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A Simple and Effective Fitness Routine for Those with Busy Schedules

When things get tough for you in terms of balancing your work, social and personal life, your workout routine may be the first thing listed off from your schedule, because of how much time it can take. However, with the right amount of nutritional and health care you can still manage your fitness routine in just half an hour each day! Just stay hydrated and find some time between your schedules to try these effective workouts!

Instructor Showing Health Results On Clipboard To Senior Couple

Medical Fitness Network Can Help Clubs Meet The Needs Of The Baby Boomers

Selling more memberships is the continual goal of every health club. Making that membership an important and constant part of a new member’s life is the major challenge. Clubs can easily attract the under 50 crowd who want to look fit and create a healthy lifestyle. Most clubs market to this group. It is more difficult to get and keep those whose whole focus is weight loss.

Aerobics Pilates personal trainer helping women group

Pilates for Breast Cancer Survivors

Pilates training can be an excellent way to achieve the postural re-education and muscle-balancing necessary to recover from the side effects of breast cancer treatment. Pilates can help alleviate pain from breast cancer operative procedures, restore joint mobility and tissue integrity, and help regain lost strength. Most importantly, Pilates can be a gateway for a true “Return to Life” for many women, as the title of Joseph Pilates’ popular book states. However, Pilates instructors should be on the lookout for some often coincident injuries that will require additional special knowledge about the shoulder complex in order to work safely and effectively with the growing population of breast cancer survivors.


Type 2 Diabetes Management: Exercise Is an Important Component

Diabetes, if left unmanaged, has many serious complications such as loss of vision. It is imperative for anyone with diabetes to follow their doctor’s treatment plan. The plan may include dietary changes, exercise and medication. Exercise is important as it will help your body to use sugars naturally. It also has many other health benefits such as stress management, decreasing high blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis.