satisfied, you will stop incessantly thinking about food. That said, food-thoughts can be a way to distract yourself from stuff you really don’t want to think about. In that case, talking with a counsellor might be helpful. Smothering your feelings with chocolate will not solve any of your problems.

In short, normal eating is flexible. It varies in response to your hunger, your schedule, your proximity to food, and your feelings. Many athletes very rigidly eat the same foods every single day. A sports nutritionist can help add variety (more nutrients), flexibility, and more joy to eating. Food can and should be one of life’s pleasures, both when training and in the midst of the pandemic.

Boston-area sports nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD counsels both casual and competitive athletes, helping them learn how to eat competently. Her best-selling Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook is a helpful resource. For more information, visit NancyClarkRD.com.

Doctor and patient

Health Coaches Don’t “Diagnose or Treat Disease”: Those Words and Others Don’t Belong in Our Vocabulary

It is nothing new that there’s inevitable overlap between the practice of medicine and providing sound health coaching. Ideally, there should be a seamless continuum between the two endeavors, but that could only exist where there is a continuum of cooperation and respect. Health Coaches need to be careful with how we describe and present our work. While health coaching is a vibrant movement, it is still a junior partner to “traditional medicine” and for self-preservation; we should seek to avoid direct “turf wars” with Physicians.

The most balanced approach requires continuous consideration of the distinctions between these complementary fields. While there will always be principled differences, the practical applications change steadily along with knowledge and technology. The most prudent approach is for Health Coaches to simply concede medicine’s proprietary terms. We need to understand them, and can use them, but anytime we do we must draw distinctions that educate our clients about the difference in objectives and procedures of these complementary endeavors. In that sense, there are no “forbidden words”, but there are plenty of places where lack of clarity in purpose and practice can cause problems. Some of the major terms that should be conceded include:

Patient, practice, diagnosis, cause, disease/pathology, prescribing, medicine, treatment, management, effectiveness, intervention and cure.

Health Coaches should strive to embody in our mission what comes from consideration of those terms. We develop relationships with clients, we are not in the practice of seeking responsibility for treating patients. We are helpful guides in exploring the vast, common sense resources of the field of wellness, not prescribing proprietary agents or using medical modalities to treat disease. We act as individual guides on a quest that prioritizes personalized discovery and anecdotal utility, not practitioners who prescribe antidotes approved by impersonal population-based investigations.

Health Coaches are about beings, synergy, elasticity, balance, flourishing and optimization.

We look for associated (natural) influences that can combine to re-establish balance, not for a cause or diagnosis that be controlled by the use of a foreign/artificial agent. Health Coaches are about beings, synergy, elasticity, balance, flourishing and optimization. Medicine predominantly lays claim to systems that don’t display those features.

“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Each term, of course, could be expanded upon greatly as time permits. Back in 1903, Thomas Edison said that “The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Edison was simply wrong. Health Coaches should focus on care of the human frame and diet which are the wellsprings of function and flourishing. That’s a big task that requires ever-increasing knowledge and wisdom.

Unfortunately, the human “machine” is inevitably subject to decay of various sorts and severities. Medicine will always have a very important place in providing resources for comfort where nature has been pushed to failure – which is not an uncommon occurrence. The line between those positions shifts over time, but until utopia breaks out, reality will maintain a vast market for both types of emphasis. For now, it is up to the junior partner to hold up their banner while keeping the peace.

Originally printed on the FDN blog. Reprinted with permission.

Reed Davis is a Nutritional Therapist and has been the Health Director and Case Manager at a wellness clinic San Diego for over 15 years. Reed is the Founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Certification Course, offering functional lab training, data-driven protocols, tools and leadership you need so professionals confidently solve your client’s health issues and grow your career.


Parkinson’s Disease and Exercise

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease.  Unfortunately, the incidence of Parkinson’s disease has not declined, and its impact is seen in all races.  This is due in part to the fact that the population of the world is greater than ever before and increasing. In addition, people are living longer than in previous generations, and the baby boomer generation, one of the largest generations in history, has reached old age.

Risk factors for Parkinson’s disease include:

Age: Risk of Parkinson’s disease increases with age.  The average age of onset for this disease is 55 years and the rate of incidence increases steadily until the age of 90.

Gender: Men have a higher risk for Parkinson’s disease than women.

