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Men: Let’s Take Back our Health! Five Simple Steps to Be Healthier Right Now!

It is no secret that we, as men, have failed miserably when it comes to our health. According to The Men’s Health Network (MHN), we die at higher rates than women from the following top 10 causes of death: heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accidents, pneumonia and influenza, diabetes, suicide, kidney disease, and chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. If you examine the list above closely, you will notice that most of them are preventable


Sports Nutrition Updates from ACSM, Part 2

At the May 2023 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (ACSM; acsm.org), more than 3,000 sports medicine professionals and researchers from around the globe gathered to share knowledge. Several sports nutrition presentations offered updates that might be of interest you. Here are summaries from a few of those presentations.

Body Composition

• Historically, sports teams would routinely have their body fat measured, with the data posted for all to see. Many athletes experienced intense pressure both internally and externally to have a lean physique. Often, the measurements were not even used to assess for extreme leanness and under-nutrition.

• Today, we know that athletic performance is not dictated primarily by an athlete’s percent body fat but rather by volume of training, mental state, adequacy of sleep, and sufficient food intake—among other factors.

• Today’s recommendations state measurement of body fat should only be done if 1) the athlete consents, 2) the measurement is done in private by a trained measurer using the most reliable method for that particular athlete, 3) the information is discussed in confidence with the athlete and health care team, and 4) the mental and physical health of the athlete is top priority.

• Athletes, please understand you will perform better if you focus on getting stronger and gaining power, as opposed to restricting food. If the cost of losing body fat is having to train for long periods of time with poorly fueled muscles, your performance will suffer and your risk of injuries will increase.

Ultra-Processed Foods and Athletes

• About 95% of athletes enjoy ultra-processed foods (UPFs) such as instant oatmeal, boxed mac ‘n cheese, chips, etc.. The average American consumes about 60% of total calories from UPFs; they are readily available, easy to prepare, have a long shelf-life, and can save time.

• What do athletes need to know about UPFs? First, let’s define what they are: UPFs contain substances that are rarely used in home cooking—emulsifiers, thickeners, protein isolates, etc. You’ll find those substances in breakfast cereals, energy bars, fruit yogurts, commercially baked breads, and many grab-and-go foods that busy athletes commonly consume.

• UPFs also include sport drinks and protein powders. They are not only convenient, but also digest easily. During extended exercise, when athletes need quick and easy carbs, a gel, chomp, or sports drink can easily do the job. Energy bars can effortlessly get tucked into pockets. While a swig of maple syrup or a banana can be equally energizing, UPFs are generally easier to deal with.

• In the general population, UPFs are linked with obesity. The more UPFs consumed, the greater the risk for weight gain. In a carefully controlled study with menus matched for carbs, protein, fat, fiber, and palatability, the UPF-menu led to weight gain. The UPF-eaters consumed about 500 additional calories a day when compared to when they ate from the whole foods menu—and they gained about two pounds in two weeks. Yikes! Why did that happen? Are UPFs easier to overeat because they require less chewing? Can be eaten quickly? Are super-tasty so you want to keep eating more of them?

The answer is yet to be determined. Until such time, your better bet is to consume homemade foods whenever possible. The less packaging in your grocery cart, the better for your waistline (most likely) and if not, the better for the environment (less trash in landfills).

That said, balance & moderation pave a prudent path. There’s a time and a place for UPFs. If you have a low protein intake, grabbing a protein bar on the run can help you hit your 20-to-30-gram protein target for the meal. If you consume little red meat, an iron-enriched breakfast cereal like GrapeNuts can fill that gap. For traveling athletes, carrying bars, gels, and carb-based recovery drinks are “safe” (uncontaminated). Safety matters!


• Muscle is constantly being broken down into amino acids and then rebuilt into new muscle tissue. Resistance exercise, such as weightlifting, stimulates the synthesis of new muscle during the 24-hours post-exercise. Including ~0.15 grams high-quality protein per pound of body weight (0.3 g/kg) per meal maximizes muscle protein synthesis. That comes to about 20 grams protein for a 120-lb (54.5 kg) athlete and ~30 grams for a 180-lb (82 kg) athlete. Athletes can easily consume that amount in (chocolate) milk, eggs, or tofu.

• Protein’s food matrix, with all the bioactive compounds that accompany the amino acids in natural foods, has a positive influence on the muscle-building effectiveness of the amino acids. For example, eating a whole egg, not just the egg white, more effectively builds muscle tissue. Hence, your best bet is to choose protein rich foods in their natural state, such as nuts, yogurt, tuna, beans & rice, etc. Whole foods are preferable to the protein isolates in powders and bars.

