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Super Food! 5 Rules That Make Food Super

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a Super Food! Like the arrival of super heroes to save the day, super foods landed upon us in the last decade and now we are all supposed to load up on them to save our days. But are they really so super? Let’s get better Super Food nutrition, simplified and see!

Super Food Rule #1

ORGANIC FOOD is SUPER, chemistry lab projects are not. No bells and whistles required, no need to be found or able to leap tall plants in the Amazon or Balinese jungle, no need to grow where no one else grows… just need to be food, from a seed or having eaten the plant, whole or minimally processed, grown without excess of harmful pesticides. So while chemistry is a SUPER fun class (or can be), and is SUPER awesome at helping us test and learn things, let’s focus on consuming more organic food, most often.

Super Food Rule #2

Better Nutrition is SUPER. When your body gets what it needs, wants, and recognizes most easily it functions most efficiently and effectively to deliver you the better health you seek. Whether it’s better energy, better skin, better heart health, better immune health, better all of the above health – you get it, your body will too when it gets better nutrition. So check out the Better Nutrition Simplified plan and assess how SUPER your nutrition is today to fuel better health tomorrow.

Super Food Rule #3

Nutrient balance, not calorie counting, is SUPER. Your body doesn’t need fuel, it needs the right fuel for the right parts and activities. That means carbs for quick energy including brain fuel, fats to promote healthy inflammatory response and sustainable energy, proteins for muscles, hormones, and enzymes and all your non-starchy vegetables for routine and deep clean up and removal of unwanted “dirt.” So make any nutrition pit stop SUPER by balancing your nutrients.

Super Food Rule #4

SUPER is as much about what a food is free from as it is about what it contains. Plenty of super food products and ingredients being sold may be full of a high amount of an antioxidant but also full of binders, highly processed and even artificial ingredients. Conversely, some may be isolates of the “super” ingredient but it is not so super without its comrades from the whole food form. For example, if your gluten free cereal is made from refined flour and then has added isolated ingredients like a vitamin or mineral (not even in the same form as found in the food) then there’s nothing SUPER about it. Instead get an organic gluten free cereal with whole or minimally processed ingredients and if you need it, take a quality organic multi as a supplement (not sure if you need it a supplement, that’s what I am here for, fill out the supplement evaluation form here and send it to me so I can help you)

Super Food Rule #5

DIY is SUPER, but so is Some Assemble Required (thanks IKEA for that phrase). When you buy ready to eat food, it may be ready and fast but it likely has ingredients that keep it ready and fast and as such make it a little less super. For example, instead of buying a ready to eat yogurt parfait, try adding Nature’s Path Qi’a coconut chia super flakes to your plain almond yogurt (or make my cashew cream and top it with the super flakes) for a delicious, better nutrition pit stop because you control the quality, quantity, and nutrient balance making it a SUPER FOOD version of your desired eats or sips (same goes for your lattes and your smoothies, see the Better Liquid Nutrition Simplified quick start guide).

If you know me, you know that I believe in Better, not superlatives like Super or Healthiest and certainly not Perfect. I am in the business of helping you have more, better days and that begins with better nutrition. But I get that we may want things to feel SUPER, so I hope this helped you sort the SUPER from the Not So. Got more questions? I have Answers, so send them my way for an #AskAshley answer to help you have another better day fueled by better nutrition.

Originally printed on ashleykoffapproved.com. Reprinted with permission.

Ashley Koff RD is your better health enabler. For decades, Koff has helped thousands get and keep better health by learning to make their better not perfect nutrition choices more often. A go-to nutrition expert for the country’s leading doctors, media, companies and non-profit organizations, Koff regularly shares her Better Nutrition message with millions on national and local television, magazines and newspapers. Visit her website at ashleykoffapproved.com.

senior woman doing exercises

If Exercise is Medicine for People with Parkinson’s, Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?

The three national thought leaders presenting at the Annual Parkinson’s Symposium in 2015 were all in passionate agreement: exercise is imperative in treating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We have cultivated and grown many Parkinson’s-specific exercise programs in Sarasota County, from spin classes to yoga, at levels appropriate for all stages of the disease. In addition, exercise is the only know treatment modality with 100% positive side effects!

So why isn’t everyone doing it?

As a Care Advisor and Health Coach, I am continually striving to understand what motivates or inhibits people from exercising. Why are some in our Parkinson’s community committed exercise enthusiasts, while others seem to come up with innumerable reasons why they can’t participate in physical activities?

I believe a core reason may be what the American Council of Exercise refers to as the concern for “psychological safety.” If someone has Parkinson’s, that person may believe that participating in exercise is dangerous. A fear of falling, freezing of gait, or muscle stiffness preventing completion of an exercise class may prevent a potential exerciser from starting a program that could help reduce all these symptoms.

People with Parkinson’s may also have heightened feelings of self-consciousness, and may fear embarrassment while participating in a class setting. Gyms can be intimidating, and often it is difficult to know where to start. Even the most structured and supervised exercise classes have some levels of unpredictability.

Another concern people with neuro-degenerative diseases face is coming to terms with diminished physical abilities. If a person with Parkinson’s has had an active and athletic past, it may be difficult to acknowledge what the body can no longer do. Seeing others at later stages of Parkinson’s may dissuade someone from attending an exercise group that could slow down the progression of the disease.

So how can we address these concerns? Those with Parkinson’s first need to know that they are not alone, that there are many people fighting this disease with exercise and are having fun doing it. Finding a safe and effective exercise class with qualified professionals in a supportive environment is the next step. Often times it is less intimidating to attend an exercise class with a spouse or friend, and always know that if you are new to exercise, you will always be encouraged to go at your own pace until you become more confident in your abilities. Finally, not only do regular exercisers have fun and empower themselves with the ability to help diminish their Parkinson’s symptoms – they become stronger in body, attitude and spirit. Be a Parkinson’s fighter.

Carisa Campanella, BA, AS, is an ACE Health Coach and ACSM Personal Trainer. She is the Program Manager at the Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinson’s. Neuro Challenge provides ongoing monthly support groups and educational programs, individualized care advising and community resource referrals to help empower people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers.


From Primal to Bipedal: Why we need to get off the ground and walk more!