Family history: Individuals with a family history of Parkinson’s disease are at a higher risk for Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, it is said that those with affected first-degree relatives double their risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Agricultural work: Individuals exposed to pesticides and herbicides have a greater risk of developing Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Drinking well-water and living in rural areas have also been associated with an increased incidence of Parkinson’s disease.

Head Trauma: Head trauma can be a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease as is seen in the case of boxers. One study showed that trauma to the upper cervical region, head, and neck was a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease. However, in some cases it took years for these symptoms to appear.

The exact cause of Parkinson’s disease is unknown.  Regarding the molecular events that lead to the development of this disease, there is still some uncertainty in terms of what causes the neurodegeneration seen in Parkinson’s disease. The current hypothesis is that Parkinson’s disease may result from the interaction between environmental factors and genetic susceptibility.

The primary symptoms for PD are deficiencies in motor performance due to the loss of the dopamine pathways in the brain. Decreased dopamine production in the substantia nigra in the brain causes the 4 primary motor symptoms:

  • Bradykinesia: described as slowness in the execution of movements while performing daily activities.
  • Rigidity or Stiffness: caused by an involuntary increase in tone of the limbs and axial musculature.
  • Resting Tremor: Found primarily in the arms and hands and can be socially bothersome. Resting tremors are less disabling since they often vanish with the initiation of activity (especially in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease).
  • Postural Instability: manifested in a slow speed of walking, shortened stride length, narrowing of base of support, and leaning towards one side.

Exercise should be targeted for the primary motor symptoms with exercise and occupational therapy to improve quality of life. Recommended program components include:

  • Posture, gait, mobility
  • Fall risk reduction
  • Cardiorespiratory health
  • Strength and function
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Joint health

Exercise prescription for clients with PD includes: (ACSM)

  • An individualized program
  • Cardiorespiratory: use guidelines for healthy adults
  • Muscular Fitness: use guidelines for healthy adults
  • Flexibility: slow, static exercises for all major and minor joints in the body including the upper torso, spine, and neck.
  • Neuromotor Exercises: help with balance, gait, and postural instability. Clinicians use a gait belt or parallel bars to ensure safety depending on the severity of the symptoms.  Include functional exercises to improve ADLs and quality of life.

PD exercise therapy includes intervention with many kinds of exercise modes. Both personal training and group fitness have been successful in helping to manage the disease and reduce the symptoms. There is not strong evidence at this point to show that exercise prevents PD, but it is believed that exercise may play a role.  Exercise is however the mainstay for symptom management and slowing disease development.


June M. Chewning BS, MA has been in the fitness industry since 1978 serving as a physical education teacher, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, gym owner, master trainer, adjunct college professor, curriculum formatter and developer, and education consultant. She is the education specialist at Fitness Learning Systems, a continuing education company.

References and Resources:


High Altitude Sports During Pregnancy: Are the Risks Worth the Thrill?

Research in the field of prenatal fitness has conclusively shown that exercise during pregnancy provides health benefits to mother and fetus, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists encourages pregnant women without complications to continue or start a fitness routine during pregnancy. Although prenatal exercise is considered safe for most pregnant women, some activities are more controversial because of potential injury risks or because of the environment where they take place.

Many women enjoy downhill skiing, cross country skiing, and snowboarding, and have questions about whether it’s safe for them to continue these sports during pregnancy. The safety of these sports, as well as the effect higher altitudes, may have on pregnant women and their fetuses, are important factors to consider before taking part in high altitude snow sport activities.

Several studies have examined pregnancy outcomes and complications comparisons between pregnant women who were exposed to high altitudes versus pregnant women who did not travel to high altitudes. One study (1) that examined the association between high altitude exposure and self-reported pregnancy complications found that there is a low rate of complications for pregnant women who participated in activities and travel in high altitude areas.

Another study (2) suggested that pregnant women who traveled to high altitudes (determined as above 2440 meters, or 8,000 feet) did not have a higher risk of pregnancy complications when compared to women who did not have high altitude exposure. These women were more likely to have preterm labor than those not exposed to high altitude, but the percentage of preterm labor in the study were below the US population rate of preterm births. There was a statistical increase in newborn oxygen need at birth, but no complicating issues were associated with this.

Although these study results are reassuring, more rigorous research is needed to provide further information regarding the safety of high-altitude exposure and exercise during pregnancy.

There are key factors that may influence the degree of hypoxia-related pregnancy complications for the fetus and mother.