• Including protein at each meal and snack also offers benefits. Many athletes eat too little protein at breakfast and lunch, then devour 2 to 3 chicken breasts at dinner. They’d be better off enjoying eggs along with oatmeal at breakfast, lentil soup with the lunchtime salad, and peanut butter with the banana for afternoon snack.

• Vegan athletes can indeed consume adequate protein if they are responsible. A vegan meal with just pasta and greens doesn’t do the job. How much protein from plants is enough? The goal is ~1 gram plant-protein/lb (2.1 g/kg) body weight per day. For a 120-lb (54.5 kg) athlete this comes to about 30 grams per meal plus 10 to 15 grams in each of two snacks.

The information on food labels tells the grams protein/serving, as does a quick google-search (protein in a 1/2 cup of hummus). Don’t be among the many athletes who comment “most Americans consume way too much protein” and make little effort to replace chicken with enough beans. A big dollop (1/2 c) of hummus with 8 grams of protein does not equate to the 35 grams of protein in a small (4 oz) chicken breast. Vegans, educate yourself!

Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD counsels both fitness exercisers and competitive athletes in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875). Her best-selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook is a popular resource, as is her online workshop. Visit NancyClarkRD.com for more info.


Healthy Aging and You: Believing in Your Value

My experience has taught me that the key to living a happy, healthy and fit life is to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate our own individual and unique value. This thought occurred to me again in late January when I was interviewed by Kate Delaney for her nationally syndicated radio program on public access radio. She focused on my writing – specifically my book “Healthy Aging & You” – and asked me to discuss the principles and ideas that I considered important “to growing older and not old”. This idea of becoming “more” as we age is one that enlivens and inspires me each day to become the  best version of myself that I can possibly be. Through my interview I recognized – finally – that I have learned to “value myself” and this has led me to want to share with you what that means in terms of healthy aging as I now understand it.


The first and most important point I want to make is that we must DECIDE to value ourselves and then allow a learning process to unfold that enables and inspires us to DEFINE what that means for ourselves. For mean the value I have decided for myself is the value that comes with becoming passionate about fitness as age. I value my health above all things including family, money and time because through being healthy I get the opportunity to make my own unique contribution to life – and help as many people as I can while I am still here.

My contribution is the value I create by being committed to my PURPOSE which as I state on my website (healthyhappyfit.com) is to “change one thing in one person’s life today”. As I spoke to Kate and answered her questions, I realized I am absolutely CLEAR on what it is I am here to do and WHY I am doing it. My mission is to make a difference in the lives of people of all ages so that they too can access the benefits of a “life well lived”. Each person on the planet has been endowed with unique gifts and through the sharing of those gifts CAN create a life of meaning and fulfillment if they are committed to their vision and purpose.


Creating the best life we can from this perspective of sharing our “natural gifts” and living from our own unique vision that embodies our “best example” of ourselves is the “true” way to health, peace and joy. As I spoke to Kate, I realized at 71 that I had arrived at a place of honesty within myself that I had never known before. I was truly “being myself” as I had always envisioned from my earliest days as a boy on Maui who loved his friends, swimming and playing. She commented on my passion and love for  my message and said that among the thousands of people she had interviewed I was in her “top 5” all time. That made my heart jump! I KNEW my value lay in my gift of expression and that I was now a legitimate “advocate” for the principles of healthy aging as I had described them in “Healthy Aging & You” just before my 60th birthday.

Creating a life of meaning and value takes time. It is something we “grow into” as we experience the life we are living and cannot be rushed or “manufactured”. It has to be real and created from “within” by the words we use daily (self talk), the thoughts we entertain, the beliefs we hold that inspire us, the choices we make, and finally, the actions we take in support of our daily goals. Where the “rubber meets the road” for me is the training that I do daily – mentally, physically, and spiritually to enhance my vision and purpose. I am inspiring people every day in my fitness programming at the gym where I train because many know me as “the old guy” running and lifting his way to fitness goals that I don’t believe exist anywhere in the country at this time.

For me being the best “example of the change I wish to see in the world” is embodied in my workouts and meditation and daily prayer work. I believe in the “inner journey” of life and not to rely on others to define me. This is MY job. Since that day in June of 1985 when I first heard a speaker say in a presentation to a national speaker’s association audience that “if we don’t know what we stand for, we will fall for anything”. I have made it my personal mission to LEARN what I stand for in life. This understanding and “knowing” came through my interview with Kate and I am hopeful and grateful every day as a result of this insight.