Before you start throwing stones at me assuming that I’m bashing or discrediting any of the primal movement programs out there – please hear me out. Anything I’m about to say does not mean I do not value the role primal movements and ground work has on restoring optimal movement patterns. However, where these programs fall short is that ultimately we need to GET UP and being able to navigate the world of ground and gravity. We need to be able to optimize the coordination required to load and unload impact forces, stabilize on a single leg and get from point A to point B.

When we look at the evolution of the human neuromuscular system, fascial lines and the skeleton we can see that the primary purpose behind human movement is WALKING.

From the medial rotation of the ilium creating the lateral fascial line and allowing single leg stance to the abduction of the foot’s 1st ray creating the spiral fascial line and lateral fascial line allowing the stability for a rigid lever – everything – I repeat everything favors locomotion – and we need to train the body as such.

When was the last time you walked? I mean REALLY walked?

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to evaluate the gait of thousands of people from all over the world and there are a few key compensations that I see in too many people. So many people have lost the rotational element of gait. I’m talking locked up t-spines, restricted triplanar motion of the pelvis, tight ankles and even tighter subtalar joints.

Rotational loading and unloading of the fascial system is how we transfer impact forces and the potential energy of gait. If we lose this rotational element of gait the entire movement efficiency pattern breaks down and restrictions, compensations and connective tissue fatigue results.

So what’s causing this restriction in rotation?

Sitting, a sedentary lifestyle, driving, injury, compensation – there’s a lot of things that cause a restriction in rotation. However there is a KEY one that is missed so often and cannot be addressed through rolling, crawling and being on the ground.

This driver of restricted rotation is so important that it is what leads me to say GET OFF OF THE GROUND AND JUST WALK! What is it? Short strides!

The impact of shortened stride length!

Think of the type of walking you, your clients, your family does in a typical day. You walk around your home. You walk around the office. You walk around the store. This type of walking is not the walking EVOLUTION intended.

These small stacotic steps are insufficient to optimally 1) hydrate your fascia 2) load rotational forces in the body 3) stimulate the neuromuscular system.

To maintain an optimal gait you need to STIMULATE your gait. You need to tap into all the fascial systems with each step you take – a process that can only be achieved and a long enough stride length.

The Optimal Stride for Fascial Fitness

To better understand this let’s take a look at the point in gait in which the optimal stride is happening.

One foot is initiated heel contact with the ankle dorsiflexed, hip flexed, pelvis medially rotated and posteriorly tilted. With the foot, leg and pelvis in this position the posterior fascial line is tightened, locking the SI joint and preparing for ground contact.

Meanwhile the opposite leg is in 1st MPJ dorsiflexion ankle plantarflexion, hip extension, pelvis lateral rotation and anteriorly tilted. With the foot, leg and pelvis in this position the psoas, plantar fascia and functional fascial lines are primed to release elastic energy upon swing phase.

Now the SHORTER the stride you take you tighten your rotations of the t-spine, pelvis and foot eventually leading to fascial tightness and compensations.

Since walking is THE most functional movement we do every day with the average adult taking 5,000 – 8,000 steps per day – improper stride length is what’s f’ing up your body.

These small steps we take to our cars, around the office or at home are killing our fascial system. It is a cycle that can only be temporarily alleviated by rolling and crawling on the ground.

Imagine this. You take your client through all the rolling patterns, dynamic bodyweight movements, foam rolling – all which are so great for the body – and then they leave the session and go back to waking small steps and in insufficient stride length. They just REVERSED all the work you did.

The solution?

Walk. And I mean really walk. Put on your favorite shoes, grab your earbuds and walk. Do not go on the treadmill, I need you to walk outside. Find the pace that feeds into a momentous state. You will feel when your body has switched and is now flowing in your fascial. It is an effortless gait that is working WITH the ground and impact forces, not against it.

And then just walk.

Originally printed on the Barefoot Strong Blog. Reprinted with permission from Dr. Splichal.

Dr. Emily Splichal, Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of the Evidence Based Fitness Academy and Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist®, Barefoot Rehab Specialist® and BARE® Workout Certifications for health and wellness professionals. With over 13 years in the fitness industry, Dr. Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to foot function and barefoot training.


Barry Bassin 1

Member Spotlight: Certified Health Coach & Trainer with Expertise in Senior Fitness

Name: Barry Bassin
Location: Long Beach, CA
Website: BarryTheTrainer.com
Occupation: Fitness Professional

How did you hear about MFN?

As a certified health coach, I am always researching various health and medical conditions, especially with respect to applicable exercise guidelines. The Medical Fitness Network came up during one of my searches. I visited the MFN website and was instantly hooked.

How do you or your business help those with chronic disease/medical conditions or who need pre & postnatal care?

My job is to design an exercise and fitness program that is specific to each person as an individual. Exercise selection is a result of that process. And, of course, any exercise program must be safe and goal-specific. This includes lifestyle and self-exercise advice as well.

What makes you different from all the other fitness professionals out there?

It’s not for me to say that I am different from other fitness professionals; that’s for other people to say, if that’s what they believe, and if they have a basis for making comparisons.

But, I can say what kind of fitness professional I try to be, and to be that kind of fitness professional with each client, and with every member of each client’s health team with whom I may interact, and with all of my fitness colleagues.

There’s a joke about what dogs think about physicians: they’re like veterinarians, but only qualified to treat one kind of animal.

I work exclusively with older adults (age 60 through 90s), and people with health issues, ranging from musculoskeletal problems (arthritis, low-back pain, etc.) through chronic diseases and metabolic conditions (diabetes, insulin resistance, etc.). I have earned seven fitness certifications, including personal trainer, health coach, corrective exercise specialist, senior fitness specialist, orthopedic exercise specialist, and weight management specialist.

A quality certification says that there is something to know, and that you know it. This allows me to design exercise-based fitness programs that consider each client’s health and fitness issues and integrate them into each client’s fitness program without exceeding my scope of practice boundaries.