  • Duration of exposure
  • Intensity of activity
  • Degree of altitude
  • Difference between altitude at home and sport

These factors should be taken into consideration by a pregnant woman who is planning to travel to (and exercise in) high altitude. If she lives in a low altitude area, it’s a good idea to build in several days of progressive altitude increase to allow time for her to adjust. If possible, she should vary the duration of her exposure by sleeping at lower elevations. She should be aware of signs of hypoxia (see list below) and move to a lower altitude if she experiences increased symptoms.

Complications from exercise at higher elevations may be compounded by increased dehydration as a result of dry and cold air. Maintaining adequate fluid intake and allowing for rest breaks to hydrate can avoid this issue.

The key to avoiding altitude-related issues is being aware of how altitude is affecting the body and pregnancy and knowing the signs and symptoms of hypoxia.  As long as a pregnant woman continues to feel well and isn’t experiencing any issues while exercising at higher altitudes, she can feel confident that her pregnancy won’t be negatively affected.

*Signs of Hypoxia

  • Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
  • Persistent cough
  • Headache
  • Vision changes
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Confusion and mental status change

It’s important also to consider the risks of some types of snow sports. Downhill skiing and snowboarding require good balance, and as pregnancy progresses, the changes in a woman’s center of gravity can affect her balance and make her more prone to falls. Also, the risk of collisions with other skiers and snowboarders is a concern, especially when slopes are crowded. Careful consideration of a woman’s skill level and difficulty of the ski slope should be weighed, and modifications such as switching to easier slopes and terrain can reduce risk.

Catherine Cram started her company, Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Consulting, in order to provide current, evidence- based guidelines maternal fitness guidelines to health and fitness professionals. She was a contributing author for the textbook, Women’s Health in Physical Therapy and co-authored the revision of Exercising Through Your Pregnancy with Dr. James Clapp.  Her company offers the certification course, “Prenatal and Postpartum Exercise Design” which provides continuing education credits for over 30 health and fitness organizations, including ACSM, ACE, ICEA, and Lamaze.



Wilderness Environ Med, 2016 Jun;27(2):227-35. doi: 10.1016/j.wem.2016.02.010. Outdoor Activity and High Altitude Exposure During Pregnancy: A Survey of 459 Pregnancies. Keyes LE1Hackett PH2Luks AM3.


The Naturopathic Chef: Jicama Broccoli Coleslaw

This salad is perfect as the weather warms up. The taste and health benefits are amazing. Bone building, hormone balancing, and heart health are just a few of the wonderful “side effects” of one of my most requested recipes. It’s a fresh and vibrant side dish to liven up any BBQ, picnic, or potluck.


  • 1 cup jicama, julienne
  • 1 cup broccoli florets
  • ¼ cup flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • ¼ cup purple onion, minced
  • ¾ cup grapeseed oil mayonnaise (Follow Your Heart brand)
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • 2 tsp fresh horseradish, shredded
  • 1 Tbsp honey


Toss first four ingredients together in a bowl and set aside. Combine Grapeseed oil mayo, lemon juice, fresh horseradish and honey in a separate bowl.  Pour over vegetables and toss to coat.  Chill and serve.

Phyte Bites

Horseradish relieves pain, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the metabolism.

Broccoli is a powerful weapon against hormone-based cancers (prostate, cervical, breast, and lung.)

Parsley is high in Apigenin and is a great bone strengthener. Harvard School of Medicine thinks Apigenin may possibly lead to a cure for ovarian cancer.

All of the ingredients listed contribute to strong bones, ligaments, and tendons. Grapeseed oil is the only oil we know of that actually clears plaque from our arteries. This combination of ingredients is a powerhouse of antioxidant activity.

Get more great recipes from Tina Martini — her book, Delicious Medicine: The Healing Power of Food is available to purchase on Amazon. More than a cookbook, combining 20+ years of experience, along with her love of coaching, cooking and teaching, Tina offers unexpected insights into the history and healing power of clean eating, along with recipes to help reduce your risk of disease and improve overall wellness so you can enjoy life!