Doing is the final piece to the puzzle of “valuing oneself”. We have to act and create in order to live a life of meaning and contribution. I understand my future is limited and that I will never know how much time I have left in which to share my message BUT I DO KNOW I can act TODAY and that is enough. My workouts are developed from my passion for fitness and my work is derived from this basic “impulse” I have to train and be stronger and faster as I age. Today I am running 6 mile training runs at high intensity and lifting weights and stretching to insure I can PERFORM at the highest levels for my audiences in the future. This is MY REASON FOR BEING now and it suits me.

I can see me “doing” my work for years to come because I valued not only myself over the years but my  life as well. This knowledge was always within me and through my spiritual journey I learned how to measure and understand it as a part of my daily life. I am “practicing” the principles of healthy aging every day in my choosing and activities so that my presentations continue to be authentically “real” and meaningful to those I contact in the future. It is in the DOING that we become “fully realized human beings” and my guess is that we ALL want to leave behind something unique that only we could create! This idea makes sense doesn’t it? Get busy “doing” today what you CAN to become the best version  of yourself that you can be but remember to “think” first about WHY you are doing what you are doing and remain “connected” to your inner self – the only “true guide” you will ever need.

In Summary

I have shared three key ideas with you that you can use today to improve your chances of living a life you have always dreamed of experiencing. MY hope is that like me this year through my interview with Kate Delaney, you will want to discover your “true value” and DECIDE to live your life in accordance with that value. Your goals need to include every aspect of your being mentally, spiritually and physically because all three of these principles are required if we are to find our true value in becoming the best version of ourselves.

How and when you decide to act on this challenge is entirely up to you. You create and embody what you choose to BE and this includes the words we use daily, the thoughts we entertain, the beliefs that we hold, the choices we make everyday and finally, the actions we decide to take in support of our purpose. My hope for you is that you find yourself getting excited and becoming as passionate as I feel right now because I know time WILL run out for me too and I DO NOT want to leave this life with any regret – or guilt – over “what could have been” if only I had acted! Travel well.

Originally printed on HealthyNewAge.com. Reprinted with permission from Nicholas Prukop.

Nicholas Prukop is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer & a Health Coach, a fitness professional with over 25 years of experience whose passion for health and fitness comes from his boyhood in Hawaii where he grew up a swimmer on Maui. He found his calling in writing his first book “Healthy Aging & You: Your Journey to Becoming Happy, Healthy & Fit” and since then he has dedicated himself to empowering, inspiring and enabling people of all ages to reach for the best that is within them and become who they are meant to be – happy, healthy and fit – and be a part of a world where each person can contribute their own unique gifts to life.

If you need help in designing a fitness plan, you can contact Nicholas Prukop via email at runningnick@sbcglobal.net or read his inspiring book Healthy Aging & YOU.


The NEAT Movement Secret to Longevity

Do you want to live longer better without long hours spent in the gym and grueling workouts? If so, then get ready for this NEAT hack that will reveal a powerful form of simple and fun movements that can add years to your life and life to your years.  

Recent research has shed light on an often overlooked aspect of energy expenditure known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). NEAT encompasses the calories burned through daily activities that are not classified as formal exercise. This article explores the findings of a study published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry, which highlights the impact of NEAT on all-cause mortality and its potential for promoting longevity.

Understanding Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

NEAT represents the energy expended in activities such as fidgeting, standing, walking, and other forms of non-exercise movements. Unlike planned physical exercise, NEAT is the spontaneous, low-intensity physical activity that we engage in throughout the day. It includes activities like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing instead of sitting, or even simple actions like tapping our feet or drumming our fingers. While each of these activities may seem inconsequential on its own, their cumulative impact on energy expenditure and overall health should not be underestimated.

NEAT and Its Influence on Mortality

The study published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry aimed to examine the relationship between NEAT and all-cause mortality. The research involved a large-scale analysis of data from multiple studies and demonstrated a significant association between higher levels of NEAT and reduced risk of premature death. Participants with higher NEAT levels had lower mortality rates, independent of their engagement in structured exercise. This finding suggests that NEAT may play a vital role in promoting longevity and mitigating the adverse effects of sedentary behavior.  Simple moments are the key to your life and health extension.

Mechanisms Behind NEAT’s Health Benefits

Several mechanisms explain how NEAT positively influences overall health and mortality. NEAT contributes to an increase in daily energy expenditure, which can help maintain energy balance and prevent weight gain. As obesity is a significant risk factor for many chronic diseases, NEAT’s role in weight management is crucial for reducing the incidence of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

NEAT movement also impacts various physiological processes in the body. Studies have shown they influence insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, and lipid profiles, all of which play important roles in maintaining optimal health. And they have also been associated with improvements in cardiovascular health, including reduced blood pressure and improved arterial function.