This is especially important when clients:

  • have just been released by their physical therapist following a joint replacement or rotator cuff repair;
  • or when clients need to reestablish or preserve bone mineral density via weight-bearing exercise;
  • or proper exercise modalities and intensities to help with blood glucose regulation;
  • or when muscles around arthritic joints need strengthening so that there is less stress on those joints;
  • or when clients need to lose weight to reduce the load on their knees;
  • or strengthen and condition all of the core muscles (not just the front of the abs) to help manage low-back pain;
  • or when clients just want to look and feel better

While there are many serious, well trained and highly qualified fitness professionals, it is a sad fact that the explosive growth of the fitness industry has also created too many certification mills that are nothing more than weekend seminars or dumbed-down correspondence courses, churning out minimally qualified trainers.

What is your favorite activity or class to participate in?

Two things:

1. Train your body the way you use your body.

Oher than swimming, there really isn’t much you do in a supine or prone position (i.e., lying down) that requires strength, endurance, and flexibility. Conversely, everything you do that requires strength, endurance, and flexibility, you do while standing, bending, stooping, gaiting, or rotating.

Except for clients who need to be seated during exercise, I train all my clients in a standing position. I call this vertical training, and it is the essence of true functional training, as not only are the targeted muscles for each exercise challenged, the synergistic and stabilizing muscles are involved as well. (Imagine swinging a golf club or throwing a ball if all you could use was your arms, while the rest of your body remained in a fixed position. You need your body to work as a whole integrated unit through its interconnected parts, known as the kinetic chain.) So, get your core off the floor, and train your body the way you use it.

2. I only use resistance bands and tubes.

Your muscles are stupid; they don’t know the difference between a dumbbell, a barbell, a resistance band, or a strength machine. They only know that a strength exercise has a degree of difficulty to perform it, regardless of the equipment. When the degree of difficulty for a specific muscle is the same across different kinds of equipment, the result of the training will be the same.

I use a combination of:

  • 41-inch continuous loop bands (11 different resistance levels)
  • 72-inch flat bands (4 different resistance levels)
  • Bodylastics resistance tubes (7 different resistance levels)

There is not a single exercise that can be done with free weights or machines that cannot be done with bands and tubes, whether it’s at the lightest resistance appropriate for a frail elderly client, to a maximum resistance that would be challenging for even hardcore weightlifters. And all while allowing natural body movement patterns, and without joint trauma. So, while your muscles won’t know the difference between regular gym equipment and resistance bands, your joints will.

What is one piece of advice that you would give other fitness professionals about working with special populations or those who need pre-& postnatal care?

Be a great trainer. To be a great trainer, start by being a good trainer; to be a good trainer, never stop becoming that trainer.

Always stay within your scope of practice boundaries, while expanding your core competencies as a trainer. For instance, my interest is senior fitness. Complementary certifications that enhance my ability to work effectively with older adults includes senior fitness specialist and orthopedic exercise specialist, both of which take into account issues that are common with older adults. My ACE personal trainer certification is my foundation competency, and my other certifications expand my qualifications.

And as important as anything, never forget that what your gym or studio calls members, and we trainers call clients, are really customers. And as with customers for any product or service, people expect to be treated honestly, competently, and feeling like they’re getting what they’re paying for. Forget this, and no matter what you call them, you can put the word former before the other word.

What type of community activities are you involved in?

I would love to tell you about all the great community activities I do, but, alas, I don’t do them. I regularly train 21 clients two or more times a week. At the end of the day, I’m tired, and weekends are family time.

What is one of your favorite memories involving working with someone who has a health challenge or disability?

I’m like most fitness professionals: I like helping people and I feel rewarded when positive changes occur.

But I do have one client who is my personal hero. She was born with more than one congenital health issue, including cerebral palsy, and she also has lupus disease, scoliosis, and no ligament in her right foot. She had been told her whole life that there were physical things she would never do. We’ve been working together for more than three years. There are now no exercises that she can’t do, and last year she went sky diving. Wow!

What would you like to see change/develop/emerge in the future of healthcare and the fitness industry?

I’ve always been opposed to regulating qualifications for personal trainers. Whenever the topic comes up, there is no clarity as to how it would be done, who would do it, would it be influenced by commercial interests, and would it be standardized amongst the states. But, now I think it’s time. There are too many minimally qualified so-called personal trainers who over-promise and under-deliver, all to the detriment of the people who hire them, and to the detriment of serious, well qualified professional trainers whose image as industry members suffers.

Hats off to the Medical Fitness Network, who carefully screen fitness professionals before accepting them in their professional network.

And what are you doing to make this happen?

Other than advocating for a workable and credible system for establishing an industry-wide certification recognition system, it’s really up to the best certification agencies like ACE, ACSM, and NASM to take the lead. They, and a few others, are in the best position to work amongst themselves to speak in a unified voice regarding standards.

What is your favorite fitness/inspirational/motivational quote?

There are two:

1. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do. Not a punishment for what you ate.

I don’t know who to ascribe that quote to, but I love it. While it’s off the mark for a medical fitness discussion, too many people exercise to reverse the effects of how they eat. So, let me appropriate that quote and restate it as “Exercise is a celebration of how we make our bodies healthier today, not . . . (fill in the blank).

2. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Satchel Paige (1906-1982), baseball Hall of Fame pitcher.

Anything else we should know about you?

As an older adult, senior fitness isn’t just what I do, it’s who I am. My plan is to live forever, and so far, so good.

Visit Barry’s MFN profile >


I’m Depressed, Not Lazy

Every doctor, therapist, psychiatrist and psychologist knows that the best form of natural medication for depression is exercise. The most common phrases a person who says they feel depressed will hear is, “You should go for a walk.” “Try joining a gym.” Or “Just dance around your living room for 10 minutes, you will feel so much better.”

As a personal trainer who has been training clients with exercise and working with them on nutrition for 20 years, I know these are all true statements and true facts. Among my clients of all different ages, levels of fitness, ethnicities, cultures and sizes, I have had an incredible number of clients who have had some type of mental illness. And the most prevalent type has been different levels of depression. Some of these clients had been diagnosed before coming to see me and knew that it was what “the doctor ordered.” And some of these clients had no idea they suffered from depression or anxiety or had food addictions or other addictions until they started working with me and I figured it out by talking with them, discussion, and watching their behavior. I never claim to be a Psychiatrist so I always suggests that they find a licensed Psychiatrist.

But here is what I am finding in my experience with my clients and what I have seen over the years:

I believe there is a link between the chemical imbalances in a person with depression and the inability for that said person to get up off the couch and move. I believe that there is something that is either missing or disconnected and when the person actually THINKS about going on a walk, or going to the gym, something very different happens to them than to someone who does not suffer from a chemical imbalance/depression.

