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Fitness: Programming Your Body to Become Strong & Resilient

In the early 90s I worked with a colleague who had a track background as a pole vaulter. Doug subsequently became a fitness professional and athletic coach. He had a philosophy about fitness that was characterized by a simple notion: “Weight training is the paycheck and cardio is the bonus”. I have thought about this issue continuously since I met Doug and as I have grown older, I believe he was right.

I am now training as hard – or harder – than I ever have before to ensure I enter my 70s with as little loss of lean muscle mass, and as much strength and power, as I can create. This article will highlight the importance of resistance training, give you some valuable ideas on how you might implement a program, and finally share ideas with you that can protect and preserve your body for the “long haul”.   

The Issue

Resistance training is characterized by working a muscle group to fatigue or failure under a prescribed “load”. This load can be an actual weight or body weight. Any “load-bearing” movement that includes multiple muscle groups is called a compound movement, such as a walking lunge with an overhead press with dumbbells, for example. Because we are sitting for the greatest portion of our days and not stressing our bones we are losing bone mass as well leading to osteopenia (the forerunner of osteoporosis) and then of course osteoporosis – serious bone density decline. The issue of frailty and imbalance is becoming more and more pronounced in our population and will only accelerate if we don’t change our sedentary behaviors.

Identifying the issues related to loss of muscle mass and bone mass is relatively simple and can be done through clinical testing. Women have the highest potential to start this chronic loss because they have different hormonal issues with aging – less testosterone and smaller bones for example – that creates an earlier onset of disease. Fractures and other related problems can happen in an instant if the loss is not addressed in a timely manner and medication can help along with changes in lifestyle and diet. However, the real solution lies in weight-bearing exercise where stresses are applied to the muscles and skeletal structure intentionally and safely. Men are not immune from developing these conditions – they just start later in life due to larger and heavier frames and greater weight.

Beginning a weight training program earlier in life is the best way to prevent the decline and decay of tissues and the easiest form of that training is in the form of weight training – free weights, machines, and other load-bearing exercises, such as bodyweight exercises. I will highlight my program for you as an example of types of exercises that help the most in preserving and protecting our muscles and bones from further loss or damage and injury.


The idea is to do a multiple set (8-12 repetitions/ 2-3 sets to start) program that targets all the major muscle groups: Back, chest, shoulders, arms, abdominals, and legs (calf, quad, hamstring) while “loading” the muscle and joint appropriately to stimulate fiber growth. Fiber growth occurs over time when a muscle is exposed to a load that forces a larger than normal contraction. One contraction is the shortening of the muscle (positive or concentric) and the other is the opposite force of lengthening the muscle (negative or eccentric). This movement is accomplished across a joint and creates the change we seek in terms of strength and size.

Each movement is done in a rhythmic and controlled manner that gives the muscle an opportunity to move through a “complete range of motion”. This constitutes “one rep” and applies the stimulus necessary for a muscle to be stimulated to grow following the session during what is called the “recovery phase”.  Each time we increase the load, we enable the muscle to grow and become stronger because the stimulus changes the nature of contractions making the movement more difficult but insuring that it becomes stronger in the process. 

We are not really sure about why this works the way it does but the theory is that by “tearing the muscle” microscopically we create a muscle that is stronger, more adaptable, and able to withstand greater loads going forward. This is referred to as “progressive resistance training” because it is designed as a controlled process with its defined purpose of increasing lean mass.

By programming more than one set we set up the muscle to have to deal with “variable loads” and have to adapt to these increased loads thereby making it able to withstand more of life’s rigors. The theory of doing 2-3 sets initially is that regardless of the weight used – light and smaller to heavier and larger – is that ALL muscles react in the same way to each stimulus – they grow in strength – but NOT necessarily in size. You don’t have to fear getting “muscle-bound” by lifting weights. That takes a concentrated and persistent effort, with a significant caloric intake to help repair the body, as all bodybuilders know. Most of us will never be in that category – and I am certainly not! 

Program Design: The Schedule

Designing a program that addresses the needs of the body as it ages is relatively simple and yet very challenging to implement. The reason is that you will experience some muscle soreness initially that you might find uncomfortable, but this is just the body’s way of recovering from the session (you should never experience pain as that is not normal – don’t believe in “the no pain, no gain” theory – that is just wrong!). 48-72 hours of recovery time is generally advised so that you can allow the muscle to heal itself. In between, you can then initiate a cardio program of swimming, cycling, walking or some other form of movement that allows you the opportunity to encourage this process to become more of a habit – and train your heart to support your effort (my favorite organ, other than the brain of course). 

I believe in a 3-5 day opening schedule of activity that encompasses some cardio and some weight training. Each session can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending upon your willingness to include a warm-up and cool-down phase, which I highly recommend. Cardio activities include an extended activity (continuous movement) over time and include a warm-up, training and then cool-down phase. You can include an abbreviated walk on the treadmill or outside and then engage your weight training program with a brief cool down to finish the session. 

Exercises & Muscle Groups

  1. Chest – (examples) chest press with dumbbells, barbell, wall pushups, modified floor pushups (knees on the floor) or wall pushups at an angle. 
  2. Back – (examples) seated row, pulldown – bar, low back extension, rubber tube chest extension, dumbbell reverse butterfly – standing with weights at chest level and extend backward.
  3. Arms – dumbbell curls, triceps extension with dumbbell, reverse pushup off bench.
  4. Legs – Wall slide, traditional standing squat, standing from seated position, leg press, calf extension (stairs), and standing lunges.
  5. Abdominal – crunches – lying on your back, knees bent – raise shoulders off the floor and repeat. Exhale on shortening and inhale on lengthening.
  6. Shoulders – shoulder press with dumbbells, front and side raise with dumbbells

I do 16 main exercises twice a week: Bench press (barbell), incline upright row (back), shoulder press, incline/decline press (chest), incline-lateral low row (back), seated triceps extension, arm curl, latissimus pull (back), pullover – chair (shoulder/back), seated leg press and calf extension, lateral raise (shoulder), low back extension, seated abdominal crunch with 65 pounds, hanging dips – upper body, and seated cable row.

Each of these exercises is performed in multiple sets with many repetitions and a variety of loads and at varying speeds to not only encourage growth of my muscles but also to help me maintain my speed and quickness as well. Each muscle group consists of type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers. Type 1 fibers are used for longer endurance activities while the type 2 fibers are for quick explosive movements such as sprinting and power activity (jumping out of the way of a car for instance). 