Promoting NEAT in Daily Life

Given the potential benefits of NEAT, finding ways to incorporate more non-exercise activity into our daily routines becomes essential. Here are some practical suggestions to increase NEAT:

  • Active transportation: Opt for walking or cycling whenever feasible instead of relying solely on motorized transportation.
  • Standing breaks: Take regular breaks from sitting, especially if you have a sedentary job. 
  • Stand up, stretch, and move around for a few minutes every hour.
  • Household chores: Engage in household chores like gardening, cleaning, or vacuuming. These activities provide an opportunity to increase NEAT levels while accomplishing necessary tasks.
  • Desk exercises: Incorporate simple exercises like leg raises, shoulder rolls, or stretching into your work routine to break up prolonged sitting.
  • Take the stairs: Avoid elevators and escalators whenever possible. Climbing stairs provides a valuable opportunity to engage in physical activity.

Take your pick, find as many ways to move through your day and enjoy just how NEAT it is to live longer better.

Take a deeper dive into longevity solutions that will help you & your clients feel better, perform better, and live better longer

Check out Dr. Melissa’s Longevity Lifestyle and Fitness Specialist online course on MedFit Classroom!

Dr. Melissa Petersen is a THRIVE Catalyst For over 25 years, she has been a sought out leader in the fields of precision health and human longevity.

As the founder of the Human Longevity Institute, a TEDx Speaker, host of the Human Longevity Podcast, author of the best-selling book, the Codes of Longevity, an adjunct professor of continuing education at Life University, a clinical educator and advisory board member for Medfit and a scientific advisory board member for Awakend, she is dedicated to up-leveling flourishing across the planet,.

She is a true change agent, on a mission, to help people thrive by design as they unlock the potential within to live their longest, healthiest and most fulfilling life. To discover what is possible for you or to learn more about Dr. Melissa and the ways to connect, visit www.DocMelissa.com and www.HumanLongevityInstitute.com


Better Balance via Dynamic, Integrated Training

With the right training, you can help older adults retain or regain balance and reduce fall risk. Losing balance as we age is not inevitable. However, your older clients may express increasing concerns about falling. Those concerns may be well founded, especially if their senses are diminishing with each passing year. Certainly lack of movement also contributes to balance challenges.

We rely on information from our body in space and the environment to stay upright. Both internal and external factors affect this ability (over 200 factors. Wow!). For instance, we notice where we are in relation to the terrain and anticipate and adjust accordingly. But if the information coming in is compromised – due to weakening vision or hearing loss, for example – balance is compromised. Certainly if your clients have lost muscle mass over the years, their fall risk rises as well.

Fortunately, whether you work one-on-one or with a group, you can design effective, science-based, cutting edge balance workouts. The “old school” approach of offering static balance moves to reduce the risk of falling by standing on one leg is not backed by research. Instead, offer dynamic, integrated, functional tasks and movement challenges.

Three Systems Affecting Balance

Before addressing training protocols, let’s review the three internal systems that affect balance. Let’s call these three systems “Feel Me, Hear Me, See Me.” (Any of you just get “Tommy, the Who” playing in your head?) When any system is not functioning correctly, a person can feel off-balance.

Visual – See Me: (the most heavily used system) The visual system works with the vestibular system (defined below) by sending signals from the eye muscles to the balance organs in the inner ear. For instance, when you turn your head, your eyes go in the opposite direction. If eyesight degenerates, balance becomes more challenging.

Vestibular – Hear Me: This inner ear system lets us know that even when our bodies move through space, the world is not suddenly shifting. Our legs, ankles, knees, and neck muscles also send signals that help us keep our balance.

Somatosensory – Feel Me: A complex system of sensory neurons and pathways that responds to changes at the surface or inside the body, the somatosensory system is also involved in maintaining postural balance. Proprioceptors within the joints, muscles, and inner ear give us info about our body’s movement relative to its base of support and the various body parts. Relaying information about body position to the brain allows it to activate the appropriate motor response or movement.

If any of these three systems give faulty or reduced data to the Central Nervous System, the response will be also reduced. Bad data in; bad data out. So if your clients have inner ear issues, sarcopenia or stiff feet, for instance, balance will be negatively affected.

Four Integrated Factors to Address: Balance: Posture, Strength, Cognition

In addition to taking into account the three internal systems defined above, Balance, Posture, Strength (including speed and power), and Cognition are also critical and integrated factors. If you affect one, you affect the others.

A well-designed and effective balance program will offer tasks that recognize the integrated aspect of balance, posture, speed, power, and coordination (aka cognition). Look for dynamic exercises that enhance the above.

Walking: The Ultimate Dynamic, Functional Balance Activity

The prime example is gait. Walking is our number one functional balance activity. Every leg swing through requires balance on one leg. Therefore a balance program for older adults needs to offer some form of gait training: walking slowly, walking quickly, walking with stops and starts, walking up and down steps, walking backwards, walking with frequent turns, walking around obstacles. You get the idea.