One of my clients who suffers from the most severe form of depression (I have learned that there are different levels of depression) described how she felt to me: “I feel as if I have a 700 lb. heavy, wet blanket on top of me at all times.” She said that sometimes her coping skills are much better than other times but that the 700 lb. heavy, wet blanket is always on top of her… every minute of every day. It broke my heart to hear this, but I was so thankful that she shared it with me because it was the first time that I actually understood what she felt like. I understood why it is such a struggle for her to do basically, anything. I thought about the “average” person. After a full day of work, most of us are pretty tired and the last thing we want to do is go to the gym or on a walk, etc. So, it is a struggle to make that effort and make the right decision and motivate to drive home and change and go to the gym…or to have packed our bags and drive to the gym from work. Now, think about if you had a 700 lb. heavy, wet blanket on top of you after you worked a full day. Think about having to stand up to get to your car with that 700 lb. heavy, wet blanket and then driving home and having to stand up and get out of your car with that 700 lb. heavy, wet blanket and going into your home and once you are inside, the idea of having to go and MOVE with that 700 lb.  heavy, wet blanket has to be the LAST thing in the world that you would want to do. And from what I understand and from what I am seeing and hearing and observing, this is not just after a full day of work. This is ALL THE TIME. The IDEA of moving is so overwhelming and feels like such a massive obstacle/chore/punishment that it just shuts them down. The part of this that makes me so sad and is the main reason I am writing this and trying to get my observation noticed is that what ends up happening is that the person does not understand what is happening. Here is what goes on in their mind:

I am LAZY. I am UNMOTIVATED. I am WORTHLESS. I have NO self control. I have NO self discipline. I am a FAILURE because I have tried so many times and I cannot do it. I am a FAT slob. I have NO will power.

So, then the cycle starts. The one thing that comes easy for someone that is overwhelmed by the idea of moving is to sit on the couch and watch TV or read a book or do a puzzle or knit and usually what goes very well with this is to also eat. I am not saying that any of these things are bad but in the context of this paper we see that  the activities that are chosen by someone suffering with these chemical imbalances are sedentary. And then I wonder about the correlation between obesity and depression because of this inability to move, the uncomfortable nature of moving, the discovery that SITTING and doing an activity is all that can be accomplished. It is not laziness, it is not being unmotivated, it has nothing to do with willpower. There is a missing step in what the doctors/therapist/Psychiatrist are telling their patients…and how they are helping them.

The missing step is FROM THE COUCH TO THE DOOR. Or even better FROM THE COUCH TO STANDING UP. A doctor can tell the patient to exercise. To walk. To go to the gym. But the issue is that this patient CANNOT even make it off the couch. Or out of bed. And this is NOT being lazy. I have to keep saying this because I have had too many clients feel shamed because they have been made to feel so worthless by statements like: “Oh, come on, it is not that hard.” “Just set your alarm an hour earlier.” “Aren’t you worth it?” “Don’t you care about your health?”

Can you imagine hearing this your whole life and BELIEVING it? Believing that you FAILED, again. And AGAIN. And AGAIN. And then finding out years later that there was something chemically in your body,  that you had no control over, contributing to all of this and no one told you. Yes, you could be very angry. Or, you could react like one of my clients. She was 67 when she contacted me to help her get in shape for a scholar walking tour in France. It was a level above the beginner tours that she and her husband had done in the past and she was scared that she would not be able to walk the 4 miles required. She made a pact with her husband that she would get a trainer and get in shape for the trip. When I first sat down with C, she told me she NEVER exercises and does not like to move. Her exact words were, “ I come from a family where, Why stand if you can sit, why sit if you can lay down?” I was cracking up when she told me but was also horrified to realize it was the truth!!! After she told me her whole story of her food addiction and some other aspects of her life, I was deep in thought. I asked her if she suffered from depression. She looked at me, eyes WIDE open and said, “how did you know?” And I told her everything that I just told you in this paper. She was speechless because she has been in therapy her whole life and no one has ever touched on anything like this in regards to seeing a correlation between  her chemical imbalances in depression and her real struggle to just, move. She actually said to me, “I just thought I was lazy.” And when I saw her the following week, I asked her if she had thought about what we talked about. She told me she had thought about it everyday and when I asked her what she was thinking, her response was exactly why I am writing this paper. She said, “ I felt a sense of relief.”

So, after this last experience with C, I realized that I wanted to try and use what I have discovered in order to help give relief to so many people in the same situations. How would that look? Here are a few ideas I have thought about:

  1. It should be brought to the attention of doctors/therapists/psychiatrists to suggest to their patients that there are some cases of depression where the chemical imbalances might be part of the issue holding them hostage. Just giving the patients awareness that this is a possibility is so important and could change people’s lives.
  2. As a personal trainer, I will offer services to these patients/clients. I will set up appointments to make house calls for movement. This will not be called a workout or a training session. It will be called, “Stay Put and Move.” Or, some version of that but nothing related to exercise or working out. It is me, showing up at their home and taking their hand and gently helping them off the couch and moving. We will just walk from room to room. Or just stand up and sit down. We can go to the kitchen and get a drink. We can sweep the floor. And when they are ready, we can walk up the stairs or take out the trash. What I am trying to get at it that I will just get them moving and talking and laughing. And hopefully they will see that it is not that bad or hard and it might actually feel good and be fun. There will never be any pressure to do it on their own if they do not want to because I understand that is not in their control. If they end up doing it on their own, it is a huge bonus.
  3. I get a mini bus and make a group house call. This means that I get at least 5 people (or it is a group of 5 friends) and I drive to each home and walk in and actually take their hand and walk with them out to the bus. Once I have all 5 people I will go to a rented space and we will have a group move class. Not a workout, just moving. Fun, laughter, movement with other people who are dealing with the same chemical imbalances and who struggle with the same issues. The key here is that a friendly face comes to YOU and gently takes your hand with a smile so you are not thinking about the fact that you are about to go and do something you do not want to do like move. A friendly face will be walking you to a bus full of people who are going through the same thing but will all be supportive of each other and end up feeling great at the end of the hour. The bus will drop off each person to their home and I will walk them back inside and leave them with a hug and a smile.
  4. I start an online FaceTime/skype 10 minute movement. For 10 minutes I will be on FaceTime/skype with my client and I will have them stand up and sit down. We will walk into the other rooms of their home “together.” I will have them get up and get a glass of water. They will vacuum a room or sweep a floor. But all in the privacy of their own home, in their own clothes, without having to see or face anyone in person and only for 10 minutes. But this 10 minutes will be so important for someone who might be 400-600 lbs. and feels helpless. I will understand what they are feeling and going through and instead of pushing them hard or making them uncomfortable by going too fast, this will be based on them and what they can do in that 10 minutes with me. And when they are finished, they will feel a sense of accomplishment because no one is judging that they only did 10 minutes. THEY know that they picked up the phone and MOVED and did the work and no matter how long or what they did, for them, it is a huge accomplishment.

