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A Population in Need of Trainers

No one looks forward to the day when they need to have a joint replaced. It can seem intimidating, and for good reason. Many patients can have a fairly extensive recovery period with some never regaining full use of the joint in question. But this doesn’t have to be the case. If they prepare properly, they can avoid a great deal of pain and frustration from recovery.

Every year in the United States, there are over 600,000 knee replacement surgeries alone. Hip and knee replacements are very common in those suffering from osteoarthritis, and they are in need of a critical professional — personal trainers.

The Need

Osteoarthritis primarily affects older adults over 50. As opposed to most millennials today, this generation of adults didn’t grow up with exercise being a regular part of life. As such, there is a high degree of sedentary people who also suffer from osteoarthritis and needing joint replacement.

The research is pretty clear — those who are more physically fit have fewer complications in surgery and, above all, require significantly less time to recover afterward. The problem is that a significant portion of this population do not exercise and do not know how to do so safely. Thus, the special skillsets that personal trainers have are incredibly valuable to them.

Training Focus

For most people facing joint replacement, there is a two-fold objective: weight reduction and muscle strengthening. This is because the less the patient weighs, the less pressure is placed on the recovering joint. Furthermore, the stronger the supporting muscles are around the rest of the body, the better-able the patient is to regain mobility.

As such, the training program should include:

  • Cardiovascular training
  • Upper and lower body muscular development
  • Core strength
  • Range of motion development

Above all, the key to training these clients is SAFETY FIRST. These clients are already suffering from joint pain, and excessive training can make the situation that much worse.

Helping a Growing Network

The population of older adults suffering from osteoarthritis and needing joint replacement is on the rise. It’s estimated that in 20 years, there will be as many as 4 million procedures a year. There is a definitive need for personal trainers who know enough about osteoarthritis and joints in the body to make a difference in these patients’ lives. Word of mouth referrals from successful outcomes are a likely possibility and the opportunity to collaborate with healthcare professionals is extensive.

Learn the Essentials

I have worked with Dr. Irv Rubenstein to put together a course like none other that will get personal trainers up to speed as quickly as possible on the essentials. We go over what happens in the joints and how they deteriorate as well as what happens during and after joint replacement surgery.

In this course, you will learn:

  • The basics of Osteoarthritis and how it affects the body
  • Exercise programming to prepare the client physically for surgery
  • Contraindications for post-surgery and how to avoid re-injury
  • Programs that will work in the home or at a gym
  • An overall approach to helping clients prepare and recover safely.

Most importantly, we discuss what is safe and effective for this clientele as well as what to avoid at all costs — exercises which increase the likelihood of injury and exacerbation of pain. We look forward to empowering personal trainers to use their skills and expertise to benefit older communities that they wouldn’t normally think about when looking for new clients. This is a population in desperate need of a personal trainer’s ability, especially in the delicate days before surgery and continued work with the client once their physical therapy time has ended.

Jane Curth is the co-founder and CEO of FitFixNow. Helping people on their wellness journey is her passion; Jane has helped clients and students with their diet and fitness struggles for over 20 years.


Health & Wellness Coaching for Diabetes

Managing Diabetes can be very complex. How can the diabetes patient be successful at creating a solid lifestyle plan involving healthy nutrition, increased activity and effective medical management? A study published by American Diabetes Association, Clinical Diabetes, state’s “Controlling diabetes to reduce the incidence of its complications rests largely on individual patients and requires vigorous self-management of the disease. Unfortunately, without sustained support, few people achieve their goals or master the tasks that will allow them to live healthfully and reduce their risk of costly complications.”

Diabetes managementAccording to the New England Journal of Medicine, “Type 2 diabetes is increasingly common, primarily because of increases in the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. It was concluded that the reduction in the incidence of diabetes was directly associated with changes in lifestyle and that Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by changes in the lifestyles of high-risk subjects.”

Diabetes self-management can be very overwhelming for the diabetic patient often leading to a sense of failure but there is help. A Health & Wellness Plan created together with a coach has proven to increase success in achieving healthier lifestyle behaviors and a greater quality of life.

While diabetes management can be overwhelming the Clinical Diabetes study results “revealed broad agreement among participants that their coach helped them figure out what to do to better control diabetes, that their coach’s encouragement was important in controlling diabetes, and that coaching was an important part of the overall program.”