In order to accomplish these gait tasks, clients will simultaneously improve their posture and/or strength as they strive to follow your cues. For an additional posture challenge, they can put glider discs, foam yoga blocks, or small, deflated balls on their head while walking (forwards and backwards). You can cue random squats or hops or small jumps as they walk with the glider or ball staying in place.

They may also improve their cognition if they are walking while citing their childhood phone number or counting backwards by threes or naming animals in alphabetical order. To challenge their senses, you can dim the lights or play music or cue them to walk in ever-decreasing space without running into each other or anything in the room. Of course, safety is always the first consideration, so choose your variations according to your client’s or group’s abilities.

Can your clients walk and talk at the same time? We take this ability for granted, however older adults may start to walk in stops and starts if the cognitive load increases. Challenge them to maintain a constant speed while thinking through a conversation, math problem, recall task, or verbal pattern (such as naming their teachers from kindergarten through sixth grade).

To challenge their somatosensory, vestibular, and visual senses, ask them to toss a tissue or balloon or scarf in the air as they walk. Right hand toss and catch only; then left; then two-handed. Then have them toss the item back and forth with you or other group members. Do you see where you are also addressing at least two of the four integrated factors with these challenges?

Walking examples are just a fraction of the tasks, games, and exercises you can use to help your clients with their balance. For more ideas and exercises that out the above factors into action, view the related webinar, “Help Your Boomers Achieve Better Balance.”

Older adults want to ford streams when hiking, climb stairs abroad where no railings exist, recover when they do fall. In short, they want the freedom to move, walk, and balance with confidence and a spring in their (upright) step.  If you apply the concepts of function, dynamic movement, and an integrated approach, you will offer them an effective (and dare I say, “fun”) balance program.

Webinar: Help Your Boomers Achieve Better Balance

Whether you work one-on-one or with a group, you can design effective, science-based, cutting edge balance workouts. Join Kymberly Williams-Evans for this webinar to learn more!

Kymberly Williams-Evans PhD (ABD) has taught fitness to more than 40,000 participants on 4 continents in 4 languages. Her teaching career spans land, sea, and airwaves and started in the first aerobics studio in Europe. Former faculty at University of California Santa Barbara in both the Dept of Exercise and Sports Studies and English, she specializes in baby boomer and older adult group exercise. Her newly released online Better Balance course offers more than 120 videos and concise manual for both pros and consumers.


Hot Topics in Sports Nutrition: Updates from ACSM

The American College of Sports (ACSM.org) is a professional organization for sport science researchers, exercise physiologists, dietitians, doctors, and athlete care-providers Each year, at ACSM’s Annual Meeting, more than 3,000 sports medicine professionals and scientists from around the globe gather to present their latest research. At this year’s meeting (May 30-June 2, 2023, Denver, Colorado), a lively 10 Questions / 10 Experts session hosted by Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Science (PINESNutrition.org, a global organization for sport nutritionists) addressed some current hot topics. Below is a summary of the key points that might be of interest.

Continuous Glucose Monitors

Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) can help athletes determine the best fueling tactics to maintain their blood glucose levels within an energizing range and ideally reduce needless bonking. This can be very helpful during endurance exercise such as long runs or cycling events. Unfortunately, CGMs have yet to be perfected for athletes. The monitors can easily get dislodged from the body and some studies show a >15% failure rate. The sport of cycling has banned CGMs during races, but many cyclists use them during training to learn how to “read” body signals.

Pre-sleep protein

While extra evening protein is unlikely to offer a winning edge, it also will not cause harm, nor will it convert into body fat. Research to date shows that pre-sleep protein simply allows another opportunity to meet daily protein goals. More research is needed to determine if consuming pre -sleep protein will help enhance muscle recovery, tissue repair, sleep, or performance.

Free amino acids and bioactive peptides

When compared to the protein in whole foods, free amino acids are slightly less effective for muscle protein synthesis. Consuming protein within its natural food matrix is best. Plus, free amino acids taste terrible (although they have improved over the years).

Bioactive peptides (2-3 amino acids linked together) are available to purchase but they lack research to validate any potential benefits. Why bother…?

Bicarbonate supplementation

With high-intensity sports, sodium bicarbonate might offer a 1% to 2% improvement in performance. The standard dose is 0.3 to 0.5 g/kg body weight; the higher the dose, the greater the increase in performance—as long as the athlete can tolerate it. Capsules that bypass the gut help resolve gastro-intestinal issues, and potentially sodium bicarbonate encapsulated in a gel may help even provide further protection from side effects. Another option that bypasses the gut is sodium bicarbonate in the form of a lotion. The athlete applies it 20 minutes before high intensity exercise. The lotion feels nice, but the specific dose that actually gets absorbed is unknown.

Lighter, leaner = Faster, better

While lighter and leaner “works” to a certain extent to enhance performance, the cost of being too light and too lean can take its toll. The less food an athlete consumes, the less protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, and minerals the athlete consumes. This can hurt performance and recovery, while enhancing the risk of getting injured.

A study with elite race walkers reported no performance benefits (nor detriments) among the dieting athletes in a training camp who lost about 4.5 lbs (2 kg) the two weeks before a 10K race. The dieters and the non-dieting control group both carb-loaded in the 24-hours pre-race. They both performed similarly, with no significant benefit gained by having lost weight pre-race. Ideally, athletes should fuel well to support optimal performance, instead of diet to be lighter.


Despite popular belief, hungry athletes who consume a sports diet rich in quality carbohydrate do not “get fat” nor become diabetic. The advice to limit carbs might be appropriate for unfit people, but fit athletes preferentially metabolize carbs and convert them into a winning source of muscle fuel.

Iron supplements

Iron supplements are better absorbed at 6:00 a.m. than 11:00 a.m. Therefore, taking iron first thing on an empty stomach appears best. That said, iron is known to contribute to stomach upset, and some athletes cannot tolerate iron if taken without food. For them, the best time to take iron is either prior to, or 30 minutes after exercise, before the post-exercise elevation in hepcidin (a hormone that hinders iron absorption) triggers a negative effect. If an athlete takes an iron supplement two hours after a hard exercise session, the elevated hepcidin concentration can reduce iron absorption by about 36%.

Sustainable sports diets

To perform well, athletes need access to good food and clean water, both of which depend on a healthy biosphere. We all need to honor the global dietary guidelines that integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals. To living a sustainable lifestyle means: eat adequate, but not excessive, protein; consume at least one-third of protein from plants, minimize food waste (for example, after team buffets, take home leftovers for the next day’s lunch), eat locally-grown foods (to reduce transportation emissions), and choose foods with minimal and bio-degradable packaging. (No Styrofoam!) Ann athlete does who advocates for a sustainable environment not need to be vegan but does want to be mindful about dietary choices.


Do vegetarians have a reduced risk of chronic disease because they eat less red meat—or eat more plants? Uncertain. Plants are rich in phytochemicals (reduce inflammation), dietary nitrates (improve blood flow), and many other performance-enhancing nutrients. A vegetarian diet imparts no obvious benefits (nor detriments) for athletic performance. Meat-eaters looking for a path towards vegetarianism can honor Meatless Mondays and enjoy a plant-based diet with smaller meat portions the rest of the week. Small steps can indeed have an environmental impact!


BORG (Blackout rage gallon) drinking, in case you are not familiar with this trend, is a mixture of water, alcohol, sweet flavorings, and electrolytes (which supposedly offer the hangover remedy) in a one-gallon plastic jug. The concoction is popular on some college campuses, easy to drink, and easy to overconsume. An ounce of alcohol takes about one hour to breakdown; too many ounces can hinder training and performance, as well as sleep. BORG drinking is only good if the other team is doing the indulging.

Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD counsels both fitness exercisers and competitive athletes in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875). Her best-selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook is a popular resource, as is her online workshop. Visit NancyClarkRD.com for more info.


Motivation Plus Mobilization: Coaching For Success At Lifestyle Improvement

“I just don’t seem to have the motivation to really make changes.” This is a lament frequent to the ears of health and wellness coaches. Our clients are often puzzled by a lack of success in their efforts to start living a healthy lifestyle, or keep such efforts going. They blame it on either a lack of motivation to get started, or that their motivation fades as old habits reassert their rule.

Coaches help their clients examine and re-examine whatever sources of motivation they have mentioned. They help their clients revisit their desire to change and what drives it. They look at fear-based motivations such as not wanting to have an illness get worse, or not wanting to develop the maladies that have been prevalent in their family. They look at the love-based motivators like caring enough about ones self, wanting to be there for their grandchildren as they grow up, the intrinsic joy of dancing, swimming, tasting delicious and nutritious food, etc.

Perhaps the coach concludes, like their client, that these motivators just ‘aren’t enough’. The next step is to begin a usually fruitless search for additional motivators. Their client runs out of ideas and coaching descends into ‘what about this?’ suggestion after suggestion. What is really going on? What’s a more productive avenue to explore?