The reason I train my muscles against variable loads – climbing (the ladder) and descending – is to insure I give each fiber a chance to be engaged and give them the opportunity to become stronger. As I said earlier, I do my program twice a week – on Monday and Thursday – to ensure I recover sufficiently and allow the muscles time to repair themselves.

I am also cognizant of the reality that regardless of how hard – or well – I train, the odds are not in my favor for remaining this way due to the aging process. I am, however, “cutting the odds in my favor” by doing what I am to stay fast and strong.  I am convinced that weight training is the key to my future and that my potential for running fast will be able to be maintained through my continued commitment to remaining strong. It is as Doug said more than two decades ago – “weight training is the paycheck and cardio is the bonus” – but I am so glad I ran all these years as well! 

Nick’s Tips

  1. Do find the resolve to begin – and continue – a weight training program. Schedule at least three days a week for a concentrated effort at building and maintaining your lean muscle mass – and joint integrity. Remember, we start losing 2-5% of our lean muscle mass starting in our 20s – and bone mass as well – unless we do the work to prevent and slow the loss.
  2. Take time to build your cardio capacity through a commitment to your heart. I am able to do my weight training in just over an hour due to my overall cardiovascular fitness.
  3. Take your body seriously and examine how you feel about it. Getting mentally strong through accomplishing your goals is one very important way to stay on track and feel good about yourself. 
  4. Getting lean and being able to burn more calories every day requires only two things: Commitment and discipline founded on purposeful activity.
  5. Take your fitness needs very seriously and yet find ways to make them fun. “Every act we take is its own reward” – Earl Nightingale
  6. Finally, when you see how fast your body will change with weight training (within 30 days, you will see results) it will excite and encourage you to do more and finally realize the dream of a healthy, lean, strong, and fit body.

Nicholas Prukop is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer & a Health Coach and fitness professional with over 25 years of experience. His passion for health and fitness comes from his boyhood in Hawaii, where he grew up a swimmer on Maui. He found his calling in writing his first book “Healthy Aging & You: Your Journey to Becoming Happy, Healthy & Fit” and since then he has dedicated himself to empowering, inspiring and enabling people of all ages to reach for the best that is within them and become who they are meant to be – happy, healthy and fit – and be a part of a world where each person can contribute their own unique gifts to life.


13 Reasons the Right Exercise Matters More in Menopause

During menopause, you’re more susceptible to negative effects of stress. Avoid the wrong exercise (that will worsen stress) and do the right exercise and you can reduce or eliminate symptoms of menopause. There are at least 84 symptoms associated with menopause. This short list of 13 pesky symptoms can be supported by the right exercise.

Hot Flashes (and Night Sweats)

Hot Flashes are potentially the most well-known and most-associated signs of menopause, affecting approximately 50% of menopausal women. They are a sudden sensation of feverish heat that spreads through your body.

Why they occur for some women and not for others, or why they may happen occasionally or for a time and then be gone, is not clearly understood. Vasomotor control is the reason behind why you might experience them when a girlfriend doesn’t when both your hormones may fluctuate.

Night Sweats are excessive sweat that occur during the night. They can contribute to sleep disruption and daytime fatigue or anxiety. That of course, is not the jackpot you want. Both hot flashes and night sweats are believed in part due to fluctuating or low estrogen levels.

Exercise can help this menopause symptom if it’s the right exercise. 

Women who are more fit, with better body composition, and who exercise with adequate intensity experience up to 62% less frequent and or intense hot flashes. What you need to beware of is your tendency to jump to conclusions about how to reach higher fitness levels. Longer and “more” exercise is not the answer. Due to this fast-paced life and your midlife status, the rules have changed.

In midlife, in 2021 and beyond, if you’re still playing the exercise game according to 1980 rules, you will lose.

Will You?

The variability of progesterone related to amount of estradiol had the greatest correlation with hot flash occurrence in more than one study. Increased progesterone variability was associated with decreased hot flashes. Though there’s not much that can be done to influence the variability in your progesterone levels. However, you can exercise to optimize your natural progesterone. Namely, keep stress (cortisol) in check.

Simply start with a smart plan according to your status right now. (More tips below). Ultimately,  include high-intensity intervals at the duration, frequency, and time of day that supports you instead of throwing you under the bus.

Did you know that if the only time you can exercise is late day and you push through high intensity, instead of losing weight you could set off a cascade of events that cause you to gain? The right exercise at the right time of day is a must.


Fatigue is that sluggish, always-tired feeling doesn’t go away with a good night’s sleep. You feel unproductive, moody and this fatigue can cause what’s known as wired-and-tired feeling. You desperately want to get a good night’s sleep and shake it but can’t. For some women, this is like period week fatigue only it doesn’t go away.

Extended periods of fatigue can be signs you’ve just been pushing through, using caffeine or sugar or both to serve you short term. If you rely on external substances too long, that false energy you borrow is going to catch up to you in the end and you will pay back that debt.

If you rely on external substances too long, that false energy you borrow is going to catch up to you in the end and you will pay back that debt.

So, what do you do when menopause fatigue hits and your calendar says HIIT? Or Long run? You rest. You can’t build fitness on a false foundation. Fake it till you make it doesn’t work with your midlife fitness. Plan the work. Work the plan. Override the calendar and rest if your workouts or your sleep, appetite, mood, or digestion is suffering.

An entire chapter in You Still Got It, Girl! Is dedicated to Rest & Recovery. Oh, there are chapters on exercise and on sleep too but Rest & Recovery is something few of us learned to do well. Now? We have to pay attention.

The right exercise when you’re fatigued could be no exercise. We need to remember what it’s like to just move more and rest well.

Low Libido

Libido is your overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. It’s influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. It’s not just that you may feel dry and a lack of interest thanks to hormone shifts. If you’re experiencing fatigue and other menopause symptoms like weight gain and belly fat, you don’t feel sexy or want to be seen or touched.

One of my first Flipping 50 TV episodes was dedicated to low libido and what you can do about it. It’s partially due to changing hormones. But a lot of midlife women don’t realize that the exercise they’re doing (or not doing) is also destroying libido.

The right exercise will boost your testosterone. The wrong exercise kills it and the mood, girlfriend. Simply said, from the boardroom to bedroom this hormone is important. Last, exercise that gets your hips moving increases blood flow there and so it’s not all intense. Whether it’s dancing for you or it’s Pilates or Yoga is up to you.

Make this flip: Stop the endurance exercise and get on the short, intense train. Plus? If your partner snores? You may need to just have play dates together and sleep separately or the libido will keep being a problem. Sleep deprived and sexy don’t belong in the same sentence.