So, in conclusion, my purpose is to look at depression and the chemical imbalances it creates as it relates to exercise. Does the chemical imbalance in someone suffering from depression cause that person to severely struggle with movement/exercise. Have people who suffer from depression lived long enough with the idea that they are “lazy” and can we change that so there is an understanding of why they are struggling to move/exercise? Are there ways that we can help them by focusing on the missing steps? If the struggle is from the couch to the door, that is where we need to start. I gave C “homework” of the movements and stretches that we did together to do at home until we met again the following week. I did not expect her to have done the movements because most of my clients do not do their “homework” unless they are with me. When I arrived at her house the following week, I asked her what she had done on her own. Expecting to hear “nothing,” I heard, “I did 15 minutes on the bike and the stretches you told me to do and the neck exercises. I did all my homework.” I did not let on that I was shocked but I did let her know I was very proud of her, which I was. It also made me think that because she had this knowledge that she had an extra obstacle (chemical imbalance) it gave her the green light to move. Maybe having the awareness that it is not her being lazy, it is something bigger than her, it took a different meaning to get up and move. Maybe this gave her a freedom from her own label of “lazy” and now that she knows she is not lazy, she is free to get up and move. If this is the case, can we please pass out this awareness and hand out the relief?

Deborah Stern has a degree in psychology/nutrition from DePaul University in Chicago, IL. She has been dedicated to helping women, men and children of all ages and all fitness levels in improving their lives through exercise, nutrition and personal growth.  Deborah started early in life  on this journey for herself and has been taking her clients on the journey for the past 25 years. Visit her website at foodprintforlife.com, and her blog at debapproved.blogspot.com.
Nutritional label

The Skinny on Visceral Fat: Why Are Skinny People Dying from “Obese” Diseases, and What Can We Do About It?

Considering the near-consensus that adipose tissue is the culprit behind so many diseases, one must wonder the reason behind some obese people having no metabolic dysfunction.[1]

The real irony comes with the emergence of a new phenomenon that acknowledges and catalogues those within a healthy BMI range that find themselves at greater risk for diseases generally reserved for those considered obese.

People within the acceptable BMI range have found themselves saddled with heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and greater instances of certain cancers.[2]  The inquisitive mind must ask why those that are considered low-risk by BMI standards exemplify the results of those considered at high-risk.

These individuals have a pattern of fat storage invisible to the naked eye and hidden deep around the organs and within the liver.  Considered visceral fat, visceral adipose tissue (VAT) or intra-abdominal adipose tissue (IAAT), these skinny people are at an increased risk of metabolic diseases despite not being visibly overweight.[3]  Also referred to as the thin-fat phenotype,[4] this particular population may be at increased danger of these potential diseases because the issue with visceral fat storage is not visible; it cannot be pinched, or jiggle, or seem unsightly, and so these individuals are not only unaware of the problem, but may even be resistant to the possibility since they do not manifest the outward appearances associated with these issues.

Understanding Visceral Fat

Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is gaining increasing understanding and acceptance as an active hormone gland with dangerous, destructive potential on the endocrine system.[5]  These functions allow it to   partly control nutritional intake, hunger, and appetite through secretions of leptin and angiotensin, control insulin sensitivity and inflammation through tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), resistin, visfatin, adiponectin, and other hormones.[6]  With such an impressive list, and such numerous and varied hormone functions, the vital importance of VAT’s endocrine functions becomes apparent. The ignorance or ignoring of this becomes dangerous.

What about normal adipose tissue?  When examined and compared side-by-side, VAT proves itself far more dangerous.  When compared to total body fat, VAT is significantly better correlated with triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, HDL/total cholesterol ratio and its effects on glucose and insulin.[7]

Its intimate control over so many hormonal processes also places VAT in a potential death spiral.  Since it acts as both a hunger controller and as a controller of insulin resistance and blood sugar through its release of leptin, resistan, visfatin, and acylation stimulating protein (ASP), visceral fat, in excess, exacerbates the very conditions that allowed it to expand.  For example, a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet results in excess visceral fat accumulation.  This excess visceral fat then produces excess hormones that signal the body to develop a diseased state such as Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.  In turn, these disease states trigger their own lifestyle and dietary shifts that result in further visceral fat accumulation.  And so spins the disease spiral.

VAT also plays a critical role in the secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).  As levels of VAT increase, exogenous secretion of GH decreases.[8]  As levels of GH drop, VAT increases due to a decrease in hormone-sensitive lipolysis.[9]  This becomes more apparent when the use of a GH releasing hormone reverses these effects. A full series of articles is necessary to explain the myriad of potential dysfunctions caused by such endocrine disruption.

Fortunately, clinical treatment with a growth hormone releasing hormone is not necessary.  VAT can be safely controlled long-term through intelligent lifestyle alterations and a properly designed training plan.

Fighting Fat With Fat

Unfortunately, there is very little information regarding effective dietary intervention to reduce VAT.  However, understanding how integral VAT accumulation depends on endocrine disruption, especially that of hyperinsulinemia, one can intelligently extrapolate this outwards and hypothesize a sensible and logical dietary approach.