Your client may have enough motivation. They may in fact, have listed three, four or more reasons they want to change. They may possess a terrific combination of motivators. Motivation is like the fuel for a vehicle to run on. The problem might not be the fuel, but the lack of an actual vehicle! The vehicle is a methodology, a structure, and a process that facilitates change. To get where they need and want to go, the client needs both a vehicle to carry them and the fuel to put in it.

How do we mobilize motivation? By providing our client with methodology. I’ve always been amazed at how simple successful change can sometimes be when clients have a well-developed way of achieving it.

Coaches often hear their client’s frustration at wanting to improve their lifestyle, but not having much of a history of success at it. If we inquire if they have ever started their change efforts by first taking stock of their health and wellness in a really clear way, we find they rarely have. If we ask if they have ever begun by first developing a thorough plan as to how they will make their changes happen, we often find them admitting that they usually just get their will powered amped up and set some sort of goals. Rarely have they ever carried out their change efforts with the help of an ally who helped them with support and accountability. And, all too seldom have they ever keep track of their efforts at change and actually written it down.

A mentee of mine was recently coaching a middle-aged woman who complained of a lack of motivation holding her back. As we began listening to the recording, the coach helped the client describe at least four strong motivators that had propelled her into action. She realized that when her children were younger playing with them had provided her with more activity and energy. Now her energy was low and she wanted to reclaim that. She also talked about hoping for grandchildren and wanting to be a very active part of their lives. The client was concerned about her advancing age and not wanting to lose the health she had. She didn’t want to become a burden to anyone. She went on to list at least two more motivators.

As the client described her lack of success at change, her conclusion was that she was just lacking motivation. She described coming home from work tired and just fixing a quick (though not necessarily healthy) meal and watching television in the evening. “I just don’t have the motivation I need” the client lamented. She intended to be more active and intended to eat better. All she had for a plan were intentions.

Doing a great job of coaching, my mentee gently confronted his client and recited the substantial list of motivators that she did, in fact, have. He questioned whether it was a ‘lack of motivation’, or something else that was missing.

Clients try to figure out what is keeping them stuck. Unless it’s a matter of identifiable internal or external barriers, clients often say it’s a lack of motivation. They are looking for an explanation and, frankly, they often don’t know what else to call it.


Co-Creating The Coaching Alliance

An often ignored part of coaching is the work it takes to Co-Create The Coaching Alliance. In addition to getting acquainted with our client and hearing their story, an important part of our first session with a client is to convey to the client just how coaching works. Clients are used to meeting with consultants, not coaches. They expect to be able to provide the consultant with lots of great information and hear the expert recommendations. We spoke about this from the coach’s point of view in our blog post, Making and Maintaining The Shift To The Coaching Mindset”. The client also needs to make a mindset shift to get oriented to this new way of working with someone.

Coaching is about co-creating agreements. We co-create with our client agreements about how we are going to work together. Some aspects of our working together are negotiable and can involve compromise. However, we are not going to compromise the nature of our coaching relationship. That is, we are not going to agree to just be our client’s educator, and let go of the role of coach.

Part of what an effective coach does is to explain, in a succinct fashion, exactly how coaching works, how it is structured and what the benefits of this structure are. The client-centered nature of coaching is conveyed with real reassurance that the client remains the one in the driver’s seat.

Part of the coach’s job is to facilitate the client’s use of the coaching structure. The coach does this by showing the client how advantageous it can be to operate with a solid plan, to track one’s progress at making changes, etc. The coach provides tools that make these processes easier. Mobile apps for tracking can be recommended and then, importantly, integrated into the coaching accountability.

Mobilizing Motivation

Motivation can be puzzling and elusive, but when it is present a methodology, a structure, is what the client needs in order to mobilize it. By providing our client with the vehicle, we help them get where they want to go.

Word Origin – Coach: In the 15th Century the Hungarian village of KOCS was the birthplace of the true carriage or “coach” as the word evolved in English.

In other words we might define both types of coaches as: A coach takes you from where you are at, to where you want to be!

Originally published on Real Balance blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Michael Arloski is the CEO and Founder of Real Balance Global Wellness Services, Inc. (www.realbalance.com). Real Balance has trained thousands of wellness coaches worldwide. Dr. Arloski is a board member of The National Wellness Institute, and a founding member of the executive team of The National Consortium For Credentialing Health and Wellness Coaches. He is author of the leading book in the field of wellness coaching: Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change, 2nd Ed.


Cow’s Milk vs. Almond Milk

Milk has been a staple of the American diet for every generation. Children are told their bones will grow strong when they have a glass of milk. It is our first meal from our mother, but then becomes replaced by another form. For many years, the only type that existed was cow’s milk. Today, almond milk has become an alternative causing a debate questioning which is the better choice.

