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Physical Therapy

What Should I Weigh?

My clients commonly ask me What should I weigh? — as if I had a crystal ball. Although I could look at weight charts, I find charts to often be misleading; each athlete’s body is unique. I prefer to suggest an appropriate weight range for a person based on a conversation with them, not by looking at a chart. Yet, many athletes pick a number that sounds good for their ideal weight. Sound familiar?


The Reshaping Of Popular Opinion On Aging

As of January 1, 2015, all 75 plus million Baby Boomers had celebrated their 50th birthday thus beginning two decades of older consumers out numbering those under 18 for the first time in history. And not just those who were born between the years 1946 and 1964, but all adults aged 50 plus. This was supposed to be the moment that advocates for ageless marketing like myself had been awaiting.


What is the Difference Between Pilates and Yoga breathing?

As an Occupational Therapist, many patients come to me who are in pain and are suffering from a variety of issues including breast cancer, repetitive stress injuries, musculoskeletal problems, and back pain. I use both Yoga and Pilates in my practice Integrated Mind and Body in Boston for relaxation, and to help prepare patients physically and psychologically for the treatments that I offer.