Since VAT accumulation depends on hyperinsulinemia and reduced exogenous GH secretion as two major components, we would want to incorporate a diet that controls blood sugar levels (and thus insulin secretion) as well overall improved endocrine function.  Removing all sugar, with the notable exception of low-sugar fruits, is the first obvious step.  A ketogenic diet has proven itself time and time again, clinically, to controlling hyperinsulinemia, even in those with congenital issues.[10]  The ketogenic diet is also efficient at controlling blood sugar levels,[11],[12] and therefore insulin secretion, an excess of which similarly leads to hyperinsulinemia.

A diet that is the opposite of the Standard American Diet (appropriately abbreviated as SAD) is a good direction to go, regardless of the stance of a ketogenic approach.

Exercise Modalities to Combat Visceral Fat

When it comes to exercising with the sole intent of reducing VAT, there are a couple variables one must take into consideration to ensure maximal positive effect.

Per a meta-analysis in 2012 found that moderate or high intensity aerobic training has the highest potential to reduce VAT.[13]  Note, too, that this was in the absence of caloric restriction.  The type of diet otherwise pursued was not expanded on.  One could wonder the potential improvement in outcomes if this same design was followed in combination with the ketogenic diet.  Not surprisingly, similar results were found with strength training as well in this same meta-analysis.  In this study, “moderate” was defined as >250 min.wk.  Of similar importance is the studies analyzed that included greater volume defined as 45-60 minutes a day, six days a week, did not yield more positive results, suggesting a definite bell curve and potential for decrease in return for higher-volume work, an idea supported throughout this section.

This meta-analysis also implied a threshold for training intensity for VAT to be effected optimally.  Unfortunately, no further evidence is described for this, other than mentioning the synergistic qualities of high-intensity training post-exercise.[14]

One must use caution with the word “aerobic”, however, as the effect of regular aerobic exercise, defined as walking and jogging at a moderate intensity on body fat is negligible.[15],[16]  Perhaps this explains why so many people find themselves on treadmills and elliptical, performing steady-state aerobic exercise with little or no improvement.

High intensity training demands special mention here due to increased GH secretion.[17]  In this same study, GH concentration was still ten times higher than baseline an hour after recovery.  Harkening back to the relationship between VAT and reduced GH secretion, this method of training directly counteracts one of the most damning results of excess VAT and could single-handedly upset one of the mechanisms behind VAT accumulation.

Since Type 1 diabetics are prone to experiencing hypoglycemia after prolonged aerobic expenditure, a single 10-second sprint could help retain healthy sugar levels.[18]  This opens a potential exercise prescription for a population group that otherwise would be at a higher risk.  Obese women with metabolic disorder were studied under a high-intensity exercise training and low-intensity exercise training, with the HIET group showed significantly reduced abdominal fat, abdominal subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat, where no significant changes were found in either a control group or the low-intensity group.[19]  The last thing a medical fitness expert wants to do is waste time with an ineffective approach.

Numerous studies also highlight the effectiveness of HIIE over steady-state aerobic exercise for reduction of adipose tissue and VAT.  Tremblay et al. compared HIIE and aerobic exercise and found that the HIIE group lost more subcutaneous fat after 24 weeks than the aerobic group.[20]

Another study by Trapp et al. once again found that women in the HIIE group lost 2.5kg more subcutaneous fat than those in a steady-state aerobic program.[21]

The Slimmed-down Version

All this information implies that although VAT has numerous mechanisms to harm the body and exacerbate disease states, the appropriate modifications to training and lifestyle can help the body against it without the use of drugs.  The optimal exercise prescription rests with a mixture of moderate and high-intensity training combined with intelligent diet.  Thankfully, despite its horrible potential, managing visceral fat is not so difficult a task.  As fitness professionals, we can utilize this information to ensure that we do not get stuck in an archaic steady-state paradigm and can better serve our clients.

Shane Caraway CHN, CPT, PTSP, uses his education, experience, and credentials as a certified personal trainer and nutritionist to help others recapture the primitive mystique, strength, and beauty that their body is capable of. His greatest pleasure comes from the successes of his clients, no matter how mundane or simple each small victory may be. Always in pursuit of various techniques, compounds, nutrients, herbs, and other means to help support the body against disease, Shane finds the challenge of combating chronic disease to be the pinnacle of his work, especially with diseases and conditions that otherwise cause clients to surrender.


Adipose tissue image: Blausen.com staff (2014). “Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014″. WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Exercise%2C+abdominal+obesity%2C+skeletal+muscle%2C+and+metabolic+risk%3A+evidence+for+a+dose+response.

[2] http://westminsterresearch.wmin.ac.uk/14274/

[3] http://westminsterresearch.wmin.ac.uk/14274/

[4] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51618462_The_thin-fat_phenotype_and_global_metabolic_disease_risk

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3648822/

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3648822/

[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Exercise%2C+abdominal+obesity%2C+skeletal+muscle%2C+and+metabolic+risk%3A+evidence+for+a+dose+response.

[8] http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC4324360

[9] http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC4324360

[10] https://ojrd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13023-015-0342-6

[11] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2716748/

[12] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3506983/

[13] http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0056415

[14] http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0056415

[15] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2991639/?_escaped_fragment_=po=6.25000

[16] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19175510

[17] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2991639/?_escaped_fragment_=po=6.25000#B1

[18] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2991639/?_escaped_fragment_=po=6.25000#B1

[19] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2730190/

[20] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8028502

[21] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18197184


Postnatal Exercises

Exercise is recommended to keep the body strong and in proper working order. Exercise also builds and maintains healthy joints, bones and muscles. Postnatal exercises help a woman get back into shape after giving birth, and they also help combat postpartum depression. There are several basic exercises you can do within a few weeks after giving birth. However, if you’ve had a Caesarean section, you may want to wait at least six weeks before doing any abdominal exercises. If you experience pain while exercising, stop immediately and call your doctor for advice.


Walking is the most basic of exercises, and it’s a good way to begin a new workout regime. Begin by walking at a leisurely pace, and increase your pace and distance over time. Once you’re comfortable in your movements, take advantage of all those great baby registry gifts you’ve received. Put the baby in the baby carrier and push the child in front of you as you walk.

Some women enjoy walking with a friend, as it gives them time to socialize, an activity you may be neglecting while caring for your new baby. If you are a runner, avoid an intense running workout until you have spoken with your physician. Some women are discouraged from exercising strenuously in the first few weeks after giving birth, especially if they are waiting for the wound from a C-section to heal. A doctor can answer questions about your limitations.