In the battle of cow’s vs almond milk, the winner might be a matter of personal preference. Here’s how they stack up:

Cow Milk

One percent low fat milk contains about 110 calories, 2% contains 130 calories, and whole milk has about 150 calories per cup. 90% of the world’s milk comes from dairy farms. There has been questioning about the cleanliness and humanity of this process. Some even argue that cow’s milk is not actually meant for human consumption. Milk is made up of lactose, which is the most common food allergy in the world. Despite all this, cow’s milk does have quite a bit of nutritional value. In just one cup of milk, there contains 305 milligrams of calcium. This is needed for bone health, our teeth, and blood health. Cow’s milk also has choline which is a nutrient that helps with memory, sleep, and muscle development. It also contains potassium and Vitamin D. The major downfall is that this milk is high in saturated fat. This is an important consideration for person’s with diabetes or heart disease.

Almond Milk

Almond milk generally contains fewer calories. Unsweetened almond milk has a mere 30 calories per one cup. The process of making almond milk is similar to brewing coffee. However, the final product does not contain the same amount of nutrients as whole raw almonds. Some of the calcium, fiber, and protein is lost in this process. Therefore, many almond milk products are fortified with nutrients to help make it look comparable to cow’s milk. Almond milk is naturally lactose free which can help those with digestive issues. It is also environmentally sustainable due to the major cultivation of almonds. Almond milk contains healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. This can help lower bad cholesterol levels.

When it comes down to the final winner, the decision is primarily based on a person’s dietary needs. For someone who is trying to lower their cholesterol and keep their blood sugar down, almond milk would be the winner. For someone who is active and still growing and developing, cow’s milk might be the winner. Again, this would all depend if a person is lactose intolerant. The world of milk has changed with many different varieties now available. A bowl of cereal just isn’t a bowl of cereal without milk, no matter what kind.

A new game changer has been the spark in attention for chocolate milk. Both traditional milk and almond milk can come in this tasty flavor too.

At the outset, one might question chocolate anything being beneficial to our health, and this beverage is normally a mixture of the milk type with cocoa and other sweeteners (sometimes even high-fructose corn syrup). A little higher in sugar and carbs then most might desire, but the benefits might override these factors. 1 cup has about 200 calories and 30 carbohydrates as well as 28% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for calcium, 25% RDI for vitamin D, 24% for riboflavin, and 25% for phosphorus. All of these are great for bone health.

Avid exercisers and athletes have become fond of drinking chocolate milk because of its contribution to muscle recovery post-workouts. Here is where the carbs and sugar can actually be beneficially, and it is also important to remember that milk is considered a protein with all the essential amino acids. Studies have not proven the effects of chocolate milk are any better than any other type of recovery sports drink.

Including milk of any form in your diet can be great for you bones and hormones, but that is not the case for everyone. Some people have an intolerance to milk that can cause abdominal pain and bowel problems. A person that is lactose intolerant has a condition in which their small intestine doesn’t produce enough of the enzyme lactase. Lactase is needed to break down and digest dairy, so if you aren’t able to do so then discomfort can result. For some people irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be triggered by dairy products. This can result in stomach cramping and chronic diarrhea. In this case, milk should certainly be avoided. Some people are also simply allergic to milk. Their body treats it like a foreign substance. Children usually outgrow milk allergies by the age of three. Symptoms include itchy skin and hives after drinking. There are supplements that can help a person break down and digest dairy if they desire to have it. This way they don’t have to completely eliminate them.

As adults, we don’t always drink milk like we used to as kids. Maybe a little with cereal, oats, or coffee here and there, but overall, we don’t have it with dinner anymore. Milk is a tricky portion distortion problem for some people. Have you ever added more milk because you have a little cereal left? Have you ever thought cookies and milk sounded good and then you keep eating the cookies, so you keep drinking the milk with them? Sticking to drinking just once cup is out of the question many times. For kids, milk is certainly the better option versus soda or sugary fruit juice. Families buy gallons for their kids. There’s a type for everyone’s taste buds depending on what type you buy. Skim or 2% are the most popular options, but then again, some people even like buttermilk. Milk is great for our bodies, and well, chocolate milk makes it case, but not too convincingly. Let’s face it any excuse to add some chocolate to anything can be attractive. Our society keeps the cows busy, but certainly not by those who are lactose intolerant.

Originally printed on Every BODY’s Fit blog. Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough, owner of Every BODY’s Fit in Oceanside CA, is a NASM Master Trainer, AFAA group exercise instructor, and specializes in Fitness Nutrition, Weight Management, Senior Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Drug and Alcohol Recovery. She’s also a Wellness Coach, holds an M.A. Physical Education & Health and a Ph.D in Health and Human Performance. She is a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, and published author.