Affectionately referred to as The Walking Encyclopedia of Human Wellness, Fitness Coach, Strength Competitor and Powerlifting pioneer, Tina “The Medicine Chef” Martini is an internationally recognized Naturopathic Chef and star of the cooking show, Tina’s Ageless Kitchen. Tina’s cooking and lifestyle show has reached millions of food and fitness lovers all over the globe. Over the last 30 years, Tina has assisted celebrities, gold-medal athletes and over-scheduled executives naturally achieve radiant health using The Pyramid of Power: balancing Healthy Nutrition and the healing power of food, with Active Fitness and Body Alignment techniques. Working with those who have late-stage cancer, advanced diabetes, cardiovascular and other illnesses, Tina’s clients are astounded at the ease and speed with which they are able to restore their radiant health. Tina believes that maintaining balance in our diet, physical activity, and in our work and spiritual life is the key to our good health, happiness and overall well being. Visit her website, themedicinechef.com

grapefruit salad meal

Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well

Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well will be an entertaining, yet informative webinar based on my new book. I’m a nutritionist, chef, personal trainer, and wellness educator who shows people of all ages how to understand and embrace aging with strategies that help each of us live life to the fullest as we move on in years.

This is a very timely topic, whether we are that aging person, or a youngster entering professions that will have an increased responsibility to cater to a nationwide demographic of an aging population.

Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well conveys that there is no such thing as anti-aging… while growing old is inevitable and should be embraced, all of us can make every day of our lives wonderful through lifestyle habits that work. Living well is the only way to survive and endure aging.

Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well, will teach you that physically, emotionally, and professionally, we all have room to learn and grow. By following the simple concepts outlined in this session you can dramatically reduce the stresses that contribute to energy drain and premature aging.

Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well poses the questions we all have about aging, with practical solutions to follow. What we usually take to be negative aspects of aging will be accompanied and countered by strategies to live well. Fun tips and informative solutions for combating age related issues will be provided.

Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well looks into scientific research that is showing promising results to stave off the ill effects of a diminishing body through food choices, medical intervention, lifestyle and emotional behaviors.  With a positive attitude about aging, and understanding what is going on with you, you can dramatically improve the quality of your life. Mental attitude and how you see yourself today, will play a huge role in keeping you feeling youthful and vibrant in all your days to come.

Join me for this webinar! Click here to register.

Patricia Greenberg, The Fitness Gourmet has 30 years of experience as a Nutritionist, Chef, and Wellness educator. Patricia holds a BS in Nutrition and Food Science from Queens College, NYC, a Culinary Arts Degree, from Le Cordon Bleu in Scottsdale, AZ, and is an ACE Certified Trainer, with a sub-specialties in Sports Nutrition and Senior Fitness. She is also certified as a Dementia Friends Seminar educator through Alzheimer’s LA. She is the author of four books, “The Whole Soy Cookbook”, “Soy Desserts”, “Scrumptious Sandwiches, Salads, and Snacks”, and, “Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well!” She is a regular guest expert on both national television and radio programs, which over the years, has had an impact on the lives and health of thousands of people.

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How Should You Eat During Lockdown?

Has anyone else heard the call of their refrigerator nonstop during lockdown? It’s bad enough that we can’t go to the gym anymore and can wear stretchy loungewear all day, but to have access to your own fridge 24/7? It will be truly impressive if anyone can come out of this without having put on weight… 

Luckily, there are a few simple tricks to try to keep the unhealthy cravings at bay throughout isolation and preserve both your figure and your overall well being. Here’s what to consider the next time you reach for that Sub-Zero handle:

Avoid Snacking

When we’re bored, we naturally gravitate towards eating. It’s something to do that gives a hit of instant gratification and we’re all guilty of eating when we’re not hungry from time to time. Snacks are the worst because it’s hard to know when to stop and before we know it we’ve polished off that bag of Doritos and two tubs of Ben & Jerry’s. Oops.

We’re not saying no snacks are allowed, but instead of letting yourself go wild in the snack cupboard, try cutting back to one morning snack and one afternoon snack and leave it at that. If you simply must nibble on something every hour, opt for healthy choices like raw almonds or dried fruit. Sounds boring, but you’ll get the hang of it if you stick with it.

Stop Eating Lots of Sugar

If there’s one silent but deadly culprit hiding in just about everything packaged, it’s sugar. You already know it’s bad, but how bad? Let’s put it this way: Sugar can damage your heart, add unwanted belly fat, it’s toxic to your liver, bad for your brain, and is linked to cancer. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you haven’t ever thought about your thrice-daily desserts before, quarantine is actually a great time to do a little research and rethink what you’re putting into your body. You are what you eat! And we don’t mean sweet. 

Don’t Overdo It on Carbs

Carbs will quickly make you put on weight, so it makes sense to cut back during this period where you’re not as active. Of course, your body needs some carbs, but you definitely don’t need a doughnut with breakfast and a roll with dinner. 