Studies performed by Duke University, published by the New England Journal of Medicine, and the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine suggest that working with a Health Coach improves medical management, patient engagement, social support, physical activity, diet, decreases stress, and reduces A1C scores. In addition, patient perception indicated positive improvements in overall personal health status, as well as, accomplishment of their goals when working with a health coach.

The Affordable Care Act recognizes that focusing on wellness and prevention is key to improving the health of Americans. The National Prevention Strategy is moving us from a system of sick care to one based on wellness and prevention. Many of the programs and initiatives now being funded include coaching. An example is the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program that now includes Health Coaches within their team. We are now also finding coaches within insurance companies, such as UnitedHealth Group, Optima Health and Aetna due to success in improving diabetes control for the patient.

health-coaching-wordglobeWhat Can Health & Wellness Coaches Do for You?

Coaches work with diabetes patients in a variety of ways. In one example of coaching in a healthcare setting Dr. Heather Bennett and her team (in an American Academy of Family Physicians publication) described Health Coaching for patients as encompassing five principal roles:

  1. Providing self-management support
  2. Bridging the gap between clinician and patient
  3. Helping patients navigate the health care system
  4. Offering emotional support and support resources
  5. Serving as a continuity figure.

In Bennett’s model the role of health educator and the role of health and wellness coach was combined.

Providing self-management support
Self-management support is essential for patients to extend their health care outside the clinic walls and into their real lives. Coaches assist patients in seven domains of self-management support: providing information, teaching disease-specific skills, promoting healthy behaviors, imparting problem-solving skills, assisting with the emotional impact of chronic illness, providing regular follow-up and encouraging people to be active participants in their care. Patients have better health outcomes when provided with disease-specific knowledge and skills.

Bridging the gap between clinician and patient
Throughout the care process, there are plenty of opportunities for disconnects between the clinician and the patient. Prescribing medications is one example. It is a two-part endeavor: 1) writing prescriptions and 2) making sure patients obtain, understand and actually take the medications as prescribed. Physicians perform part one but lack time to address the critical second part. Health coaches can bridge these gaps by following up with patients, asking about needs and obstacles, and addressing health literacy, cultural issues and social-class barriers. Health Coaches help patients navigate the health care system. Many patients, particularly the elderly, disabled and marginalized, need a navigator to help locate, negotiate and engage in services. Coaches can help coordinate care and advocate with patients when their voices are not heard.

Offering emotional support
Coping with illness is emotionally challenging. Well-intentioned but rushed clinicians may fail to address patients’ emotional needs. As trust and familiarity grow, coaches can offer emotional support and help patients cope with their illnesses. They also assist patients in seeking out additional emotional support that will help them achieve and maintain success.

Woman Doing Stretching Exercises In Gym With Trainer

Serving as a continuity figure
Coaches connect with patients not only for office visits but also between visits, creating familiarity and continuity. This is particularly helpful in practices where clinicians work part-time or see one another’s patient. Coaches travel with the patient as an ally and assist them with staying the course while implementing their wellness plan.

Health & Wellness Coaches Can Help

Coaches facilitate a patient-directed process of evaluation and assessment, exploration, tracking and accountability to and assist in co-creating a plan that is tailored to the patient Health & Wellness Coaches work with a patient individually or in small groups. They help create a whole-life integrated wellness plan toward managing diabetes and bringing about the lifestyle changes needed for a healthier life. Coaches serve as an ally to help those challenged with diabetes follow through with their health & wellness plan so they can achieve their goals toward their best life possible.


Affordable Care Act – Department of Health & Human Services: www.hhs.gov

Bennett et al, Health Coaching for Patients With Chronic Illness. Fam Pract Manag. 2010 Sep-Oct;17(5):24-29.

MacLean et al, Telephone Coaching to Improve Diabetes Self-Management for Rural Residents. Clinical Diabetes. January 2012 vol. 30 no. 1 13-16.

Melko et al, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, March/April 2010; vol. 4, 2: pp. 187-194.