Sleep Disorders & Insomnia

Sleep disorders & Insomnia are often brought on by night sweats. Anxiety & Depression (below) can also be to blame. If your mind just won’t shut down and quiet when your body is crying for relief from fatigue, there are things you can do. If you think of your symptoms as little messengers something isn’t quite right, it may not just be hormones. Or it may be that your hormones will be helped by some gentle shifts.

It may be a micronutrient deficiency showing up. After all, at midlife, several things may be catching up to you. Have you had a less-than-5-star diet? Are you pretty passionate about your coffee and your wine both? Have you neglected your exercise? Just review your last month and get honest. If “busy” got in the way of you exercising and your regular routine is now a random one, get back on it if only for sleep. Truth is just 10 minutes of exercise can boost sleep by 33% according to a poll by National Sleep Foundation.

It could also be exposure to EMFs (too many screens, electronics) in your lifetime or at least right now. Our bodies weren’t made to handle all of this.

There are about 20 different things you can do (and stop doing) to support sleep. Try them sequentially, not randomly and adjusting until you’ve eliminated each one or find it works is something most of us struggle to do on our own. “I’ve tried everything,” too often means I’ve randomly tried this and that for a while.

The right exercise to help with sleep depends on how you’re currently sleeping.

The Short List

Menopause Symptoms Lessened or Eliminated by (Proper) Exercise

  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Night Sweats
  • Libido
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Weight Gain
  • Incontinence
  • Muscle Tension
  • Osteoporosis
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Belly fat

Weight Gain

If you’ve experienced weight gain, I have good and bad news for you. First, you can do something about it. Second, menopause is not to blame. Hormone fluctuation may have caused sudden weight gain. But often at a deeper level there is some behavior change that either did or needs to happen.

You may, as I did, find yourself in a perfect storm. Everything that happened for me in 2019 put me in a place of toxin exposure (hormone disruption), physical and emotional stress (hormone imbalance x 2), and related time and financial stress (hormone disruption). By the end of the year I’d gained 10 lbs. Now, at first glance, it’s possibly reasonable. However, I was training for an Ironman (that’s 140.2 miles of swimming, biking, and running in a day).

Endurance activity has the potential to throw women in midlife (and others) under the bus with adrenal fatigue and it certainly did me. I’d successfully trained for 7 prior to it, with excellent health (albeit, I modified my protocol intentionally for optimum training as opposed to volume).

During menopause, what you’ve been able to get away with until then, you may not.

Depression & Anxiety

Depression & anxiety are mood disorders more common among women than men. Dropping estrogen can negatively influence production of neurotransmitters (brain hormones) like dopamine and serotonin that regulate mood. Combined declining levels of progesterone and estrogen make it hard to restore happiness after incidence of sadness or anxiety.

During the pandemic if you’ve had a little more struggle with this, though perfectly natural and normal with a decrease in our social connections, as a woman in midlife you may struggle a bit more than you would have going through this say 10 years ago.

What can you do? Mood boosting exercise is a big part. Get outdoors and move and lift weights. Both are associated with increase in serotonin, and reductions in anxiety & depression.

Belly Fat

Belly fat didn’t make many “common symptom lists.” For over 90% of the women I’ve worked with belly fat is a big complaint, whether or not they’ve gained weight. Fat deposits tend to favor the belly.

There are two types of belly fat, visceral fat and muffin top or the pinch-an-inch type.

Visceral belly fat is internal around your organs. Muffin top is that spare tire, often in front and back for women.

The two types of fat respond to exercise differently. The right exercise for targeting menopausal visceral belly fat is high intensity interval training. Altering exercise to include high intensity intervals a few times a week can be enough. However, the muffin top requires more. You’ve got to do intervals and cut out your extra-curricular carb intake.


Osteoporosis and osteopenia (less than optimal but not quite to the 2.5 Standard Deviations from optimal bone that is osteoporosis) are both growing concerns for midlife and older women.

For good reason. Bone loss on average can be between 1-3% of total bone density per year if you’re not doing something about it.[Resistance weight training has the greatest positive influence on bone density. High impact weight-bearing exercise is second. The emergence of vibration therapy also contributes to bone density. However, vibrational therapy has to be combined with function stability movement for optimal prevention of falls and fractures.]

During the 3-5 years around a woman’s menopause bone losses can accelerate to 3-5% loss annually.

What’s the answer, or rather, what’s the answer while you’re at home, opting not to go to the gym during the pandemic? At the gym using the leg press, chest press, and seated row for strength will help most to load your hips, wrists, and spine. At home focus on squats, lunges, bent over row and chest press.

You’ve been conditioned to believe any exercise is better than no exercise. During menopause the right exercise for each woman is unique.

Reprinted from flipping50.com with permission from Debra Atkinson.

Debra Atkinson is the #youstillgotitgirl who is flipping 50 and changing the way thousands of women think about their second half. She’s the host of the Flipping 50 TV Show and the Flipping 50 podcast. As a master personal trainer, strength and wellness coach with over 30 years fitness industry experience, she works with women who are pro-aging with vitality and energy. She is an international fitness presenter, author of hundreds of articles and multiple books. Visit her website, flippingfifty.com













How You Can Be the Solution to the Sarcopenia Dilemma and Help Your Older Client’s Thrive

Gene, a 77-year-old retiree, has been in quarantine for the previous 10 months. He was not comfortable leaving his house to go to the gym and has declined invitations to do virtual (online) training. Hence, Gene has lost significant muscle mass, has been prescribed increased quantities of medications for Type II diabetes and high blood pressure. Additionally, his wife reports she has seen his muscle mass, bone density and health rapidly decline. He has lost his appetite and his quality of sleep has also suffered. Gene was prescribed an anti-depressant by his primary care physician to address associated lethargy and depression.   

Joel, an 85-year-old male, has left his house a total of five times in the previous 10 months. Through his wife’s encouragement, he continued his at-home workouts and even increased the frequency of his sessions from two to three times per week once the quarantine moved beyond four weeks. During this time, Joel has increased his lean muscle mass, improved his balance and his wife reports his legs are ‘rock solid and his energy has never been better.’ 

While Joel exemplifies the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle and improving his muscle mass while in quarantine, he is in the minority. Unfortunately, there are millions of older adults just like Gene who are experiencing the deleterious impacts of quarantine and the sedentary lifestyle on their physical as well as emotional health. This is such a vital and overlooked aspect of health because many older adults may never fully recover in the event they contract a life-threatening disease.

