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Parkinson’s Posture Part 2: The Thoracic Spine

As discussed in Part 1, postural imbalances are endemic in the Parkinson’s Disease population. These postural imbalances inevitably lead to an impaired ability of the individual to balance and increases the likelihood of both single-incident and recurrent falling incidents. Addressing postural imbalances is a powerful tool that the professional can utilize…


The Rise of Consumer-Based Blood Testing: A Huge Step Forward for the Exercise Physiologist

A recent report in Forbes Magazine by writer Unity Stokes discusses the recent issues concerning the validity of blood tests results from a Silicon Valley lab company called Theranos. While reading about the validity of blood tests may be considered more important for healthcare professionals such as a medical doctor or a nurse, it is time that exercise physiologists as health and fitness professionals take a moment to think about it and what it may mean to their practice.