National Prevention Strategy, Clinical and Community Preventive Services, National Prevention Council 2010. www.surgeongeneral.gov/initiatives/prevention/strategy/preventive-services.pdf

National Prevention Council Action Plan: Implementing the National Prevention Strategy

National Prevention Council, National Prevention, Health promotion, and Public Health Council, 2013 Annual Status Report. June 25, 2012. http://www.cdc.gov/features/PreventionCouncil

Sacco et al, Effect of a brief, regular telephone intervention by paraprofessionals for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Behavorial Medicine. August 2009, Volume 32, Issue 4, 349-359.

Tuomilehto et al, Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Changes in Lifestyle among Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance .N Engl J Med 2001; 344:1343-1350.

Wolever et al, Integrative Health Coaching for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Diabetes Educator July/August 2010 vol. 36 no. 4 629-639.


The Benefits of Adding Tai Chi to Your Exercise Regimen

Tai Chi is better than a glass of wine!”

The above quote is an actual proclamation from one of my students at the end of class one night. Let’s take some time to look through all the things that you can expect from learning this relaxing, slow martial art.

Because Tai Chi offers a slow, meditative approach to movement, some people question it as an exercise modality since the aerobic component is not high. You should not dismiss it, however, simply because you might not break a sweat doing it! The intensity of this form of exercise can be increased or decreased depending on the depth of the postures and the duration of practice. It is certainly a low-impact form of exercise which is beneficial to people with existing joint issues and to people who want to avoid joint issues.

Let’s take a look at both the scientifically proven benefits and the anecdotal benefits that occur with the regular practice of Tai Chi.

Physical benefits

As you would expect, there are many physical benefits when one practices any form of exercise over a period of time. The benefits that research has proven with the regular practice of Tai Chi are surprisingly far-reaching, especially in our current climate of anti-aging remedies. The Mayo Clinic lists some of the benefits of Tai Chi as:

  • Improved aerobic capacity
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Improved flexibility, balance and agility
  • Improved muscle strength and definition
  • Enhanced quality of sleep
  • Enhanced functioning of the immune system
  • Reduction in blood pressure
  • Reduction in joint pain
  • Improved symptoms of congestive heart failure
  • Reduction in the risk of falls in older adults

That list is impressive just by itself! There are other studies that have proven improvement for those who live with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, COPD and others. It has also been proven to improve bone mineral density in elderly women. One study (Tai Chi Chuan: an ancient wisdom on exercise and health promotion) even stated that, “The long-term practice of Tai Chi Chuan can attenuate the age decline in physical function . . . .” It’s no secret that we are living longer now due in part to medical advances. It can be argued that we are not necessarily living better, however. The practice of Tai Chi can possibly be one of the ways we are able to increase the enjoyment of our later years because of the improvements it provides in physical function.

One of the biggest concerns of aging is falling. Obviously, the physical detriment of broken bones or concussions or even just severe bruising are difficult for the aging population to deal with. The mental effect of being scared it will happen again is even worse, however. There are many studies that show a rapid decline in independence after just one fall. Clearly, working on balance is an important concept to help prevent falls. In a meta-study, authors Wong and Lan wrote in “Tai Chi and Balance Control” that, “recent studies substantiate that Tai Chi is effective in balance function enhancement and falls prevention.” They also concluded that, “Tai Chi improves static and dynamic balance, especially in more challenging sensory perturbed condition.” A different study on the effect of 4-and 8-week intensive Tai Chi training on balance control in the elderly concluded that, “even 4 weeks of intensive Tai Chi training are sufficient to improve balance control.” Anecdotally, I have witnessed this in the classes I teach. Many of my students comment on the marked improvement in their balance. One student in particular related the story of how she and her husband were hiking and she was getting frustrated because she felt unstable going over the rocks. Then she remembered her Tai Chi training and started to incorporate some of the principles of columns and weight shift, and she immediately felt more balanced and in control on their hike!

One of the other anecdotal effects that I have seen in my classes is weight loss with Tai Chi. It is not something that people express as a goal when they start Tai Chi, however, I have had several students who have admitted that beneficial weight loss has been a side effect of their training.