This sentiment is summed up succinctly by (English and Paddon-Jones 2021):

“Thus, with advancing age, it becomes increasingly likely that even a brief, clinically mandated period of bed rest could initiate a serious decline in muscle strength and functional capacity, i.e., a “tipping point” from which some may not fully recover.”

This article will discuss how the Medical Fitness Professional (MFP) who focuses on educating and empowering their older clients can positively impact those experiencing sarcopenia-related health issues. Also included will be a brief discussion about the barriers to exercise suggestions the MFP can implement to address these issues. Finally, MFP’s will be empowered to utilize an education-first strategy while positioning themselves to attract more individuals that will seek out their expertise. 

The Impact of Sarcopenia-Related Multisystem Deconditioning

Sarcopenia, or age-associated loss of muscle density and strength, is a major health problem even when not in a period of quarantine. The loss of muscle mass is associated with all-cause mortality including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive decline, depression and an increased risk of falls (Kirwan et. al. 2020). The average adult over 30 years of age experiences a 3-8% loss of muscle mass per decade (English and Paddon-Jones 2010). This means that a sedentary individual could literally experience between 9-24% loss of muscle strength and function by the time they reach 60 years of age. Furthermore, 71% of older American males and 42% of older American females present with moderate levels of sarcopenia.

Unfortunately, this problem is exacerbated by periods of forced inactivity, for example, while bedridden. Young adults can experience a 5-6% decrease in muscle strength per week when bedridden (English and Paddon-Jones 2010). Because older adults begin with less lean muscle tissue than their younger counterparts, they are extremely susceptible to multisystem deconditioning and the subsequent health issues associated with the loss of muscle, strength and endurance. 

Sarcopenia is extremely concerning in vulnerable populations (example: older adults) as well as those with comorbidities (example: those with cancer). Muscle atrophy, weakness and pain (myalgia) is even greater after a significant illness and corresponding bedrest. It’s been reported that .5-6% losses in muscle mass per day can occur increasing risk of deteriorating health (Casey et. al. 2021). A 1.7% loss of muscle mass occurs in as little as 2 days and 5.5% after only 7 days of bed rest (Kirwan et. al. 2021). Additionally, 50% of patients experience ongoing myalgia and associated weakness which can last months after recovering from COVID-19 (Casey et. al. 2021). Additionally, the loss of smell, taste and appetite after illness leads to further losses in muscle mass as well as nutritional deficiencies potentially leading to further deterioration of one’s health. 

The Sarcopenia Solution

While its etiology is multifactorial, decreased physical activity and poor nutrition are the two primary aspects contributing to the progressive loss of muscle mass in both the sedentary populations and those with chronic health issues (Kirwan et. al. 2020). Kirwan et. al. recommends that resistance exercise “…be considered of prime importance in attempting to halt and even reverse the progression sarcopenia.” Additionally, Web MD suggests that “The primary treatment for sarcopenia is exercise, specifically resistance training or strength training (downloaded from WebMD 2021). 

While the strength and conditioning industry has long recognized and advocated the benefits of resistance training, getting individuals to comply with the recommended daily activity levels has been a challenge. The challenges to older adults remaining physically active have only been complicated by quarantine. Several organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO) have provided suggestions for getting the recommended 150-300 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. To achieve this number while in quarantine, WHO Europe suggests taking short, active breaks, indoor walking and following an online exercise program. 

Since quarantine has forced the closure of many commercial facilities and due to the fact that many older adults are reluctant to leave their house, online or virtual exercise programs have become increasingly popular. Online platforms including but not limited to Zoom, Google and Facebook make it easy to create small group meetings which provide a powerful tool for educating, providing guided exercise programming and increasing socialization, all of which are vital in combatting sarcopenia and isolation-related depression that occurs with prolonged quarantine.  

While historically it has been a barrier to exercising at home, novel equipment such as resistance bands make training at home both practical and functional. Resistance bands provide a low-cost option as compared to free weights (Kirwan et. al. 2021). While Sanchez-Sanchez et. al. (2019) found resistance bands did not provide as much benefit for older adults experiencing sarcopenia as compared to moderate to vigorous exercise, anecdotal finds report contrary findings. Progressive overload utilizing varying tensions of resistant bands and novel anchoring positions has been clinically shown to increase muscle mass, improve joint health and foster confidence in older adults when incorporated into an overall resistance training program (Osar and Linkul 2021). 

In addressing sarcopenia, the importance of nutrition cannot be overstated. High-quality protein (25-30 grams with each meal) to increase muscle mass is part of the lifestyle program recommended by English and Paddon-Jones (2010). Additionally, the consumption of nutrient-dense, calorie-sparse foods like roots, leaves, fruits and seeds can have a positive hormonal effect (Mattioli et. al. 2020) thereby improving mood and quality sleep, both of which are necessary to the overall health and vitality in older adults. 

Solutions to the 3 Greatest Barriers to Resistance Training

Finally, while the benefits of resistance training for addressing sarcopenia are obvious, it would be remiss to leave this article without including a brief discussion covering a few of the barriers to older adults participating in physical activity. One of the greatest barriers for many adults participating in a physical activity program is the reluctance to be proactive about their health care. In part, this is because older adults haven’t been properly educated about the vital importance and their responsibility in self-care. Additionally, even when properly educated, older individuals are rarely given specific instructions and/or directions to achieving success. 

Solution: In addition to the in-session education, the MFP looking to maintain their current clients and wanting to attract more individuals, should dedicate several hours per week to educating their community. Invite current and past clients to participate in a no-cost, regularly scheduled webinar, podcast or virtual training on a relevant health topic. Encourage them to invite their friends, family and colleagues. It is important that these events be education-based rather than focused on selling one’s services. Include at least one simple, actionable health nugget – a bodyweight exercise, mindset habit or healthy shake recipe, for example – that the participants can easily incorporate into their current lifestyle. 

Another important barrier for older adults is the reluctance to seek out a fitness professional because the fitness industry has largely catered their offerings to younger, healthier individuals. This has discouraged countless numbers of individuals from exercising and made it increasingly challenging for the MFP to differentiate their services from the general personal trainer that is often ill-equipped in training the older adult. 

Solution: The number one method for differentiating oneself and to enroll older adults is to highlight current client’s success. Highlighting a current client’s success eliminates the temptation to spend needless time discussing why one’s education is superior to someone else’s. For example, the MFP should highlight clients who can successfully garden or play with their grandchildren or hike because of the resistance training program they’ve been performing. Older individuals need to see, and will, in turn, be empowered by, seeing others just like them achieving success with physical activity programs. Seeing one their own age successfully accomplish things they would like to be participating in will help foster a natural curiosity. This curiosity can ultimately lead to a conversation where the MFP discusses how a tailored program can also help them accomplish their health and fitness goals. 

