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The Foot and Ankle Complex: Understanding the Science Behind Both Movement and Dysfunction

The foot is where movement begins, from the initiating of simple functional movements such as sit to stand or walking, to climbing stairs, to more complex dynamic sport movements such as playing soccer, football, rugby, and tennis. The ankle and foot complex require proper mobility in order for the body to initiate movement or change direction. In this article, we will review the anatomy of the ankle, common injuries to the ankle, functional assessments and training strategies to work with clients with previous injuries.


Lowering Your Risk Factors For Covid 19: A Perfect Time To Work On Your Health

No one wants to get Covid 19. And if we do get it, we don’t want to end up on a ventilator with a slim chance of survival. But what can we do? Masks, hand washing, social distancing of course. Avoid crowds, sure, but what if we just get it anyway? Is there any way we can protect our immune system so we’re more likely to recover? Yes, there is. Improving your general health can greatly improve your chances. So as a certified Health Coach and Exercise Physiologist, I felt like I had to share some recent Covid 19 research with you. It’s both alarming and encouraging.


The Importance of Fitness in the Era of COVID-19

As we continue to struggle to flatten the coronavirus curve by implementing different protective measures, another health crisis is brewing as we become more isolated and less mobile than before the pandemic. COVID-19 is having a ripple effect on various aspects of our well-being that aren’t specifically associated with contracting the virus. Moreover, we are facing the reality that the virus is not going to go away any time soon.

Woman Receiving Massage

Oncology Massage by Kathy Flippin

Oncology massage is simply a massage in the context of someone going through cancer treatment. The most common cancer treatments are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Because these treatments often leave “injured areas” such as surgical incisions, radiation burns and general system fatigue, we have to know how to work with these conditions, to be able to give a good massage without hurting them. Studies have also shown that individuals that receive massage require less anti-nausea and pain reducing medication.

podcast mics

The Power of Podcasting: Create Your Own Platform & Leverage Your Brand

Podcasts are “where it’s at!” Did you know podcasting is now the most effective and cost-efficient marketing tool on the planet?  Podcasts provide wide-scale visibility to exponentially grow your business and increase brand awareness. In fact, the simple act of appearing on an established podcast as a featured guest can drastically improve your SEO and increase clients. Learning how to use this extremely affordable and far-reaching platform to your advantage may be the key to lasting success!

What do I need to know about podcasting? Here are some quick facts!

The Next Generation of Marketing

Forget spending money on print advertisements, billboards, or radio ads. Podcasting is “where it’s at!” Every business needs a podcast! It is effective, targeted, cost and time efficient, super fun marketing!

On-Demand, Passionate & Targeted Content

At any time, listeners can download, subscribe and like their favorite podcasts. Listeners may break up their shows into multiple sessions or listen all at once. Listeners can also search for podcasts based on their personal interests, hobbies, and more.


Not only is it relatively cheap to produce your very own podcast, but it is FREE for listeners to download and enjoy your show. Provide value to listeners around the world while also promoting your business and brand without asking for payment or initial “buy-in.”


If you own a smartphone, a computer, a tablet, or have access to Wi-Fi, you can download and listen to FREE podcasts.

Opportunity for Intimate Connection

Podcasts allow you to tell “your story” in “your own words” and promote your business, brand, or values at a personal level. This is an opportunity to show empathy, authenticity, and share “your voice” with the world.  Remember, the most successful businesses and products start with a “story.”

Broad Reach

Unlike television, newspapers, radio stations, and print advertisements, podcasts are available around-the-world and not just specific to certain areas. This platform is a must for anyone who conducts business online.

Instant Authority & Credibility

As a fitness or medical professional, it is important to utilize a platform where you can offer valuable resources or information. Podcasts allow for you to be an instant authority in a specific field in addition to promoting your services on a large scale.


Podcasts offer analytics that track the number of subscribers to your show as well as the number of downloads for each episode. The more downloads, the more people are learning about you, your mission, your values, and your business.

It’s FUN!

This is YOUR chance to create your own platform! Podcasting allows you to talk about the issues, stories, and topics that are most interesting to you! You can interview fascinating guests and use the podcast as an opportunity to cross-promote your businesses. Most of all, you make the rules and create the podcast format that works for you

Learn more about the power of podcasting and how to create your own platform!

Register now for Christine Conti & Brian Prendergast’s free webinar on this topic. This webinar will provide you with a basic overview of the steps needed to create your own podcast or utilize current podcasts to grow your reach, increase your client base and leverage your brand. Step into the new age of marketing through this cost-effective, time efficient platform!

Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast are co-hosts of Two Fit Crazies & A Microphone Podcast and owners of TFC Podcast Production Co. Christine is the founder of Conti Fitness and Wellness, LLC; Brian Prendergast is the founder and head coach of High Five Health and Fitness. 



The Athlete’s Kitchen: Nutrition Tactics for Building Muscles

 Most athletes want to have strong muscles to be more powerful, help prevent injuries, add protection for contact sports such as rugby or (American) football, and yes, to look buff. They wonder: What can I eat for more muscle, strength and power? The standard belief is eat extra protein, but more fundamental than food is doing some form of resistance exercise. Lifting weights is far more powerful for building muscle than is eating extra protein (unless you have been eating a protein-deficient diet).