Mental benefits

The benefits of Tai Chi are not only substantiated as physical benefits. There are important mental and emotional benefits as well. Let’s return to the list of benefits from the Mayo Clinic. They also list the following as resulting from practicing Tai Chi:

  • Decreased stress, anxiety and depression
  • Improved mood
  • Improved overall well-being

And I would add the following to that list:

  • Increased mental focus
  • Improvement in working memory/executive function
  • Social enjoyment and interaction

The studies concerned with the effect of Tai Chi on psychological well-being are not as conclusive as the studies on the physical benefits due in part to the obvious reliance on subjective measures. In general, however, the studies do demonstrate beneficial effects in regard to practicing Tai Chi for depression, anxiety, stress management and mood disturbance. One study on the therapeutic benefits of Tai Chi exercise (Kuramoto AM) states that, “Tai Chi can influence older individuals’ functioning and well being . . . and the positive effects of Tai Chi may be due solely to its relaxing, meditative aspects.” Just the other day, I had a student comment to me after class that, “It always seems that whatever I’m dealing with on a particular day just eases back into the proper perspective when I’m done with Tai Chi. It obviously doesn’t make the problem go away, but it feels like I can approach it with a better mindset and a healthier attitude.” That’s really the beauty of Tai Chi. It’s not some mystical, magical force or religion. In one study that measured heart rate, adrenaline, cortisol and mood during Tai Chi (Jin P), “Relative to baseline levels, subjects reported less tension, depression, anger, fatigue confusion and state-anxiety. They felt more vigorous and in general, they had less total mood disturbance.” In another meta-analysis regarding Tai Chi exercise and the improvement of health and well-being in older adults (Yau MK), “There is considerable evidence that Tai Chi has positive health benefits; physical, psychosocial and therapeutic. Furthermore, Tai Chi does not only consist of a physical component, but also sociocultural, meditative components that are believed to contribute to overall well-being.” This same study concluded that, “It is recommended as a strategy to promote successful aging.” That’s quite an endorsement! You might say that Tai Chi comes close to being a fountain of youth for those that practice it!

In my own experience, I have seen the improvement in mental focus and working memory. If you are not “in the moment” and really thinking about your movements and how to apply the principles of Tai Chi . . . you will get lost! You can’t think about what’s for dinner that night, or the fight that you had with your spouse the night before. You must focus your mind on the task at hand and that actually causes a relaxation and meditative effect. Because many of the movements force you to cross the midline, you are also forcing your brain to function in a different pattern by making the left side talk with right side. Jean Blaydes Madigan, a neurokinesiologist states that, “Crossing the midline integrates brain hemispheres to enable the brain to organize itself. When students perform cross-lateral activities, blood flow is increased in all parts of the brain, making it more alert and energized for stronger, more cohesive learning. Movements that cross the midline unify the cognitive and motor regions of the brain.” Wow! You are actually making your brain function better on all levels with the simple practice of Tai Chi!

In two different meta-studies concerned with the cognitive performance in healthy adults (Zheng, G, et. al and Wayne PM, et.al), they both concluded that “Tai Chi shows potential protective effects on healthy adults’ cognitive ability. Tai Chi shows potential to enhance cognitive function in older adults, particularly in the realm of executive functioning.” Executive function is defined on WebMD as “ a set of mental stills that help you get things done.” Who doesn’t need to get more things done in their life?? And unfortunately, if we don’t work at it, executive function declines as we age https://holisticdental.org/klonopin-for-anxiety/.

The last point I want to mention about the benefits of practicing Tai Chi is the most subtle, but certainly a very important point, especially as we age. I see a community develop in my classes that is so strong, it supports each member and provides a social interaction that is rare in our society. Many studies have shown that for successful aging, people need to be involved and to interact with each other. My students come to class to enjoy the benefits of Tai Chi . . . but they also come to class to enjoy the social interaction and support from their classmates. This kind of support and interaction can happen in any number of different venues, of course. I think the combination of the relaxing atmosphere, a non-intimidating, simple to move kind of exercise and the joint experience of learning something new that has a calming influence on your mood is un-paralleled in the exercise world. Tai Chi brings together your physical well-being with your mental and social well-being in a unique experience that can be practiced for years. Better than a glass of wine, indeed!