Additionally, Fitness Professionals like Jackie Bachmeier (Evolution Fitness and Wellness) and Robert Linkul (Training the Older Adult), both of whom cater to training the older adult population, deliver the specific equipment (including resistance bands, hooks and self-myofascial release tools) they want their clients to utilize during their programs. This removes an additional obstacle while adding huge value to the client. 

The third major barrier to online training are technology-associated challenges. While many have legitimate technology challenges, the resourceful and proactive MFP can help remove that obstacle and ease older adults’ in their online transition. 

Solution: Both Robert and Jackie have dedicated specific time to helping technology-challenged clients understand and develop the confidence in using social media and related platforms. While it may seem a hassle in the beginning, when they recognize the relative ease and benefits of online training, many older clients will enjoy the process and in turn encourage their family, friends and colleagues to join in. For example, Jackie’s 83-year-old client Lillian commented that had she realized how easy technology was, she would have done virtual training earlier. She’s since referred her husband and several of her friends to Jackie’s programs. 


Sarcopenia is a rampant problem in older adults, complicating existing health issues and leaving this population particularly vulnerable to prolonged periods of inactivity. Exercise, particularly resistance training, and nutrition are two components that show strong evidence in improving muscle mass, improving health and reducing the risks of all-cause morbidity. By focusing older adults upon the factors within one’s control – i.e., physical activity, nutrition and mindset – the Medical Fitness Professional are well positioned to be the solution for both their current as well potential clients. By addressing the three major barriers to being physically active, the MFP can help their current clients regain their health and, in the process, differentiate themselves and attract more individuals that need, want and will pay for their expertise. By adopting these best-practices, the MFP can successfully position themselves as a major player in the solution to the sarcopenia dilemma.  

Dr. Evan Osar is a Chiropractic Physician, an adjunct faculty member with Rocky Mountain University of Health Sciences (Motor Control) and educator with the Integrative Movement Institute. He has authored “Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunctionand Amazon #1 Best Seller, “The Psoas Solution“. He developed the Integrative Movement System™, an evidence-based approach to improving clinical outcomes and helping patients perform at their highest level. Dr. Osar is currently in private practice in Chicago, IL and educates health and fitness professionals that specialize in posture, corrective exercise and medical fitness for the older adult population. 



Casey P, Ang Y, Sultan J. COVID-19-induced sarcopenia and physical deconditioning may require reassessment of surgical risk for patients with cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2021 Jan 11;19(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s12957-020-02117-x. PMID: 33430881; PMCID: PMC7798369.

English, K. L., & Paddon-Jones, D. (2010). Protecting muscle mass and function in older adults during bed rest. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care13(1), 34–39. https://doi.org/10.1097/MCO.0b013e328333aa66

Kirwan R, McCullough D, Butler T, Perez de Heredia F, Davies IG, Stewart C. Sarcopenia during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. Geroscience. 2020 Dec;42(6):1547-1578. doi: 10.1007/s11357-020-00272-3. Epub 2020 Oct 1. PMID: 33001410; PMCID: PMC7528158.

Mattioli, A. V., Sciomer, S., Cocchi, C., Maffei, S., & Gallina, S. (2020). Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: Changes in diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD30(9), 1409–1417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2020.05.020

Osar, E. and Linkul, R. (2021). The Arthritis Training Solution 2.0. Training the Older Adult Live (Virtual). 

Sánchez-Sánchez, J. L., Mañas, A., García-García, F. J., Ara, I., Carnicero, J. A., Walter, S., & Rodríguez-Mañas, L. (2019). Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, and sarcopenia among older adults in the TSHA: isotemporal substitution model. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle10(1), 188–198. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcsm.12369

Web MD. Sarcopenia with Aging. Downloaded 2/15/21 from https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/guide/sarcopenia-with-aging

World Health Organization. #healthy at home. Downloaded 2/15/21 from  https://www.who.int/campaigns/connecting-the-world-to-combat-coronavirus/healthyathome?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItpfrsInt7gIV7vLjBx1pAwf0EAAYAyAAEgKgTfD_BwE

World Health Organization (Europe). Stay Physically Active During Self Quarantine. Downloaded 2/15/21 from https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/coronavirus-covid-19/publications-and-technical-guidance/noncommunicable-diseases/stay-physically-active-during-self-quarantine


Exercise and Nutrition: A Marriage Made in Heaven, But for our Bodies

Many trainers are very well aware of the power of both exercise and nutrition to influence not only our performance but our health as well. Unfortunately, many trainers have made themselves experts in nutrition and are practicing nutritional therapy illegally. Yes, illegally. The nutrition police are not likely to catch you, but just like an unauthorized person can not dispense drugs legally, a trainer should not be giving advice on SPECIFIC diets, designed by themselves, to cure or relieve SPECIFIC diseases or conditions. 

You see how the word specific was capitalized. This was done because trainers CAN give general advice to “apparently healthy” people on what foods can do. They can advise people on a certain diet designed by a nutritionist or physician. They can even advise clients on a supplement’s intended function, but not tell them which SPECIFIC ones to take, or the amounts, especially if there is some clinical condition. The vast majority of trainers are guilty of violating at least one of these conditions. 

Okay, off my soapbox and back to the marriage. Our bodily processes require fuels and use enzymes to perform almost every reaction in our bodies. The vitamins and minerals that we need are known as “essential” because the body either doesn’t produce it, or produce enough of it, to sustain healthy living. Vitamins are organic molecules and are sometimes referred to as coenzymes, and minerals are sometimes referred to as cofactors, because both are needed for different enzymes, or even hormones, to properly function. You probably know that if you are low in iron, the hemoglobin in red blood cells will not properly form, thus, it will not carry oxygen and will result in anemia. The same with iodine and thyroid hormone, and many, many other examples are well known to the public at large. 

Exercise on the other end will stimulate processes like bone-building, and then the calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcitriol (Vitamin D3), can step in and “do their thing” in depositing a new, stronger bone matrix. Without the stimulus of exercise, there is minimal use of the nutrients and they will be excreted. By the same token, the better the nutrients we put into our body, the better we can perform exercise, recover, build muscle, improve enzyme function, and a whole bunch of other things! 

