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Psychologist having session with her patient in her private consulting room

Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, and Psychology

By treating pain from a biopsychosocial model you will maximize not only your pain relief, but your ability to engage in life to your fullest potential. But how can you treat pain from a biopsychosocial model? How do I target the psychosocial aspects and incorporate that into my overall pain management treatment plan? Enter, the psychologist.

Massage and Diabetes

Diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, are chronic metabolic diseases that require medical management. Type 2 diabetes is more common and it is estimated that 1-in-3 children born in the U.S. today will develop Type 2 diabetes during their lifetime. Fortunately, the treatment options and knowledge base is growing every day. Most people are looking for ways to enhance their healthy lifestyle. Receiving massage therapy can be one way of taking control, and nurturing your body, encouraging health and balance, and reducing symptoms and side effects naturally.

Nutrition for Alzheimer’s Disease

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is an important component of maintaining good health for all people, but it is especially important for people with Alzheimer’s Disease because poor nutrition may increase behavioral symptoms and cause weight loss. A diet that includes a variety of healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy and lean proteins is a major component of optimizing nutritional status.