Dianne Bailey has been providing professional weight management and sports conditioning training for individuals since 2002 and opened The Conditioning Classroom, a private personal training studio, in 2006. She earned the prestigious designation of Certified Sports Conditioning Specialist from the National Sports Conditioning Association in 2007. In addition, Dianne is a Certified Tai Chi Instructor (level 1) through the American Tai Chi and Qigong Association and leads the Tai Chi program here at the studio.

heart with heartbeat

Skip these 5 Foods for Better Heart Health

There’s no shortage of marketing messages about what’s best for heart health and some of it is well, just plain wrong. Here’s my top 5 offenders – don’t believe their hype, choose my real deals instead.

1) The”Oat” cereals

AKA the Sugar & chem lab project bombs – cereals like Honey nut cheerios & Honey bunches of oats or getting “fully loaded” oatmeal with added sugar & dried fruit – my heart just skipped a beat – not in a good way. AKA better: choose organic oats and add spices, nut butter and / or hemp seeds. We are loving Natures Path’s new plain Qi’a oatmeal

2) Fat-free dairy

Mooooove away from this stuff – research shows full-fat dairy is associated with lower risk of obesity (which means lower heart disease risk too) and likely due to the hormone profile change when the fat is removed, as well as the fact that without the fat it’s harder to feel full which means you fill up on other calories. AKA better: choose organic whole milk or skip the dairy and choose full fat coconut or cashew etc.

3) Pieces, Parts and Puffs

While potatoes pack in heart healthy potassium and rice provides vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – when we over process them and then add salt and other chemistry lab projects we end up with a heartbreak. AKA better: whole bean or potato chips with added spices not loads of salt.

4) Soy sauce or soy protein isolate in bars or protein powders

We hear soy and think heart health but the truth is these are heart failures. Highly processed parts of soy contain none of the good stuff – fiber, omegas, antioxidants that we find in whole organic soybeans. AKA better: whole organic soybeans or organic tofu or organic tempeh – and “protein” powders and bars that contain them or other whole quality plant sources like hemp and quinoa.

5) Heart shaped candies

They look so love-ly and even have such sweet quotes on them. But they aren’t the sweet friend for heart health that you think – artificial dyes and chemistry lab corn syrup are not the basis of a lasting love affair. AKA better: choose a little heart-healthy organic dark chocolate (that’s >65%) and if you do want candy try authentic sweets – organic, free of artificial dyes etc – like those from our friends at TruSweets.

Originally printed on ashleykoffapproved.com. Reprinted with permission.

Ashley Koff RD is your better health enabler. For decades, Koff has helped thousands get and keep better health by learning to make their better not perfect nutrition choices more often. A go-to nutrition expert for the country’s leading doctors, media, companies and non-profit organizations, Koff regularly shares her Better Nutrition message with millions on national and local television, magazines and newspapers. Visit her website at ashleykoffapproved.com.


Rebounding For Health & Fitness

Rebounding is a complete cellular exercise, stimulating the activity of the lymphatic system (a critical part of the immune system).  Rebounding 3-5 times per week at a minimum of 10-15 minutes at a time is highly beneficial.  It is effective at a minimal bounce, using acceleration and deceleration, with each bounce, to open and close the one-way valves between the lymphatic system and the cells.  Lymphatic fluid surrounds all of the cells of the body.  While bounding toxins, poisons, and metabolic waste are pulled out of the cells into the lymph fluid, while oxygen and nutrients (transferred previously at the capillaries, from the blood) are pulled in the cells from the lymph fluid.  Within the lymph system are lymphocytes, for example- white blood cells, which consume metabolic waste, bacteria, and dead cells. Rebounding keeps the lymph system moving and unplugged, so lymphocytes have free reign to do their job.  More importantly, bounding does this without stressing the hips, knees, or ankles, or creating shin-splints.  It can be done on a daily basis or multiple times per day without creating overuse injury.

What is the Lymph System and how does it help me?

The lymphatic system acts as a secondary circulatory system, except that it collaborates with white blood cells in lymph nodes to protect the body from being infected by cancer cells, fungi, viruses or bacteria.

The lymphatic system is a system of thin tubes that runs throughout the body. These tubes are called ‘lymph vessels’.

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not closed and has no central pump. It is not under pressure and only moves because of exercise or muscle contraction.

When the lymphatic system is congested, the cells become deprived of oxygen, affecting the body’s ability to rid itself of its own waste material. Over time, other body systems that rely on the lymphatic

It takes only two minutes of rebounding to flush the entire lymphatic system, while cleansing and strengthening cells and lymph nodes. A further benefit to the body is that during this brief time span the white blood cells of the immune system triple in number and remain elevated for an hour. These specialized cells play a major role in the body’s defense against illness and disease.