MedFit Classroom’s Osteoporosis Fitness Specialist online course is also known as “Project BONE” for Beating Osteoporosis with Nutrition and Exercise.  It’s these two simple tools that we can use to actually reverse osteoporosis, not to mention prevent or delay its onset. Many disease conditions can be prevented when we “obey our blueprints”. When we follow the advice of geniuses like Thomas Edison – to have the physician of the future be interested in the food and care of the human frame, or Hippocrates believing walking and food as medicine were essential components of any health care plan. 

The trick is not appreciating the marriage of nutrition and exercise, but getting your client to actually change the way they eat or activities they do. Radical changes almost always end up in radical termination of any change. The popular Transtheoretical Theory of Change, with the various stages of readiness for change, discusses how any major change in behavior is a process, and sometimes a slow, painful one. It takes a lot of effort, both mentally and physically. The Osteoporosis Fitness Specialist course includes a video component called “EAT this, NOT that.” It was named after a popular Men’s Fitness book series, discussing how to substitute one food that is good for you with another that is not.  For example, eating a baked potato with yogurt versus French fries. 

By knowing the “why” you are eating something, and knowing “what” foods have them, as well as “how” to look for it in certain foods, it makes the “when” and “where” to purchase the foods easier. Often people will acquire new favorite foods and perform new “favorite” exercise when they are fun and easy to access. Help this marriage last and spark the romance of exercise and diet in your life. 

Dr. Mark P. Kelly has been involved with the health and fitness field for more than 30 years. He has been a research scientist for universities and many infomercial projects. He has spoken nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics and currently speaks on the use of exercise for clinical purposes and exercise’s impact on the brain. Mark is a teacher in colleges and universities in Orange County, CA., where Principle-Centered Health- Corporate Wellness & Safety operates.


Why Women Need to Lift Weights

Traditionally speaking, when it comes to exercise, men have dominated the lifting weights world. This occurred mainly due to men being allowed to participate in sporting activities while women were not allowed to because it was not considered “lady like” and it was illegal. However, times have changed, as women are no longer looked at as being inferior to men; and it is safe, appropriate and very normal for them to exercise, particularly lift weights.

Here are a few reasons why women say they do not need to lift weights and my answer to their concern.

It Will Make Me Look Bulky

While this is a very legit concern, it is typically not true. In order for a woman (or man) to look “bulky”, they will have to do what is called a lot of “volume” in their workouts. Volume is the number of weight, repetitions, sets and exercises done in order to achieve mass or bulk.

If a woman follows the recommended numbers of days of weight lifting/week by ACSM (2-3 days/week, lifting weights for all the major muscles using 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps), they will not get bulky

Lifting Weights Does Not Help Me Burn Calories

Weight lifting has a high metabolic (ability to burn calories) rate. As a result, the more lean muscle a woman has, the less likely she is to gain weight and the easier it is to keep the weight off. Muscles are like the gas in our cars. The gas is used by the engine and keep the car moving.  Having muscle, by lifting weights, allows your body to keep moving and consistently fight off fat gains.

There is No Benefit For Me to Lift Weights

There are tons of benefits of women lifting weights! They include weight loss, improved mood and well-being, better posture and prevention of osteoporosis. These four are all major concerns for most women and lifting weights helps with all of them!

I Only Need to do Cardio to Be Healthy

While doing cardio activities (i.e. running, swimming, elliptical, spin class, etc.) is beneficial for the heart, it does not put the necessary stress on the bone and muscular system that our bodies crave. We were designed in a way that our muscles were meant to be moved beyond just walking and typing on a computer! While cardio is a great way to burn calories, oftentimes, it will burn away muscle because it is a catabolic activity. Lifting weights help to balance that out. 

Do I Really Need to Start Lifting Weights?

Yes, YOU do! I recommend that a woman looking to start lifting weights seek out professional help. A certified personal trainer is well qualified to provide safe and proper advice for her.

Also, I recommend home DVD workout programs such Power 90, Slim in 6 and Chalene Extreme that have all proven to help women strength train properly.

Weight training is important for everyone to do. It helps with posture, weight loss, prevention of osteoporosis and other metabolic diseases. It does not require a lot to do it, so why not incorporate two days/week for 30 minutes or less to lifting weights!

Maurice D. Williams is the owner of Move Well Fitness in Bethesda, MD, and Assistant Professor of Health & Human Performance at Freed-Hardeman University.  He is a NASM Master Instructor and Master Trainer,  and is also certified with NASM as a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist, Senior Fitness Specialist & Weight Loss Specialist, and as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by NSCA.


Core Exercise, Part 2: Training The Abs To Do Their Job

In a previous blog, Core Exercise, Part 1: Fad, Fashion or Fundamental?, I proposed that core exercise is not just about training the abs since the core is a more integrated, comprehensive functional unit that simply includes the abs as one element. In Part 2, I want to stress how the abs actually function – not based on EMGs or ultrasounds – in doing movements we train with in the gym that correspond to real life.

Motivated by an article in Women’s Health, “17 Back Exercises Every Woman Should Add to Her Workout ASAP“, I was pleasantly pleased to see exercises listed with a by-line that said “It’s not all about the abs, you guys”. The thrust of the article and exercises was that the back is important, too. I’d add that the back is MOST important and that anything you do to strengthen the back, especially with some of the unilateral exercises described, is even BETTER for the abs than crunches.

While some of the exercises were simply simple adaptations of traditional exercises, such as the overhand and underhand bent over row, or were clearly aimed at the anterior core – the abs – they highlight the message I often bring to my sessions with clients.



With this mission statement, first and foremost in my mind when I approach a training session with whomever at whatever stage of health or fitness they are in, my goal is to train them to move and perform ADLs or recreational activities with less strain and stress to their bodies. Especially their spines!

Recognizing that many come in wishing to do something about their guts, I comply with some abs-specific exercises when they are ready for them. But first I aim to train the core as I defined it in the Part 1 blog.

Let’s, for now, leave out of consideration the person with a low back issue such as a ruptured disk or chronic low back pain (LBP). These kinds of issues require gentle step-by-step approaches akin to physical therapy-type exercises before venturing into real-life functional exercises just to get the core working. Which leads me to my framework for working the core, but really any muscle.

There are 5 layers to muscle function:

  1. activation
  2. endurance
  3. strength
  4. power
  5. speed

Activation is a neuromuscular bioelectrical event whereby an exercise causes muscles to engage – that is, to fire – so that they learn or re-learn how to do what they were supposed to do. Imagine a stroke victim unable to move a toe. It is the essence of core stabilization. If therapists can get the person’s focus on moving the toe, and the toe actually moves again, that means nerve signals went from the brain down the spine and into the legs all the way to the toe. When the muscle receives those signals, even though it’s been weakened by the stroke itself, it starts to twitch. When the twitch becomes large enough, it fires enough fibers to make the toe move… even a little.