Pelvic Tilt Exercise

The tummy is a major problem area for many women after giving birth. Thus, pelvic exercises are often helpful. The pelvic tilt exercise is easy to do and can tighten up your stomach and strengthen your back. Begin on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat against the floor. Then, flatten your back against the floor as you tighten your abs and lift your pelvis slightly off the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise by doing three sets of ten seconds each. Pelvic tilt exercises can be done anywhere. After you’ve finished breastfeeding and put the baby down for a nap, take a few minutes to do your exercises.

Kegel Exercises

Some people worry about finding the time to exercise. However, both pelvic tilts and Kegels can be done in a short time frame. The purpose of Kegel exercises is to strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor. During pregnancy, the muscles of a woman’s pelvis are often weakened. This is why some women experience incontinence after childbirth. If you notice that coughing, sneezing or laughing causes you to leak small amounts of urine, then you could probably benefit from Kegel exercises.

Kegels are simple. First you must identify your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are the ones you use when you stop yourself from urinating mid-stream. Practice stopping and starting urination while in the bathroom, but only do this once or twice to identify the proper muscles. Do not make a regular habit of contracting your muscles during urination, as this can cause bladder problems.

Once you’ve identified your pelvic floor muscles, you are prepared to do Kegels. Lie on your back and contract your muscles for five seconds, and then relax for five seconds. Do this until you can contract for ten seconds at a time. Do three sets of ten seconds 2-3 times each day. You can even do Kegels while standing up and walking around. Kegels can help those who leak a small amount of urine but probably won’t be helpful to women with a serious incontinence problem.

Forearm Planks

Planks are good exercises that target and tone your abs, thighs and butt. Planks are also a great way to strengthen your abs without straining your back and neck. Begin by lying on your stomach on the floor. Put your forearms on the floor beneath your shoulders and keep your back straight with your legs extended so that your toes touch the floor.

Then, lift your tummy from the floor so that it is parallel to the floor. Using your forearms and toes to hold your body weight, tighten your tummy and hold your abs off the floor for 30-60 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds, and then repeat the exercise 4-5 times. You can also do planks with your palms flat against the floor and your arms straight rather than placing your weight on your forearms.

Finding time to exercise after giving birth can be a challenge. Try to schedule a brisk walk several times weekly at a local park, or simply walk around your neighborhood. Any exercise is better than none at all. Kegels, pelvic tilts and planks can be done inside your home. Take a few minutes several times a day while your baby sleeps to do your exercises. It’s also a good idea to have your doctor recommend stretches and workout routines. Remember to start light, then increase your exercise intensity over time.

I’m the woman next door, with all of the problems and joys of everyday life. I know that the more I give, the more I’ll receive–so my blog is intended to help people, and hopefully, it will do good things for me too. As a working mother, I’m often faced with many practical, everyday situations that make life harder, but that shouldn’t be the case. Visit my website at thebabbleout.com


Doctor and patient

A New Code of Ethics For Health And Wellness Coaches: Healthy Boundaries, Part One

The old New England expression that “good fences make good neighbors” applies to the world of professions as well as it does to rows of piled rocks in the old fields and forests of places like Vermont and Maine. The concept of professional boundaries seems to expand the more you look into it. In this and a following post we will look at role definition, ethics and scope of practice, boundary crossings and violations, self-disclosure, and other issues from the unique perspective of the health and wellness coach.

Since its inception just over twenty years ago the ICF (International Coaching Federation) has developed a Code of Ethics which it revises on a regular basis. The ICF also maintains an Ethics Community of Practice where you can bring ethics questions and learn from presentations.

Law & Ethics in Coaching: How To Solve And Avoid Difficult Problems In Your Practice (2006) by Patrick Williams and Sharon K. Anderson houses considerably valuable information from the chief authors and other contributors.

With the development and growth of the field of health and wellness coaching, the question of ethics and scope of practice emerged with the realization that such coaches often face unique situations, sometimes interacting with the medical world, that require a fresh look. While the ICF Code of Ethics is to be embraced by all coaches, the need for something more became evident.

As an Executive Team member of The National Consortium for Credentialing Health and Wellness Coaches, I was honored to chair a committee last summer of extraordinary coaches who are part of our NCCHWC Council of Advisors.

Through our efforts “in August 2016, the NCCHWC created the Code of Ethics and Health & Wellness Coach Scope of Practice to serve as a reference for health & wellness coaches and faculty. The NCCHWC expects all credentialed health and wellness coaches (coaches, coach faculty and mentors, and students) to adhere to the elements and Principles and ethical conduct: to be competent and integrate NCCHWC Health and Wellness Coach Competencies effectively in their work.”

Please download the NCCHWC Code of Ethics and Health & Wellness Coach Scope of Practice here: NCCHWC Code of Ethics; NCCHWC Health & Wellness Coach Scope of Practice. You can also find copies of both documents in the Wellness Resources section of the Real Balance website.

Codes of ethics such as these serve as the primary guides to help form professional boundaries that we can adhere to. In Section Three of the NCCHWC Code of Ethics we find most of the references to boundaries. The most obvious boundary here is #23 – to avoid any sexual or romantic relationship with current clients, sponsor(s), students, mentees or supervisees. But, we also see in other items in this section, that much of the issue of boundaries also refers to creating clear agreements with our clients about the nature of coaching, how it works, confidentiality, financial agreements, etc. The client-centered nature of coaching is emphasized along with complete transparency, spelling out the rights, roles and responsibilities for all involved.

The issue of boundaries is more directly addressed in item #22. Hold responsibility for being aware of and setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions, physical or otherwise, I may have with my clients or sponsor(s). Here we are looking at how we create a safe environment for our client where they feel respected, comfortable and safe. While most individuals are at least somewhat sensitive to this in most social interactions, the coach must be especially sensitive about it because of the trusting nature of the coaching relationship. While not on the same level as clinical relationships, coaching clients must feel free to express themselves at a trusting level. The health and wellness coaching client who is attempting to gain insight about how they hold themselves back from being successful at weight loss, for example, needs to feel that they can reveal information about relevant feelings and experiences without feeling vulnerable. This shows up mostly in two areas, the appropriateness of touch, and self-disclosure.