At this point another two-minute rebound session would increase the demand for white blood cells as the process of cleansing, strengthening, and the flushing away of spent cells and other cancerous debris is repeated.

When beginning a program of regular rebounding it’s best to gradually increase time and intensity as the body – including bones and internal organs – adjusts to the increased gravitational load and becomes stronger.

Exercise and the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system, a major part of the body’s immune system, is a network of lymph nodes, ducts, and vessels that transport lymphatic fluid from the tissues to the bloodstream.

Lymph nodes act as filters and remove bacteria and toxins. Their role is vital in maintaining health and the lymph system must be kept flowing in order to function correctly, especially for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome often have depressed immune systems, and a healthy lymphatic system will reduce the symptoms.

Unlike the circulatory system which uses the heart as a pump, the lymph system relies on body movement, that is, exercise to circulate lymph around the body.

When you don’t exercise sufficiently, the lymph system becomes stagnant and blocked. For those with chronic fatigue syndrome, it means your body is unable to efficiently dispose of toxins and bacteria and begin to heal.

Cancer-Related Fatigue Syndrome Sufferers Can Rebound with Exercise

When you are feeling dragged down by cancer-related fatigue syndrome, exercise is the furthest thing from your mind. However, to reduce the symptoms of this syndrome you need to exercise to get your lymph system moving and rid your body of harmful toxins and waste.

This will also help to prevent Lymphedema

Lymph fluid is activated in three ways: muscular contraction from exercise, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of the lymph ducts.

You don’t have to run marathons in order to get the exercise you need. In fact, a mini exercise trampoline called a rebounder is the perfect exercise tool for you.

For chronic fatigue sufferers, mini exercise trampoline rebounding is the most efficient and effective form of exercise to get your lymph system flowing.

Mini Exercise Trampoline Advantages

More Efficient Exercise: For those with cancer-related fatigue, mini exercise trampoline rebounding is a very efficient form of exercise.

With most forms of exercise, you have to spend as much energy decelerating as you do accelerating. But when you exercise with a rebounder, at the bottom of a bounce the force is recycled upwards without you having to expend extra energy. For those with chronic fatigue syndrome, this energy saving is a godsend.

When you bounce downwards, the mat absorbs the impact. Even though the impact is cushioned, it still strengthens the entire body more thoroughly than any other form of exercise. If you suffer from cancer-related fatigue syndrome, a strong body is your goal.

10 Reasons to Jump for your Health & Fitness

  1. Increased G-force (gravitational load), which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems.
  2. Aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system acts as your body’s internal vacuum cleaner.
  3. Establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
  4. Increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
  5. Improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise.
  6. Improves circulation. It encourages collateral circulation (the formation of new branch blood vessels that distribute blood to the heart) by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells.
  7. Strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
  8. Improves coordination between the proprioceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
  9. Improves the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, thus improving balance.
  10. Rebounding for longer than 20 minutes at a moderate intensity increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for endurance.

Doreen Puglisi, MS is the Founder and Executive Director of Pink Ribbon Program. The Pink Ribbon program works to give every woman the ability to regain a sense of well-being that had been lost from diagnosis through surgery into recovery.

brain food

Strategies to Enhance Cognitive Fitness

Often when we hear the term “fitness” – we automatically think of our physical health. Being mentally fit is equally as important. Cognitive fitness is a state of optimized ability to reason, remember, learn, plan and adapt that is enhanced by certain attitudes, lifestyle choices, and exercises. Better cognitive fitness translates into the ability to make better decisions, solve problems, and deal with stress and change. Neurogenesis is the process of developing new chemical messengers called neurons in the brain. This process can be profoundly affected by how you live your life. Here are eight strategies to help you facilitate the process of neurogenesis and have optimal cognitive functioning:

Daily Physical Activity: Aerobic activity for 30 minutes, three times per week helps improve brain blood flow and enhances memory performance. Regular exercise also releases brain chemicals called endorphins which reduce feelings of depression.

