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Are Antibiotics Making Us Fat?

It’s no secret that America has a weight problem. According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, more than a third of U.S. adults are obese — nearly 79 million people. On top of that, obesity also affects our kids, with nearly 18 percent of children and 21 percent of adolescents categorized as obese. The price tag for our girth as a nation is equally impressive.


Exercises for Your Bone Health

Your muscles get bigger and stronger when you use them. Your bones are similar! They get stronger and denser when you make them work. And “work” for bones means handling impact, the weight of your body or more resistance. Currently, we know the most about two types of exercises that are important for building and maintaining bone density.

Walk Park


Okay Isaac Newton, I think you were on to something here… according to your brilliant first law of physics, things will generally just keep doing what they are doing i.e.) either rest or move. This law can even be applied to the overall trend of our bodies; we are either generally at rest or generally in motion.

Two women doing yoga workout at gym

Get Ready to Work with the Baby Boomers

There are 100 million baby boomers (those over 50), that make up about 30% of our population, and three-fourths of America’s wealth. They are expected to live longer than previous generations. This is the largest segment in our economy with the largest percentage of wealth. They are seeking help for their aging bodies. Because this is the generation of consumption and personal gratification they are spending at “boomer levels”.

Human Joints Concept

Can Exercise Help Treat Arthritis?

Arthritis is a very common health problem I see as a rehabilitation trainer every week and one that affects millions of people all over the world. It can be extremely painful and significantly change your lifestyle and overall health. Most people think of this as an “old person’s” condition but it can affect many younger people and cause serious damage to their body.


Finding Myself Again: Re-Discovering Fitness with My MS

My appreciation for physical fitness was conditioned through classical dance training from the age of 5. Because of the great impact that dance and music had on my childhood and teenage years – I ensured to maintain my passion for physical fitness as a member of a hip hop dance team while studying at California State University, Long Beach, auditioned and was accepted for the university’s Dance minor program, was a member of the on-campus fitness club, and even added step aerobics classes to my regular class schedules for credit. All in all, physical activity was heavily integrated in my daily life.


Understanding the “Fibro” behind Myalgia

Muscle aches and pain are common in all of us, despite the type of work, activity or the cumulative activities we do. Once thing is for certain, as an experienced physical therapist, I have seen something unique. Patients who complain with an increase in pain, and trigger points present, despite if they had surgery, trauma, increased stress in their lives or have been suffering from chronic pain.