Challenge Your Truth
Challenge your truth.
Do you wonder where your beliefs come from and why you believe certain things about life and the world to be true?
If not, that’s ok, but I want you to keep an open mind for me as you read this…
You see, many of the belief systems we have aren’t our own. They are imposed on us by parents, society, cultures, etc.
For example, what defines a successful life for most people is the traditional story: You go to school, get a great job, have a beautiful family, work hard until you can retire, then kick back and enjoy life.
Today more than ever that belief is being challenged. People are beginning to crave a different narrative. But that’s been the predominant one for over a century.
Another example more closely related to what I do is the common belief that people just don’t have time for exercise or preparing healthy meals.
Yes, we really do have time for exercise and preparing healthy meals.
But what’s true is that other people with just as busy of a schedule do find the time.
So, if the belief system around time was true, no two people with the same type of schedule should be able to find the time to take care of themselves…
Of course, the time belief system we are using here as an example is faulty and false.
I hope this is making sense.
Today I want to challenge you to challenge your truth.
Write down 5 beliefs that you have that hold you back from achieving the life you desire. Even if right now you believe the excuse or thought is 100% legit.
Then, ask yourself – “What else is possible? Is this really true?”
When your beliefs are deeply rooted by habit and by the people who surround you, it can be very hard to break free from them. But with effort, it’s possible.
Don’t hold on to false thoughts that keep you from creating the life and the body you desire.
Challenging your beliefs and the meaning you give them is the first steps to taking new action to create change.
So, what 5 beliefs did you come up with and how can you begin to shift them to create new, empowering belief systems?
Originally printed on Move Well Fitness blog. Reprinted with permission.
Maurice D. Williams is a personal trainer and owner of Move Well Fitness in Bethesda, MD. With almost two decades in the industry, he’s worked with a wide range of clients, including those with health challenges like diabetes, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, coronary artery disease, lower back pain, pulmonary issues, and pregnancy. Maurice is also a fitness educator with Move Well Fit Academy and NASM. He also serves as the Director of Membership Services for the MedFit Network.