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Loss of Independence Ranks as Osteoporosis Patients’ Greatest Concern about Aging, According to Recent Survey by NOF

Loss of independence and lost mobility ranked as the leading concerns about aging for osteoporosis patients who responded to a recent Bone Health Index Survey by the National Osteoporosis Foundation, the nation’s leading healthcare organization dedicated to preventing osteoporosis and broken bones.


Prenatal Massage: Is it right for your pregnancy?

What Is Prenatal Massage?

Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork which focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of the childbirth experience. It is a fast-growing field in the United States that has attracted the interest of labor and delivery nurses, nurse-midwives, childbirth educators and obstetricians. Massage therapy enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body tone, and relieves mental and physical fatigue.

prenatal-massageThe popularity of prenatal massage is the result of a trend toward a higher level of wellness, especially during pregnancy. Many women are postponing childbirth until they have achieved other goals, such as careers and relationships. Because of this, pregnancy is anticipated and enjoyed to its fullest for the wondrous experience it is. Today’s pregnant women – along with other health care consumers – are looking for alternative approaches to support traditional health services.

Benefits Of Prenatal Massage Include:

  • emotional support and nurturing touch
  • relaxation and decreased insomnia
  • stress relief on weight-bearing joints, such as ankles, lower back and pelvis
  • neck and back pain relief caused by muscle imbalance and weakness
  • assistance in maintaining proper posture
  • preparing the muscles used during childbirth
  • reduced swelling in hands and feet
  • lessened sciatic pain
  • fewer calf cramps
  • headache and sinus congestion relief

Pregnancy massage can be done in different ways. Pregnant women may lie on their sides to be massaged, and they can actually lie on their bellies, since a specifically designed pillow has made it possible for expectant moms, no matter how far along they are, to lie flat on their stomachs. It accomplishes this with a deep center cutout in the pillow, so that bellies are accommodated and moms-to-be are relaxed and comfortable.

After the first 22 weeks of pregnancy, lying flat on your back can cause pressure on deep blood vessels, due to the growing baby, thereby reducing circulation to you and your baby. To avoid this problem, pillows can be used to ensure that you are lying down and looking at the wall rather than the ceiling. Body pillows are especially effective for the side-lying position.

In addition to the fact that massages during pregnancy just plain feel good, there are many other benefits for the mom-to-be and her baby, too. A study conducted by Dr. Tiffany Field at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine showed that massage actually reduces stress hormones in the body. Touch is vital to the mother’s physical and emotional well-being as she adapts to her new body image. Regardless of individual circumstances, a pregnant woman’s body is challenged, changed and stressed in many ways. Massage gives special attention to the mother-to-be, which in turn nurtures the new life that grows within her.

Is Prenatal Massage For You?

Therapist doing massage releasing tension by pressing chest on pMassage during pregnancy is usually safe for most mothers. Your massage therapist will want to know if you are having any problems or complications with your pregnancy before you begin. If you are, then your therapist will require approval from your primary health care provider before proceeding with any body work. The following are circumstances in which massage should not be performed:

  • heavy discharge (watery or bloody)
  • diabetes
  • contagious illness
  • fever vomiting
  • unusual pain
  • pre-eclampsia
  • high blood pressure
  • morning sickness
  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • any malignant condition

Diane Negley is a massage therapist with The Stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals.  She is a 12 year Army Veteran and has been practicing for eight years in many different therapeutic massage techniques. Diane has over 800 hours of Massage Training and is also trained in Reiki, Reflexology, Crainiosacral, Myofascial Release, Lymph Node Drainage, Hot Stone and Kinesiology. Diane can be reached by email at: healingpointmassage@abmp.com or visit tsmihfp.com/wellnesscenter


Alcohol – Pulling the Trigger to Breast Cancer

Fuel to the fire, alcohol to estrogen..… Alcohol is a cause of breast cancer. There is no such thing as a little poison, poison in moderation. Poison is poison. As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Let’s please be aware of the realities of alcohol – the studies on alcohol and breast cancer make it clear, alcohol is NOT our friend. One in eight women in the United States will get breast cancer.

Woman Receiving Massage

Invest in Your Health with Therapeutic Massage. If You Don’t, Who Will?

Massage, Reiki and CST allow me to work deeply into the muscles of my clients but without the pain often associated with “deep tissue massage.” Sore points are gently held until they release, and restrictions in the central nervous system are removed, allowing circulation to flow through the muscle fibers again, restoring movement and flexibility.