When it comes to core exercise, first we want the muscles to get engaged, to fire, but not to generate movement – that is, to first do an isometric hold. So, for example, taking the bent over row as a case in point, by bending over, with both feet on the floor and one hand supported on a bench or chair, the other holding a weight, the core engages to prevent rotation toward the side that holds the weight. In other words, almost every muscle of the core is activated even as you focus on bringing the weight toward the ribs. Take the support arm away and now the core is super-activated as it now has to support the upper torso plus the weight(s). It’s not a back exercise anymore, it’s a total core exercise as even the abs engage to stiffen the spine against the pulls of gravity and of the lumbar erectors.

Endurance is the next phase of training. This doesn’t mean simply running for miles on end. It means that a muscle can be activated and engaged for longer periods of time than simply to make any particular movement. This entails multiple repetitions (reps) and sets and even exercises that target that muscle. This is initially done with lower resistances so that the exercise is learned properly and all moving parts and stabilizing parts are able to do their jobs properly.


When it comes to core endurance, we often do high reps of crunches or bridges and call it a day. But the reality is our core works even while sitting, especially while standing and most importantly while moving. Thus an exercise that engages core muscles in functional positions or patterns of movement is more functional than one that isolates one section at the expense of others.

For example, taking the alternating bent over reverse fly (#14 of the article above), we see a long lever arm moving outward to the side as the trainee tries to stay parallel to the floor. Each subsequent movement by each arm applies a torque to the core that tries to bend and twist it. Doing multiple reps actually trains the core to stabilize for a long period of time, more so than if you do both arms at the same time. For one thing, the anti-rotation component doesn’t exist to the same degree in the bilateral move as it does in the unilateral. For another, assuming you can do the same number of reps with a particular weight whether bilateral or unilateral, the time under tension is longer for the alternating reverse fly; almost double if not more. (One could argue that you could even use a higher load as you have more rest between reps doing one arm at a time.)

Strength is the ability to apply force… or resist load. This entails lifting heavier weights in order to optimize one’s ability to apply a lot of force. Usually, this is measured as a function of %RM, or percentage of maximal repetition. That is, if you can curl 30# one time, that is your 1RM; if you can do it 10 times, it’s your 10RM. Thus, if you do 15# curls, you are training at 50% of your 1RM.

The other way to look at it is by how many reps you are able to do. If you can do more than 12, you are essentially training endurance as you are now working below 50% 1RM. It is recommended you lift at loads that actually fatigue you anywhere from 8 to 12 reps to get strong.


Core Exercise, Part 2: Training the Abs to Do Their Job3

For the core, even though it’s just another muscle, the break point could endanger the spine so it’s usually not recommended to hit with high loads. That said, many exercises we do in the gym do actually involve the core at extremely high loads and never require isolating it. For example, a low-rep, high-load squat or power lift engages the core at extremely high load even though we tend to observe the legs or arm movements. But we could also do a standing cable row with a very heavy resistance which would fatigue the upper body in 8-12 reps but recognize that the core is also heavily challenged, making this an effective strength exercise for the core itself.

Power is the ability to produce lots of force quickly; it’s a function of speed but does not require actual speed. When the body tries to move quickly but the resistance prevents it, you’re engaging muscles, especially fast twitch, white fiber muscles, to produce speed, but the weight slows you down. Watch a powerlifter and you’ll note that he/she is hardly moving fast but is trying to do so with great effort. Now that’s power!

For core power, something as simple and basic as a squat and curl on the way up, assuming the resistance is greater than you could lift if you were simply standing or sitting down, would engage the core muscles rapidly in order to stiffen the spine. Likewise, a push-press, which is a shoulder overhead press performed off a partial squat, with speed, would constitute core power. The muscles that stabilize the lumbopelvic region would have to engage rapidly to propel the weights upward from the shoulder, then would have to contract isometrically very quickly to stabilize the spine against any backward bending resulting from the momentum of the weights from in front of the center line to on or behind it. If done with one arm, now you have to resist a lateral bending force on the core, too.

Finally, there’s speed, the ability to produce a high velocity movement. We know speed when we see it, in running, biking, etc. but in resistance training, we are often put off by it. The ability to move a light load very fast actually puts the joint in a dangerous position. Going back to the article, there are two exercises that should not be done fast: #4, the Good Morning, and #15, the Stability Ball Back Extension. I prefer to think of these as endurance exercises, maybe shifting into strength, but not power or speed.


But how could we do a core exercise to simulate speed? My preference is for the tubing torso rotation, especially with a controlled stopping point. As this video shows, with a modest resistance, you can move quickly. However, I would suggest stopping at 45 degrees past the mid-point as the resistance declines rapidly beyond that; thus there’s no counterforce applied by the tubing as the spine approaches the terminus of the tissues themselves. Nonetheless, you can see how, with slightly more resistance and with a controlled end point, core speed could be trained here.

Which brings me to the end.

In sum, core training is not muscle-specific. It involves, includes, entails and integrates many of the muscles we associate with the core. It takes into account the various elements of muscle training, from activation to high speeds, from endurance to power. Core training does not require, in fact, I’d say it actually is violated, by isolation exercises except where the person’s initial status requires it.


Core is neither a fad nor a fashion, it is fundamental, and now you know why and what-for to take your training to the next level.

Originally printed on stepsfitness.com. Reprinted with permission. Images courtesy of STEPS Fitness.

Dr. Irv Rubenstein graduated Vanderbilt-Peabody in 1988 with a PhD in exercise science, having already co-founded STEPS Fitness, Inc. two years earlier — Tennessee’s first personal fitness training center. One of his goals was to foster the evolution of the then-fledgling field of personal training into a viable and mature profession, and has done so over the past 3 decades, teaching trainers across through country. As a writer and speaker, Dr. Irv has earned a national reputation as one who can answer the hard questions about exercise and fitness – not just the “how” but the “why”. 

walking shoes

Keep Walking: Benefits of Walking as Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. “Aerobic” means “relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen”, and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism.

Generally, light-to-moderate intensity activities that are sufficiently supported by aerobic metabolism can be performed for extended periods of time. What is generally called aerobic exercise might be better termed “solely aerobic”, because it is designed to be low-intensity enough so that all carbohydrates are aerobically turned into energy. The bulk of the energy in this type of exercise is due to mitochondria ATP production which relies on oxygen for the metabolism of carbs, proteins and fats for energy.