Be Open to New Experiences: Have you ever wanted to learn to play golf or sing in a choir? Participating in experiences that are unfamiliar and mentally challenging will strengthen neural connections in your brain.

Be Curious and Creative: Participating in arts and crafts projects leads to innovative thinking, and musical training may improve function and connectivity of different brain regions. It’s always a great time to take up painting, poetry, or piano!

Develop Meaningful Relationships: Studies have shown that the health consequences of feeling lonely can trigger psychological and cognitive decline – as well as alter immune cells and increase feelings of depression. Make every effort to engage with other people whenever possible.

Get Enough Sleep: Healthy sleep consolidates learning and memory and is necessary for clear thinking and optimal brain function. It is easier to sleep well in a peaceful and natural environment free of clutter.

Reduce Chronic Stress: Chronic stress produces a hormone called cortisol that can damage the brain. Chronic stress can also trigger long-term changes in brain structure that can lead to cognitive decline. Healthy ways to relieve stress include deep breathing, physical exercise, or talking with a trusted friend or family member.

Eat Specific Healthy Foods: Food plays a vital role in the health and proper functioning of the brain. Strive to eat real, whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats – and drink eight 8oz bottles of water each day to keep brain cells hydrated. Apples, avocados, blueberries, unsalted nuts, broccoli and brown rice are great food choices for brain health.

Regular Learning: Continual learning is one of simplest methods to boost brain function. The size and structure of neurons and the connections between them actually change as you learn. Learning can include studying a new subject, travelling to a different place, learning a foreign language or participating in a new volunteer activity.

Practicing these strategies along with having a positive attitude will not only enhance your cognitive fitness, but also your quality of life!

Carisa Campanella, BA, AS, is an ACE Health Coach and ACSM Personal Trainer. She is the Program Manager at the Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinson’s. Neuro Challenge provides ongoing monthly support groups and educational programs, individualized care advising and community resource referrals to help empower people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers.


Wow! That Anxiety Looks Good on You!

To my dear friend in the locker room, you know who you are:

Thank you for being so honest. Your honesty brought up a topic that many people might have already touched on or made themselves aware of, but yesterday I saw another “twist.” Here is how it started:

There is a woman whom I have known for a while, first as a co-worker at the gym/my work and now as a devoted and loyal member of the gym. She has a full-time job and a little boy. On the days that I show up to work at 10:30am, she is always there in the locker room getting ready for work after she has finished her workout or fitness class. We are both running around at that point, but we smile or wave to each other, or sometimes not. Yesterday I came in at 10:30 and she was dressed and ready to leave. I smiled at her but had to do a double take. She was wearing a cute sleeveless top and her body looked soooo strong and fit. Her arms were toned with amazing muscle and the definition in her muscle looked great. I turned to her again and told her how strong and fit she looked, and that I always notice that she is there all the time and working very hard in the gym and it shows. She turned to me and said, “Thank you so much but let me tell you, I do this way more for my mental and emotional health than to look a certain way.”

And I just looked at her and said, “Isn’t that the truth??? I just went through the weekend with a massive amount of anxiety. There was not a specific reason for the anxiety, I have had it my whole life and some days it is worse than others. I remember being in the car and on the way to the gym thinking that I couldn’t get there fast enough. I knew that the only way for me to snap out of this and not let it ruin my weekend was to go to the gym and workout or go outside and jump rope. For me, putting on my music and moving my body is my form of escape, release, meditation, whatever you want to call it. This also forces me to BREATHE deeply, which I think has more benefits to our minds than we can ever know. And just being in my own head space with my music, my movement and my breathing is what releases at least 50% of my anxiety. The workouts help me release some of the negative chaos in my head and body.”

We had a good laugh at this because we both agreed that we find the “calm” we need through our workouts, and how awesome is it that the benefit of the chaos in our head looks great on our bodies! I actually said that out loud and it stopped me in my tracks. If we take a positive spin on anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, etc. and instead of looking at all the negative effects it has on our life, we can “twist” that statement to say, what are the benefits to having some of these issues? I have always needed to release my anxiety through exercise in order to get through the day, I now have added a tag line to that: My anxiety has shaped my body and has made me strong. The glass is now half full.