While not inherently wrong, behaviors such as giving/receiving a hug from/with a client after a triumphant moment in coaching, may be misconstrued in its intention. For one client it may, according to some authors, “engender healthier relationships”, while for another it may feel like a boundary crossing, which other authors would argue, might “pave the way to a boundary violation.”  Coaches learn early on in their training to ask permission. Seeking permission first and respecting our client’s wishes can avoid such boundary crossings/violations. We avoid the pitfalls of assumptions and honor our client’s personal and cultural boundaries in this way.

Self-disclosure also has different boundaries in different cultures and with different individuals. We looked closely at this topic in a previous blog post “Self-Disclosure in Coaching – When Sharing Helps and Hinders“. We can remember from that post that coaches who do not self-disclose at all are not trusted, while those who disclose “too much” are thought to be incompetent. Our own self-disclosure, should never put undue pressure on our client to also self-disclose. Differences in culture, social class, family upbringing, etc. all can set very different boundaries around the issue of appropriate self-disclosure.

Originally published on Real Balance blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Michael Arloski is the CEO and Founder of Real Balance Global Wellness Services, Inc. (www.realbalance.com). Real Balance has trained thousands of wellness coaches worldwide. Dr. Arloski is a board member of The National Wellness Institute, and a founding member of the executive team of The National Consortium For Credentialing Health and Wellness Coaches. He is author of the leading book in the field of wellness coaching: Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change, 2nd Ed.


The Rise of Consumer-Based Blood Testing: A Huge Step Forward for the Medical Fitness Profession

A recent report in Forbes Magazine by writer Unity Stokes discusses the recent issues concerning the validity of blood tests results from a Silicon Valley lab company called Theranos. Theranos was founded by a 30-something Elizabeth Holmes, who garnered over $5 billion from investors to launch her company that promised blood from finger sticks vs. whole venous blood draws. This year her company was investigated by the Department of Justice for investor fraud. Today Theranos has little investor value, but Ms. Holmes helped launch the consumer based blood lab model – in which patients can order blood labs from online companies when they want – essentially taking away a physician-ordered medical procedure.

While it may not mean too much for medical fitness professionals today – it should. There are two reasons. Even though Theranos is not the top dog in the blood lab industry now – they have changed the way we think of blood labs in general.

The big picture here, as explained by Stokes in his article, is that whatever the endpoint is for Theranos, consumer based lab testing is here to stay and will be one of the fastest growing areas of healthcare.

Simply put – consumer based blood lab companies allow patients to log onto web sites and essentially become “members” of an online community. Their membership allows them to receive blood labs independent of their physician referral.

Why is this important? For the Medical Fitness Professional – it is the game changer that they have been waiting for. Over the past 25 years they have pushed the terms “post rehab exercise” and “clinical exercise” to allow trainers to move into the health care environment.

While performing duties that may in some cases seem similar to physical therapy (in the eyes of the uneducated observer) they are now able to have a piece of health care that they can use to further their development of the clinical exercise realm.

Blood labs will allow personal trainers, health coaches, health nurses, sports conditioning coaches, and exercise physiologists to refer their clients and athletes to blood lab companies online and directly test the effects of an exercise and sport program on their health.

According to StepOne Health CEO Craig Brandman, MD – over 90% of healthcare decisions are make by the results of blood labs, and in sports medicine – we can only imagine looking at blood labs on an on-going basis to see how our prescribed exercise (or sport) program is doing on blood lab parameters.

Take diabetes for instance – in athletics or health improvement, the basis for medical decision making is in two critical areas – fasting and post blood glucose testing with a home monitor and long term care regarding the glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c). These tests are crucial to seeing how improvements are doing in overall diabetes health. The first test – the home glucose monitor – can be used in any health club and by anyone. The A1c test is a lab test and is usually prescribed by a doctor – until now.

Dr. Brandman and myself have been in communication for some time to bring StepOne Health into the realm of the health and fitness profession. As a former medical researcher – I can’t agree more. With cancer patients, weight management, hormone management, cardiovascular risk patients, and most others, the ability to manage blood labs may be the most important element in showing others in health care the benefits of exercise and sports training at any level.

Sports training programs rely on physical performance markers, injury status, range of motion, and other elements to see the improvement in athletes. Blood testing allows them to not only measure acute markers (blood glucose, lactate, etc.), but to look at markers such as Creatine, Testosterone, and BUN levels and prescribe fitness accordingly.

How will this come to pass? In my conversations with Dr. Brandman – we are working on two fronts. First is to enhance the education of health and wellness professionals as a whole. The Blood Lab Wellness Specialist course was launched in February of 2016, and it allows heath and wellness professionals to have a baseline understanding of the blood lab process. Second – StepOne Health will be creating a referral-based system whereby Medical Fitness Professionals and coaches can directly refer clients to the StepOne Health portal and become part of the referral family. This will include discount rates on blood panels, referral fees for professionals, genomic testing profiles, and online coaching when needed. In my opinion, it is the single most important step in bringing wellness and fitness into today’s health care system as any single faction.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Brandman about the issues concerning healthcare. In his opinion, health and fitness professionals SHOULD be referring clients to blood work. The more clients know about how their fitness impacts their overall health status, the better. See the interviews with Dr. Brandman on my medhealthfit YouTube Channel here:


Lastly – the profession of medically based exercise is steeped in our tradition of sports medicine. Allowing for blood lab data (under HIPPA guidelines of course) to steer the course of exercise programs makes for formidable outcomes measures and research. It will allow practitioners to absolutely have clear cut outcomes on the programs they are teaching and will only strengthen the association with medical practice groups, hospitals, and health plans, who are looking for the best opportunity to work with providers at the best possible pricing. It is a win for all parties – especially patients, who can see how exercise truly affects their health status.

For more information – log onto www.steponehealth.com and look over the web site.

For more information on the Blood Lab Wellness Specialist, visit medhealthfit.com/health-lab.

Eric Durak is a pioneer in the post rehab movement. He has worked in personal training, medical research, environmental health, and is the author of numerous industry certification courses, such as the Cancer Fit-CARE program / coaching program, Fitness Medicine, Wellness @ Home, The Insurance Reimbursement book for wellness professionals, and recently – the Blood Lab Wellness Specialist. See all of his programs at the medhealthfit.com web site.