Here’s an easy swap: instead of bringing out the tortilla or potato chips to scoop into hummus, exchange them for some crisp raw chopped cucumber, carrot sticks, or red pepper slices. You may not be a fan of the veggies uncooked on their own, but with the hummus it’s actually really tasty. You’ll feel more energized after this snack as well. A win-win.

Don’t Forget About Fruit and Veg

The best way to boost your immunity? Eat lots of food with natural color. We’re talking ripe red strawberries, dark blue blueberries, leafy green spinach; the works. You can also get lots of Vitamin C from oranges or a morning glass of natural OJ. You want to get as many nutrients in as possible to help your body out during this period where we are all particularly susceptible to illness. Natural, healthy nourishment is always a good idea. 

Skip Deep-Fried, Processed Foods

Fried foods like French fries may be a go-to treat for many, but they should, for the most part, be avoided during lockdown. Although it’s tasty, junk food is really bad for your brain as it spikes your sugar levels, but doesn’t provide any real nutrition. We all know they’re not good for us and just because we have a creeping feeling of despair over being locked indoors all the time does not mean that we should indulge in all of the most unhealthy foods. Trust us, it won’t make things better. 

Don’t Make Every Hour Happy Hour

The home bar may always be open, but that doesn’t mean drinking a glass of wine for breakfast everyday is acceptable. Drinking every day is not only terrible on your body – liver, skin, immune system, it’s also bad for your mental health. Plus, alcohol is made from sugar or starch, so you are drinking many calories without even realizing it. It’s ok, it’s not too late; just put down the glass and walk away slowly…

It’s not easy to eat healthy all the time, but if you avoid these toxic habits, you’ll feel a lot better overall during quarantine. Good luck and stay safe and healthy!

Rae Steinbach is a graduate of Tufts University with a combined International Relations and Chinese degree. After spending time living and working abroad in China, she returned to NYC to pursue her career and continue curating quality content. Rae is passionate about travel, food, and writing for Yummie.



Picture courtesy of Pexels.


Coronavirus and Type 2 Diabetes

There is plenty of news in the media which says that the COVID-19 is harmless for a healthy individual. They also mention that people with underlying conditions are sensitive to the disease. One such underlying condition that many have is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. According to sources, Tom Hanks testing positive for COVID-19 caused panic… that was because this popular actor is also a Type-2 diabetic. 

Why are Diabetic People More in Danger?

A healthy person and a diabetic person are at the same risk of catching the infection. The difference is how the patients deal with the virus. A diabetic patient has a higher chance of facing complications. A person with diabetes will face severe symptoms if they get COVID-19. Diabetes fluctuates the level of glucose in your body. Because of this, diabetic people with COVID-19 have severe inflammation and swelling.

Tips to Protect Diabetic Patients from the Coronavirus

Being a diabetic or the caregiver of such a patient will be stressful for you. Social distancing is the only you can avoid getting the disease. In case you are wondering how to practice social distancing here are a few tips:

  1. Avoid going outdoors, and only do so if it is essential.
  2. Avoid visiting a sick person, whether they are Coronavirus patients or those suffering from any illness.
  3. Try working from home. Discuss this with your employer and try gaining their support in this regard.
  4. Avoid gatherings and large crowds. These include cinemas, restaurants, clubs and bars.
  5. Maintain your blood sugar levels in normal range. That is because people with optimum levels of blood glucose have fewer complications.
  6. Regularly wash your hands. Follow guidelines on the internet about properly washing your hands. If you do not have access, try sanitizing your hands as an alternative.
  7. Avoid hospitals and try contacting your doctor through the phone.
  8. Keep yourself aware of the symptoms of the Coronavirus disease. If you observe any such symptoms, immediately call your general practitioner.


The government suggests shielding advice to all diabetic patients. It meant that all people vulnerable to the disease stay at home for almost 12 weeks. During this period, you should avoid all face-to-face contact. You must understand the risks that you are putting yourself into if you do not take precautions.

Terrance Hutchinson is the Owner of Your Best Lifestyles Fitness and Nutrition. He is a Certified Personal trainer specializing in Exercise Therapy, Corrective Exercise, Sports Nutrition, and Corporate Wellness. He an author of 3 books, he has his own podcast, he has contributed articles to major newspapers and magazines, Terrance has spoken at health events, webinars, seminars, hospitals, schools, doctors offices and has been featured nationally syndicated television platforms. Terrance has clients in many states and counties and is looking to help others bridge the gap between the medical and fitness industries. To learn more about Terrance, visit yourbestlifestyles.com