Deborah Stern has a degree in psychology/nutrition from DePaul University in Chicago, IL. She has been dedicated to helping women, men and children of all ages and all fitness levels in improving their lives through exercise, nutrition and personal growth.  Deborah started early in life  on this journey for herself and has been taking her clients on the journey for the past 25 years. Visit her website at foodprintforlife.com, and her blog at debapproved.blogspot.com.


Training Clients with Arthritis

One of the biggest challenges for fitness professionals is working around medical conditions and injuries. When a prospective client asks if you can safely train them, you definitely want to be able to accommodate their situation. But what about their limitations? What should they do and not do? How do you ensure that you’re doing the right thing as a trainer? This is especially relevant when working with arthritic clients.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is, in short, an inflammation of joint tissue in the body. It rears its head in many different ways and the NIH does a great job of breaking down the various facets of the condition. What it ends up doing is causing symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness of the joint and reduced range of motion. But, most of this can be countered with the addition of an exercise program.

What a Fitness Professional Can Do to Help

This is where fitness professionals come in. Because of the fact that arthritis hits the majority of people when they are older, this also means that they might need some assistance with getting enough exercise in a safe and reliable manner.

It’s a perfect mixture — fitness professionals have a great deal of knowledge and arthritic patients have a great deal of need in this respect. Especially in the current generation retiring, the baby boomers, exercise outside of athletics was far less common than it is today. As such, there are many people who are retiring having no experience with exercise for their entire lives.

Fitness professionals like you are a great resource for getting this population treatment in the form of exercise!

Considerations to Keep in Mind

The key here is to make sure that you aren’t loading your arthritic clients with too much. The CDC’s resources on training for arthritic individuals are quite extensive and are a fantastic jumping-off point for developing your programming. For the majority of clients, it will simply be a reduced-load variation of many programs you already employ.

So let’s dive into a few:

Range of Motion

Initially, this will be one of the first things that a trainer will need to focus on. Range of motion is the key to performing other exercises. For this, a stretch/yoga approach is going to be an ideal way to go. And for people who aren’t especially limber, even just stretching will be a workout. So start light and get the range of motion up to snuff. Then you will be good to go to move on to more engaging techniques.

Don’t Let Them Skip Cardio

There can be many different objectives to a personal training program. Oftentimes, training programs will have cardio as more of an “outside the session” activity. Just make sure that they are doing some form of cardio in addition to what your normal program entails. This could be walking, cycling, swimming, using an elliptical trainer, etc. This will help these clients to improve their endurance and you should see results from this in your sessions. Whereas someone new to exercise might not be able to do pushups everyday, they can likely still do low-impact cardio.

Weight/Resistance Training

No one is talking about your clients working to be the new clean-and-jerk Olympian, but some moderate training with weights in a controlled environment can be incredibly beneficial. Developing the muscles that assist and support joint structures will alleviate some major pain that arthritic clients likely have. In addition, having a higher percentage of muscle tissue will increase the client’s basal metabolic rate, allowing them to burn more calories and lose excess weight which can add painful pressure to joints. All around, it’s a great idea. Just make sure it’s safe.

This might mean starting with slight bodyweight movements first. Once range of motion has increased, they can then start taking the exercises a little further. Resistance bands and weight machines can also be an excellent way to safely train those muscles.

Group Fitness Classes Can Be Helpful

Socializing is a great way to get through discomfort. Whereas we don’t want to push our clients to the point of pain, there will likely be a little discomfort in the beginning, especially in the first few sessions. Misery might like company, but the thing is that great friendships can be formed in such groups as well. Thus, with group fitness classes, you could help a larger segment of people with safe exercises. And, they would have a great social group to encourage one another when the going gets tough.

A Final Note

Injuries take longer to heal as people age. This is why an injury for someone with arthritis will likely be more extreme than in some of your younger clients. As such, it’s that much more essential to go slow and to not overload your clients with too much.

Additionally, make sure that your client has cleared your programming with their doctor. A client’s physician is the best initial defense from injury. Furthermore, it’s a wonderful opportunity to even partner with the doctors you come into contact with. They doubtless have many patients who do not exercise like they should. Relationships like these are win-win for everyone involved.

Jane Curth is the co-founder and CEO of FitFixNow. Helping people on their wellness journey is her passion; Jane has helped clients and students with their diet and fitness struggles for over 20 years.