Health Benefits

Among the recognized health benefits of doing regular aerobic exercise are:

  • Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs
  • Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate, known as aerobic conditioning
  • Improving circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure
  • Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen
  • Improving mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression, as well as increased cognitive capacity
  • Reducing the risk for diabetes (One meta-analysis has shown, from multiple conducted studies, that aerobic exercise does help lower Hb A levels for type 2 diabetics)
  • Reducing the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems

How to Walk Properly and Correctly to Keep Walking

Starting from the foundation of our body, our feet, we need to keep in consideration and balancing our weight through a tripod that includes our heel, big toe and small toe during our gait circle.

Gait is categorized into two phases: stance and swing. The stance phase occurs when the foot is on the ground. In young to middle-aged adults, the stance phase makes up 60% of the gait cycle. The remaining 40% of the cycle is spent in the swing phase where the foot is off the ground and being propelled forward.

The more we keep repeating this cycle in the correct form the more we keep producing the right pattern for our body to keep walking/exercising, planting the benefits for our longevity.

Additionally, we need to consider the alignment of the rest of the body. Thorax and Pelvis should be in the same line allowing breathing to go in a constant rhythm with the heart and lungs. Usage of the diaphragm and full expansion of respiratory muscles will allow extra oxygen intake, leading to better performance and eventually weight loss.

Body Performance Benefits

In addition to the health benefits of aerobic exercise, there are numerous performance benefits:

  • Increasing storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles, allowing for increased endurance
  • Neovascularization of the muscle sarcomeres to increase blood flow through the muscles
  • Increasing speed at which aerobic metabolism is activated within muscles, allowing a greater portion of energy for intense exercise to be generated aerobically
  • Improving the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen
  • Enhancing the speed at which muscles recover from high-intensity exercise

Neurobiological Effects:

  • Improvement in brain structural connections
  • Increase in gray matter density
  • New neuron growth
  • Improvement in cognitive function (cognitive control and various forms of memory)
  • Improvement or maintenance of mental health

Walking is widely recommended for its health benefits. According to a recent U.S. Surgeon General report on physical activity and health in America, more than half of the U.S. population does not participate regularly in any type of exercise. That physical inactivity can lead to poor health. It is time to start making better choices and better habits. Let’s start walking!

  • Walking can help you attain that trim figure you’ve been “dieting” to have. It allows you to burn off fat without losing muscle and without depriving your body of the essential nutrients it needs. And it can help tone your muscles and shape up your legs.
  • Before you begin walking for fitness with freestyle walking programs, you need to consider a few preliminaries, including your age and your overall health. It’s pretty easy to figure out that walking doesn’t require much in the way of equipment. One of the only, and by far the most important items that you’ll need, is a pair of comfortable walk­ing shoes. If you don’t take time and care in selecting your walking shoes, you may be in for some serious discomfort.
  • You also need to learn how to measure your heart rate and listen to your body, so you’ll know where to begin and how hard you need to work to increase your fitness and health. You may have heard similar claims made for other aerobic exercises, but consider this: The only exercise that will do you any good is the exercise you do, and walking is easy, as easy as putting one foot in front of the other.

Dimitrios Triantafillopoulos is a Master Personal Trainer, supporting people, athletes and other trainers to make them feel better with their body and themselves. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Sports Science, a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Sport Fitness, as well as a Medical Fitness Specialty. Dimitrios has attended numerous seminars in Performance Training and Specialized Nutrition, and is also a Certified Instructor in Vibration (Power Plate) Acceleration Training and Electro – Stimulation Training. He is currently a Fitness Manager at Crunch Fitness in New York City.


Motivational Interviewing to Drive Sustainable Behavior Change

Clients and Patients come to us because they want something to change about their life. That change could be the removal of physical pain, dealing with emotional distress, changing their nutrition in order to lose weight, or decrease the effect of diagnosed disease on their overall quality of life.

Interestingly, one’s desire to change doesn’t always lead to change. Change is abstract in that the new state of being that is desired doesn’t exist yet. Change is about the future. One’s future is connected to the present, which is the result of the past. Newton’s Laws of Motion give us a reference for thinking about change. In general, a thing will stay the same unless a force or energy acts on that thing. Therefore, change requires energy – and often sacrifice. Change can seem overwhelming and there may be fear of what might happen when change occurs. Old habits are hard to break. Even bad ones.

How can a practitioner from any discipline assist their client or patient to move from wanting to change to actually changing?

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a communication strategy with tactical aspects designed to help the practitioner encourage the adoption of change behaviors. Change is about learning – learning not just a new way of thinking, but a new way of behaving.

Here is the most current definition:

“MI is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion.”  (Miller & Rollnick, 2013, p. 29).

What is the language of change?

Language (n.) – the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture. (Oxford Language Dictionary)

Change (n.) – the act, process, or result of making different. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Using the language of change can be as simple as speaking the synonyms for the word change within the questions and statements constructed in a conversation with your client or patient: alteration, difference, modification, redoing, refashioning, remaking, remodeling, revamping, review, revise, revision, reworking, variation

The definition of language includes the use of gestures as a part of the communication process.

Physical gestures reflect ideas that the speaker has about the problem, often ideas that are not found in that speaker’s talk.

“Gesture is an act of the body, and the body has been claimed to play a central role in cognition.” (e.g., Barsalou, 1999Glenberg, 1997Wilson, 2002Zwaan, 1999).

So what part of our physical body can be used to create and display physical gestures?

The face, the eyes, the hands, the trunk, just about any part of your body can be employed.

What physical gestures would be useful to employ when conducting a motivational interview?

Find Out More…

Learn more about Motivational Interviewing! Join Greg Mack for his webinar, Motivational Interviewing to Drive Sustainable Behavior Change. Register Now »

Greg Mack is a gold-certified ACE Medical Exercise Specialist and an ACE Certified Personal Trainer. He is the founder and CEO of the corporation Fitness Opportunities. Inc. dba as Physicians Fitness and Exercise Professional Education. He is also a founding partner in the Muscle System Consortia. Greg has operated out of chiropractic clinics, outpatient physical therapy clinics, a community hospital, large gyms and health clubs, as well operating private studios. His experience in working in such diverse venues enhanced his awareness of the wide gulf that exists between the medical community and fitness facilities, particularly for those individuals trying to recover from, and manage, a diagnosed disease.